
Book 1: Dragons Revenge
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Author:  Falconer [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 11:10 am ]
Post subject: 

OCC: Wow, im speaking french without thinking. Cool...

IC: Draconis bellowed in a voice so deep it shook the cavern's walls, "ENOUGH!" When the others quieted down, he said, "In response to your question, Sashiara, the old Code demands that we stay until we are certain that humanity has no hope. The Old Order is passing, and this Council must decide just how to deal with that."

Author:  dragonfly [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 12:18 pm ]
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Aeryn looked indignant. "Overdeveloped monkeys indeed!" she whispered to herself. "But don't paint all humans with the same brush. Just because a few are causing trouble and upsetting the old order, doesn't mean we should give up on all of them. Some are afraid to come out. I was until my father... Never mind." Damn it, where did that come from? she thought to herself. This is already tense enough without bringing in personal problems.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Nov 13, 2006 4:05 pm ]
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Great, turning my arguement against me. If I argue against humans, we will decree to leave the planet, and give up the fight. So it is up to us to determine the fate of our race; To fight and conquer, or to flee like insects from the approching storm?" Her tone was not questioning, but rather solumn. She crossed her arms against the chill of the cave.

Author:  Falconer [ Tue Nov 14, 2006 11:49 am ]
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"Yes," said Draconis. "We have had this responsibility laid on us. No is the time to act." He spoke softly, but with all the autrority of fate itself. All there understood the implications of his statement.

OCC: I hope that didnt break the "no invincible character" rule...

Author:  wut2say [ Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:12 pm ]
Post subject: 

Maryan cringed at what she had brought up. Draconis's words had hit a weak spot in her emotional barriers and had penetrated to somewhere deep inside that she had never known existed. there was understanding of the responsibility there, something that must have been by instinct, before she had even cracked open her egg.
"Well, if it is up to us, what should we do? something will have to be done fast. if we figure out what to start with we should do that and then firgure out what to do from there."

Author:  Heavyman [ Mon Nov 20, 2006 5:51 pm ]
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The Half Dragon listened to the dragon's words, and began to respond The greeks, as I say will help, they have a powerful army one that cannot be simply put down in one battle. These blades of mine arent necesarrily as short as you all may think, No, I cannot hold off an army...for long anyway, but these blades can be devastating to all, you full dragons believe that you cannot trust a human, and yet here's a human female in our midsts, the Athenians are honorable, and will come to our aid if we just asked. We cannot do much without an army at our backs anyway... And that was his opinion, and he spoke it.

Author:  Falconer [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:17 am ]
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"If armies could solve the problem," said Draconis, "Humans would not be where they are now. No, even the Athenians cannot help us. And do not question my descision to bring Aeryn. She is as one of us, so long as she honors the Old Code."

Author:  dragonfly [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 12:41 pm ]
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"I will honor it as I have honored it my entire life. And war will come, but it is not for us to start it. We should wait until the humans declare war on us, first. Then we cannot be punished for incitement."

Author:  Jishdefish [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:46 pm ]
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"Again comes the question: What do we do?" Sashiara was growing impatient.

OOC: You have a plan for this thing Falconer?

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 12:08 pm ]
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OCC: I was gonna play it by ear, but since u ask...

IC: Draconis grinned, a truely dreadfull sight. "I'm glad you asked." He brought forth a scroll 4 feet in length. Unrolling it on the table, he revealled a map of Europe, the countries outlined for clarity. "We are here right now," he said, pointing to a spot in the mountains of France. "Now the humans have a peculiar custom of banding under one leader. They look to him for guidance. What do you suppose would happen if their leaders were threatened by a force that they could not stop?"

Author:  wut2say [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:40 pm ]
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MAryan looked up from the large map. "they would band together more to form a bigger army." she scratched her head with her wing. "how would that help us? oh! if the leader didnt know what to do, they would turn away from him and try to find a knew leader, and in that time there would be choas and fights between themselves. is that what you're thinking?"

Author:  Jishdefish [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 8:45 pm ]
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"I hope you're not thinking of compromise, because humans are greedy, they will eventually claim back thier land, it has happened countless other times." Sasha looked disdainful, this business was going nowhere fast.

