
EXX's Tavern
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Author:  Zoanrevived [ Thu Mar 02, 2006 12:57 pm ]
Post subject: 

IT's not a good thing at all. It shouldn't of dislocated that one time. It shouldn't of discloated ever. They did a crappy job...But, then again, atleast it's better than it was....So, I suppose that we can't complain too badly. And it was hard enough for you to find a doctor to do the surgery...That is, if that's the same surgery that your talking about.

Author:  Exanderous [ Thu Mar 02, 2006 2:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Yeah its the same surgery. I finally found one who would do it.

Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Thu Mar 02, 2006 4:15 pm ]
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How far did you have to travel, and did you pay with the other arm and leg?

Author:  Exanderous [ Thu Mar 02, 2006 5:05 pm ]
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Not really. The surgery insurance covered most of... All I had to do was drive thirty to fourty minutes away from home.

Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Thu Mar 02, 2006 8:55 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, at least you've got everything in place like it should be (minus, apparently, the shoulder.)

Hope you start repairing. Out of curiosty: May I ask how you recieved such an injury?

Author:  Exanderous [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

That is al ong long story. Are you sure you wish to hear it?

Author:  Chalgrish [ Fri Mar 03, 2006 11:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

You're 18 going on 19, and you've had more surgery than my pap! So of course we want to hear. just don't hurt yourself typing.

Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:37 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, we're in a tavern. Most of us are drunk, or getting there. Sob stories from drunks are the best, I think.

So yeah, let's here it. And besides. I'm Italian. I love long stories.

Author:  Constitutiona [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:55 am ]
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besides, if you don't tell us, it won't take much to get the story out of Draggy.

Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 3:07 am ]
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Or, of course, there is always the option of making up stories that would just get to be bigger and bigger and lies.

Author:  Zoanrevived [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 4:30 am ]
Post subject: 

Yeah, I haven't heard the whole story, so I don't know. Go ahead and tell us Exanderous.

Author:  Exanderous [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Exanderous smiled and let a small chuckle escape his person as he sat down in a chair and sighed.
Very well then.

I was pretty young when it dislocated for the first time. Two friends were bickering and getting ready to fight. These two particular individuals were known for going for blood, and I knew they would not stop until the other was dead. ( I am not kidding... One was in a gang, the other was mentally unstable... Not a good combination.)

Me being the hero that I am (More like fricken idiot), I tried to break them up. The mentally unstable one (Who was four times bigger then I was at the time) picked me up and body slammed me on a rock. The rock wedged in between my shoulder blade and dislocated it. Everyone huddled around me, and the gang related guy kicked the crap out of him for doing such a deed. He helped me up, and I got on my bike. My arm was tingling, and I can almost see the ball joint of the shoulder pertruding out. In horror I fell off my bike and landed on it. With an incredible sharp pain, it relocated and feeling (including pain) returned to it.

I tried waving it around, but to really no avail. Everyone thought I was fine because I waved in the car. I heard them say things like, "Man what a wimp!" or "Man he cant take anything..." I was taken to the hospital for swelling. My arm did not TOTALLY relocate apparently. They twisted it around for a little bit and with a resounding POP, it went in completely. I will never forget the look on my father's face. That solitary look was probably worth all the pain I endured that day.

An officer told me I could press charges with this amount of damage on me. I told him I did not want to. This kid just was not worth the attention of the authorities. At least not in my eyes.

Ever since that day, my arm has had the uncanny ability to dislocate at will. Involuntary, but I must confess it also was voluntary. I found it was cool. My friends did too. The nerves died, so I could barely feel it when it happened. Over the years my body adjusted to this "set back" and my muscles in my front strengthened while my bone structor in my shoulder blade and corresponding parts altered their functions to make my shoulder work. My shoulder blade now sticks out so far out of my back a crow could land on it.

In time, ROTC, The Renaissance Festival, Being an ADHD 18 year old male; all these activities put strain on my shoulder. Much to my dismay, my shoulder went out in a alternate direction in the backstage of the Renaissance Festival I was working for in the summer. Neatless to say, the nerves on that side of my shoulder were still functional. I apparently showed no sign of pain (coming from "Mamma Duck", our lovably yet stern stage director) and the only way she could tell I was hurting was by the odd disfigured shape of my arm and the fact that my pupils were dilated. She helped me relocate it, but she told me to go to the hospital. So I did. They were of no use to us however, because all they proclaimed to me was, "Your arm is injured yes but it is in socket now. Nothing we can do but give you this immensly rediculous sized immobolizer that will make you miserable for the next month." Sounded like a plan to me... right....

