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 Post subject: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Fri Oct 30, 2009 12:29 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Joined: Fri Sep 11, 2009 10:38 am
Posts: 1668
Location: Three steps away from my own grave.
Azrivel's story line!
Azrivel was a half elf. His mother (Rashora) was an elf and his father (Daniel) was human. One day a cult of elf hating humans came up and tried to kill Azrivel's mother and him. Doing so Daniel died protecting Alexander's mother. Rashora ran with Alexander to a mountain. She was then trapped and defenseless. Inside a cave, somewhere nearby. 2 dragons lived. a week ago 5 slayers came and killed their eggs. The dragons have seen this mother with the babe from a crystal ball. The mother dragon (Sethanya+ Sa-Than-ya) told the father (Azricel= As-ric-el) about the mother and chilled trapped. Azricel said,"you found dinner? Oh, it is an elf.""NO!" screamed Sethanya."can't you see she and her chilled are being atacked. Just because we lost our children douse not mean the mother should suffer."Azricel asked, "Then what do you want me to do with them?"Sethanya answered,"Help them get free. Can't you see they are trapped and need help!"

Rashora was crying and singing a soft melody for the last moments of Alexander. When she turned her head to the right a wall of stone that used to be there was somehow gone. She ran thru the open passage way while she still could. But then she saw a rock with a flower bed on it. She knew she could not save the both of them. So she done the oldest and most dangerous curse anyone could ever do. The curse was called the Valadrakes curse. A titian named Adrithie (add-ri-Thie) was the first to create the elves and dragons. But yet he had broken the laws of the gods to create them. Doing so he was punished to be caged in a spirit arm that only cursed elves could get. This arm will make the owner extremely powerful when they are angry and out of control. Then the arm sends a choice that you must answer. To let everyone die around you or fight Adrithie on a battle to the death, if the cursed one dies from Adrithie the cursed one would lose his soul and Adrithie will come back to full power and destroy the humans and dwarfs for he thinks that only his creations deserve to live. If Adrithie was to be defeated the cursed one will be given 2 gifts of anything the cursed one sees fit. To do this curse she had to do the ultimate sacrifice. She had to die from the enemy at the moment. The cult finally came to her and killed her but her last words wher, You all cannot touch my baby or you all will die a painful death. then she died.

When the cult found the baby the 2 dragons came up and protected Alexander. The cult ended right then and there and the dragons finely decided to take the baby as their own. Strangely the left arm was turned into a magical gullet when he turned 12 and it had 4 blades that come in and out (kind of like the claw like thing the predator uses), a bottom blade (kind of like assassins creed's hidden blade) and an elbow blade (you know what I mean right??)
He loved the long one hand sword Azricel gave him. Azrivel was trained for such a long time physically and mentally by a ghost blade and a dream crystal.

The ghost blade is a blade that will copy the look of its opponent and would be 2x faster and smarter than its opponent. Only way to beat a ghost blade is the same way to kill you. It will not kill you but it will hurt like h :swear: ! (You fight the ghost blade not use it against others. It is to train not for real battle.) the dream crystal is a crystal that would turn your dreams to another world that has gravity and follows the laws of physics! You must follow the task it gives you. Whether it is controlling your fears or trying to kill the most impossible opponent there could ever be. The only advantage there is. Is that you are in it and when you wake you will be able to keep the skills you already learned.

When Alexander was 22 he was renamed Azrivel (a dragon name thx to his father dragon Azricel) he was able to walk away and meat the world for the first time. Azrivel's foster parents (the 2 dragons) where more proud than ever about Azrivel and gave him more than enough gold to last him a life time. They also gave Azrivel a magic dragon guardian sword called Drageloc (Drag-el-lock). Azrivel’s sword could never break and could cut anything without much trouble. Azrivel went into the forests and found the perfect spot to call home. All he needed to do was kill the bear that was in the way between him and his home. When the bear died from Azrivel’s shot on the head (thx to his hand) Azrivel could make that cave into the best home he could ever wish for but first Azrivel had to look into the cave even farther to make sure it was safe. Doing so Azrivel found a scroll that made Azrivel live 100x longer than a normal half elf should. Azrivel’s earned cave was safe and Azrivel knew it is his cave by right. The cave was away from the cities filled with laws and a place where even ground filled of nothing but magic. He also loved the idea that he only needs to follow his laws of nature. Outside of the cave Azrivel never seen anything like the beauty he was at Azrivel was extremely proud of his home.

About Azrivel’s home
Azrivel’s home has twelve rooms (Living room, Azrivel's, golden room, kitchen, portal room, cave hallway, training room, Library, Forge and the rest are guest bed rooms) and has two exits (the portal witch Azrivel use to go to places or when he wants at his home from another place. Azrivel put portals on every stop he goes[including his dragon parents] the main exit which is a stone door that goes to the cave hallway Azrivel found after he killed a bear.)