Author:  wut2say [ Fri Nov 24, 2006 7:46 pm ]
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Maryan snorted, "Ther is so way i would compromise, humans dont last long enough to make sure that the deal is solid"

Author:  Falconer [ Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:15 am ]
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IC: Draconis snorted, releasing a puff of smoke. "You misunderstand me. I have spent the last 30 years studying humans- they are less brave than you think, and much stupider. Each is more concerned for himself than for his comrades, making an alliance under one ruler highly disaterous."

OCC: Disaterous? Disasterus? watever.

IC: He looked at the others. "Neither do humans surender power voluntarily. There is only one thing that would cause a ruler to aquiece. In the face of a threat to their personal safety, they will be forced to negotiate with us. After all, who can stop a dragon? Hm?"

Author:  wut2say [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:38 pm ]
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MAryan flapped her wings in dragon applause, "Oh i like it! So even if the human doesnt last long, their ruling class won't be string enough to fight us off once we've gained control."

OOC: reminds me of after WWI.....hmmmmm

Author:  Heavyman [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:46 pm ]
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Areon stood there and listened. They weren't giving due credit to the greeks, who had kept him safe all these long years. Then why not fight, eh? I'd prefer a straight forward battle, than any plan. Just like the spartans at thermopylae. They went there, three hundred strong, and held their own against ten thousand! The greeks will come to our aid, if we just asked. Do not be foolish, even me, with my god given blades cannot hold an army off for long, let alone win. And to prove that, his took the blade off his left hip, into his right hand, and the blade, not the hilt clanged to the floor, attached by a chain that seemingly came out of nowhere inside the hilt. It took a minute, but the chain piled up, to thirty feet, and retracted into the hilt quickly. How many to you think I could impale with that? Hm? I cannot hold an army off even with these blades, we need an army behind us, a small one atleast. Greece will come to our aid, they have no interest in conquering, they have no interest in building an empire, they've no interest in slaughtering dragons, I'm living evidence of that, they sheltered me from the rest of the prejudice world.

Author:  Falconer [ Thu Nov 30, 2006 9:13 am ]
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Draconis looked amusedly at the fiery-tempered half-breed. "By fate, or by majic, the Greeks' fate is bound up in the fate of the rest of mankind. I am not saying that they have not done good; merely that in this situation, they are to be treated no differently. Battle is out of the question. We are here to save humanity, not to start a civil war."

Author:  dragonfly [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 12:33 pm ]
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"Draconis, you said nothing about the fate of humanity when we talked." Aeryn looked worried "My fate is NOT tied up with theirs. I chose the dragons long ago. Am I correct?"

Author:  wut2say [ Tue Dec 05, 2006 6:43 pm ]
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Maryan turned towards Aeryn, "you're here, that means your fate would not be tied to theirs. if that is any different than i will pull myself out of this." she turned to look at Draconis, "and i think you need all the help you can get if you want this to work."

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Dec 06, 2006 11:39 am ]
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Draconis responded, "I cannot pull this off alone, that is why I called you all here. Now, on to planning." He began marking off locations on the map. "How many of you are familiar with the practice of scrying?"

Author:  Corva [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 2:45 pm ]
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Isotor mlded in out of the shadows. He was in his human form and had been listening to the conversation. Everyone looked at him. He quickly changed to dragon form.

Author:  Falconer [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:07 pm ]
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OCC: For future reference, please wait until your are recognized before you begin posting. Thank you.

IC: "Ah," said Draconis. "Hello Isotor. We could use another mind here."

Author:  wut2say [ Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:43 pm ]
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Maryan looked at the newcomer, "Oh, Isotor. Welcome I'm Maryan." she turned back to look at Draconis, "I've done a bit of scrying, but i havent exactly mastered it. i can find places but that's about it."

Author:  Falconer [ Wed Dec 13, 2006 9:05 am ]
Post subject: 

Due to circumstances beyond my control, this RP has been temporarily terminated. Please see the topic "Bye you guys" in the GENERAL section.

Author:  Falconer [ Mon Jan 22, 2007 1:20 pm ]
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By the powers invested within me, I hereby ressurect this RP. Live, live, live!!!

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