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Author:  Medea [ Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Marketplace

*Medea walked silently into the vibrant marketplace of Oceana, watching all of the subjects of the kingdom go about their daily business happily. Talking, and idle chatter filled the hot, dusty air, and there were many people around simply sitting and relaxing in the shade.

Stands lined the dirt roads, and vendors stood out with their goods, yelling out prices, trying to sell their things. People milled around, looking at all the wares, trying to decide what to buy. A general air of liveliness filled the air.*

Medea: Well, this is such a nice day! I am so glad that I decided to go shopping. . .

*Suddenly, a person saw her in her standard red skirt with her deerskin jacket. Recognizing the protector of their beloved royal line, the only pheonix in the land, said person yelled out enthusiastically. Medea walked away slowly, only to have a crowd gather around her.*

Medea: Well. .. *gulps nervously* I'm just a normal person, I don't know what you are -

*Medea begins running away, and suddenly a huge crash is heard as she trips and falls into a stand, knocking it over on top of her. . . *

Author:  Draches [ Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:40 am ]
Post subject: 

*Medea became engulfed in miniature stuffed dragon toys as she landed on top of the vendors stand...*

What the heck do you think your doing! a gruff voice yelled out. Those are collectibles! Who is responsible for this atrocity!

*The crowd merely pointed to the pile of dragon Collectibles as a rough looking male stepped from out of the shadows, clad in black Leather pants adorned with various chains and straps,and a tight black shirt with metal sleeve armor attached. *

*The male stepped up to the pile of toys and flicked his long silver hair out of his face, revealing bright green eyes that appeared to swirl in the sunlight. Reaching over his shoulder he slowly began to draw his weapon.*

* The crowd gasped when they saw what he had produced, it was a large spear, crafted of blackened metal with a silver spike. Engraved on the shaft of the spear were various runes and enchantments, also which gleamed silver.*

Now, i'm going to ask you again, said the man taking a step forward, who is responsible for this.

* Suddenly the crowd just erupted into fits of screaming as they all scambled over one another to get away*

Worked like a charm, said the man as he walked back towards the pile of toys...

Author:  Serenity [ Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

Serenity had been admiring a pair of lovely-looking daggers when a noise from behind startled her. Turning around slowly, she soon realized where the sound was coming from; a crowd of panicked villagers was headed in her direction, threatening to squash her.

Forced into reacting quickly, Serenity tried to flatten herself against a nearby hedge. This, however, only resulted in a backwards tumble into the spiky branches of the well-trimmed plant. She swore loudly, scrambling to get to her feet as the river of people gushed past her body, anchored in place by the shrub. After a good ten minutes of getting pushed, stepped on, elbowed, and squished, she was finally able to pull herself from the brambles.

Now that the crowd had passed, she looked around sullenly for the culprits who had started the fiasco. Her eyes settled upon a black-clad man and a pile of stuffed children’s toys. A familiar face peaked out from the snarling pile of enchanted stuffed dragons. It seems they had been spelled to move about when jostled, which now proved for a funny sight, as Medea had upset the whole rack. Tiny reptilian replicas now danced on top of her as she scowled.

Serenity pulled a leaf from her hair and smiled in spite of herself. Looking around for stray carts, she crossed the market-street to meet with them. She winked at Medea, who was pulling an angry doll from her hair. The little dragon’s claws had tangled itself dreadfully in her red tresses.

<font color=purple>You know, Medea, if you wanted one of these toys and weren’t tall enough to reach, you could have just asked for help...</font>

She picked up the only doll that had not fallen off the cart and sat it on Medea’s lap, grinning.

Author:  Chalgrish [ Sun Sep 11, 2005 3:54 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chalgrish had been bargaining with a merchant for an ebony bow, when Medea had been trampled by the crowd. He watched with interest as the crowd ran away from the man with his black spear. After Serenity had placed a toy upon Medea's lap, he walked over and helped her up.

Need a little help there? You, however.... said Chalgrish as he turned to the stall owner. YOU had better put to toy down before you prick someone's eye out!

Author:  Draches [ Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

The man wrapped a friendly arm around chalgrish's neck

Ah c'mon man, no need for any of that!, he said twirling the spear and tapping himself on the head with it's tip, i was just gettin rid of those annoying people.

Bending over with a sigh he picked up one of the dancing dragons. These things weren't selling anywayz, he said throwing it back down. I guess a replica of myself wasn't quite what anybody wanted. maybe i shoulda put some pink pumps and a hairbow on it. what do you think serenity?

Author:  Serenity [ Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:43 pm ]
Post subject: 

Serenity picked up on of the small dragons, but dropped it quickly after it bit her on the hand. It ran around at her feet growling and bearing long, pointy teeth. Serenity glared back at it, rubbing the red spot on her hand.

<font color=purple>Should you even be selling these things to children, Draches?</font>

She grinned at him.