The cave hallway leads out to a beautiful forest like area that Azrivel chose because of fore reasons.
1. Easy herbs, animals, fruits, vegetables and spices (that most people wouldn’t think could grow in a forest) to hunt gather and eat.
2. there is a water fall within walking distance
3. It is a major magic spot that could be extremely helpful and could heal him when he needs life.
4. It is beautiful and peaceful to him.

Azrivel’s living room has a hammock right over an endless pit. (Don’t know why he put it there but the pit was always there.) Two wood couches that is still alive so no one could move them and has flower beds growing on them for comfort. A table right in the middle of the two couches. There are three statues of dragons made of stone. There are also drawings that are extremely nice and heavily decorated. (Kind of looks like the pictures are moving) and oil holders that light up the place. (The oil never burns out.)

Azrivel’s bed room use to be a round pit until Azrivel put the center up and made a walkway to the center that was lifted. His room has a wood bed. (Kind of like the wood couches in the living room.) His room has six dragon statues made of stone. Weapons and armor cover the walls and somehow Azrivel found room for more weapons and armor. There is a stair way that leads down to the library ( half way down the stairs you will see a door that will send you to the library) and a forge (must be all the way down the stairs and a door will be onto a wall that will open up to the forge) There is a drawing that is extremely nice and heavily decorated. (Kind of looks like the pictures are moving) and oil holders that light up the place. (The oil never burns out.)

Azrivel’s library is huge and has almost all the ancient texts and scrolls. Most of the books are in dragon but some of the books are in elf, dwarf, and human (English). The library is so big that it has three floors worth of books. When you come in you are on the top floor in the library. The top floor holds all the new texts and all the stories that are not ancient or magic. The mid floor is covered in old books and scrolls of spells. Last floor has the more powerful and ancient scrolls and texts.

Azrivel’s forge is in the bottom of Azrivel’s room. The forge is extremely powerful and could make magic weapons with ease. The forge could make the sharpest blades without even trying. Azrivel might be the only one who knows how to use this extremely complex and time taking forge. Just to make a magic dagger it would take 12 hours .

Azrivel’s Golden room is the most defended room of all it looks like the rest of the walls but it douse not has a any pictures or has an oil holder. He must say magic words to open it and then he must go thru extremely hard to doge traps. After that he is in his gold room which is a huge room filled with gold, silver, copper, rare gems, magic weapons and armor. There are also drawings that are extremely nice and heavily decorated. (kind of looks like the pictures are moving) and oil holders that light up the place. (The oil never burns out.)

Azrivel’s kitchen is just like any other kitchen. Azrivel’s kitchen has a dining room table always set for ten two of the chairs are huge for his dragon parents.

Azrivel’s portal room is like an indoor garden but it has a walk way to nicely decorated portal. There are also drawings that are extremely nice and heavily decorated. (kind of looks like the pictures are moving) and oil holders that light up the place. (The oil never burns out.)

Finally Azrivel’s training room is an empty room with Azrivel’s ghost sword and a normal sword on stands in the middle of the room. There are also drawings that are extremely nice and heavily decorated. (Kind of looks like the pictures are moving) and oil holders that light up the place. (The oil never burns out.)

The portal room, kitchen, cave hallway, Azrivel’s Bed room, and all the guest rooms lead to the living room. Training room, library, forge and gold room can only be entered inside Azrivel's bedroom. There is a hallway that leads to the guest bedrooms and Azrivel's room is at the end of the hallway. All the bed rooms look just like Azrivel's bedroom except they don't have weapons and armor all over the walls.

Azrivel’s next step!

One year passed before Azrivel decided to wander off and see more about the world. Azrivel first went to his parent’s house to see them again knowing it has bin a long time since he last visited his family. After Azrivel seen his parents, Azrivel wandered of and met his first human a week later. Confused Azrivel did not know what to say so he walked off. Azrivel might have bin the first half elf that could ever speak only dragon in the world. Azrivel followed the human to learn how to speak in return for gold. Human could not understand but when he seen gold Azrivel knew he got his attention. Then Azrivel followed the human home till Azrivel reached a library and read all the books to speak. None of the books thought him how to answer questions right so Azrivel thought riddles and sayings would be just as help full as yes and no. Azrivel at least knew how to talk a small bit of human English but not enough to speak right. After that Azrivel left a small bag of gold coins on the table and left without asking for a name or saying goodbye. Later that week Azrivel seen his first city up close. The smell sicken him to the core and he was not treated as good as he thought. Confused Azrivel found an inn for sale and accidently bought it. Azrivel then had to rename the inn and found the perfect name for it. Azrivel named his new bought inn the Nine Dragons’ Inn. Azrivel then learned the names of all alcohol and when someone asked for a type of alcohol all Azrivel needed to know was what the name of the alcohol and then Azrivel gets paid gold. Azrivel was extremely happy but yet he could not talk to anyone at all.

