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 Post subject: Daemon Star
PostPosted: Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:43 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:04 am
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Miles fidgeted nervously outside the cabin door, shifting uneasily from foot to foot as he sifted through the pile of yellowed documents in his arms. Their interception could prove a God-send in lieu of the downward spiral business had taken as of late. True, money and product had never really poured in, per se (though Miss Harlie and Madam Keiko were far from the bottom rung of their profession), but this slump was just ridiculous. They hadn’t had a good cash-in in what seemed like weeks, though what disturbed Miles and his cohorts more than this slip in business was Keiko’s temperament. It was obviously beginning to wear on her nerves, and that knowledge alone set him on his toes as he raised his hand to knock on the cabin door. Images of the formidable female literally throwing Scravey across the threshold that he was about to cross chased themselves round Miles’ mind as he awaited to be called in. He didn’t have long to wait.
“Enter!â€￾ a gruff female voice called from within. Miles had a moment of hesitation before the voice became impatient and called again. “I said ’Enter’!â€￾ A heavy sigh escaped the man’s lanky form as he cautiously pushed the door open and peered inside. As his eyes adjusted he took a moment and gazed round the room, trying to locate his boss. It was a difficult task in the elegant cabin, whose red and purple stained glass windows dimmed the bright afternoon sunlight. Shadows shaped and reshaped themselves, chasing each other around the walls and across the decadent furniture. Miles watched the hazy bird-like wraiths flit over the Arabian couch on the starboard wall, dipping and soaring with the ocean breezes outside until they came to rest around a great oak desk centered against the far wall.
Under normal conditions, the stained-glass windows behind it would have added a warm, comfortable element to the room, but that effect was quickly lost on Keiko’s right-hand man as he considered his situation and nervously looked around, still trying to locate the short-fused head-of-ship. It only took a moment longer, for as the young man’s eyes adjusted to the dim light of the cabin, he saw her. Standing across the room behind a study-table positively strewn with maps and documents was the Captain. She didn’t seem to notice him at first as he made his way across the cabin, his boots making a somewhat hollow sound as he strode towards her, wondering what in blazes she was looking at so closely.
As he reached the table, he found that it was map that his superior was hunched over, pinned to the middle of the table and dotted with tacks of every color and sort. Her long white tresses brushed the table as she perused the document, following an ocean current pattern with a long, elegant finger, gloved as always. She muttered something under her breath to herself that was hardly audible for Miles, though he could tell from her tone that she was not happy. Something about that current… In his curiosity, the younger sailor gently set the veritable paper-mill of documents down on a divan behind him and moved to peer more closely at the map himself, hoping that he wasn’t doing something that would put his immediate life in danger.
“Ah, the British shipping lanes,â€￾ he commented, seeing now the woman’s spidery handwriting covering the currents and tides of the map.
“Yes, the shipping lanes,â€￾ Keiko answered as she straightened herself and gazed at him from slightly narrowed sapphire depths. She took another quick look at the map and ran a hand through her long, white tresses to get them out of her face- an action that reminded Miles of just how… unusual his Captain was. True, she had cheated Death at least as many times as he could count on his fingers and toes, and she had an inhuman ruthlessness about her. But in all truth and honesty, he was sure that it was the woman’s looks from whence all the stories about her inhumanity sprung. Looking at her face, he was reminded of an elf or faerie from the book of Irish lore that sat beside his bunk. The long, elegant features, the almond-shaped eyes… he was almost sure that her ears were pointed. A swift sweeping motion to roll up the map however, and the moment was over and gone. It was no supernatural beauty that stood before him anymore, but a deadly one whose eyes were silently demanding an explanation for his intrusion.
