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 Post subject: Ferral Children
PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:09 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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<center><i>Been a long time since I moved countries... for any reason.

Odd, seeing as most Vendallions don't even leave Vendal. But here I am, playing guard to a completely different country.

What's even more peculiar is that I was soon to do the same thing again...

Not that I cared. People tell me I'm callous and have no passion...

But what do I know about passion?</i>

'M'lady!' the Royal Guard bellowed, "Introducing Sir Revex Kahn, Runic Knight of Albrecht. He claims to be on an errand for the king of Albrecht!

"Gee, I didn't think they'd invented fog-horns yet..." Revex jested with a small hint of sarcasim. He didn't look much a knight. He had disturbingly feminne features, apart from his short white hair that was longer down one side, covering his left eye. He was covered in ear rings and necklaces and rings, some of which were covered by his long full-body, blue robe. There was also a slightly conspicuous sword across his back. Apprently it is quite difficult to take a weapon from a Runic Knight.

Before him, as requested, sat an assembly of the best Ocenia had to offer. In the center, Princess Serenity, adept magic user and natural leader. To her immediate right, the expert Druid Elsyian and next to her the nimble and witty dragon Draches. To her right stood Exanderous, the strong and noble Guardian of the Universe and leaning against the wall next to him, partially covered by shadow, was the skillfull meta-human, Christian Tourniquet.

"And what can we do for you, Sir Kahn?" The princess enquired, "We're not used to correspondence from Albrecht."

There was a short silence.

"Recently, we have been sending our most elite Runic Knights to investigate reports of strange sighting and dissapearences. Including many of the Runic Knights themselves... My king is determined to get to the bottom of this, and has long been a fan of the exploits of these great Oceanian adventurers..." he explained.

Christian schoffed from the corner.

"So he wants us to clean up your mess?" He said, pushing himself off of the wall and going to exit the room. "Fine. I'll go get ready to leave..." the Vendallion said as he left the throne room.

Serenity held back a small scowl.

"I'm sorry, you'll have to excuse Christian, he's a little... anti-social, sometimes... she tried to explain before Revex let out a small chuckle.

"It's no matter. My only concern right now is whether you'll help us or not..."

Exanderous stepped forward.

"I say we help these people! Though I will honor any decision you make, Princess..." he said.

Murmurs of agreement rose from the others... Serenity smiled.

"Okay, okay! We'll set off as soon as possible, Oceania shares a boarder with Albrecht, it won't take long to arrive... we should take small amounts of provisions anyway..." She said, just as Christian wandered back into the hall in his black body suit, a small sack and twindling a small spud-peeler in this fingers before pocketing it in a pouch on his belt.

He noticed everyone looking at him.

"...I brought potatoes..." He said weakly, glancing about the room.

Revex chuckled again.

"I have a carriage waiting to take us back, unless you guys have a quicker mode of transport?"

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 7:13 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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It was his last meeting with his father which had made him decide to leave. Fyre was on foot, his horse being bared from his usage. his fathers words about "not being commited to his duty as crown prince" rang in his ears as he trod the dusted road.

Fyre was a thrill seaker and whenever the notion took him to try something new that's what he did. his last adventure though had caused him trouble with the neighbouring kingdom, and his father had had to pay handsomely for it.

so here he was, walking away from duty into adventure or so he hoped. The road he was walking down was the main road in the land and he hoped it would provide him with some means for adventure.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 8:36 pm 
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Serenity gave a smile merely for courtesy’s sake.

<font color=purple>It was gracious of Albrecht to provide us with a carriage, Sir Kahn, but it will be unnecessary. We have a number of fine horses stabled on the grounds that are well suited to swift travel. I will have the stable hands informed immediately.</font>

Her gaze crossed to a farther guard and he dispatched himself, exiting the hall. She returned her eyes to the Knight.

<font color=purple>And, as we are all not as expeditious as Christian here in packing our things, I ask that you grant us a short leave to prepare ourselves. You may stay in our guest parlor while you wait, Sir Kahn, if it so pleases you. One of the guards will show you the way...</font>

Giving a slight nod, she signaled the dismissal of the group and turned about to head for the Housing quarters along with everyone else. Her pace was swift, her instincts keeping her quiet until she was sure they were out of earshot. When they had reached a point far enough away for her liking, she turned to Draches.

<font color=purple>I assume you'll be making use of your wings, Draches?</font>

She walked in pace with the silver dragon, keeping her footsteps large so as not to fall behind.