Azrivel met Mirravin right when he was going to try and open a new inn called the 9 dragons. Mirravin thought Azrivel how to speak most languages that humans, elves and Dwarf’s spoke. Azrivel was grateful and owed Mirravin a great debt for teaching Azrivel. He was extremely successful until a giant/ human came up and killed everyone in the inn and burned it to the ground. When Azrivel came back and found all his friends other than Mirravin who was suppose to be staying for one night dead by blades and burned alive. Azrivel turned his hands to a fist and killed all the half-gh's gang that burned the whole inn. Daylic (the gang leader) came back and swore that Azrivel would be killed. Azrivel never went to Ex.’s tavern even though mirravin kept inviting him. Mirravin use to volunteer for free at the 9 dragons’ inn before it was trashed by Daylic. She wanted to know more about her never talking boss. Where did he come from? Why doesn’t he talk? And most importantly why is he always gone? When he finally seen Azrivel, she seen some one teaching Azrivel laws of the cities. Azrivel never understood these laws but Azrivel did understand a few things that are right and that are wrong. Mirravin felt sorry for Azrivel and taught Azrivel about true manors and what respect is. It took a few months before Azrivel fully learned what he needed. He considers himself in a debt to Mirravin. They thought him a few things but yet they could not take out the false dragon like nature inside him. When the 9 dragons’ inn got burned to the ground Azrivel paid a double refund to Mirravin for all the trouble. Azrivel went to search of other gangs or killers not to see Mirravin again. Azrivel followed Daylic until Azrivel finally found Daylic into a secret fort filled with rouges, assassins and killers of the black dagger gang. Azrivel was put into a trap when Daylic was talking about his mother. Azrivel was heart struck! The ground was frozen and water filled up to there knees. Their tents and wood homes wher burning only on the roof of. The sky turned cloudy and was pitch black. Wind came harder than it should; the trees grew and caged the whole fort inside. Stones and rocks started to float like there was no gravity. Then Azrivel’s arm made a ball of pure energy and all time stopped. Azrivel heard a voice that came from nowhere. The voice told Azrivel that Azrivel had a choice between fighting Azridie or destroy everyone with chaotic power. Azrivel chose chaos to destroy his foes and weaken him. All but Daylic and Azrivel died from such power. It is not even explainable how much power Azrivel put to kill his enemies. When Daylic’s army died from the chaotic power Daylic got knocked out. Azrivel had so much power that after Daylic’s army died Azrivel blacked out and was sent into a magic cage until Azrivel wakes up. Two weeks past before Azrivel wakes up seeing Daylic nearby. Daylic was up as well but barely. Daylic was up long enough to see Azrivel standing over him with a crossbow. Azrivel’s last words to Daylic was, I give you one bolt with this crossbow. You could hunt for food and live longer or hunt me down until you die.Azrivel knew what Daylic would do with his crossbow because Azrivel wanted it that way.

Azrivel’s game of choice.

Azrivel was being hunted from Daylic. Daylic knew were Azrivel would be because Azrivel would make portals to places Azrivel thinks is nice. Daylic then seen an extremely dark figure. The figure was a skilled assassin and extremely evil to the soul. Daylic asked if this dark figure could help kill Azrivel for a price. The dark figure excepted and said,
I need to know Azrivel’s weakness to kill him. Douse he have any weaknesses?

Daylic told the dark figure everything he knew about Azrivel and the figure walked away saying,I will be the only one who will find and kill Azrivel.A week later Azrivel found a cave and seen on the other side a magic long bow. Azrivel fell into a trance for the bow and nothing will stop him from getting his prize. Azrivel then fell into mainly traps but no matter what Azrivel must have that bow and so Azrivel claimed his prize not caring about the other traps. Until the final trap lit, the trap of memories. Azrivel seen a mirror wall and then his worst memories. Azrivel seen the memory of Daylic making fun of Azrivel’s mother. The worst was to happen again everything was turned into all the elements and then Azrivel had to make a choice that he will soon regret. Azrivel chose to fight Adrithie. A fight that felt like it took days but yet it took weeks to finally defeat Adrithie. Azrivel Almost lost his life because of this Deadly titan with great power to create and remake. Adrithie then gave Azrivel two gifts of Azrivel’s choice.
Azrivel only wanted to see his mom and dad for the first time. Azrivel asked if he could see them and so Azridie agreed and let Azrivel see his parents. After Azrivel seen his parents, Azrivel grabbed his bow and left the cave. It has been over 100 years of traveling and fighting, but to Azrivel it seemed to be 50 years Azrivel made portals everywhere and his last and final stop would be the EXX Tavern. Azrivel couldn’t wait to see what it looks like. He also would like see his old friends EX and Mirravin.