“Um… We may.. May have found something that could be of some use, Madam,â€￾ he managed, picking up the papers and laying them on the table before her. With seemingly little interest she idly sifted through them, not daring to show her hope that it was something of actual use. True, Keiko loved her crew more than she was willing to admit to them, but they could really be a bunch of bungling idiots at times, and over the past weeks she had been brought everything under the sun that “could be of some useâ€￾. In fact, she had thrown Scravey out just the other day for bringing her a worthless flier for an auction. But these looked a tad different. These were official documents, sealed by the Royal trading company and signed by the Governor of Jamaica himself and the head of the… East India Trading Company?! The name struck the woman like a blow to the head and in her surprise she picked up the document to view it fully and found that it was a list of all the cargo the ship would be carrying and more importantly, the route it would be taking. This could be the biggest raid in a month’s worth of work! She skimmed the rest of the document, anxiously looking for the most important piece of information. Finally, near the bottom she found it. The invoice was signed and dated for the fifth of May. With a quick tally on her fingers the Captain realized that gave them little more than a week to get going if they were going to catch this thing.
“Where did you find this?â€￾ she demanded, her eyes glittering dangerously. If this turned out to be for real, they were in for quite a pay-day and if it turned out to be a load of crap, she was going to personally tar and feather whomever had given this to Miles to taunt her with. Her right-hand man, of course, knew this and found himself hesitant to answer her, casting his gaze at the floor for a moment before answering her.
“Well, Madam, Pilontus went ashore and intercepted it from a messenger. We’re not sure, but the man DID have the royal seal on his bag and his uniform…â€￾
A wicked grin spread across Keiko’s face as her eyes lit up with an almost feral glitter of ambition. She gazed from the document to a smaller map on the table and back, mentally beginning to figure out what course would best intersect with that of the doomed freighter. Her attention was absorbed in this newest venture and she could feel some of her anger beginning to slip the tiniest bit. With a contented sigh of approval, she walked out from behind the table, past Miles and made her way to a rack behind her desk. From there, she grabbed her sword, an elegant rapier appropriately named “Fallenâ€￾, for around about the hilt it had the most detailed design of a feather and a demon claw. After making sure it was secure on her person, the Captain took down a small, elegant pistol and secured it in a holster on her hip before turning around to face Miles. There was a sense of excitement about her as she walked by him again, this time, to the coat-rack where her crimson jacket and black, feathered hat resided. “Miles, send word to Harlie to rally her men and meet us in Port Royal,â€￾ she said as she adjusted the hat on her head. Once situated, she turned on her heel and headed for the cabin door, where she stopped for a moment and turned to him, a mischievous grin crossing her features. “After all, if we’re going to attack their two ships, we’re going to need a couple more men.â€￾
Whether it was the sparkle of ambition or the blood-lust with which Miles knew Keiko fought, he couldn’t be sure, but somehow he could tell that this was going to prove more than any of them had bargained for when signing on with her.
Thus a few days later, Keiko's men found themselves reunited with Harlie's in the infamous port, helping the two Captains search out prospective crew-members.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:10 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus was kicking himself for having sent the boy. It had been two days now and still there was no sign of the package. He would have received it, if the boy hadn’t been intercepted and a woman nonetheless!