I cant say I wore it all the time, but most of the time I did what I was told. Even still, as time progressed it went out another direction, and then another. As it stood, my arm dislocated in four different directions. Three of the four were incredibly painful. I remember nights where I would have to bite my wallet or a stick and run into a wall or simply grunt and arrange it back in socket my self. There was no way I could just live with this deformity.

Doctors would not touch it. They acknowledged that I had a problem, but it was far too complicated for them to touch it. I probably did not help the matter with my glaring looks though. I have hated doctors ever since I can remember. look through my medical history and you will understand why. (Ohohoh crazy youth) They kept saying, "I will send you to a specialist..." As soon as I arrived, they would send me to ANOTHER specialist. After coming to the conclusions that these specialist maybe were not as "special" as some might claim, I almost gave up hope.

There was one doctor who finally agreed to do it. Under one condition. I must acknowledge that if it goes out of socket once more continually, he will not touch it again. Basically the kind way of saying if I screwed up, he would not operate again.

So I live with this shoulder to this day... God only knows the extent to what they altered in it. I can feel the anchors they put inside me... no matter.

MY Freshman Year I had knee surgery... My Sophomore Year I became very ill and almost died literally. My Junior Year I had another knee surgery, and in my Senior year I had extensive shoulder surgery. It has almost become a routine for me. Hehe.

Now you know the story.

PS: I am much better at telling stories in real life. I used to have the gift of typing them as well. Apparently not any more.

Author:  Zoanrevived [ Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:56 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, thank you for the interesting tale. It was wonderful. And Exanderous, your skill for writing will come back, you may of just been out of it for a while now, but it will all come back to you, with me back.

Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Sun Mar 05, 2006 7:32 pm ]
Post subject: 


Aye, yes, your writing abilities will return. I'm sure a few good roleplays will fix that matter.

Maybe we should post a special rp thread, sorta like the tavern but focused around camp fire, and those with characters that can spin tall tales can set aside any differences they might have a eat marshmallows and wienies and tell stories. It certainly would help with deatil and imagination.

I think it sounds like fun.

Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:13 am ]
Post subject: 

It would be fun, but time is of the essence, and I am bone dry out of that stuff.... I agree it would help me gain my skills back, but I am not too worried about it. "Old knives like me never lose their edge. They get rusty, but they never forget how to cut."

Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:23 am ]
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Naw they don't cut...they give you tentanus!

Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:38 am ]
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... I do not know whether to laugh or to be insulted.


Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:46 am ]
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Oh, Exx, laugh about it. I was merely teasing. Laughter does better for you anyway.

There is a funny story behind the comment though, if you want to hear.

Author:  Zoanrevived [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 2:34 pm ]
Post subject: 

Well, Exanderous, Join my "coming Back" SL, to help you start help clean that rusted blade of yours. I mean, why not? Aught to give these guys a show.

Author:  Exanderous [ Mon Mar 06, 2006 10:14 pm ]
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because if you rub a rusty dagger too much it just might break.
Hehe just kidding. Time is something that I lack, but I wil ltry to soon.

Author:  Pandora [ Sat Mar 18, 2006 3:38 pm ]
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Midnight sighed and looked around at the others.

sorry, it took me so long , but yeah we all need to get together sometime and work on a rollplay together. it's been a while since any of us have done that. A few of us have done a few stories with the newest members but none of us from the old board have really ever done a RP together in a while. Maybe it's about time we do somthing about it eh? Midnight gave a small smile and lend back into her chair.

Author:  Neco the Nightwraith [ Thu Mar 23, 2006 12:12 am ]
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*drops into a cushioned chair*

I am so beat. *faints*

The week isn't even over yet. >.<

Author:  Exanderous [ Wed Mar 29, 2006 2:44 pm ]
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Hehe I am beat as well. Double shift at work and what not...

Author:  Exanderous [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:13 pm ]
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Im back again. Im like that thorn that never could be plucked out and turned into cancer. hehe.

the question is who is still with me?

Author:  Fyre [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:34 pm ]
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Eron looked up from where he was asleep at the bar, he brushed the cobwebs from his face as reality came back with a bang.

Eron: EX! this place kinda died while you were gone!

he bounded up to his friend and teacher and hugged him.

Eron: good to see you again. I'm in dire need of an adventure, and a hair cut it would see.

his maine had grown shaggy and his claws needed trimming. you wouldn't think, looking at him, that he was the King of the Worans.

Eron: oh damn my kingdom, all this time, I've been gone. I hope Jazel won't be too mad at me.

he ruffled his hair and looked down to the floor in a coy type manner.

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