
Song of Regeneration(The Past)
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Author:  Taluscion [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Song of Regeneration(The Past)

You fell through the portal into a room that is only mildly decorated with holy symbols. From the feel of it, you are underground. The room is lit with strange torches that don't flicker at all. In fact, they just seem to be fireflies caught in a glass ball, but its too bright to be a regular firefly. You here Seraphine's voice from down the hall top the left.

"Let me go! I'm telling you the truth! Please, Brother Hammond, you know me, I wouldn't lie!" she seemed to be struggling.

A man's voice replied. "Shut up! And quit struggling! Its fruitless, you are a heretic and need to be discplined."

"Thats exactly what I'm saying! The new Bishops are putting down stupid laws! Just let me talk to them!!"

The group entered the room. A worried looking man entered first wearing a habit, he looked mildly surprised at the new arrivals. Another man came behind him, his arm was locked around a girl. She looked almost exactly like Seraphine. Except the golden locks were replaced with raven black hair, in her signature ponytail. Her eyes widened as she laid them on the group.

"See! See! I told you they would come! They have come from the future to help!" she said excitedly.

"I said shut up! It's Halloween, there are bound to be strangely dressed people here, we have no rules against that, and you need your sentence to be carried out by the Court." he retorted and jerked her violently into the next hall.

She gave them fantic eyes. "They're going to execute me!! Please help!!"

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 10:26 am ]
Post subject: 

Aeyla rushed forward and placed a single claw on the man's throat. "If you think this is fake, just made of paper and string, just say so and I will gladly prove you wrong!" The man gulped.

Author:  Akira [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 11:58 am ]
Post subject: 

Akira ran forward next to aeyla and looked at the man ''thats not a very nice thing to say that we are dressed strangly its very rude in fact''she looked at the man holding the girl''and its even ruder to be holding that girl like that i suggest you let her go''

Author:  Aiolos [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:03 pm ]
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Jocko's hooves clacked loudly against the hard stone floor. He stopped, not knowing where he was. There were many new and strange things around. Tateliel urged him on with a light kick in the side and a pat on the neck. "It's alright Jocko," she said. He snorted in protest, and didn't budge. Stubborn horse, she thought to herself as she dimounted. She flipped the reigns over Jocko's head and used them as a lead.

Tateliel headed towards the small group of people ahead, leading the reluctant Jocko behind her.

Author:  Taluscion [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

OOC: Wha?! Okay, Aiolos, since you probably have no idea how this storyline is going to work. Let's just say you and your horse were walking through the woods and all of a sudden, you were here. K? It would make it a lot easier to fit you in that way.

The man released the girl and quickly stepped back, he grabbed Brother Hammond's collar and pulled him down the hallway in a sprint, yelling for help as he did so. The girl winced.

"Crud! We only have a few minutes to get all of you out of here." she felt around in her pocket. "Double Crud! They took my keys! We'll just have to make a run for it in the woods." She felt around for a brick in the wall and pulled it. A secret passage way opened and a hallway led to a door. She ran to it and kicked it down, the wood splintered.

"Thats what they get for taking my keys! Thanks Chosen Ones!" she yelled back to the group. "Now we need to get the heck outta here!"

Through the door lay a grassy field with a strange river of black high-lighted with yellow. Beyond that was the edge of a forest of pines and cedars, it was pretty dense. The girl walked over the strange river like it was solid, and it truly was, a little bouncy, but solid.

Author:  Aiolos [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 1:51 pm ]
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OOC: XD yeah, that was generally how I was thinking it would work, too. I was wondering how I'd fit a big 'ol Gypsy Vanner and a werewolf into here....sorry, I'll get rid of Jocko if you want me to.

Author:  Taluscion [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:27 pm ]
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OOC: Well, it would definitly make it more interesting with a horse along, but for general purpose, it wouldn't be good to have him here. It really is your choice, but it would make it easier for all the char's to move from one place to another with a horse. It would give your char something to be pissy about when we get to a resting place.

Author:  Aiolos [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:51 pm ]
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OOC: :P Ok, he stays. But I'll tie him up in a room or something...


IC: Tateliel stopped and looked at Jocko. "You really shouldn't be here," she said as she slipped off his bridle. She tied it to his saddle and slapped his flank. "Go find a hiding spot. I'll whistle when I need you," she said as he trotted around a corner.

Tateliel turned back to the group of people. "Shift," she told herself. Tateliel morphed from human to a large, bulky wolf. She sniffed the air and stalked forward.

Author:  Taluscion [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:58 pm ]
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OOC: The horse stays? Alright, fine with me. Just remember its best interests.

The girl was already at the edge of the trees when a horse trotted past her and a woman took the form of a wolf. She felt the hairs rise up on her neck as it loped into the woods. She swallowed hard, but it didn't seem to want to eat her. She looked impatiently back to the others.

"Quickly now! We have to go, unless you want to get captured!!"

Author:  Aiolos [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:04 pm ]
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Tateliel stopped. She watch Jocko trot into the woods, and the group comes storming out of the door. She had the feeling they were nervous with her around, so she quickly shifted back to her human form.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 3:34 pm ]
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Aeyla followed Sera a little nervously. She felt disoriented, like everything had a different...... feel to it. She tried to shrug off the alien feeling, but with no avail. She crossed the odd river with caution. She wanted to ask what it was but knew it would have to wait. The raven-haired Sera stopped at the edge of the woods and told them to hurry. Aeyla looked over her shoulder at the others, they were nervous too. I wonder if they feel it too....

