
Dragon Riders of Ansalon Weyr
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Author:  Heavyman [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Dragon Riders of Ansalon Weyr

Areon walked about the halls of the weyr, each step as purposeful as the last. The walls were of ancient wood, enchanted to be resistant to all type of fire.The wood was warping in several places, the floor boards creaked with every step, it was indeed an ancient place, well over one million years old. He walked on a smiraling ramp, it encircled the entire weyr, from top to bottom. He kept his wings type to his back, and his tail from dragging along the floor, he never let it drag like some other half dragons did. As always, his sword was sheathed at his side, and today he wore a scowl on his face, it seemed he always had a scowl on his face anymore, and always grumpy. Areon was not happy about losing this war. Nor was he at all happy about losing his last dragon, Farnos to a cannonball. His new dragon Ashlena had chose him for a reason he did not know, but he did like his new dragon, and had for many years, but a part of him never got used to being without his old dragon. Perhaps, if they did win this war, he'd cheer up, but that was if they won the war.

Drow had captured one weyr, and about five dragons, whom they started to use to raid Ansalon. The orcs had done the same, but the dumb dim witted creatures soon were either eaten by one of Ansalon's dragons, or died by the sword. Elves, dwarves, and humans passed him, they were non-riders, but warriors nonetheless. He was moving towards the Dragon Roost, scouts had reported an orc raiding party at the base of the mountain, headed for a well defended village. As he came into the Roost, he was the only rider there so far. Areon moved toward Ashlena, and spoke up.
"Are you about ready, Ashlena?"

Author:  Brezgyahnya [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:28 pm ]
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A tiger colored cat sat on a ledge on the wall, it's blue-silver eyes that were glazed over with a hint of red were watching Areon intently. It flicked its tail slightly, but otherwise didn't move.

Author:  Ersska [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:42 pm ]
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Ashlena was laying down when Areon walked in. Ashlena liked her new rider, but she was always iffy on whether or not he liked her. He had had another dragon that was killed. She was his second. She could tell that Areon missed his dragon terribly. He never seemed to be in a happy mood.
Ashlena remained lying down. She turned to Areon.
"More orcs," she sighed. "That's all it's been lately. Orcs, orcs, orcs. When are we going to have something a little more challenging?" Ashlena loved to fight. "Orcs are dumb," she continued to complain. "And they taste bad." She said the last in an attempt to make Areon smile.

Author:  Corva [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:58 pm ]
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Elsindel stood on the top of the weyr looking down on the carnage that had been wrought. The village below had been devastated. Not a single building had been left standing. All those lives lost...

Sighing, she turned away. They had managed to get some of the refugees into the weyr. They had to send all the dragons out and carry people back in. The only way out was via the air. She tucked her wings in and went to see her dragon, Maw. On the way she passed Areon. He hadn't been the same since his last dragon had died.

Author:  Brezgyahnya [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:16 pm ]
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The cat jumped down off of the ledge, then silently skirted its way behind Ashlena. Once in the hall, Brezgyahnya changed to her elf form, her black tunic and pants helping her to blend easily in with the shadows. She made her way slowly to the lower levels.

Author:  Jake [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 5:29 pm ]
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Stormmaw glided peacefully through the weyr, his wings fluttered gently through the brisk wind, he liked the feeling of the wind beating against his scales as he bobbed up and down gently. Stormmaw had a sudden thought, What about a new rider?, he pushed this thought aside abruptly for a more powerful one We agreed no since she died. A single tear trickled down his scales as the late sunset shone against it causing stormmaw to squint.

Due to the lack of concentration Stormmaw's balance began to fluctuate frantically, the gales began to push him down to only 10 feet from the ground. A tree nearby startled stormmaw; a sudden crash hit him.

Six parted trees, a small hut and a series of hills were stormmaws first sightings for about twenty minuites, he closed his eyes then opened them once again in a rythmical sequence.
Must've blacked out
Stormmaw got to his feet and attempted to fly over the hills he then spotted a small group
Ermmm hello...who's there?