Marcus: Damn pubescent whelp!

He said kicking the air.

A cry from outside made him stop pacing the floor and pop his head out of the window. Along the street came a wagon, it was loaded with supplies. He moved his gaze to the port and saw the two huge ships which had docked in the night. It would seem they were making ready to sail. He thought this odd as the winter was coming in and, although it wasn’t cold, the weather was becoming more inclement and any normal, god fearing, sailor would be less then keen to stock up for a voyage.

As the wagon got closer he could just see what it was under the tarp.


The label of one of them wasn’t as well hidden as the others.

Marcus: So this is no ordinary merchant vessel then.

He quickly scanned the boats again and this time noticed no merchant flags or royal insignia.

Marcus: Pirates!

He said half to himself and half to no one in particular. The Dog lying on the rug by the fire turned its head towards him, slightly annoyed its rest had been disturbed. Marcus ignored this and stomped across the room to the door, he pulled on his boots and went down stairs, through the Inn, to the street to find out more about the ships these wagons were going to. Something was telling him that it might be connected to his missing package and he knew that, if he pried a little, he would still find someway to profit from it. Because it was becoming clear that he wasn’t going to be able to sell the information anymore.

Last edited by Fyre on Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:28 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Harlie grinned as she watched the wagon head toward the ships. It was one of her favorites of Keiko's crew that had intercepted the invoice, after all, and she wasn't sure when the last time was that she'd been more thankful to a woman, though she was sure that if anyone could have managed it, it would have been Revia Pilontus.

The same woman had offered to set the powder at the dock, and Harlie felt her grin widen as she and Keiko entered the Silver Cutlass. So absorbed was she that she didn't see the rather perturbed man behind her. With a quick "sorry" she pushed ahead to keep up with Keiko as the short, fiery woman pushed her way throught the rowdy crowd of the Tavern. The last view that he got of the tall, lanky pirate Captain was her long red braid, adorned with various little charms and trinkets swinging back and forth.

"Remember what we're here for," Keiko muttered to her partner as they split company at the bar.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:02 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus nodded away the apology and as he walked through the door he glanced back and saw a tall woman with braided red hair. He would have sworn she was a pirate captin, and if she had been a man she would have been. Marcus was of the mindest that Women were for looking at and he liked to look at them, he also liked to court them, bed and the then move on. he was slightly renowned for it, however at the same time he was respected...well by his friends....and when he meant friends he really meant the boy who had gotten him into all of this mess in the first place.

thinking no more of the woman, he would save that for when he returned, he headed out to the wagon and fell into line behind it. sure enough the wagon was heading to the dock and soon he would have the package in his hands, as well as some knowledge of these ships.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 3:36 pm 
King of Dragons
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Sasha straightened the brooch that was holding his cape as he walked through the doors of the tall building. The sign outside read "East India Trading Co.", he smiled to himself as he strode across the room to the counter. A small man was busily scribing something down on a piece of paper. Sasha waited until after he was finished stamping the Royal Seal and giving directions to the young page who was to deliver it. His patience was rewarded. When the man turned and spotted Sasha, his eyes widened and he quickly mumbled an apology about not noticing and how busy he was but Sasha put up a hand to stop him. "Now, now, Claude," Sasha started with a heavy French accent. "I only came here to find out when the next shipment is leaving so I may accompany it." Claude's eyes widened. "But milord, does your father know of this venture?" His green eyes narrowed. " Do NOT speak of my father in front of me!" Claude stammered his apologies. "Please, Claude, I am sorry, I shouldn't have yelled, but I do not want my father controlling my life." Claude walked over to the scroll cabinet and pulled out some parchment. "Ah, yes, Lord D'Farot...you can sign up for this particular ship as a mercenary...apparently, it is carrying a VERY interesting load." Sasha's interest was peaked. "Where can I find this ship?" he quieried. Claude gave him directions and a letter of recommendation to Sorel, the Captain of the sailing ship, Matreya. As he walked, he heard rumors of piracy and the two ships that were supposed to leave. Sasha grew more worried when he heard about the type of pirates that were out there. One fearsome souding one was Keiko, or something like that. He brushed the thought out of his head when he touched his rapier. It was his family heirloom. It was aptly named "Luck of the Deep" for it was a deep sea-blue, even the blade, and it brought incredible luck to the wielder. This particular sword had kept his family alive for decades and it brought him reasurrance as his hand dropped on the familiar pommel. Before he knew it, he was on the ship shaking hands with Capt. Sorel for agreeing to protect his ships from pirates. He leaned against the mast as the other sailors were preparing. "This should be a bountiful voyage" he thought to himself. "And with my Luck with me, I'm sure to make it!" He turned to the side as the Captain walked over to him. "Lad, we'll be settin' sail later this week so you can go to shore now and be merry for our voyage is a long one!" After delivering his advice, the Captain stalked off looking for trouble-makers. Sasha turned his attention down the dock and spied a local tavern. It seemed to be popular s he went inside.

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
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Last edited by Taluscion on Thu Oct 13, 2005 8:56 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Tue Oct 11, 2005 7:35 pm 
Legend of Old

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A man was seen being chased by a frantic bar tender waving his rapier frantically. The figure that was fleeing apparently possessed several kegs on his person. This figure had to be the notorious pirate, the one they called Strider.