<font color=purple>You'd probably get more money if <i>you</i> wore the pink bow and pumps while you were selling them. People might toss you some money just cause they feel sorry for you...</font>

Author:  Teirnan Elidor [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 5:00 pm ]
Post subject: 

"Excuse me...." The trio's attention was drawn to an intruding voice. A man dressed in fur cloaks and black leather approached the group. "But does this thing belong to you."

The winged man addressed them and pointed upward to the swarm of tiny dragons nawing on his white wings. With one great thrust he threw the little demons off his back into the air. The trinkets went up and then back down onto the wayward man behind Draches. Coincidentally, a surprised scream escaped his mouth.

"By the way, I'm Teirnan. Teirnan Elidor"
He introduced himself as he took a bow, looking up into the entrancing gaze of the beautiful half-elf.

Author:  Draches [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 6:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

*sigh* alright, enough of these little buggers he said tapping his spear butt on the ground twice, causing the dancing, biting, flying trinkets to fall where they were, moving no longer.
And serenity. If i wanted to go drag, i'd be two blocks from here. Duh! He deftly turned his attention from the clueless serenity to the new appearance
nice to meet you sir, how are you this fine day?

Author:  Teirnan Elidor [ Mon Sep 12, 2005 10:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not sure I'd wanna see a dragon in drag Teirnan thought as he rose from his bow.

"I am feeling well on this fine day. However, I believe that I am over dressed for this summer weather."

Teirnan looks about the group, curious as to who will respond first. His eyes stop at the half-elf.

"Perhaps it would be best if you introduced yourselves to me as well. Or is there a lack of manners in the south?

Author:  Serenity [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 5:05 pm ]
Post subject: 

<font color=purple>Teirnan Elidor of Q’auranith?</font>

Serenity hadn’t recognized him after so many years, but it now seemed obvious. His northern accent and features should have all but given him away. She beamed at him after recognizing his name.

<font color=purple>The last time I saw you, you and your brother were just children... </font> She gazed into Teirnan's confused face, seeing bits of his father's from so many years ago. It was his mother's eyes, however, that rested upon her own.

<font color=purple>You don't remember me, do you? </font>

Author:  Medea [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 7:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

*Medea simply sat and looked at Serenity as she openly mocked the pheonix, a twitch beginning to devolop in her eyebrow. She sputtered incoherently, then mummbled a thanks to Chalgrish as he helped her up.

Another of the little devil toys began sauntering over to her, but began backing off as soon as Medea shot it a fierce, fire-filled glare of pure hatred. (lol).*

Medea: Draches, I should have KNOWN that you would be the ONLY one capable of making stupid little toys of yourself and making them threatning, and mean. . . *she started to say really fast as Draches's grin only began to grow.* And Draches, stop making fun of me in your mind, I KNOW you have that stupid grin plastered to your face *she said in a huff without even looking at him.*

*She listened as Serenity talked to Draches.*

Medea: I agree, you shouldn't give those things to the poor, unsuspecting children *she said seriously, grinning at the thought of schoolchildren running away in fear from a few stuffed animals*

Medea: OH, and you really would make more money if you dressed in drag. . .that or severely traumatize a few unsuspecting people. Either way we ought to have a lot of fun, eh?

*Medea said, back to her good-natured self, grinning at the dragon. He merely frowned and stuck his toung out at her.*

Medea: Oh, and thanks for putting those things back.

*She turned to Terinan Elidor*

Medea: Hello and welcome! I have a feeling that we've met before. *she listened to Serenity say something about knowing his parents.*
Oh, yes, I remember too now! Ah hah! It's good to see you.

Author:  Pandora [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 8:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

Midnight scaned over the empty streets couriuosly. She had been taking a stroll along the street hoping she might find something interesting to add to her massive collection of nick-nacks and trinkets,but there was no one in sight,not even the marketers where out,which in her opion was very strange concidering how nice the day was.

She kept walking, while trying to figure out the mystery behind the absents of people when she noticed a small group of people standing next to a plush toy stand. She attempted to straighten her long silver hair,and folded up her wings tring to make them less noticable.

When she was saticfied she walked over to the group,her tail wagging behind her.

Hello! Names Midnight,would you mind if I joined in on your little group?

Author:  Teirnan Elidor [ Tue Sep 13, 2005 10:48 pm ]
Post subject: 

Teirnan looked inquisitively at the half-elf, trying to remember who she was. Then, she smiled at him with such glorious radiance. Suddenly, it came to him, he remembered who she was.

“Serenity? It can’t be.â€￾ Teirnan couldn’t believe how this could be the same woman. “I remember once long ago, when I accompanied my father on one of his visits to your castle. I was considerably much younger then, of course.â€￾

Teirnan then turned to the little spitfire, “You must be Medea then. I remember you as well. It’s been a long time, far too long.â€￾

“I guess that just leaves you,â€￾ Teirnan turned to the black clad man next to Serenity. “I’m positive I don’t remember you. Tell me, what name are you known by?â€￾

Author:  Draches [ Wed Sep 14, 2005 8:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear sir i barely remember what i ate for breakfast, much less someone i met a lot time ago. Anywho, the name is Draches. Friendly silver dragon of the dear Serenity's castle. I know i may not look it, but i am in fact a dragon! He sheathed his spear and extended a hand towards Teirnan. Any friend of Serenitys is a friend of mine!