Author:  Makla [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:38 am ]
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OOC: is it possible to double post? and if it is, do you think it'd be okay if i did for the two different characters?
and i'm a tad confused to Jake's post.
sorry. :oops:

IC: Maw yawned and stretched, turning to look at Elisindel with an interested eye. "Something on your mind, my dear?" he questioned stretched out a comforting wing to her. He was very fond of his rider and, though she might find it annoying, always pried when he felt there was something off. He started to say something else but was interrupted by a trollumping Gaitta.
"Howee! Did I show those orcs or what? Hoo! They ran for cover! Rawr!" Gaitta jumped about and playfully grabbed at his rider's overcoat. "Didja see me? I was hot fire out there!" He crouched down. "You're lucky to have a dragon like me, Hibrantos. Hah, you'd be lost without me!"
Suddenly he perked. "Did anyone hear something?"

Author:  Jake [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 12:54 pm ]
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OOC: sorry makla, I didn't know the Rp started and i had to introduce my character and kinda get into the flow ^^

Its me! Stormmaw shouted from a distance I need help, I've hurt my left wing!

Stormmaw glided, Using his good wing, and landed awkwardly beside them.

Author:  Corva [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 3:41 pm ]
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Just thinking about the destruction Elsindel replied. I mean, they came like that! Not a seconds warning! She could't keep the frustration out of her voice. If we'd had even a minutes warning we could have saved more lives.

Author:  Akira [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 4:06 pm ]
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Driz walked along the weyrs halls, she had her hood up around her head and was walking with her head kept down. She was still getting used to being out in the open were there was alot of light, she did at times miss the underdark. She was walking towards the dragon roost when she heard someone say "Orcs are dumb, And they taste bad.". This made her let out a small laugh as she walked into the dragons roost she took down her hood so she could get a better look around and saw the dragon who had said the funny comment and also saw Areon.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 10:45 pm ]
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Boar looked across at Koka waiting for an answer. It was only by pure luck that he had came to this moment. He had just left the interview to attend a hatching, which he knew he had failed, but as fate would have it he walked out onto the open ground as a dragon was thrashing, threatining to set the village alight. He had simply walked past, but her tail had caught him, knocking him into a wall, but at the same time something had passed between him and the dragon, Koka, as it would be.

She had been pushed particularly hard that day, and had killed her master, but in that instant he knew of all the abuse he had put her through, just as she had known his past, his failures. It wasn't a hatching, but they connected and she calmed down, knowing that he had faced a similar ordeal with his father. He turned towards the men with nets and commanded them to stand down, and they complied, knowing he was the son of a Kireen, a respected warrior family. He reached his hand out and touched her silver muzzle. "Are you okay?" He asked in both thought and speech.

OOC: Dragonobsesie, tell me if this isn't how you wanted to meet, I kinda took the liberty of introducing you, but I'll edit it if you would rather do so yourself.

Author:  Heavyman [ Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:41 pm ]
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Areon looked at Ashlena, his eyes burning with an inner fire of anger, but also of coldness. He looked as if he was going to scold Ashlena for trying to make him smile, but didn't. He walked over to a nearby wall, where he had left his magical spear the other night, grabbing it, he made his way back over to his dragon. His wings held up, as they always were, and he never looked at the ground in sadness. He smiled at his dragon, but not out of happiness from a joke, but out of the thought of slaughtering a few orcs, or anything. He was not evil, but until he avenged his dragon it didn't seem he'd ever recover from his state of remorse, and sadness. He climbed onto Ashlena's back, and looked out over the assembled riders. "Today we ride out again, and meet an oncoming orc charge, also, there are so drow with this batch of orcs, be weary of these creatures, for they are masters of the sword, if you are human, or even elf. Be on your guard, and no cocksure attitudes. Everyone got me?"

Author:  Makla [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 2:38 am ]
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OOC: okay. we're kewl, Jake :)
aaaah! someone give a setting please! are we outside or inside?? what's happening right now??

IC: Gaitta looked up and snorted. "Gotcha, no cocksuredness. Comprendo, chief. But don't expect me to go actin' all modest when i get into the 'mode', you know what i'm saying? I'll be layin' waste to all those scum-toed hoohahs!"
"The only 'hoohah' here is you," Maw snorted back, but not without fondness. He shook his head and turned to his rider. "Come Elsindel, we must go once more. I will protect thee, my dear."

Author:  Corva [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:40 pm ]
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Okay. Elsindel climbed onto his back. Maw took off with a blast of air. Once in the air Elsindel calmed down.