They say you couldn’t kill him no matter how hard you try. Legend has it, that he escaped the fiery pits of hell itself. Rumor spreads that he had fought the world's largest British naval forces with only a merchant vessel and lived! A truly remarkable character, this pirate!

And yet he is running from a tavern keeper with several kegs of beer...

His loose red vest fluttered as he generated a breeze with his quick movements. His brown hair flailed from side to side with his every step. The door was in sight, oh so close to escape! The next thing he can recall is pushing off one of the kegs he was carrying, which apparently fell on his face, and readjusting his vision. He was staring into the vibrant eyes of two very attractive ladies. Little did he know they were the two infamous pirates Keiko and Harlie. With a devilish smirk manifesting into play, Strider stood up and introduced himself abruptly.

Oh I'm sorry! Harlie stated

Apparently I ran into you gorgeous! Good think to! With a body like that, you can block my path all day if you want! I am not complaining!

Without warning, the fuming bar tender scurried into view shouting several obscenities and continued to chase Strider. With a friendly wink, a kiss on the hand, he said his goodbye to Harlie. As he approached Keiko, the smirk on his face faded into a glance of surprise as he was staring into the barrel of a black powder pistol.

Sorry m'lady, but I do not have time for this. Rain check? Right then.. Tootles!

Strider then took off after nabbing one of the kegs he had previously carried and disappeared off in the distance.

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 12, 2005 12:12 am 
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William walked into the tavern; slowly approaching the tables. Stepping out the way to let one of the patrons and the tavern keeper run by with running into him.

He quickly spotted the two women, and having been at sea as long as he had been, he easily recognized who they were. the only thing that kept him from approaching them, wasn't who they were, but rather his shyness of women.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:27 am 
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However, neither of the women were shy about the opposite sex (indeed, most of their crews save one member were male) and one of them had caught site of the young man. With a small grin Harlie sized him up from across the room as she sipped her tea, becoming more interested by the moment. Young, strong, obviously a sailor already... He would work well no matter whose ship he happened upon when she and Keiko split up the new men they were to find here. The pirate captain glanced over at Keiko, who seemed to be keeping an eye on the door and the various comings and goings of the Tavern before adjusting the purple bandanna on her head, adjusting her belt, and grabbing a mug of ale. She headed over to teh table and set it down before William, a warm smile on her face as he turned to gaze at her.

"You look like you could use some company and maybe an interesting venture."

Keiko saw her partner stand and head into thw crowd, but didn't worry herself too much about it. Harlie could take care of herself and generally had fairly good judge of character. She meanwhile, was keeping her eyes open for anyone who might be of use without much luck. The woman sighed heavily, her bright sapphire eyes clouding with frustration as she downed another shot of whiskey. Other than that crazy pirate and the frenchman, the whole lot here seemed to be composed of nothing but drunks, murderers and burglars. And while that normally would have been fine with her, the majority of these ones seemed to be complete idiots; sh'd wind up shooting them in less than two days. Only a couple caught her eye, and she made sure to keep them in her sights as she continued in her round.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 9:07 am 
King of Dragons
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Sasha looked around the noisy pub at all the different people. Most were drunks laughing and hinting at the waitresses with their boisterous jeers. "What a dump to spend my last days on land at" he thought to himself. He walked to a corner table and sat down. The shadows concealed the brilliant redness of his hair, but he pulled his hood over it anyway. Studiously, Sasha stared at one person in particular. She had the whitest of hair, yet she was young. He couldn't understand how this could be. The ethereal beauty turned around, and her sapphire eyes caught his emerald. In the few seconds of contact, Sasha learned all he needed. This must be the dreaded captain Keiko. He stood up quickly, and looked around the room and recognized another pirate that was as fearsome as she. Harlie!. His insides turned to ice as realization struck him. He was in a pirate hotspot! In a panicked rush, he bolted for the door, for hoping no one would acknowldege his presense.

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
If you would like a new avatar or sig pic, pm me and ask. ^^

Last edited by Taluscion on Thu Oct 13, 2005 4:31 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 10:36 am 
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"Hell...hello, Captain Harlie." William stammered, trying not to sound like an idiot. "My name is William Treyson, and I am looking for an adventure. what is it that I can do for you, madam?"