About Adrithie
Adrithie has no face but he wears a full helmet. Adrithie is pretty much armor that takes the shape of humanoid. Adrithie’s eyes always burns and his breath so cold it puts a shiver down your spine. Adrithie bleeds water , his hands have a black void around them and the void glows light. There are stones that fly around him for easy defense. Adrithie has a mental power that could predict any ones next move with little concentration, each step Adrithie takes puts a blight on the ground ( his steps leave a black foot print that is both diseased, and shows the dead right under his foot). Adrithie could teleport from one place to another faster than you could blink. But after he teleports he must at least wait at least 1 second before teleporting again and he can’t teleport far. Adrithie Is a titan that created the gods, elves, dragons (his favored creation).Adrithie also Created all types of Magic’s
Adrithie was put ten into a Magic Jail for disobeying the other titans’ only law.
DO NOT CREATE THINGS THAT ARE JUST AS STRONG AND FREE WILLED AS US! Adrithie broke this law in two ways. First he created gods witch wher just as powerful as him. And second he gave the gods free will. When Adrithie knew what the other titans are going to do to him Adrithie made a curse called
Valadrakes curse. Adrithie made this curse with many rules and if someone was out of control in anger or sadness Adrithie gave them a horrible choice that no one could make or want to see. Kill all around you with a chaotic death or fight Adrithie as a (same size, but extremely powerful) spirit. If you won the battle between Adrithie he would give you two gifts of your choice. If you lose he will take control of your body and the arm’s details and power will consume the body (pretty much make the body nothing but armor of Adrithie). It took 50 years for the gods to kill all but one titan and then the gods made the rest of the races. Adrithie thought the gods would free him but they left Adrithie inside his prison because they knew if Adrithie was free he would take over. Adrithie swore that when he gets free he will destroy all the gods and their creations. 100 thousand years passed in this prison until Adrithie seen Rashora doing the curse to save her baby life. Adrithie was transferred into a half elf prison. Now Adrithie has a chance for revenge but Azrivel is not like any mortal Adrithie has ever seen. This mortal was a perfect reflection of Adrithie.
Azridie’s left arm has 7 extra blades on it. One blade per finger tip and two blades on both sides of his arm, Adrithie also has a sword that throws two small triple blade knifes. Adrithie has No weakness but he could be beat only by the cursed one (seeing he is a lil bit less power full than Adrithie). Adrithie knows every spell and magic item there could ever be. Adrithie sometimes talks to Azrivel thru Azrivel’s arm. No one could hear Adrithie talking to Azrivel other than Azrivel himself. The only time anyone other than Azrivel could hear Adrithie is when Azrivel chooses to fight Adrithie in a battle to the death.

About Sethanya and Azricel
Sethanya and Azricel are both dragons. They are the 13th kingdom out of 500 others (most of the other kingdoms are in other planets or realms). Sethanya and Azricel are guarded by thousands of lower dragons. They also use to have 5 eggs until a traveler came asking for food and water. Sethanya and Azricel pitied him and let him in their home. This stranger’s name was frawn . (A highly skilled assassin, and the same assassin that Daylic paid to kill Azrivel!) Sethanya and Azricel had 5 eggs and wher extremely happy with what would have bin their family. Frawn was out of sight long enough to break the eggs and run away without giving his name. When Sethanya and Azricel found their dead eggs, they wher extremely upset and angry about how they let this could happen right under their noses. Sethanya and Azricel swore they will destroy the skilled assassin but was never able to do so. Three years later they found an elf holding a baby running from a cult of elf hating humans. The 2 dragons helped the mother and child thru a dead end until the mother cursed her son, hid her son and ran to die. When Sethanya and Azricel got there the mother was dead and the baby still had a chance to live. The dragons killed the cult and protected the baby. They knew that the baby could not live long out there by himself so the dragons took him as their own. Happy the dragons taught the baby many things about dragons and learned a lot of things as well. Sethanya and Azricel even trained him with extreme magic energies and powerful combat skills. They are proud to at least have an odd son. And are extremely happy that he was almost what they would want him to be.

Azricel's story

Azricel was born in ( in pandora's mythis topic Twilight) The only dark planet on Dragnises and had the most evil of fathers. Azricel Was tortured and beat daily just because of Azricel's father. When Azricel was 21 years old Azricel was told to kill his own mother for his own life. In fear of his father Azrivel killed his mother as fast and painless as possible. Azricel's father then smiled and said, you have killed your own mother. Now you have no choice but to stay with me for no one will ever accept you. Take my son to the torture room for his deed. Azricel screamed and burned his fathers face. Azricel's father told the guards to stop and then Azricel's father grabbed Azricel's neck until Azricel passed out.

The kingdom and the war
When Azricel was 40 Azricel had to see all but one of his friends and half of the kingdom's people die in a flame of darkness. Azricel's father killed all but half of the kingdom. Screaming and cries of pain stayed in Azricel's mined. This dead led to a war that was won by Azricel's father because Azricel's father put his only son into battle. Azricel led the army and killed every one that got in Azricel's way. Then a small girl (she was 8 years old) walked up to Azricel and asked, Can you protect me from the bad creatures? Please I lost my mommy and daddy. Please keep me from the evil monsters. Looking at the small girl crying Azricel felt pitty and said, nothing will ever touch you as long as I still breath. Azricel took The girl to his own home. Azricel knew that the girl will not live to long in his home but it was better than letting the girl die from the monsters Azricel commanded. When Azricel reached home the little girl hid under a small room under Azricel's bed. The room was secret and Azricel made sure no one other that Azricel's friend knew about the human girl. Azricel kept the girl alive as long as he could. Azricel kept the girl company and they became friends. Azricel loved the small girl and promised her nothing will ever touch her without Azricel fighting for her.