<font color=purple>You may walk beside the group as we travel, but it would be nice to have a lookout in the sky...</font>

She quieted and waited for her friend’s reply, her watchful look and careful tonality voicing the distrust she felt towards this mission and the man that had implemented it.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 9:04 pm 
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*Draches hadn't said much all through the meeting, and he had no reason to. Everyone else always did the talking. All Draches needed to know was what to do. Which Serenity and he discussed on their way to the Housing Quarters. He was to take to the sky!*
"You know you can always count on me Serenity." Draches said with a wink to his favorite Princess.

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 12:43 pm 
Legend of Old

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Exanderous, pleased with Serenity's decision to aid these people in their troubles, crossed his arms and turned to Christian. Exanderous did not really bring many belongings at all, considering that his attire was one he wore constantly and never really fancied any other. Considering it was mostly armor, he never really took it off unless it was an absolute necessity or he was alone. He was practically good to go from the moment they arrived.

He approached Christian with a small smirk on his face.

<font color=red>We are always cleaning messes eh Christian?</font>

<font color=blue>It would seem like it wouldn’t it?</font>

<font color=red>Can you see us doing anything else? After all it is our profession. We are the good guys...</font>

Exanderous turned his eyes for a moment on Serenity as she made her way with Draches. He then redirected his attention to Christian with troubled thoughts.

<font color=red>Old friend, ever feel like you are just playing mercenary? Like you are out of place? It’s just... well I find it funny that no king, no kingdom has my allegiance, but a princess has. The only one to guide my sword has always been me, until Serenity and Oceana. Perhaps it’s just a thought...</font>

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 4:51 pm 
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((OCC: Sorry if it seems like I'm hurrying this, but other people's characters can't get involved until we're on the road...)

Christian shrugged.

<font color=blue>"I haven't been to my country since I was a small boy. Not since the Harlequin war. Most Vendallions never leave Vendal all their lives, but here I am, defending any nation that cannot defend itself..."</font> He said, eyes glacing briefly towards Serenity and Draches.

<font color=blue>"But I don't do that because I am disloyal to my heritage. I do it because I am loyal to what matters most... my heart. And that, my friend, is nothing to be concerned about."</font> Christian finished, placing a reassuring hand on Exx's shoulder before Revex spoke up.</font>

<font color=cyan>"Then I will be honored to ride with you, your highness!"</font>he exclaimed, <font color=cyan>"I only ask that we leave as soon as possible, so that the problem might be resolved quickly..."</font>

<center><font color=blue>We road to Albrecht while the sun was still higher; the roads are occasionally dangerous at night. Revex was in front; he knew the way better than the rest of us...

But I wasn't far behind him. He had a strange preasence about him.

Anyway, there we were, a group of the most famous warriors the coninent had to offer, off on another dangerous adventure. Draches circled gently over-head... a strangely comfortable thought... the road to Albrecht was surrounded by woodland, making it easy for would-be attackers to plan a strike...</center></font>

Christian sat atop a large, brown steed. His name was Chera. Revex, however, rode upon a patchy white stallion. His name was Wuffles.

Christian looked around, taking in the surroundings. The sky was clear, the sun warm, where it broke through the trees that lined the road and there was a gentle breeze. An obscenely perfect day.

He took in a deep breath.

<font color=blue>"The flowers are beginning to bloom and pollen..."</font> he commented, more to himself than anyone else. <font color=blue>"A good omen, I hope..."</font>

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2005 8:20 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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I would judge more on where the birds are nesting.
Fyre said, jumping down from a bank into the road just a little way ahead of the company. he had been snoozing beneath a tree when he heard them approach.

and where would you ladies and gentlemen be going this fine day?

Last edited by Fyre on Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:36 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:17 am 
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OCC: Since my lazy ass brother is refusing to post, eventhough this whole story was mainly his idea, I guess I'm going to have to keep taking control of Revex and if he doesn't like it... hard nuts.

Christian pulled his horse to a stop in front of the stranger. There was a short silence and the wind whistling through the trees made sounds like people whispering in the undergrowth.

He looked long and hard at the new comer for a moment...

<font color=blue>"Really now?"</font> He enquired, <font color=blue>"And what might the birds be saying to he who is too grand to introduce himself to those on an important mission for the King of Albrecht?"</font>

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:35 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Where I’m from the Birds nest high when the weather is fine, and they are certainly high now…

He left the sentence hanging in the air and glanced up to the bank he had dropped down from. Through the dappled shade of the trees he could see birds nestled in silhouette.

My name is Fyre. I am the crown prince of Volcania. So I am only grand by name not by nature.

He smiled a broad grin.

but if I’m not welcome then I’ll move along, I figured a group of people like yourselves may be in need of a pair of extra hands. Mine are empty right now and willing to take up arms for a just cause!
He puffed his chest up and rolled his shoulders back.