William knew that he probably sounded really stuffy, but he didn't know how to talk to women.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 3:08 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
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Nick watched the young boy as he walked over to the girl. He just couldn't help but laugh inside as the boy stammered over his words. Nick pulled his black 3 corner hat down over his face. His long black hair had been pulled back and was held back by a red bandana. Nick sat there and looked at the short women called Keiko and watched her with much intrest. Nick watched as the drunks laughed about their meaningless things.
Nick watched as a man who looked suspicious walk out but he thought nothing of it. Nick got up and walked over to where the girl named Harile was. He ignored th e boy for a few moments. " Excuse me madame have you been here before because you look very familiar" Nick said as he took his hat off showing his bandana of his flag.(2 swords crossing with a skull in the center) " O my apologize Miss... I am Nickodemus Dastevsky and your name is?" Nick said as he reached down and kissed her hand .


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:01 pm 
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Harlie giggled a little as her cheeks went slightly red, complimenting her fiery hair to a t. With a grin and a returning bow she answered his question. "Harlie- CAPTAIN Harlie to my crew, that is." As a waitress passed she made it a point to order a drink for the Nick as she had done for William- business always went so much more pleasantly over drinks and had she been able to retain that other fellow she would have invited him to join them.

As it was, she had these two to deal with at present and a slight check on Keiko out of the corner of her eye showed that the woman had found bigger fish to fry. The hooded stranger who had previously occupied the far corner had disappeared, and Keiko with him. The white-haired beauty was nowhere to be found... Harlie mentally shrugged. Keiko trusted her judgement... most of the time. She'd just have to be happy with these two if they signed on (indeed, the girl had already taken a bit of liking to William).

Thus, with a grin and gesture to Nick to have a seat, she began filling them in on the more basic portions of the venture, making sure that they knew who they were going to be dealing with and what they would be up against. She went through the details about teh Trading Company and the possible profit to be made, and the promise of loyalty on hers and Keiko's parts if they should sign on with them, etc. After revealing as much as she safely could to them, she sat back, taking a sip of her tea and gazed at teh two of them from violet depths. "So, would you perhaps be interested?" she asked, a grin crossing her features.

Keiko, meanwhile, had tracked down the mysterious stranger from teh Tavern. She knew that something about the place had made him nervous, but it hadn't been untilasfter he had seen her and Harlie that he had turned tail to flee. If he had recognized them, there was a good chance that he mayneed to be "dealt with", especially if he was heading for the Governor's palace. Hence, the fiery woman followed him, keeping a far enough distance behind that it wasn't obvious that she was following him, but making sure to keep close enough that she could keep her eye on him and see where he was headed. After a while, however, even the keen-eyed pirate lost sight of him. As she adjusted her hat and looked around,s he could see no sign of him- as if he had disappeared.

"Now where in blazes did he get to?" she wondered aloud as she she scanned the crowd, keeping a constant hand on her sword-hilt.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 5:25 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus knealt down behind some boxes as he watched the Gunpowder being loaded on to the galleon. he smiled as he saw the only guard was a woman. time to put his charm to use.

Marcus walked leisurley over to the woman and smiled at her. His Casanova eyes caught he attention and he spoke.

Marcus: well hello there fair lady and what might your name be?

?: What's it to ya?

Marcus: nothing, only that I like to know the name of one sp beautiful, so I may call it at night beneath your window.

?: you can walk on water then can you? your a funny one eh?

Marcus was a little perturbed by his low success rate, so he changed tack.

Marcus: um, well...anyway, I'm looking for the Captin of this ship.

?: She aint here!

Marcus: She?

?: yeah, SHE, you got a problem with a female captin or somein?

Marcus: uh...um no, no no no...I was just elated that Women can hold down such respected careers nowadays. well respected by her crew...

?: you what?

Marcus: nothing...so you must second then?

?: you flatter sir, me Second? nah, I amd just a crew member.

Marcus: I see.

