
Destine's Cloud
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Author:  Pandora [ Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Destine's Cloud

You have been summoned by the great goddess of fate, to compeat in a contest in a place far above the clouds called Cloud castle. It's a huge magnifacent Palace in the sky that towwers farther than the eye can see,made of a strange dusty pink material that is impossible to damage. you walk acrossed the cloud covered drawbirdge and into the lage shell shaped gates where you are greeted by a woman's voice echoing over the mummering of a crowd of people in the room with you.

You turn to see a beautiful silver haired figure standing on a balcony several stories above you. There seems to be a strange breeze blowing from out of nowhere,causing her longflowing dress to do a kind of dance behind her. Her blue eyes seem to twinkle as she spots you and motions you to come futher into the room. You do,while looking around at all the other warriors gathered there, who also seemed to have gotten such an invatation. The woman atop the balcony holds up her hands and the room grows quite.

Destine -

Hello! and thank you! I wellcome you all to my palace in the sky! I am Destine, Godess of fate, and as you all know I have summoned you here to commpeat in the contest of the skys. In which you will all be commpeating agaist each other in three different trials. Now I warn you, this is no ordenary compation and there are many dangers.

I cannot asure your safty once the compation begens. So I ask all who fear death to turn back now ! Now, for those of you who wish to stay, you will be given a marker, if you feel you have taken too much and wish to quit,you can open the marker,and you'll be taken out of the compatition. I will not take responsiblaty for you if you break or lose your marker,so be careful! with that said, let the games begen!

Destine waves her hand in the air and suddenly you find yourselves in a lush green forest-like emviorment, full of strange and exotice wildlife that you never dreamed you would ever see. You can smell the arouma of the trees and and brightly colored flowers that grow all around you. A greyish green moss covers the ground and it's slipery beneth your feet,making it very hard to keep your balance.

It is very dark and you can't see past all of the thick growth of trees that soround you completly,and you can hear the slight rush of water of a stream nearby. Cureouse of your new suroundings you take a step foward and you almost run into a vine hanging from the tree tops.

Suddenly something comes crashing through the brush ahead and lands a few feet away from you. It stands atop six taloned spider-like legs,that spread themselves out on a rock infront of you. you notice that the only other limbs it has is it's neck and head, which seem to be directly connected to it's legs. It streaches it's head toward you,and you look away in discuste, for the only feature it's slimy grey head posseses is a long crease that travles from on side of it's head to the other.

Then, you hear an ear pircing screech protrode from the odd creature ,and you turn back to see the skin on the creatures head curl back and revile rows of longe razer sharp fanges. You wait for a moment to see just what it will do when it suddenly lunges at you.............

Author:  Aspaheir [ Wed Jul 20, 2005 1:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Nightram!" The creature stopped in mid-lunge, as if an invisible battering ram had broken all it's teeth.

Squealing in displeasure, the creature ran off, perhaps to seek easier prey.

Nightshade lowered his staff. "Life is meaningless compared to power..." he muttered. "And so I will not turn back in this challenge!"

Author:  Pandora [ Fri Jul 29, 2005 4:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

You watch as a mysterious figure chants at the creature and causes it run momentarly run away. Moments later the creature returns and the man chases it into the brush ahead.

Just then more of the creature's kind spring from the bushes and suround you and all of those around you. Destine apears infrount of you smiling cheerfuly.

Wellcome to my garden,where you will be given your first challange. The creatures before you are one of my many exotic pets I keep in the garden,and they might just take a bite of you is you arn't too careful! In this challage you may not harm them or any of my other creature with magic.

You must resort to your strength and mind power only to find your way through my garden and to the temple located in the very heart of the castle itself! When you reach the temple safely you will be given your next task. Remember you are not allowed to use any kind of magic in this challage! Good Luck!!

Destine told you giggling,winked and then dissapeared just as she had came.

Author:  Aspaheir [ Sat Jul 30, 2005 9:20 am ]
Post subject: 

Nightshade focused his mind on only getting across, but his power was drained ever so dearly.

"Sweet pets," he crooned. "Nice pets, Now let me pass..."

The "Monsters" formed a pathway for him to walk through, but one "Monster remained resilient.

Growling, it charged at Nightshade!

Author:  Pandora [ Sun Jul 31, 2005 9:18 am ]
Post subject: 

Ooc:Well I guess it's just you and me. Now, lets start on how your chracter acts and reacts to things shall we? Just act normaly and we'll see what we have to work with.

