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 Post subject: crystalis elemental weapons for dnd 3.5
PostPosted: Wed Sep 21, 2011 1:54 pm 
Avatar of Elements
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Joined: Sat Jan 16, 2010 1:31 pm
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
Crystalis Elemental Weapons

Each weapon is initially found as a blade protruding from a stone. When the future wieldier pulls the weapon from the stone the weapon takes on a glow as it binds to its new owner before turning into an amorphous mass of liquid metal in its owner’s hands. The owner then decides what form their weapon should take. The elemental weapon can take on the shape of nearly any weapon and is required to be made of either steel or wood. The weapon becomes a +1 magical weapon of the chosen type. Example, the extractor wishes a long sword, the elemental weapon assumes the shape and becomes a +1 long sword. The elemental weapon assumes the damage of the copied weapon type as well. (NOTE: Someone who already has one of these elemental weapons bound to them may not posses another. Also only the owner may wield the weapon.)

Each weapon is part of a 3-piece set consisting of the weapon, ring and bracer of the same element. Both the ring and bracer must be worn on the same hand as the one wielding the weapon to amplify the weapons power. The weapon starts out as +1 but grows by +1 with each piece worn to a max of +3. Additionally the weapon by itself has a maximum of 10 elemental charges and gains +5 to its maximum for each additional piece worn to a max of 20. Standard charge regeneration is 1 per day. The weapon starts with 0 charges and does not begin to generate charges until 24 hrs after the binding. (NOTE: these set pieces may not receive additional enchantments other then Weapon Augment Crystals, and those Weapon Augment Crystals which are used may not posses or promote an element other then the weapons natural element.)

Each weapon is capable of firing off an elemental blast. There are three levels of blast, each cost a different number of charges, affects an increasingly greater area, and does increased damage above the previous. Only a level 1 blast can be fired from the weapon without the presence of the ring or bracer. To fire a blast the caster must concentrate on the weapon for a standard action before hand. Standard casting rules such as concentration checks if threatened or distracted and provoking attacks of opportunity apply. The weapon also requires a standard action for the blast itself. So to fire a level 1 blast it requires 2 consecutive standard actions and 1 elemental charge. A level 2 blast requires 3 consecutive standard actions and 3 elementals charges. A level 3 blast requires 3 consecutive standard actions followed by a full round action and 5 elemental charges. (NOTE: if the weapon assumes a rod, wand or other spell-like weapon implement it looses the ability to do elemental damage on melee strike. Instead it requires move actions instead of standard actions when building up a blast levels.)

Once the 2nd set piece is obtained a utility ability becomes available. The utility is different for each weapon and is usable only once a day and consumes 2 elemental charges from the weapon when used. Once all 3 set pieces are obtained this ability is usable 3 times per day.
Elemental weapon sets


Weapon of Wind: Deals +1d4 sonic damage on melee strike. Level 1 blast is a small bolt of densely compacted air that deals 2d6 sonic damage with a range of 40 ft. With each additional set piece worn, melee bonus damage increases, going up to +1d6 then +1d8. The level 1 blast gains a +1d6 sonic damage and +10 ft range for each additional set piece worn

Ring of Wind: Allows the Weapon of wind to reach a level 2 blast; shooting forth a 50ft line of spiraling wind so densely compacted it is visible. Anything or anyone caught in the line receives 3d8 sonic damage and must succeed a strength check equal to 10 + damage or be knocked back 1 square and prone. Each size category above medium gains a +1 to this save and each size smaller suffers a –1. If you also have the bracer equipped the level 2 blast does 4d8 sonic damage and has a range of 80ft.

Wind Utility: Cacophonetic Burst – once a day the owner of the weapon of wind may unleash this ability, a burst of wind flashes away from the caster with the speed of a sonic boom leaving in its wake a period of complete silence from all sources for 60 seconds. 150 ft diameter centered on the caster at the time of cast. Full round action and consumes 2 elemental charges. May be cast 3 times per day if the owner has the bracer equipped as well.

Tornado Bracer: The Tornado Bracer concludes this incredible set allowing the owner to devastate their opponents with a moving wall of cyclonic wind. The level 3 blast is a wall compacted cyclonic wind, so dense it cannot be seen through, 35ft wide and travels a distance of 120ft. Anything or anyone caught in the blast receives 4d10 sonic damage and must succeed a strength check equal to 5 + damage or be knocked back 1 square and prone. Each size category each size category smaller suffers a –1 to this save.