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 Post subject: The quintessence of crazy
PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:21 pm 
Legend of Old

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After outrunning the bar tender and with a mischevious grin, Strider wandered the streets looking for something to do next. He noted the shiney pebbles in the road, and it nearly diverted his attention for half an hour. After gawking at the several "shineys" surrounding him, he took notice of two rather large ships with cannons. With cannons with that criteria and size, there was no way they were merchant vessels. It had to be a pirate ship!

Woah! A pirate ship! hmm... Sneaky time...

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 6:42 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
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NIck laughed at the color of her face and took the seat that was now being offered to him." So you are a fellow pirate. I should of known." Nick thanked the watriss who brought him so hard liqour. " thank you for the drink Captin Harlie." Nick said this with a slight smile on his face.

" My ship is called the black abyss and is sitting in the dock right now. My ship could be part of your little quest if you so pleased." Nick smiled at her as he downed his hard liqour. " It is all up to you Captin. I just have one question who is you darling friend who I guess is called Keiko???" Nick looked at her as if he were puzzled.

" Well I would love to join your journy." Nick looked at the lad " and who are you laddy?" Nick looked at him with a smiled that would chill the bones of any child. Nick's attention was concentrated on the boy as he lifted his drink to his lips.


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 7:16 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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with the woman's attention diverted for a moment by the cumbersome loaders, Marcus took his chance and silently dashed up the gang plank. by the time she had turned back to where she thought he was, he was out of sight, and very soon after out of mind. Revia had more important things to worry about.

The deck was empty, apart from the far end where the barrels were being loaded on board. the movers were locals and in the dim light they couldn't tell if Marcus was a local or a pirate so they didn't concern themselves with him. Marcus took the oppertunity to get to the captins cabin. the door stood ajar and he pushed it further open and stepped in. there was a squawk and a blue parrot flew over his head and landed on a perch beside the door. the table was strewn with papers and documents. Maps were rolled up and put at one end and the was one Map pinned out with a course plotted on it. Marcus sat down in the chair and looked at the map...

Marcus: I knew they had it. this is the package I was due to get!!!

he tore off a corner of the map with some grid references on it and stowed it on his person.

Marcus: if they want this back then they'll have to bargin with me...

he seemed very happy with himself but a noise outside made him start...The woman who he had been speaking with before was outside.

Revia: Alright, keep your wig on you old fart! I'll get you your bloody scissors.

she pushed open the cabin and went to the desk, she noted the torn corner but figured her captin was just being careful and keeping the course secret. Marcus had hidden himself in a closet nearby and he was peaking through a gap in the door. Revia got the scissors she was looking for and left.

Revia: if the Captin finds out about this she'll have my head, no one is allowed in here.

she was talking to the man outside again and the cabin was empty save for Marcus and the bird. as their voices trailed off, Marcus breathed a sigh of relief and pushed open the door of the closet. a Squawk alerted him to the parrot who was flapping a short way in front of him.

Marcus: out of my way bird.

Marcus tried to bat it away with his hand, but all he did was enrage the bird. it flew closer to him and made him back, back into the closet. Marcus waved his hands infront of his face, in an attempt to shoo the bird away but instead he dislodged something heavy from the shelf above his head in the closet. it fell and knocked him on his head. as he slumped to the floor the doors closed and he lay there unconcious. The offending object rolled until it was wedged securely under the table.

The parrot flew back to his perch and was soon quiet again.

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2005 11:28 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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"William sir, William Treyson." he said before turning his attention to Harlie. "I would love to join your quest, madam. Just let me know when to be on board and what my duties are to be.

William thought about the man who had joined them. While the man had a less-than reassuring presence about him, William wasn't to worried about him, atleast not yet anyways.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 9:09 am 
King of Dragons
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Sasha was worried at this point. He had tried every single one of the confusing techniques that were used by the smartest quarry that he hunted in the forests of his homeland. And this woman found him through all the tricks! She beat his years of honed skill! He glanced behind him occasionly, but he didn't see her, rather he FELT her. Fear growing in him, he turned to his last, yet simplest resort. Lose yourself in a crowd. He noted the nearby auction and swiftly immersed himself into it. "I have to warn Capt. Sorel that pirates are here!" he thought to himself quickly. "And the Governor." he added. He turned in a circle, to get out of the crowd...and ran straight into someone!"Oh, I'm sorry Miss..." he said trying to get up, straighten his jacket, and put his hood back on. But as he looked up, icy hands clutched his insides, it was Keiko!