No Magic!

It growls and leaps after you,you block its attack with the staff you tow in hand. Knocking it to the ground, but to your suprise it lands on it's strange taloned feet.


It chants again and lunges toward you once more.

Author:  Aspaheir [ Mon Aug 01, 2005 4:27 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nightshade drew his sword, and suddenly came up with an idea just when he was going to stick his sword in one of the dog creatures.

Sticking his sword in the ground, Nightshade moved aside so his shadow was not blocking the sun.

The sun ginted off the sword and the dog creatures were all attracted toward the shiny light.

Nightshade walked past them without any one of them looking up.

Author:  Pandora [ Tue Aug 02, 2005 2:15 pm ]
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Ooc: excuse me! these creature are in no way dog like!!!!!! you better go check that desciption again mister! I am expecting you to edit you post acordingly!

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:51 pm ]
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A man steps out from behind the bushes and approaches the creatures. Kneeling down, he places a morsel of food as an offering to them. Timid and wary the creature approaches, looks critically at the man and food, then eats it. The man places a hand over the head of the creature and smiles at Nightshade. "Violence isn't always the answer young one" speaks the man.

Author:  Pandora [ Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:16 pm ]
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The creatures make a strange chirping noise and gallop away one their strange feet. One stops and looks back at you as if it wants you to follow it.

Them bugers give me the creeps! A man behind you says while looking over your shoulder.

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:39 pm ]
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a stranger falls from the sky roaring ' whats going on'

Author:  Pandora [ Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:34 pm ]
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Whoo dogies! this place just gets creepier and creepeir!
Theragged man told him as he jumped out of the way for the oncomeing falling person.

Ooc: I'm not tring to be rude but lets try to be a bit more constructive with our post,if you are having trouble doing that then tell me so I can try and help you K?

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:41 am ]
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AS he stands up he introduces himself ' hi i am Drian, but now what do we do'

Author:  Taluscion [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:19 pm ]
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"Greetings, Drian" replies the man. "My name is Brearios , I am a knight in service to Lord Taluscion" He walks over to the ghostly form of Destine "I am sorry for my tardiness, but it couldn't be helped, I was busy with Seraphine" He looks around. "If I may ask, what is next?"

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:21 pm ]
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He slowly walks forward and holds out his hand ' great time for me to land aint it'

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 9:42 am ]
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Brearios steps forward and accpets the proffered hand. Shaking it with a smile, he says "Your time was excellent, considering I got here as well."

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:04 am ]
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'Well sorry for dropping in like this, Hi im Drian' Drian slowly walks away and start to look around ' What is this place it reminds me of something but what' He turns round looking toward the other person waiting for a reply.

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:27 am ]
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Brearios looks around as well.

Bre: Well, it IS a gardern isn't it?

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:30 am ]
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'A.....a garden what is that i have never heared of one of those' He takes another short look round

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:50 am ]
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Bre: Actually, I believe this is more of the Forest of Alquanan...but I could be wrong.

Brearios unsheathed his sword, a glimmering katana.

Bre: Destine! Shall I proceed in hacking a path with Andune(sword) or is there an easier way?

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:32 pm ]
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'I am confused what is goin on here'

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:44 pm ]
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Brearios turned around to look at Drian.

Bre: Well, I would guess this is a quest, but I'm not entirely sure where Destine is.

He looks around the clearing.

Bre: I accepted this quest to further my reputation as the Firefang...well then, the next best thing...is to spar.

Brearios turns to Drian and looks at him as if waiting for an answer.

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:46 pm ]
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'I wish to join' He changes from human to dragon ' IM READY WHENEVER YOU ARE'

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:56 pm ]
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Brearios smiles to himself.

Bre: Oh, you shall regret your decision.

He glows with a warm red light. The light starts pulsating. Then Brearios disappears. Drian looks around trying to find where he is, spotting a glimmer to his left, he swipes his claws, catching Brearios in midswing.

Author:  Dragonobsesie [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 12:58 pm ]
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Drian shouts 'I wish not too fight but to be helped, please let me be'

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:01 pm ]
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Brearios lowers his sword, a confusd look on his face.

Bre: But I thought...ahaha...(smiles) Excuse me for my mistake.

He resheathes Andune, wipes off his hands and looks up to Drian.

Bre: Excuse me for asking, but what could be troubling you?

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