
Mahagar has been unleashed into the unsuspecting world
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Author:  Blackhawk [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Mahagar has been unleashed into the unsuspecting world

You're sitting happily on a hill near a lake one day when you sense something has gone seriously wrong in the world.You look up and see the sky has started to go a grey green colour and lightening strikes the ground despite the lack of clouds.You run for cover and see a small cave and take shelter in it..

Author:  John [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:38 pm ]
Post subject: 

ALmost immediately, the great god CHalgrish comes, and smites u with his giant sword of bellowing. YOu are now dead.

OOC: Blackhawk, mistakes are ok, (hey, I did it constantly) but read the rules. Seriously. YOu have to create a OOC file to recruit players, plan it, see if anyone's even interested, THEN set it up.

OOC:*update* oops...but generally, start the OOC first, and wait to see, THEN start the actual RP part.

Author:  Blackhawk [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:40 pm ]
Post subject:  OOC

I did create an OOC. my friend just told me that I had to :oops:
sorry I'm new..

Author:  John [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

dont worry about it. CHal pointed the same things out to me

Author:  Chalgrish [ Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:59 pm ]
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Now everyone be quiet, and these first 5 posts will be considered BLANK! And NOONE responds to this until the RP starts

Author:  drakano [ Fri Jun 30, 2006 6:23 pm ]
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suddenley the lightening struck the lake and the lake dried up then an earthquake started and the ground shook as a stone portal appeared out of the dried out lake , then a figure stepped out of this portal and the portel descended back to the ground the figure then stares at you and takes his cloak away from his face and said " escrabalis? contro tri..." he waits and trys another language " hola? me llamo drakano " .... "hello? my name is Drakano" he then sighs and starts to transform into a black scaled dragon

Author:  Blackhawk [ Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:38 pm ]
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OOC:*stares at Chalgrish* This RP has officially started now soo..*time rewinds like on a video to the part where you're sitting on a hill.*

Author:  Blackhawk [ Sat Jul 01, 2006 4:54 pm ]
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Blackhawk peeked out of the cave and saw a guy turn into a black dragon and went cautiously outside to get a better look.First he spoke what she took to be spanish,then in English.

Author:  drakano [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 3:21 pm ]
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OOC: hehe

IC: drakano flew back noticing the mortal understood and soared over him then gripped his cloak with his claws and took him to a cave with a fmaily of bears with one breath of fire they were gone and drakano dropped him and made the cave into a home

Author:  Blackhawk [ Sun Jul 02, 2006 5:26 pm ]
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OOC: I don't have a cloak,I'm a werecat and i'm female :lol:

IC:Blackhawk whirled around to look at this stranger.He didn't look like any average dragon,and in his other form didn't look like any normal human.
"Who are you?"She asked.

Author:  drakano [ Mon Jul 03, 2006 2:11 pm ]
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" me? why i am Drakano Escrabalis i come from a realm which dragons are being enslaved by mortals i have come here to form an army to help defend the Dragon specie " said drakano , drakano then turned into his human form again and removed his hood " i have a curse put opon me so i could ravel to your owrld i seek the cure to it here also " he said showing the stranger the sword which was formed into his right arm " this is the blade of darkness , it is known to turn the wielder evil ... that is why i must find the cure quickly... " said drakano " anyway lets get some fire wood before dark"

Author:  Blackhawk [ Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:54 pm ]
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Blackhawk stood up silently and surveyed her surroundings.
"There's a wood over there.I'll get some kindling."
With that,she spread her wings and flew across the crater where the lake once was.
She came back with some large logs and put them near the entrance of the cave.
"The storms seems to be getting worse.'She looked at Drakano."Maybe there is a cure on this planet for you.But I know not of such a cure.You'll have to find a creature powerful in the forces of magic to remove that."
She scraped a depression in the dirt floor and put some small logs in it.

Author:  drakano [ Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:42 am ]
Post subject: 

" shhh..." said drakano seeing a glinting light suddenley a blade struck his face creatings a scar that joins the other drakano then transformed into his dragon form and grabbed the mortal with his claw then breathed fire over the shadowed figure he then let go of the mortal and flew at the shadowed figure hooking him to the wall as he was about to make the final move the shadowed figure dissapeared suddenly drakano felt weak he looked at his stomach and realised there was a shuriken stuck in him he then fainted....

Author:  Blackhawk [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:06 pm ]
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OOC: Ok peoples this RP started ages ago so if you want to join you'd better start now or this RP could die.

"Tch."tutted Blackhawk,pulling out the shuriken."people today have no manners,throwing sharp things at each other without even giving notice.." She went to her bag and pulled out some bandages and a small clay pot with a sweet smelling herb in it.She put the herb on Drakano's wound and bound it tightly.
"Good thing I packed this."She thought for a while.
"But now Mahagar has been realeased,I think i'll need some more medicinal supplies."
She rolled her eyes and set fire to the logs she'd collected.