The girl and pain
Two years later Azricel was told to meet his father in the throne room. When Azricel walked thru those doors Azricel seen His father and the small girl named Emily. Azricel's father said,Why is it that I can't even trust you in my own home? Why is this girl in my home? TELL ME! Azricel said, She is mine and I will not let you touch her. Azricel's father smiled and put his claw on Emily’s shoulder then pulled his claw back and cut Emily. Emily started to cry and Azricel screamed, I WILL KILL YOU FOR THAT.
Five gourds came in the room and Azricel killed each and every one of them. Azricel's friend was in the room watching in horror. Azricel killed about 50 guards before he got to his own father.Azricel even bit the neck of a guard and tasted his own kind's blood. (all of the guards are dragons). Azricel scratched his fathers face and then 30 guards grabbed Azricel and held Azricel back. With an evil smile Azricel's father said, for that you will lose the girl and her blood will be on your face. The guards held Azricel's face down to where it will be easy for blood to fall on Azricel. Azricel screamed and begged for his father not to kill the girl. Azricel's father killed the girl as slowly as possible. It took 14 hours for the girl to finally die and Azricel was covered in blood. Azricel was taken to his own room covered in Emily’s blood. This was a torture that Azricel could not handle. Azricel wwas forced to have his room inside a prision cell. Azricel could not bathe off the blood of emily off his face. Azricel's father thru the girl into the cell with Azricel. Azricel was holding the dead girl and cried on how Azricel let her die and Azricel could do nothing to help her.

The Last Resort
When Azricel was finally 79 his father said that Azricel's last living friend was a traitor for giving gold to the enemy. Azricel had enough and walked up to his father and said in front of what is left of the kingdom, I want to challenge you father to the death. You know our laws and you have no proof that Extal is a traitor. so now I want to challenge you for my right full throne. Shocked Azricel's father accepted and said, So be it Both of the dragons ran up to each other and they turned into a ball . Both of them were pushed back because of the other. Azricel started to fly and Azricel's father done the same. The sky turned into fire and all knew that Azricel was their only hope. Azricel was scratched on the neck and started to fall out of the sky and then stuck his father. The fight was so grate that it took two weeks. Azricel finely grabbed his father and burned his father's face. Scratching all over Azricel finely sent him and his father to hit the ground in deadly speeds. Azricel's father hit the ground and Azricel's father was barely alive. Azricel walked to his father, and his father said, I’m sorry! Azricel looked at his father and said, No! You’re not sorry. You are begging to live. Those were the exact words Azricel's father kept telling Azricel after every little thing Azricel done bad. Azricel killed his father by slicing the neck. Azricel taken off his father's armor and Azricel putt it on. When Azricel walked into sight every one screamed thinking Azricel died by his father. Azricel said, I Azricel am the right full ruler of this kingdom. I have killed the tyrant king and now will rebuild this kingdom to its right full glory. I declare that Extal is no traitor but the ruler for I am going to take half of what is left of our kingdom and move to a better planet. Extal will be your king and will keep you all protected. ALL THE WARS ARE OVER!

Frawn's storyline
Love that dies
Frawn use to be one of the happiest oh humans. He Was rich and had a beautiful wife that every one wanted. Frawn was only 34 back than and his wife was pregnant. Before Frawn could ever see his baby Frawn's wife died from a plague (kind of like the black plague). The gate keeper walked inside the room and took Frawn's wife to the prison because She sinned thru poisoning herself.

The man that should
3 years later Frawn Became insane and wanted his wife back alive. Soon Frawn seen a book and read it. The book was about the gate keeper's prison and how to escape it. Frawn grabbed a lot of weapons to protect himself from the gate keeper's guards and walked out of his home to fined the Gate keeper's prison. On his travels Frawn seen an old man who said to Frawn, Can you please give me some coin so I could eat. Looking at the old man Frawn said, I am sorry but I need my gold at the moment. What Frawn said to the old man shocked him. The old man said with an angry and hate full voice, You will succeed because of your greed but you will fail more than you will ever imagine. Frawn walked away from the old man and when Frawn looked back the old man was not there any more.