She turned back to the dark woods and reluctantly cut her way into the brush. After going a short way she tripped, almost turning her ankle. She looked down and noticed that she tripped over a small hole in the ground. It was surrounded by burn marks as if something really hot had burned a hole in the very earth. She searched the nearby brush and found an even bigger hole. She peered down and inspected it. She didn't see much, all she could see is that it was a lot wider inside. Aeyla dropped a pebble and it thunked against the ground, about 5' down. "I found a cave! Come on!" She shouted.

Author:  Akira [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:42 pm ]
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Akira followed everyone feeling slightly unnerved and quite peed of that the man had run of shouting making them have to run of themselves, she would have loved it if she had got to beat one of those guys up they so deserved it.Suddenly she heard Aeyla call out which snapped her out of her thoughts and she walked a little further to were she was to hear her talking about a cave''Is it safe to go in there becuase i dont wanna get eaten or anything''

Author:  Jishdefish [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:58 pm ]
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"Nah, it looks like a small meteor punched its way into a small cave system, it's cool so I doubt there are any snakes or anything." She jumped down and landed on her brused ankle. Cursing at the landing she kicked a pile of burnt wood. Spraying sparks into her own face. She yelled and tripped over a rock landing at an akward position in a crate. "Ow" She said rubbing her eyes. A voice sounded from the darkness. "Whadid you do that for?" Her eyes adjusted to a shrimp of a kid wrapped up in a dark blanket. "Sorry, I have some friends, could we stay here untill daybreak?"


Hey Tal, could this be the same cave you are in, in the future?

Author:  Aiolos [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:05 pm ]
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Tateliel heard Jocko whinny a ways off. She whistled to him, and he snorted in response. She touched his mind and told him to stay hidden for a while. Tateliel continued following the group until they reached a small cave. She wasn't very trusting, and decided to remain out of sight for a little while longer.

Author:  Akira [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 5:28 pm ]
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Akira jumped down landing lightly on the floor and when her eyes ajusted to the lighting she saw who aeyla was talking to.
''hello there''she said to the child smiling warmly''whats your name then, like my friend said we are trying to stay out of sight so would you mind maybe letting us stay here''?.Akira said this very warmly, she was always kind to kids it was just something about her.

Author:  Flyingwolf [ Mon Jul 24, 2006 6:19 pm ]
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OOC: I'm gonna join in now, not to early i hope.

Arngrim walked through the woods without a care, then suddenly heard voices inside of a strange cave.

"I have a weird feeling about this" He said to himself as he approuched the cave.

Author:  Taluscion [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 9:30 am ]
Post subject: 

OOC: Sure, Jish, thats quite a connection.

The girl found the cave and stepped into it, the dirt fell in her hair and she irritably brushed it off. She waited until the others stepped in as well until she started speaking.

"Chosen ones, we should be safe here for a while so I can answer your questions..." she saw the little boy in the corner. "What the heck are you doing here?!"

She seemed surprised that the child lived in the woods, then she noticed the horse outside..or maye just remembered it. She turned to Tateliel.

"Excuse me, but I don't have a horse trailer...so we're going to have to put your horse in a stable nearby. My apartment can't hold all of you and a horse." she said jokingly.

Author:  Flyingwolf [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 10:43 am ]
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Arngrim looked inside the cave and saw the target that the captain of the guard said to look out for

"jackpot, now to wait for the reward to make the first move"

He hid behind a rock and wondered why the old man wanted her head on a platter, and why did his right hand man have claw marks

Author:  Aiolos [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 12:06 pm ]
Post subject: 

Tateliel rolled her eyes. "Yeah, yeah," she said as she hopped into the cave and leaned against a wall, crossing her arms. She let out a high-pitched whistle, and Jocko came prancing up to the entrance of the cave. He calmly watched what was going on.

Author:  Jishdefish [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 1:21 pm ]
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Aeyla winced as she got up from the crate. She had torn a few legiments in her wing and it hung limply from her side. "Draco Zepherus" She whispered and the wings dissappered in a flash of whirling colors, leaving twin gashes in the cloth as the only hint they existed. She turned to Dark Sera and spoke. "Who were those people? Why are they after you?"

Author:  Taluscion [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:12 pm ]
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She sighed.

"Ever since they chnaged the Bishops to these new horrible ones, they've been creating weird laws that have changed my religion into a cult. We were supposed to be protecting this world and we've sensed its destruction coming near. I had a vision that all of you would come. This girl that looked a lot like me was singing a beautiful song...but it was so sad...anyways, those men were trying to kepp me quiet. 'Bishop's orders' no doubt. I don't know what we're supposed to do now though, that blonde chich just said to take care of you guys."

Author:  Flyingwolf [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:21 pm ]
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"Hmmmmmmm, maybe i made the wrong choice to be a soldier for them, i'm a mercenary, i dont ally myself with anyone"

Arngrim sat at his hiding spot wondering if these so called "chosen ones" are the real deal and not a bunch of fakers like last years batch

Author:  Akira [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 4:49 pm ]
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''well we cant stay here forever''akira said turning her attention to the girl.For the first time she noticed how much she looked like sera''it might help us if you told us everything you know about our little mission''

Author:  Jishdefish [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:44 pm ]
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"So...... an occult.... Are there any religious items they value? Like a statue of something?" Aeyla suddenly was struck by an idea. She went to the cave opening and looked up into the sky. The moon was still up. She took out the mirror and studied it. Shit, how does this thing work.... She took a claw and cut her hand with it. She then smeared blood along the side of the mirror. I hope this works.....

Author:  Aiolos [ Tue Jul 25, 2006 5:50 pm ]
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Tateliel looked curiously at Aeyla. She smelled the blood, and realized how hungry she was. The last time she ate was back in that town a few days ago, and that was only some stolen dried meat. Jocko was lucky; he just had to look down and he had a whole buffet.....

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