Author:  Corva [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 1:42 pm ]
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Okay. Elsindel climbed onto his back. Maw took off with a blast of air. Once in the air Elsindel calmed down.

Author:  Akira [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 3:42 pm ]
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Driz nodded got ya she said towards areon a serious look now on her face
Driz then looked around i wonder were vis is she said looking around.

OOC: i hope vis posts soon

Author:  wut2say [ Fri Mar 09, 2007 6:43 pm ]
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OOC: Jake, I'm a bit confused......how are we dragon and rider again?

Lily Jane stood in the shadows looking at the wounded dragon that had landed. A group was near by, but concern for the dragon drove her from the shadows. She walked up next to him. "Are you ok?" With her eyes she reviewed the damage the tree had done, "I doesnt look to bad, but..."

Lily Jane stepped back putting her hand over her hidden dagger as the dragon turned to face her. She had let her guard down, and hadnt realized the dragon had moved.

Author:  Brezgyahnya [ Sat Mar 10, 2007 2:51 am ]
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A sudden rush of strong magic hit Areon in the gut, knocking him over. A scryed image of Brezgyahnya appeared in a large bubble of water before Areon. She was speaking in a language not used around the weyr, but for some reason Areon could understand it.
I will help you avenge your dragon, she said.

Author:  Makla [ Sat Mar 10, 2007 1:46 pm ]
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Gaitta fidgeted with impaitence. "Cummon, Hibrantos, i wanna go too..."

Maw soared above the ground, looking below. "I cannot see them, my dear. Tis too far for me and my retched eyesight. Do you think the others will come along soon? Or maybe we got ahead of ourselves and took off without full instructions..." He circled, his head cocked sideways so he could scan the ground for movement. He smiled slightly. "My dear Elsindel, you always do loosen up once in the sky."

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Sat Mar 10, 2007 8:21 pm ]
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Koka ruffled her wings and then tilted her head nodding "Do i really look like im ok" She spoke in anger but then smiled "Im calm now though" She looked around at what she had done and what she could of done "They arent going to like this"

Author:  Jishdefish [ Sun Mar 11, 2007 10:39 am ]
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"Who?" He asked, his mind trying to remember. "The riders, or your former master's boss?" He shook his head. "Either way they have no say over your future, for we are mind connected and they need as many dragons on their side as possible."

Author:  Buhamat [ Sun Mar 11, 2007 11:55 pm ]
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OOC: Gah, srry it took so long.

Vis was, as usual, late. Idly he wandered down the same path Driz had taken, guided by her unique scent. He had never been one to hurry, and now was no exception. Besides, it's not like the fight was going anywhere.

"I wonder were Vis is."

"I am here." his deep baritone voice echoed into the adjacent room where his rider awaited his arrival.

Entering the dragon's roost, Vis quickly examined Driz. So young. She was a good fighter though, and that was all that mattered to him. As long as she didn't die. Quickly, Vis' human being wavered and mutated into a six winged, grey scaled dragon.

"Today we ride out again, and meet an oncoming orc charge, also, there are so drow with this batch of orcs, be weary of these creatures, for they are masters of the sword, if you are human, or even elf. Be on your guard, and no cocksure attitudes. Everyone got me?"

Giving a half nod, Vis lowered himself to allow Driz to get on. "How long has it been since we last rode together?" Despite having fought together for some time now, most of their battles took place with them back to back with the ground firmly beneath them. It was seldom that they would take to the skies together like the would now.

Author:  Akira [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:38 pm ]
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Driz smiled warmly at Vis and climbed onto his back. Even after all this time she was still amazed when vis transformed and felt lucky to have him as a dragon. It has deffiantly been a long time she said lets hope it will be a smooth ride she added thinking of what they were about to do.

Author:  Ersska [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 12:52 pm ]
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Ashlena sighed at the look that Areon gave her.
Will he ever be happy with me? she thought to herself. She remained lying down until he climbed on. Then, in one jump, she was up on all fours ready to go. After his announcement, she turned her had to him.
"Drow are there?!" she bounced a little with anticipation. "Drow are -" Ashlena stopped midsentence. Something had hit Areon. She moved just so he would not fall off. What was he looking at? What did he see?
"Are you ok?" she asked anxiously. The feathers on her head were standing straight up and her eyes were wide.

Author:  Corva [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 2:24 pm ]
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They're just ahead of us.

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