The choice to freedom
It took 5 years for Frawn to reach the prison. The screams of children and it’s black walls put fear down Frawn’s spine. Frawn knew that he had to choose between saving his wife and risking his own soul or walk away and let his wife suffer. Frawn took the most dire choice of all. He chose to walk thru those gates. 5 guards of the gate keeper tried and kill Frawn but Frawn killed them each before they could even pull out their weapons. When Frawn got to his wife, her soul more lovely than most would ever lay eyes on. Frawn freed her soul and ran to the gates fighting an army of guards. Shooting the guards one by one thru the crossbow The army stopped all of a sudden and a Shadow consumed all the lights. Fear ran thru Frawn for he was the first to meet the gate keeper. The shadow grew and then a Red door opened from the wall. There was a dark humanoid figure coming out of the door. Chains made of fire and magic started to follow Frawn and Frawn had to doge and fight the chains. Frawn’s wife made it out but Frawn stayed behind to fight the gate keeper until he knew his loved made it out.
Frawn seen the gate keeper’s face to face, The Gate Keeper had no face but did have a skull that had black flaming eyes. The shroud That the Had covered the black and evil armor. A scythe was on his back and The left arm had a blade per finger. Broken chain’s covered the Gate Keeper as though the Gate Keeper used to be imprisoned. There were fore black tentacles on his back made of pure hate and evil. The skull had sharp teeth and looked more demonic than even the most evil of demons. The Gate Keeper was and is the grim reaper in his true form and was more evil than evil could possibly be. When The Gate keeper spoke he talked in all the voices of the fallen and The imprisoned. His voice changed after every word he said, last two words sounded like Frawn’s wife’s and Adrithie’s voices. The Gate keeper sounded like a screeching voice mixed with everyone’s voice. You do not belong here. You only came to save love that has ended many years ago. Now you will die over here for braking in my home.
Frawn’s eyes widened and said, not if I have a say in it. Frawn pulled out his crossbow and shot the gate keeper on the skull. Frawn kept telling himself, got to get out. Frawn reached the gate door and made it out before it was too late. Frawn ran out side and hugged his wife with grate happiness. WE MADE IT! We done the impossible and now we are safe.

Ring of demonic power.
right After Frawn walked out of the gates the guards stopped because they knew that if they walked out of those gates they will all die. Frawn said with the most happiest tone he could ever have, I done it! I saved you and now you are free to be mine again. Right when Frawn finished his statement he looked at a rock. Frawn seen a ring on that rock. it had pictures on it and Frawn put his ring on. Right When Frawn put the rig on Frawn's left arm Became cursed and Frawn panicked. Frawn tried to take the ring off but he could not. Then a voice was talking to Frawn in his head, You are mine now Frawn. I tricked you to be mine and now you don't have a choice any more. You will do as I say to keep your pathetic soul. Frawn could not even speak because of how afraid Frawn was. (Frawn’s titan arm has a blade per finger and an elbow blade. he can't shoot any of his blades but on his palm is a magic chain that will drag any walking to Frawn’s arm. destroying the soul and adding more power to Frawn)

Insane to be Evil
Frawn was walking to his home and then the voice came again,your wife has bin thinking on leaving you for you are now poor. She was not even grateful that you saved her. She even cheated on you with your friends. The more the voice spoke the more Frawn became mad at his wife. Soon The voice said to Frawn, She backstabbed you and he has a knife in her hand. she is going to kill you. you have to kill her. an echo kept coming inside Frawn’s head. She cheated on you, you should kill her. She Cheated on you, You should kill her. She cheated on you, you should kill her! When his wife asked what was wrong with Frawn, Frawn turned and said, You are my problem my beloved. Now you must pay for your sins. Taking his scythe Frawn killed his wife and torn her into 6 pieces. Frawn left what was left of her on the road.

A New Assassin
Frawn was poor and he knew he needed coin to pay for new things but no one would ever accept him for a job. Soon Frawn decided to learn the ways of an assassin. killing people was Frawn’s new life style and soon Frawn was rich. Frawn started to kill for free and kill for fun. he even made a family reunion. Every one of his family came by. Frawn smiled at the first guests (his parents and their grand kids./Frawn had three brothers and each of Frawn’s brothers had two kids around 5-12 years old). Frawn led his family to the same room and locked the door. Slowly every one died from lack of oxygen. When Frawn came back he sliced every one's life less bodies and pored their blood on himself. With a smile Frawn became obsessed with murders and loved the feeling.

Fight with the gate keeper.
Frawn had his first fight with the gate keeper because Frawn wanted to feast on souls wile the gate keeper Wanted to punish those souls for no reason. With anger Frawn Turned his home into nothing but a black void. The fight lasted for two days before Frawn finally won The gate keeper. Frawn wished for Immortality and the ability to feast (eat and destroy) on the dead that do not deserve to have bodies. The Gate keeper smiled and said, Your wish is to be mine forever and yet you wish to feast on he life less. The Dark will be your friend and the light will be your end. Your wish is now to be my grates pleasure. Frawn was turned into a vampire But to Frawn it was the greatest thing that could ever happen to him. Right after the fight Frawn started to practice Necromancy and dark magics'.

The Deal to die for
8,452 years later Frawn met a strange half-GH and was about to walk away before the half-GH said, A man named Azrivel killed my army and I will pay you to kill him. The gate keeper said to Frawn, Azrivel is another cursed one. He has to die and you can do what ever you want to his soul. looking back Frawn smiled and said, I will be the only one who will find and kill Azrivel. Frawn grabbed his horse and started to hunt Azrivel down.

plz tell me what you guys think of Azrivel's story?I would realy like to know everyones opinion on it becouse it took me till 3:00 am to fix it up a bit. if you have questions plz speek you mined by posting here or PMing me.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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Last edited by Drakel on Fri Dec 25, 2009 1:32 am, edited 28 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 10:31 pm 
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dragonmaster52094 wrote:
Confused Azrivel found an inn for sale and accidently bought it.