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
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PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2005 5:50 pm 
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The woman grinned evilly and helped him to stand. The light in her eyes glittered with a dangerous malice that if invoked could prove his end right then and there. This fact became more apparent when he stood and he tried to separate from her. When he moved to let go of her hand, her grip tightened and she made sure to keep a solid grip on him.

"I'm sorry, Sir, but your meeting with Captain Sorel and the Governor will have to wait. I have more a more important matter to discuss with you," she said, a dagger pointed at his middle.

"I'm sorry, Madam, but that won't be happening. That dagger-"

"It's not my dagger you have to worry about, Sir, it's him."

Taluscion felt someone behind him and turned to find a tall, BUILT black man behind him, his ears and eyebrows filled with piercings (along with his lip and nose). Without a word, the strange man spun him around and placed a cloth over his nose and mouth. After a moment or two of struggling, Taluscion went limp in the man's arms and was slung upon his back like a sack of potatoes.

"To The Daemon Star or the Sratdust Morning, Madam?" he questioned.

"The Stardust Morning, Stud," the Captain answered. "Just make sure to wwarn Harlie not to let anything happen to him. He may prove a useful bargaining tool."

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:53 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
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Nick looked at harlie " ready to go?" at this she nodded and they walked out." Come William you could help me with something on my ship.Just tell me madame where yours is and I will bring myship to you." As they walked to the docks he showed her his ship." this my dear friends is my ship the black abyss. One of the fastiest and most prficent ships of them all except maybe your Captain." As Nick said this His first mate came to the bow " Sir we have a problem" Nick looked at her " What is it Morgana?" She looked at him " we have 2 ships coming in and they don't look friendly." Nick looked at Harlie " you had better get back to your ship now and Morgana get ready to set sail with Captain harlie and her crew on the...." Nick looked at her " Shooting star" she said smiling. and giggling. Nick smiled and said " william you want to help my men set sail?"


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PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 12:50 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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"Actually, sir, I'd rather go with Ms. Harlie. I have a feeling I'm going to be needed more on her ship than yours." William said quickly. He had been rasied to protect those of the female race, even if they could defend themselves.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 3:57 pm 
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OOC: BTW, hellmaster, the name of Harlie's ship is the StarDust Morning, but that's ok^^

Harlie smiled broadly and gave William a small hug. "Of course I'd love to have you on my ship! BUT, actually, Keiko and I were going to divide whatever people we found between the two of us. Meaning, Mr. Nick, if it's ok, maybe your ship could accompany us as far as Tortuga and then you could travel with either her or myself for the rest of the way?"

The young pirate captain gave Nick a questioning expression, hoping that this change in plans, somewhat wouldn't turn him off to the job. If anything, she and Keiko would be needing all the men they could manage to round up. Those ships that the East India Company used were big compared to Keiko's man o' war Daemon Star, let alone her own small Corsair ship, the StarDust Morning. It was amazing that thing had gotten through for as long as it had, with all the hell Harlie put it through. The thought made her chuckle a bit as she awaited Nick's answer.

Meanwhile, Keiko had accompanied Stud onto the StarDust Morning to ensure that Harlie's guest would be made comfortable, prisoner or not. She followed Stud into the Captain's quarters and instructed him to lie the kidnapee on a divan in the adjoining room. As he was doing so, she scrawled a quick note to her partner explaining the situation and reasoning. Leaving her seal and signature on it, she stepped out of the cabin and back out into the warm sunlight, leaving strict instructions for two of Harlie's men (Stud included) to inform her of the situation and to guard the door to the cabin with their lives. "Or I swear I'll have your guts for garters," she threatened with her usual deadly glance as she headed down the gangplank and over to her own ship to await her friend's return. As soon as Harlie reached her ship, they'd leave port and begin heading for Tortuga where they'd hopefully at least catch sight of the Company's ships as they sailed round the island.