Author:  Aiolos [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:33 pm ]
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Now what could that be? Aiolos thought as she circled in air. I havn't seen a living being for a whole month.... She swooped down behind a large rock.

A werecat and a dragon? A HURT dragon....Hmm, strange....She cautiously strolled out from behind her rock.

"Um, excuse me! Do you need any help? I noticed your friend there is hurt...." She shouted across to the werecat.

Author:  Blackhawk [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:39 pm ]
Post subject: 

Blackhawk looked around towards the voice.It was a grey dragon with feathered wings and a mane.
"Erm..yes,actually.Some guy hit him with a shuriken' She indicated Drakano.'and I don't really know what to do with him."
She smiled.
"My name's Blackhawk.I think his is Drakano."

Author:  Aiolos [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:50 pm ]
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Aiolos walked up to Blackhawk and the hurt Drakano.

"Mine's Aiolos." She looked down at Drakano's injury. "I think I may have something to help this..." Aiolos drew a circle into the dirt with her claw. "Shora Torea." A flask of some sort of pinkish liquid flashed into existance in the center of the circle. She picked it up. "Have him drink this as soon as he wakes up. It'll knock him out for a while, but it'll protect him from infection and diseases that come with a weapon-created wound..." She handed the flask to Blackhawk, then curled up on the ground.

Author:  Blackhawk [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 4:55 pm ]
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She was quiet for a while.
"Hey,did you notice something wrong with the sky?And that lightening.It isn't natural...I think an Upper-level demon has escaped into this world."She sighed and lay down by the fire,watching the flames.

Author:  Aiolos [ Thu Jul 06, 2006 5:37 pm ]
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Aiolos looked up. "Hmm...yeah, it is strange...." She sniffed the air. "Well, if there is a demon, he's not around here. At the moment."

Author:  Taluscion [ Fri Jul 07, 2006 8:41 am ]
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Seraphine stalked through the forest after the black shape that bounded ahead of her. Another lightning bolt flashed above her, she was going to absolutely hate this mission if it started to rain. She sighed and thought of what her mentor would say back at the Temple.

The feeling of foreboding got worse as she traveled faster through the black woods. It was only a lesser daemon, far worse than what a normal human could handle, but not very much trouble if you are a Hunter. Okay, she wasn't really a Hunter, yet, 'Hunter-in-training' more like it. Either way, the Temple's guard were stretched tight in these last few weeks with all the demon slay requests. The Elders seemed to be in a tizzy as well.


Something slammed into her, knocking her out of the forest. "Clumsy of me. The Lupos daemons travel in packs..." she mumblewd to herself.
They came out of the woods and surrounded her. It must be at least five, it started to rain. She cast a glare at the sky as if she could stop it with a look.

One of the daemons growled at her menacingly, she shot it in the forehead with a holy arrow. The others lashed at her, sh couldn't handel this many...

Author:  Aiolos [ Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:43 pm ]
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Aiolos jumped to her feet. "Did you hear that?" she asked Blackhawk. "I swear I just heard a growl."

She must think I'm a paranoid freak, Aiolos thought to herself as she scanned the woods.

Author:  Ersska [ Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:28 pm ]
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Ersska had been slithering in the woods, singing happily to herself. She loved the rain. there was just something about it that was calming. She climbed up a tree and hung upside down by her tail from the branch watching the raindrops roll off her fingers. Suddenly, a figure ran directly under her. Startled, she almost fell out of the tree. Who could it be? And where are they going insuch a hurry. Ersska decided to follow. She slithered from tree to tree, pursuing the figure. Withh a sudden flash of movement, Ersska lost her quarry. something had knocked the figure clear out of the woods. Ersska crept to the edge of the woods. She could see the figure. It was surrounded by a pack of. . .something. Should she help it? If she helped, she might upset the balance of things. What if the figure was suppose to die? But, also, what if she was suppose to help the figure? By not helping, she might be upsetting the balance then, too. Ersska pondered over what to do.

Author:  drakano [ Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:52 pm ]
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Drakano woke up yelling " the cure!" he shot his wings open and hit Aiolos thinking he was the shuriken wielder

Author:  Aiolos [ Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:40 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: She, Drakano. I'm female.

IC: Aiolos beat her wings, propelling her backward and avoiding Drakano. "Calm down, calm down," she said soothingly. "You'll be ok. Just rest right now, your still hurt. Oh, and Blackhawk? Now would be a good time to give him that potion."

Aiolos turned around and headed toward the noise she had heard before.

Author:  drakano [ Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:58 pm ]
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OOC: oops sorry

IC: drakano whacks the potion out of blackhawks hand and jumped to his feet " i do not need a potion i need to find him! the cure .. it breathes... it lives... " drakano then stared at Aiolos " what do you want?" drakano said changing to his human form

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