Oh man... :lol: I can see that happening. You sure put a lot of thought into this, and it's pretty inventive. My only suggestion would be to think of some ways in which your character could be limited. From what I can tell, he has the resources of a dragon's hoard, a massively extended lifespan, an impressive array of magical weapons, and a superhuman control of magic.

Some examples:

:arrow: In the novel Eragon, magic users draw the energy for their spells from their own bodies.
:arrow: In the Dragonlance chronicles, each time a mage casts a spell, the words for it are erased from his or her mind and he/she must recommit the spell to memory. Additionally, spellcasting leaves the mage physically exhausted, and can aggravate existing medical issues of wounds.
:arrow: In the Artemis Fowl series, fairies are limited to only a handful of magical powers, and must recharge their magical energy by completing a Ritual.

These limitations can make for interesting plot ideas. For example, in the first Artemis Fowl book, fairy Holly Short's invisibility fails at a critical moment because she hasn't done the Ritual in four years, causing her to become visible right in front of an enraged troll.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sat Oct 31, 2009 11:41 pm 
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most magic goes by the laws of equality, meaning that you can't make something from nothing, and must give up the energy or something else similarly equal to that you are attempting to do. So I agree that giving him some kind of limit would make the character a lot more playable. People don't really want to play with a character that can't get hurt or has no real flaws.

They can solve all their problems already and there isn't any way to develop them any further which is the goal of most rp games. however god characters with serious flaws can provide comical relief, or sometimes pass out small tid bits of insightful info, and be fun if you remember to pace yourself and don't just mow though every prob that comes up. Plus they should always take a back seat to the other characters and be there mostly for back up support, or to simply watch over the situation. meaning the more godly the character is the more the character will be sitting out on a lot of things and basically just be there for the ride, and not really doing anything.

If you want a character to be the star of the show, and really play the character a lot you should go for a character full of flaws, and is reasonably strong but also conciderably weaker than the character you have now.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 12:41 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Ok I will answer falconer first.
Oh man... I can see that happening. You sure put a lot of thought into this, and it's pretty inventive. My only suggestion would be to think of some ways in which your character could be limited. From what I can tell, he has the resources of a dragon's hoard, a massively extended lifespan, an impressive array of magical weapons, and a superhuman control of magic

1. Forbida is a magic I made up with a few flaws that could make Azrivel weak. the first flaw is that Forbida barely needs any control or concentration but will take a hell of a lot of manna from Azrivel making him weaker but Azrivel's cursed arm will SOMETIMES regain Azrivel's manna loss instantly.

2. Forbida is a magic that can manipulate things so Azrivel can't create fireballs without a source.

3. every race could learn forbida but it can't be learned at all without the right equipment (Azrivel's Dream training crystal) because you must learn it thru your mined. Forbida has no magic words so it is mental control to manipulate everything.

most magic goes by the laws of equality, meaning that you can't make something from nothing, and must give up the energy or something else similarly equal to that you are attempting to do. So I agree that giving him some kind of limit would make the character a lot more playable. People don't really want to play with a character that can't get hurt or has no real flaws.

They can solve all their problems already and there isn't any way to develop them any further which is the goal of most rp games. however god characters with serious flaws can provide comical relief, or sometimes pass out small tid bits of insightful info, and be fun if you remember to pace yourself and don't just mow though every prob that comes up. Plus they should always take a back seat to the other characters and be there mostly for back up support, or to simply watch over the situation. meaning the more godly the character is the more the character will be sitting out on a lot of things and basically just be there for the ride, and not really doing anything.

If you want a character to be the star of the show, and really play the character a lot you should go for a character full of flaws, and is reasonably strong but also conciderably weaker than the character you have now.

Azrivel is extremely weak when his energy (manna) is completely used. making him tired and venerable. There is a curse that makes Azrivel choose between chaotic murders, which extremely makes Azrivel venerable to any attack from all those who are alive or Azrivel could fight Adrithie who is a titan that is imprisoned into Azrivel's arm. Adrithie became insane after the god's betrayed him and let him stay imprisoned for almost 100 thousand years. Adrithie wants to kill all but the dragons for this betrayal. Azrivel douse not have an extremely up to date mined and is easily confused and trapped. like a Dragon Azrivel is Extremely Abscessed with gold making it easer to kill Azrivel. a in a way but Adrithie is almost impossible to beat. luckily this curse made him weaker and barely beatable.