Weapon of Fire: Deals +1d4 fire damage on melee strike. Level 1 blast is a small bolt of fire that deals 2d6 fire damage with a range of 40 ft. With each additional set piece worn, melee bonus damage increases, going up to +1d6 then +1d8. The level 1 blast gains a +1d6 fire damage and +10 ft range for each additional set piece worn

Ring of Fire: Blasts a 30ft cone of fire dealing 3d8 fire damage to all caught in its wake. If anyone takes damage from this and does not have resistance against fire they receive an additional ¼ of the damage the following round. If the owner has both the ring and bracer equipped this affects a 50ft cone and does 4d8 initial fire damage.

Fire Utility: Conflagrate – Once a day the owner may cause their weapon to heat up to white hot. Waves of heat can be felt radiating off of the weapon a goodly distance away but it does no damage to the wielder or anything organic. If the weapon is touched against an inorganic and non-magical surface while held it will cause that surface to either ignite instantly in flames or to melt rapidly, whichever is more appropriate. This effect lasts up to 3 minutes but will immediately end if the weapon is released from the owners grip. If the owner attempts to attack with this weapon while the effect is active, including a touch attack, the effect immediately ends. Full round action and consumes 2 elemental charges. May be cast 3 times per day if the owner has the bracer equipped as well.

Flame Bracer: Every Pyro’s dream. This Bracer allows the owner to launch a ball of fire at a target square within 75 feet. Upon impact it explodes violently dealing 4d10 fire damage to everyone within its 25ft blast area. Anyone who takes damage from this and does not have resistance against fire receives an additional ¼ of the damage the following round.


Weapon of Water: Deals +1d4 frost damage on melee strike. Level 1 blast is a small bolt of water that deals 2d6 frost damage with a range of 40 ft. With each additional set piece worn, melee bonus damage increases, going up to +1d6 then +1d8. The level 1 blast gains a +1d6 frost damage and +10 ft range for each additional set piece worn

Ring of Water: the level 2 blast from a weapon of water is an incredibly sharp elongated icicle launched with the intent to punch holes through the casters opponents. It follows a 60ft line and does either 3d8 frost or 3d8 piercing physical damage (whichever the those struck are weakest against) to every target struck. If the owner has both the ring and bracer equipped this effect is a 75-foot line and does 4d8 damage.

Water Utility: Cold Snap- Once a day the caster may freeze a line of liquid 5-feet wide, 5-feet thick and up to 250ft long. It will freeze instantly and stay frozen for at least 5 minutes and be stable enough to walk on, possibly longer depending on weather conditions. Wont last more then an hour. Full round action and consumes 2 elemental charges. May be cast 3 times per day if the owner has the bracer equipped as well.

Blizzard Bracer: A flash of artic wind explodes from the caster freezing walls, floors and other surfaces in a 35ft ring around the casted position making them slippery to everyone accept the caster. When anyone attempts to move across this surface they must make a reflex save equal to 20 + the number of squares they are attempting to move or they fall prone to the ice, this effect lasts 5 rounds. At any point within 5 rounds the caster may shatter the ice, this is a free action and may be done on someone else’s turn, when shattered the ice effectively detonates like frozen shrapnel dealing 4d10 frost, physical piercing or slashing (whichever resistance is lowest) to anyone inside of or adjacent to the frozen area except for the caster.


Weapon of Earth: Deals +1d4 acid damage on melee strike. Level 1 blast is a small bolt of tar that deals 2d6 acid damage with a range of 40 ft. With each additional set piece worn, melee bonus damage increases, going up to +1d6 then +1d8. The level 1 blast gains a +1d6 acid damage and +10 ft range for each additional set piece worn

Ring of Earth: When the caster fires off a level 2 blast powered by this ring their target square within 60 feet erupts into geyser of acidic corrosive tar that rains down on adjacent squares doing 3d8 acid damage to anyone hit. Anyone standing in the initial target square must make a reflex save equal to 10 + damage or they are knocked from their feet. If they are knocked from their feet they will continue to take ¼ damage until they leave the affected area. If the owner has both the ring and bracer equipped this effect cause the acid to rain down over a 5x5 area instead of a 3x3 centered on the geyser and increases acid damage to 4d8.

