
EXX's Tavern
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Author:  #1hellmaster [ Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

NIck looked at him and looked at the two strangers. " I know who that is?"
NIck looked at the figure just to make sure and then said " that is my dad and my friend Ackiru. What is ackiru doing with him?" Nick said Him as though his father was a beast from hell.

NIck looked around for his friends and to his plesure he found them swinging from 2 of the lamps that hung from the ceiling.

Irillion came over and sat down "hello there Nick. how are you?"

OCC: hey I have a thread that I started call lost soul so remeber to add to it!!!

Author:  Chalgrish [ Tue Aug 30, 2005 6:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

If you go look for another dragon tear, I'll rip out our esophagous and hang you with it. Besides, few creatures are allowed to touch them.

Chalgrish fluidly takes the golden dagger from the table and tosses it in the air, catching it by the blade in his gauntleted hands.

A very nice weapon, Pandora! Thank you.

Author:  Pandora [ Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:07 pm ]
Post subject: 


Midnight said dryly and almost acusingly,while glaring over at him.

*whispers to Krad* Never mind you can blast HIM all you want.

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:43 am ]
Post subject: 

Nick looked at him " I'm fine and how is your pathetic soul doing on this most wonderfully miserable day now that you have made your presents known? What are you doing with him ackiru?"

Ackriu looked at him " I am simply here to make sure he doesn't do anything wrong. No I am not working with him. I was sent by the council to make sure that he behaves."

Irillion looked at him " yes and he is quite the nocience and I have been able to have any fun. O and I have been fine and how is my little jem known as Midnight doing?"

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:50 am ]
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:D Sorry accindently almost posted something from another thread here sorry

Author:  Krad [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 12:23 pm ]
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"Irillion, how have you been doing since you were revived." KRad said, rising from the ground.

Author:  Pandora [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:20 pm ]
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I'm not yur Jeam!

Midnight said as she contiued to glare at him while latching on to Krad's arm.

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

irillion looked at him " o me I have been fine and dandy actually and how have you and your wife been? Midnight is that anyway to talk to a famous person?"

Nick looked at krad and put his hand on krad " Dad it was nice talking to you now please leave"

"o I can't do that because then I can't ask you my question. Ackiru can you get me a drink?" Irillion said with a sneer

"fine." Ackiru said with much disliking towards him

Author:  Krad [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

"We have been fine, and what question do you have to ask." Krad said, once again sipping his wine. "And Midnight can talk to you anyway she wants, weather you be famous or not, for you know as well as I do that she and I are considered famous also." Krad said, his left arm now in the shape of a sword.

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 3:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Irillion luaghed " my question if he will come back with me to medaous and if he will join my little army.

Nick looked at him "y should I?" Irillion leaned in and whispered in his ear " becuase if you don't the consequences will be dire and your little fiance will randomly dissappear."
NIck looked over a enigma as she was talking with aryn while sipping on tea " Don't you touch her!!!" Nick said with anger in his eyes

Author:  Chalgrish [ Wed Aug 31, 2005 9:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chalgrish's eyes burned with fire at the upbringing of this travesty. He took his quiver from the floor, with his strung bow pushing the soft leather out. He set it on the table and took a sip of his mead.

I highly reccommend that you don't touch her. That would cause me to get angry, and me being angry is a terrible thing. Especially when I have this.

Chalgrish held up a chain around his neck with a vial of sparkling pure water with a cross on it. He took it and popped the old cork off it, pouring the water onto his arrows.

holy water is indeed the bane of the dark creatures, no? Eitha, vrangr Sundavar!

And with that, he nocked one of his arrows and shot it at the vampire's chest.

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Thu Sep 01, 2005 11:23 am ]
Post subject: 

before the arrow hit irillion Nick reached out and grabbed it " no if anyone will kill him I will but for now I just want you to leave." Niick dropped the arrow and looked at his hand for it now was burned where he had grabbed it.

" No dad I will not come back and join the army that is why I left in the first place. SO I will talk to ya later." At this irillions face lit up with fury and as he turned to walk away he came back and smacked nick across the face " YOu know I always knew you were as stupid as your mother and that is why she is dead."

Ackiru grabbed him and drug him out the door of the bar

Author:  Pandora [ Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

Here, let me see your hand

Nick hesatantly held out the hand he had caught the arrow with.
said a chant and waved over his hand, and it was completly healed.

There,no sence in going around with a hurt habd now is there?

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

NIck rubbed his face. " damn him. Thx Midnight" Nick pulled his hand back and looked around He turned back to his drink and saw that his eye started to turn black and blue " great. NOw I have to tell enigma I got another black eye." Nick looked at Chalgrish " sorry I stopped your arrow but I am the one who is going to kill him."

Author:  Pandora [ Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:20 pm ]
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No prob! I can fix that too!

Just as she had said it his black eye was gone.

What? healing spells are my specailty!

Author:  Chalgrish [ Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:18 pm ]
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Chalgrish stared unblinkingly at Nick with his bow still in hand. He nocked an arrow and shot it at the floor just in front of Nick's foot and frowned.

Touch my arrows again and I'll break every bone in your body

Author:  Pandora [ Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:51 pm ]
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Midnight raises an eyebrow.

What's with you??

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:52 pm ]
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Nick looked at him " I will await the day young archer but I will not let you be the one who kills my father. His own flesh and blood shall." Nick turned back to his drink

Author:  Chalgrish [ Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:19 pm ]
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Chalgrish dug his pointed fingernails into the polished wood of his table and started hissing slightly.

Stopping me is about as easy as stopping a whirlwind, so you will just have to deal with the fact that I'm going to be going after him, whethere you like it or not.

Author:  Krad [ Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:03 pm ]
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"Chalgrish, leave Irillion to Nick. If he wants to die, let him." Krad said, stopping the fight before it became dangerous.

Author:  #1hellmaster [ Thu Sep 08, 2005 6:37 pm ]
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nick looked at him " yeah I know my dad is an ass at times but please listen to Krad. he is already threating one friend I don't need that to multiply."Nick smiled as Enigma came over "HI Chalgrish !!!!!!" as she ran over and hugged him." sup lately?"

Author:  Buhamat [ Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:52 pm ]
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Hey all, srry it took me so long to finally join up. Sorta too lazy to migrate from Ezboard to here...

Author:  Pandora [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 1:35 pm ]
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Owwwwww! Coooool! Avetare!

Author:  Buhamat [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 8:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

thanx ^_^

Author:  Pandora [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 1:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yur welcome,Lol!

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