Thus, the Captain headed onto her ship and into her cabin to plot their course while she waited...

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 5:22 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
Proficient Young Dragon

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NIck looked at the young women he didn't want to lose his ship but if he had to he would " of course and I think your friend Mrs. Keiko would like the gold and jewels we have aboard on my ship"NIck looked at her " well you had better tell your partner that I am accompaning you and I will come up next to her ship." Harlie smiled as her and the lad went aboard her ship.
Nick laughed and went aboard the black abyss. Nick watchedas she went safely onto her boat. Nick could not help but make sure she was ok. " Morgana pull up next to the deamon star." Morgana gave him a puzzled look " NOW MORGANA!!!!!" NIck said begining to get very agitated. " you there hoast the anchor and you fly those sails we need all the wind we can get." As nick barked out orders the crew followed with much percision. The black abyss pulled up next to the deamon star but was far enough out to let her out. If this keiko was as he had been told she was , he had better stay out of her way.


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PostPosted: Wed Oct 19, 2005 7:24 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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His head hurt and he had bitten his tongue which was now swelled up in his mouth. Marcus moved inside the closet and tried to stand. he hawled himself upright and pushed against the door...it didn't open...he pushed again and still it remained shut. against his better judgement he took his fist and banged on the door. muffled noises came from his mouth but they were intended to say "let me out".

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PostPosted: Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:37 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Had she been a cat, Keiko's ears would have visibly perked up at the sounds. As it was, she acquired for a moment something of a deer-in-the-headlights expression, as it was most unusual for ANYONE to be in her cabin without her permission (in fact, it was generally considered suicide to do so). Another bang and a muffled cry from within the cabinet drew the captain's attention and ever so slowly she pulled out her pistol and cocked it. As she turned and headed toward the cabinet, the sounds of her crew on teh deck outside filtered in. Apparently Harlie was finally back and they were getting underway, as Miles' voice distinctly rose above the rest, commanding the crew as best he could to set sail. If she weren't so preoccupied at the moment, Keiko would almost admit that he'd make a good Captain someday, but at present she was too busy with the situation at hand. NO ONE should be in her cabin but her... ever. Something was amiss here. Badly.

Thus, the woman blocked the sounds from outside out of her hearing and crept the rest of the way to the cabinet. With a quick breath she gripped the handle, flung the door wide and found her pistol aimed down the nose of a strange gentleman. Realizing that it was in fact someONE and not someTHING, she grabbed her sword hilt and unsheathed her rapier, pistol still pointed at the stranger. "You have to the count of three to explain yourself."

Meanwhile, Harlie was having a time of it herself trying to fathom why in Heaven's name Keiko would have Stud kidnap Sasha. As she had made her way on board her trusted first mate had informed her of the events that had transpired in her absence and while she couldn't help but grin a little and shake her head, she also had a not-so-great feeling about it all. Kidnapping someone associated with the Trading Company was never a move that would be perceived as a good one (not by anyone but Keiko, that is). True, the man gave them leverage, but at what price? Harlie sighed a little as she headed back into her cabin for a moment, William in tow.

The boy couldn't help but marvel at the simplistic beauty of the room as he followed her to a door on the port-side wall. The furniture, though nothing like the luxurious Arabian divans and couches of Keiko's quarters, had obviously been expensive. Mahoghany tables and desks sat on the far wall positively littered with papers, but still as lovely as ever in all their cared glory. The windows, which took up a good portion of the wall opposite the door, were large enough to allow the sunlight to pour into the room where it highlighted a comfortable-looking couch and three big, somewhat squashy purple chairs. "Wait here for a sec, William," Harlie instructed as she pulled put a set of keys and cautiously opened the door to her private quarters to check on her sleeping guest. If he wasn't awak by now, he would be soon, she noted as she felt the ship sway beneath her feet. They were underway now, and whether he liked it or not, Sasha was along for the ride.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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