
EXX's Tavern
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Author:  Fyre [ Sat Dec 03, 2005 4:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Well, still teaching in Japan, going home for the hoildays which will be nice. haven't been to the UK in 17 months and I'm looking forward to seeing friends and family as well as eating good food.

Sorry to hear about you situation but probably for the best, sounds like you made a wise decision anyway!

Author:  Constitutiona [ Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:07 am ]
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that's good that you get to go home. I can understand about the good food part. nothing can beat food from home.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Fri Jan 06, 2006 3:12 am ]
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Hello...anyone here?

Author:  Chalgrish [ Fri Jan 06, 2006 10:18 pm ]
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Author:  Pandora [ Fri Jan 06, 2006 11:39 pm ]
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Midnight sat up from where she had been sleeping and noticed the dust in her hair.

Gosh! I sure did take a long nap! I wonder why no one woke me?

she said looking around a t the empty room.

Uh, where did everybody go?

Author:  Kojack [ Mon Jan 09, 2006 10:26 pm ]
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OOC: Well uh... Im going to join if you dont mind.

IC: A dark figure with an energy signal that is neither dark or light or mystical but a combination of the three walks through the door. With a giant sword on his back and a black cloak wraped around him, the figure looks at the empty room... pauses ...then takes a sit. When he sat down, you caught a glimpse of his eyes and you can see that they are Gold. You looked away quikly because when he looked back at you, it was as thogh he could see striaght into your soul.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Tue Jan 10, 2006 2:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Welcome to Exx's Tavern, my friend. My name is Consti, and I'll be your bartenderess until EXX decides to come back!

Corana walked behind the bar, and prepared to start mixing drinks.

(And before anyone complains, Bartenderess is a word, because I say it is :wink: )

Rayanna walks over to the new stranger. "Hiya mister, what can Mom and our all powerful creator, Consti get for you this evening?"

Author:  Pandora [ Tue Jan 10, 2006 7:30 pm ]
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Midnight looks over to the newcomer, and quickly looks back tring not to offend the man that walked in. He was someone she knew, but she couldn't quite recall who, but she Knew she'd seen him somewhere before. Then it hit her,and she spune around almost like a top.

Kojack? is that you?

She said cocking her head side ways.

Ooc: Just be yourself. :D

Author:  Kojack [ Tue Jan 10, 2006 8:04 pm ]
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IC:The stranger looks at Rayanna and says

A glass of water will do for now.

Then he looks at the person who called his name and said

...Midnight...? Hey Midnight! I havent seen you in a long time. I cant belive you remeber me. How did you know it was me?

Author:  Fyre [ Tue Jan 10, 2006 9:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eron bounded up to the bar, he took off his apron and sat down.

Eron: wow a day in the kitchens will take it out of you. but at least we will be well fed.

he looked around a the few gathered there...

Eron: quiet as of late ne?

Author:  Constitutiona [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 12:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Rayanna squinted in deep thought. "Water...I can get that. Anyone else want anything?" she asked as she reached for the tray and water glass her mother had prepared.

"Long time no see Eron, who have things in your end of the known universes been?" Corana asked as she poured some apple juice into a glass for Rayanna.

Author:  Pandora [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:20 pm ]
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sorry! posted the same thing twice! Please erase this if you can!

Author:  Pandora [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:22 pm ]
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Midnight smiled.

After that whole deal with you and My husband,how could I forget? After all, it's not very often that two powers as high up as yourselves decide to deal it out to see who's stronger. I have my own pride, but I've never been as prideful as you and Maryin.

Midnight turned to see Eron walk in.

There's some one else I haven't seen in a while.

Author:  Kojack [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 8:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

Hahaha... yeah that was a fun fight. Its had been centuries since my last good fight. All though we really couldnt tell who is the strongest. He dominated the fight until I unleashed my true power, then he really had a fight on his hands. I can honestly say that he is stronger than me but I can last long than him.

Kojack sat back and then he continued,

His attacks serverly damaged me while my attacks only damaged him. The stronger his attacks, the stronger my resistance became. So I can rival him. Hey when you see him agian tell him Im up for another spar when he is. Oh yeah, Midnight my friend you are strong. You can easily rival us and then beat us.

Kojacks eyes glow bright gold as he looks at Midnight,

You are stronger than you think.

Rayanna, thanks for the water.

Author:  Fyre [ Wed Jan 11, 2006 9:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

Eron: Yeah, I've been on a three week vacation, visiting the family for the yuletide holiday! so that's why I've been away, but now I'm back, and glad of it too!

he gulped down a small apple pie her had made earlier and took a swig of cider.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Thu Jan 12, 2006 12:16 am ]
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"Sounds like you had some fun. Just a 40+ hour work week, marketig classes and a minor car accident for Consti" Corna said, refilling the cider. "Don't worry, nobody was hurt, just some body damage to her car."

Rayanna beamed. "Your welcome Mister."

Author:  Fyre [ Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:17 pm ]
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Eron: Things are quiet elsewhere. being the King of a country can be very boring sometimes. Jazel seems to keep busy, but I find it a challenge.

he sipped his catnip ale.

Eron: That's why you'll find me here in the kitchens...

Author:  Exanderous [ Sun Jan 15, 2006 7:54 pm ]
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A sudden chill crept through the room without much warning aside from the creaking door hanging ajar. With a sudden explosion of force, the door that was opening at a snail's pace ripped open revealing the nostalgic figure of the Tavern's owner. His ice blue eyes stared into the crowd as a small smirk blessed his countenance. Almost the same as he had left, the only thing noticeably different about this figure was his mental as well as physical prowess surpassed his previous limitations. The "v" shaped arch and the toned difference in his body were subtle hints to these facts. Even with change evident in his features, no description of this character was necessary. They knew who he was.

I am back.... For real this time...

Author:  Fyre [ Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:37 pm ]
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Eron fell back off his stool and rubbed his head as it had hit the bar.

Eron: Ex, great to see you and all but did you have to make such a grand entrance?

he picked the stool up.

Eron: Anyway, welcome back, as you can see Rayanna and I have, along with some others, have been keeping the place open and business is slowly picking up again!

Author:  Exanderous [ Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:54 pm ]
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I appreciate you keeping My tavern alive friends. It means alot to see it still in existance!

Author:  Chalgrish [ Sun Jan 15, 2006 8:56 pm ]
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but ruined to a certain extent...

Author:  Exanderous [ Sun Jan 15, 2006 9:13 pm ]
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Well I am here now to fix that ailment.

With my friend's help of course.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 5:18 am ]
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That's what we're here for sugar. just let us know what to do.

Author:  switchblade [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:03 pm ]
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Good to have you back Ex! Switchblade said from his corner both.

Yes, now perhaps these hooligans will stay in line at let a cat catch some sleep. the little kitten Evis said from his postion on the table.

All you do is sleep anyways. What are you complaining about? SwitchBlade retorted.

Anyways, if you need any help just let me know. It's what friends are for.

Author:  AngelofDeath5 [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:16 pm ]
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Not long after the door creaked open again letting in yet another long lost one. Shaking his head and dropping his shoulder armour away to the side he smiled a bit and approached the bar. "Its been a while..." then seeing Exanderous he grinned. "I knew there was a reason I had the urge to be back here so damn bad." Ifrit chuckled a bit.

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