Earth Utility: Elevation – Once a day for 2 minutes the caster can command a 2x2 area to rise and lower if that area is rock, soil or metal. It may rise or lower no more then 100ft total and may not move horizontally at any point. At the end of the effect metal or rock that is supported will hold position permanently, soil or unsupported metal or rock will fall or collapse. Full round action and consumes 2 elemental charges. May be cast 3 times per day if the owner has the bracer equipped as well.

Tremor Bracer: The ground tremors and quakes causing a ripple to roll along the ground expanding outward from the caster like a shockwave spraying acidic tar ahead of it. The tar deals 4d10 acid damage and anyone within the 30 ft area accept the caster must make a reflex equal to the acid damage +5 or they are knocked from their feet. If they are knocked from their feet they will continue to take ¼ damage until they leave the affected area.


Weapon of Thunder: Deals +1d4 Lightning damage on melee strike. Level 1 blast is a thin bolt of lightning that deals 2d6 lighting damage with a range of 40 ft. With each additional set piece worn, melee bonus damage increases, going up to +1d6 then +1d8. The level 1 blast gains a +1d6 lightning damage and +10 ft range for each additional set piece worn

Ring of Thunder: Allows the caster to shoot a level 2 chain lightning blast dealing +3d8 lightning damage. 40ft line that has 2 20ft bounces each dealing 1d8 less then the previous strike. If the owner has both the ring and bracer equipped this effect is then a 60ft line with 2 30ft bounces and does 4d8 initial lightning damage.

Thunder Utility: Disruption - once a day the owner of the weapon of thunder may unleash this ability, a ring of electricity spreads from the caster engulfing everything in a 60 foot area around the casted position. All elementals, golems, constructs, mechanicals, minor magical effects or minor magical fields in the area shut down, disperse or destabilize (whichever is more appropriate) for 60 seconds. When the minute is up anything that was affected actively resumes its previous form and/or function. Full round action and consumes 2 elemental charges. May be cast 3 times per day if the owner has the bracer equipped as well.

Storm Bracer: The sky opened and death descended. When this level 3 blast is unleashed the caster chooses 3 target squares within 25 feet. For that round and the following 2 rounds each of those squares maintain a lightning bolt dealing 4d10 lighting damage per round to anyone within it. On the turns following the cast of the spell the caster may sacrifice their own move action to move one or all of the bolts of lightning into a square adjacent to its current location.

Power boosting items, non-discriminate

The items listed in this section are unique items that affect all elemental weapons equally when equipped. Owners of the elemental weapons may only benefit from one of these items at a time. Equipping these items consumes 2 elemental charges each time they are equipped, so try to stick to one and change out infrequently. Attempting to equip more then one at a time will still consume elemental charges as normal but will cause both items to cease to function immediately and remain that way until only one is equipped.

Deo’s Luck Band: – Doubles charge regeneration increasing regeneration to 2 charges per day.

Deo’s Pendant: - Reduces the consumption of charges slightly. Utilities use 1 charge, level 2 blasts use 2 charges, and level 3 blasts use 4 charges

Warrior’s ring: – The weapon wielder may level 1 blast in place of attacks including full-attacks.

Power ring: – Increase all elemental damage dice inherent to the elemental weapon by 1 size category.

Amulet of true depths: - Increase maximum attainable elemental charges by 5 and increase chance to hit with elemental weapon or blast by +1 towards your target each time you miss against them in melee or with a blast.

Shielding Ring: When receiving energy or magic damage the same element as your weapon you may use up elemental charges to negate damage. 1 charge per 2 points of damage to a max of 10 charges and 20 damage at one time.

Band of Invention: – Increases level 2 blast size by 50% and level 3 blast size by 25%.

Serpent’s Styx: – This charm causes you to use 2x charge increments as health instead of charge, removes all charges on acquisition. Regeneration does not begin until item is removed from person. This is a cursed item. You are plagued with hallucinations that become more frequent the longer you own it as long as it is on your person. Attempting to remove it from your person yourself will cause it to teleport to a hiding spot on your person. Someone else must remove it willingly and intentionally from your person, which causes it to bind to him or her. It is made of solid gold, is nearly indestructible and will not allow itself to be sold.


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