
EXX's Tavern
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Author:  Buhamat [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:48 pm ]
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So, anyone know where Exx is?

Author:  Pandora [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:00 pm ]
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Don't really know,he's been absent on acount of his bad shoulder. I sure hope he's alright.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 12:22 am ]
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A young woman and a child entered the tavern and sat at a table close to the bar.

"Hey everyone, sorry it took us so long to get here, but someone," Glares at Draggyness jokingly, "forget to let us know the web address for the board." Corana said as she and her daughter Rayanna sat down.

Author:  Fyre [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:26 am ]
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Eron peered from behind the bar,

Eron: it's ok, in his absence I have been appointed barkeeper...

he smiles sheepishly...

Eron: um...so...anyway, who wants a drink?

Author:  Zeratul [ Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:34 am ]
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a young man enters dressed quite nicely and holding a book close to his chest. He glances over the room onece then quitely moves to an empty table and sits at one of the chairs quietly watching everyone and hoping he had not drawn to much attentention to himself.

Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:29 pm ]
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The door to the infamous tavern slowly creaked open as the light of day flooded the room. A mammoth of a shadow seeped into the area as an enigmatic figure stood tall in the door way. The renowned figure was that of Exanderous. He wandered in with a small smirk blessing his Countenance.

Its good to see you all once more. Eron, it is great to see you again and you have done swell taking care of my establishment, but I must preside over it now.

Exanderous took his favored spot behind the counter and waved to the familiar faces in the crowd.

Did you all miss me?

Author:  Constitutiona [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:42 pm ]
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"We sure did Uncle Exx." Rayanna said as she walked over to him. "Me and mommy came over as soon as we found out where everyone moved to."

"It's good to see you again Exx." Corana said as she came over to give him a light hug. "It's been to long old man." she added jokingly, see as she was only slightly younger than him by a few dozen centuries.

Author:  Dragyness [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:50 pm ]
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A squeal of delight was heard from the far corner of the bar and a veritable blur of glasses, skirt, blouse, and auburn were visible as Draggy jumped the bar and tackle-hugged Ex. When all was said and done and the dust settled, she was hugging him contentedly, a broad grin on her face. "You were missed," she said simply.

Ciarda laughed at her creator as she entered the tavern, giving her large black wings a good flap as she crossed the threshold. "Well, I see some things never change," she chuckled, "Good to see you back, Ex, and to see your tavern in one piece. I'm rather surprised, actually." A wry grin graced her features as she propped her hammer against the bar, leaning over it and peering amusedly at the two figures before her.

Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 6:59 pm ]
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Exanderous'es creator hugged Autumn contently and laughed.

<i><font color=purple>I missed you too sweetie.<i></font>

Ragon slinkingly slithered behind Exanderous with a mischievious grin on his face. Without a warning, Ragon pounced, but found himself suspended in mid air.

<font color=red>Now now Ragon, thou should know better to test your element of surprise on the likes of me old friend.</font>

Ragon laughed as he gently floated to the ground.

<font color=blue>You havent lost your touch you old folgy.</font>

<font color=red>Mind your manners kid...</font>

Author:  Pandora [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:02 pm ]
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Hmm,hmm, it's good to see things are back to the way they were. Whic reminds me,I haven't taken a nap in quit a while now!

Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:06 pm ]
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Ah Pandora... Midnight. how are you doing old friend?

Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:08 pm ]
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Coranna and little one, it is great to see you as well. I am glad you were able to move with us.

Author:  Dragyness [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:46 pm ]
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Draggy peeked out from behind Ex. "Yeah... they would have been here sooner, but uh... heh heh..." The girl looked around innocently.

Author:  Fyre [ Mon Sep 26, 2005 9:19 pm ]
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Eron: yeah well someone didn't tell them where you had moved the tavern to after last time.

Eron grinned and ruffled draggy's hair.

Author:  Pandora [ Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:17 pm ]
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I'm doing as good as ever

Midnight said, and leaned back onto the table.

I sure do miss those naps.

Author:  switchblade [ Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:39 pm ]
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The tavern door opened to reveal that it was now late into the afternoon with just a little hint of night approaching, and some tall cloaked figure blocking the view. He quickly stepped out of the way to allow everyone a good look before he shut the door and walked over to the bar.

Once he was seated he removed his hood to reveal to different colored eyes, one a dark shade of red the other a light blue, behind a pair of black rimmed glasses, jet black hair back in a ponytail and a short well groomed goatee.

Hey Exx. Long time no see.

Author:  Zeratul [ Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:17 pm ]
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He opened the book he was carrying with him but not enough so that anyone but him could see the text inside of it. He then let out a soft sigh and closed the book keeping it pressed against his chest. He looked around silently he knew no one here of course he never knew anyone the way he traveld he hardly returned to the same places he had been or stayed there very long. He had hopes that this time would be somewhat diffrent. He looked off into the shadows glancing at something then his gaze turend back to the people in the tavern wondering to himself what they though of him.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:29 pm ]
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"Hello Mr. What are you reading?" Rayanna asked the man when she saw the book. "Is it about weather? Cause I know all about that."

Corana quickly apologized. "Sorry about that, she's just be authorized to use her true magic without adult suprvision." Coarana shook her head and turned to the others. "I was nearly 500 before I got my authorization. I think Renee going soft, cause Rayanna's only 150."

Author:  Fyre [ Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:32 pm ]
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Eron: argh ah weather witch free to rain over us!!!

Eron joked.

Author:  Zeratul [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:25 am ]
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He smiled looking to the people who had approched him "its um...nothing and um...its ok heh I myself have just started using magic without supervision" Zera said quite reluctantly.

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:29 am ]
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A stranger walked in to find he had been left for dead his last word were *I will prevail* He passed out

Author:  Zeratul [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:17 pm ]
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His glance moves over to the man that had just entered. Seing that he had fainted he stood up and walked over to his side and spoke gently to him "Sir?...are you ok?"

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:19 pm ]
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He slowly got up explaining what had happened * I am the red dragon Drian i have been defeted in combat and seek rest*

Author:  Zeratul [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:22 pm ]
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"well I guess this is the right place" zera spoke still as softly as before, the book he held he still kept held close to his chest "I am..." Zera pused for a moment before he spoke thinking of his words "...I am Zera its nice to meet you...do you need any help?"

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:29 pm ]
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Now standing ' I seek help, i am a great warrior in my land but here i am nothing. I need to rest and how much will it cost' Holds hand out.

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