Author:  Teirnan Elidor [ Fri Sep 16, 2005 1:09 am ]
Post subject: 

Teirnan took Draches hand in a firm grip. "Nice to make your aquaintance." Teirnan smiled as their hands moved up and down. "Come, let's have a drink over there." Teirnan motioned to a nearby pub.

Author:  Pandora [ Fri Sep 16, 2005 5:56 am ]
Post subject: 

Midnight looked over at the pub and shruged her soulders to no one in praticular,there was no one there to sevice the pub. Suddenly one of the plush-toys on the gound caught her eye. Quickly she snached it up to examine it.

Ya,know what,I think one of my kids would actuly get one of these,Before you go have yur drink,would you mind selling me one?

She smiled,as the rest of the group was stairing at her as if she where completly nuts.

Author:  Medea [ Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Pub

Medea: Terinan, how could you forget Draches! Hahah. . . well, that sounds good *she added as Terinan motioned toward the pub* By the way, welcome Midnight! How are you?

*Midnight then asked for one of the toys*

Medea: Are you sure?? Those things are dangerous!! Don't buy anything that Draches makes!

*Draches glared at Medea as she said that.*

Medea: Anyways, I could do with some red wine. Shall we?

Author:  Pandora [ Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

Oh,I'm fine thanks,and yeah,that's why he'd like it. He's really into killer plush-toys. I really don't know why. As far as the drink goes,you haven't tried anything unless yuv had some blood apple wine.

Midnight said tossing a bag of gold coins at Darches.

I sure hope thats enough.

She tossed her hair to the side as she talked.

Author:  Draches [ Sat Sep 24, 2005 1:10 pm ]
Post subject: 

yes... , he said with shifty eyes, of course, that's just enough.
Please allow me to secure this and i shall meet you in the tavern momentarily! and with that he disappeared into the shadows behind his ruined stand

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 10:02 am ]
Post subject: 

A man dressed in a deathly black robe witht the hood up slowly crosses the street. The air around the place grows colder as the figure draws nearer. Suddenly, a figure darts out from the shadows..

Seraphine: TALUS!!!

The man tried to move but the girl tackled him over knocking off his hood revealing shiny black hair and startled expression on a lovely elven face.

Talus: AGh! Seraphine! What are you doing! You ruined my entrance!

Talus brushed the mess of blond hair out of his face and looked at the girl. She quivered her lip and widened her eyes in a traditional puppy dog pout.
He sighed.

Talus: I just can't win when it comes to you, little sister.

She grinned up at him.

Seraphine: Nor can I Your Majesty!

Talus was mortified. He clamped his hand over the girls mouth when he noticed the group loitering nearby. he laughed nervously and scratched the back of his head.

Talus: Ahehe...its a wonder what this girl says next...sweet baby sister (strokes her head while she's struggling) I think you have me mistaken for some-one-else.

Forcing the last syllables, Talus got up and dusted himself off. A crown fell out of his robe. Sparkling with sapphires and emeralds, it was truly a beauty. With inhuman quickness, he snatched it up.

Talus: Ummm, its fake.

He looked sheepish.

Author:  Chalgrish [ Fri Sep 30, 2005 5:11 pm ]
Post subject: 

CHalgrish had wandered over to the stand where he had been searching for a new bow, when a voice rang out. It said something about Your Majesty, and Chalgrish walked over to the seemingly elven arrivals, but he was not to be fooled. He saw the glint of gold sloppily hidden behind layers of black cloth. He looked at Talus and whispered into his ear.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but are you Talus, King of Dragons, with a captain of your guard named Malchios?

Author:  Taluscion [ Sat Oct 01, 2005 8:08 pm ]
Post subject: 

Talus scratched the back of his head. He glared at Seraphine.

Ta: I was hoping to travel in secret, but SOMEONE ruined that...

Seraphine pouted again. Talus rolled his eyes, then looked up to Chalgrish.

Ta: You seem knowledgeable on the subject of my history...what do you intend to do now?

Author:  Chalgrish [ Sat Oct 01, 2005 10:01 pm ]
Post subject: 

Chalgrish grinned and turned away brusquely. "Nothing, Talus." he muttered as he walked toward the tavern.

Author:  Mia [ Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:30 pm ]
Post subject: 

**walking down the street holding her sons hand**


.......Hi chalgrish......so wat u guys talking about??

**Matthew-Hi tawus!!!! :shock:

Author:  Pandora [ Sun Oct 09, 2005 8:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Midnight let out a giggle.

Talus?What cover? Just about everyone here already knows who you are! I came here shoping for nick-nacks to decorate the castle with,whats yur excuse?

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