Azrivel is easily controllable thru words. all you got to do is say the right things and Azrivel will fall into any trap or bidding ;) (unless it has to do with killing Azrivel’s friends) Adrithie could also manipulate Azrivel thru telling him who to trust and who not to by saying bad things about those people.
There are times when Azrivel goes insane and blacks out right on the floor because of Adrithie. Azrivel barely has an understanding of what is right and what is wrong so Azrivel can't follow real laws and is sometimes in trouble. Mind control Azrivel is immune to but mentally speaking Azrivel could be beat thru just talking or telepathy. Azrivel is partly fast but yet sadly refuses not to kill unless it is the final choice. And Adrithie has no weakness but is Azrivel's weakness. (Adrithie and Azrivel fight almost all the time and hate each other so when Azrivel fights Adrithie Azrivel will mainly lose without help.)

also Azrivel sometimes has energy overload because of the arm. Making small explosions that could happen at any time, Knocking Azrivel out cold. And will not wake up until about 3-4 hours. (This mainly happens on the worst times)

ps. Don’t forget I am still editing this so Azrivel could be understood better. It will take me some time before I get it all the way perfect. To were Azrivel’s full detail is shown.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:09 am 
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Mental control is a bad idea.
Oromis wrote:
...Eons ago, all magic was thus. To use it required nothing but the ability to sense magic with your mind - which every magician must possess - and the desire and strength to use it. Without the structure of the ancient language, magicians could not govern their talent and, as a result, loosed many evils upon the land, killing thousands. Over time they discovered that stating their intentions in their language helped them to order their thoughts and avoid costly errors. But it was no foolproof method.

According to his account, even the elves were subject to such issues. No one, elf, human, or half-elf, has the structured and orderly mind required for thought-based complex spellcasting. Simple things, such as moving objects abruptly in a straight line or hurling fireballs, are possible, but more complicated things like forcing a living tree to grow into a staircase or creating portals, require you to be focusing on either speaking or reading a spell.

Incidentally, the phrase "casting a spell" is pretty much an expression that indicates magic use, not a specific kind of magic.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

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Last edited by Falconer on Sun Nov 01, 2009 7:40 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:27 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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1. Azrivel can't get mind controlled but if someone telepathically speaks to Azrivel and makes him unstable Azrivel will free Adrithie and fight to the death(if Azrivel get's no help fighting Adrithie, Azrivel will most likely die.)

2. ok I am trying to explain it because it was my dad's idea and I kind of thought it was cool. Forbida is like telepathically speaking to things without saying anything at all. presides I thought I said on that The only reason Azrivel need's to go home is because of using forbida on Daylic (now dead). Then the staircase thing was slow and time taking for Azrivel. When Azrivel finely went home it was out of fear because of the book. (Witch made Halloween a bit interesting) must have not gone thru :) oh well.

I am kinda making up small things as I go.so the more questions that come the more/ better I will be able to explaine Azrivel.

I just forgot I never really answered this.

he has the resources of a dragon's hoard

Azrivel yes has a dragons hoard but he only puts it in one room never to be touched but to be looked at with pride. |So the dragon hoard is actually useless to Azrivel but yet Azrivel is also greedy and will never give it up without dyeing.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:43 pm 
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Is this ment to be in the artwork area?

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sun Nov 01, 2009 10:45 pm 
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I don't realy know vamp. If you think it should be in the artwork area plz put it there if you don't plz put it anywere you want becouse I have no clue where topics go anymore. lol

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:55 am 
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Well, technically, this might go in OCC, but since it's mostly Drakes asking for help with a character idea and concepts in general, that's where it should go. General.

The thought whispering you are describing could work in magic, but it would have to be another entity doing the actual magic. Spirit magic, perhaps.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:21 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Azrivel is doing most of the magic, but when he is unsettled he isn't using magic at all. Adrithie(the evil titan) is making a prison to keep everyone inside so the fight could begin.

Azrivel's Forbida (unlike spells) will not leave a magic trail so the universe is not always in danger when using this magic type. While spells leave a magic trail that would always put the universe in danger.

Adrithie was said to be the creator of magic as well so he is able to use all the magics at once.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:00 pm 
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sorry for double posting! plz delete.

ps. I am thinking on making Azrivel's real body (not the titan Arm) extreamly weak to all typs of magics and only the left arm is imune to magic.

pss. how you guys like Azricel's story.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:23 pm 
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It's very detailed and thought out, that's for sure. One pitfall writers can fall in is having inconsistencies when they change their minds about a character partway through, but it looks like you avoided that.

The devil doesn't come dressed in a red cape and pointy horns. He comes as everything you've ever wished for.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:31 pm 
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thank you falconer :)
I stick with the first thought and I only added to the story. makes you feel sorry for Azricel and The part when Azricel's father killed the girl made half of my family cry.

The only thing I don't get is that when I am playing one char in an RP I suck badly and don't stick with their personality. wile when I Write a story about one char I do it perfectly. I don't get why.

Heads up: I am still editing this once every week. Just a heads up becouse There will be a time when I edited And added some info for my chars ;)

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Azrivel's Travels
PostPosted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 11:03 pm 
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sorry for double posting but thought you all should know that I added Frawn's phycopathic story ;)
tell me what you think ;)

also I am going to need to redo sethanya's story line( kinda got deleted :( but atleast you guys could help me a bit when remaking her story line :) )

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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