
EXX's Tavern
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Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Exanderous smirked and patted Ifrit on the shoulder.

Welcome back old friend.

Exanderous turned to Switch blade and spoke.

I see you and Evis are doing swell! Perhaps with all of our efforts we can make this a Tavern again.

After remenescing with two old friends, he approached Consti with that smirk still lingering on his countenance.

Good'ay m'lady. How are you?

Author:  Buhamat [ Tue Jan 17, 2006 12:51 am ]
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*enter Buhamat*
illo all, I see the tavern is still going.

Author:  Fyre [ Tue Jan 17, 2006 1:13 am ]
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and now the gang is complete. just need serenity and we're set....oh wait......scrub that last bit.

(I'm just joking ofcourse)

Author:  Exanderous [ Tue Jan 17, 2006 8:15 pm ]
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Lol be nice amigo.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Tue Jan 17, 2006 10:30 pm ]
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I'm doing well, Exx. tired, but well. Keeoing up with the universe has not been easy these days.

Yes, Eron, play nice, we don't want them mad at us.

Author:  Fyre [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:05 am ]
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Eron's ears flattened against his head as he looked around, faking a fear.

Eron: are they watching us?

Author:  Kojack [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:24 am ]
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Kojack just sat back and relaxed while he watched old friends reunite. He smiled for once in years as he sipped his water.

Author:  Buhamat [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 1:07 am ]
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You know, now that the gangs all here, we should have a reunion thread. Make a second Blood Arch or something.

Author:  Fyre [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 2:23 am ]
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was I in the first Blood Arch? I can't remember....was that AOD's or Ex's thread?

Author:  Constitutiona [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 3:23 pm ]
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you were and i'm pretty sure that was EXX's thread, cause i was in it too, and I've never been in any of AOD's threads

Author:  Fyre [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 5:10 pm ]
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oh hang on, I used Tarin right? but we didn't finish that one did we?

Author:  Chalgrish [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 8:52 pm ]
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Draggy might be using Til Eternity for the reunion. as she says, only advanced RPers/ Old Farts can join.

I'm the old fart! WOOO!

Author:  Fyre [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:17 pm ]
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Eron: HEY!!! Who you calling old? in Woran Years I'm still in my 20's!

Author:  Pandora [ Wed Jan 18, 2006 9:38 pm ]
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Midnight smiled. It looked as if the old gang had started to all come back again. She always had a feeling that they'd only come back when Exx did. He always seemed to be the motavation for them to come. Then she turned back to Kojack. Her cool blue eyes met his.

I do not denigh my power, I simply refrain from frailing it all out at once, and showing it off like some brightly colored banner! Hee,hee I do let my pride get the best of me ever now and again. Although you could say I have even more pride in hiding my pride.

However I will not claim to be stronger than you, simply because I do not wish to partake in such mindless combate,I rather people think what they want. But if it is the truth you want, then in truth at this moment I am not as powerful as my husband. I am built for endurance, where he is built for full out force.

With this she leaned back into her chair and half closed her eyes, in what seemed to be a transe.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Thu Jan 19, 2006 1:30 am ]
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"Be very careful who you call old." Empress Consti said from the doorway. "Be very, very careful."

Author:  Exanderous [ Thu Jan 19, 2006 8:53 pm ]
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Very careful.... Exanderous chipped in. He too was "old" if you would call it that.

((Blood Arch was one of my threads, and one of the successful ones at that. The old board seemed to eat it up. It had Rusabek and hyis cohort trying to restore peace to the kingdom by finding the blood arch. I forgot all about that story, and unfortunately it was lost in the board's demise. Perhaps I can recall the main principles of the story and figure it out! Would anyone be interested in joining if I did so?

Author:  Pandora [ Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:41 pm ]
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Are you willing to take in newbees? or is it senors only? Compaired to most of the people here, I haven't really been part of the board that long,and if anybody knows me, they proubly remember me as the insane lunatic who for some unknown reason keeps trying to help the people every one else seems to hate.

The people I try to help seem to all have a tendancy for getting everone else mad. I can't help it if they say rash a not so smart things to the older members!


Midnight looks around at all the others staring at her.

I'll just shut up now!

Author:  Fyre [ Thu Jan 19, 2006 9:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

I think Ex is more than obliging to newbies, he was with me. but you just have to step up your writing skills and get serious about it that's all.

as for Blood Arch I think The world inhabited by The Order and The Legion is better personally, but then I have tried to sneak the Order into other worlds too...I'm quite obsessed with my creation!

Travis looked up from his ale...

Travis: you can say that again...give me a break why don't you?

Eron: Yeah, but use me, I've been out of action for too long. I've completely recovered from being dead you know...

Author:  Chalgrish [ Thu Jan 19, 2006 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

I shall postdict your ages now.
Consti-20(give or take a year)
Draggy-20(maybe 21)

So yeah, I'm the only old fart here.

Author:  Kojack [ Thu Jan 19, 2006 11:16 pm ]
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Kojack looked at Midnight and said

Wise words from a wise woman. As the days past by, the longer I know you and the more you amaze me.

Then Kojack looked at Chalgrish and said

Those sound like very accurate predictions.

Author:  Fyre [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:01 am ]
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HEY I turn 24 on feb/25th

Author:  Buhamat [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:34 am ]
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wow, now i feel so young....

Author:  Constitutiona [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:42 am ]
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HEY, I'll be 21 on March 8th thank you.

Author:  Pandora [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 7:10 pm ]
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Hmp, not wise old friend, but truthful. Even being a being of total agelessness I am still young and have much more learing to do myself.

Midnight turns to fyre.

Hey! I'm not that bad! I'm just not that great at starting up my own roll-plays! Besides it's been a while since you've seen any of my writting. I've gotten a bit better since then! Besides, yur all older than me, and I still have much growing and maturing to do. :P

Author:  Buhamat [ Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Heh, I'm only 16...

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