Fyre: I live for adventure.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 4:55 pm 
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Christian leaned towards Fyre and lowered his tone and narrowed his eyes slightly.

<font color=blue>"You know... in the heiarchy of Hell the crown princes are ranked higher than the kings."</font> Christian hissed before leaning back again.

There was more noise from the undergrowth, though it could have been the wind, Christian's keen sense were alerted to more humanoid movements between the trees...

<font color=blue>"But perhaps we will at least get a chance to test just how much you live for adventure..."</font> Christian trailed off as a large ground of mouldy, grey and short goblin-like creatures slowly dragged themselves out from the undergrowth, armed with small rusty blades.

Christian pulled out Hope and a thinner, more natural blade and waited as the creatures circled in around the group.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 5:18 pm 
Dragon's Egg
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Revex flicked some of his hair from his hair, leaning forward to take a look at the little green men, apparently non-pulsed.

"Hey, these little guys are from Albrecht. We're on good terms with them. As the old saying goes, if it can bleed, it can get boozed up."

Revex's extremely feminine face broke into a smile as he blew some of his bleached bone white hair from his face.

But the apparent home land kin-ship meant little to the small goblins, who made a few gurgling sounds.

"They say they're going to kill us. Oh, and that the female is a whore. I don't know which one. I think they mean me. Oh dear."

He sighed, swinging off his horse, his sword in his hand so fast that it didn't appear to move between the two states-Just back strap to hand, with nothing between.

"Either way, they're going to be leaving with considerably less, what’s the word...Oh, yeah. Limbs, than they came with."

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 8:56 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Fyre figured it would be wise to keep his balrog side at bay in this fight, the strangers comment about hell made him feel that he would probably not do too well to show that side of his ability. So for now he would just fight as a human would, with a sword and much gusto. He drew his scimitar and readied for an attack from the small band of creatures now surrounding them.

I will gladly kill a few, but I would hate to deprive you of such an honour as fighting alongside me!

He lunged forward and brought the pommel of his scimitar crashing down on the skull of the nearest creature. It howled in pain and held its head which was starting to bleed, the green blood dripped down its face and its screams were brought to an abrupt end as Frye severed its head from its body.

care to join me?

The other goblinoids wailed in rage and rushed forwards to attack.

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 08, 2005 2:38 pm 
Legend of Old

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Seeing the enemy in his vision, he pulled his blade sheathed on his back and gave it a good swipe in the air. Seeing how that Christian was fairing well, Exanderous fought his way next to Fyre decapitating several opposing forces offering any resistence or atack. A few scrapes and scratches were all that were inflicted.

<font color=red> You wouldnt start this fun without me would you kind sir?</font>

He smirked as he became prepared for another round of attacks while keenly watching his friends.

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:07 am 
Dragon's Egg
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Revex's fighting style was amazing to watch. Long, sweeps and hops, jumps and kicks, punches and dodges, all flowing into one movement. Multi-tasking, doing two, three, four even five things at once, dodging a blow from behind, swinging his sword forward, kicking backwards and frontwards.

Soon, there was a clear circle around him, where the goblins had caught on to his skill at fighting multiple targets.

"Having fun, everyone?"

Revex put his sword back into its strap, after wiping it on the grass at the side of the path. He stretched a few times, the goblins puzzling as he bent one leg and extended the other, before reversing the legs.

"Had a stitch. Onward!"

His sword once again back in his hand, he leapt over some of the goblins, a slightly unnerving smile sliding onto his face.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 12:21 am 
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ooc: yes I have been allowed to post in this topic/PBPRPG, tourniquet and I discussed it.

IC: An arrow went whistling through the air, nicking several goblins before striking one in its lumpy forehead, causing it to start dripping black blood.

GIVE IT BACK! an odd ranger called out as he sprung out of a pair of bushes, spinning his sword to strike several goblins and decimate them. His orange eyes fiery, he attacked without mercy, cleaving a walkway through the battalion of goblins.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 2:54 pm 
Dragon's Egg
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"Slow down there, tiger!"

The mighty Baron Sword, laced with blood was instantly at the ranger's throat, not exerting any pressure but with the undeniable feeling that it could, and would, be exerted, should the hand on the other end of the sword should so choose.

"Generally, I kill people who run around swinging swords and yelling, so I suggest you either introduce yourself or get a coffin thats a head shorter that your current height."

Revex's shark like grin, devoid of all humour but still showing an impressive smile none the less, took up most of his face, which was slightly spattered with blood.

A goblin took the chance to attack and leapt from behind, wild hair flailing as it hurtled through the air, drool trailing after it as it wildly swung a crude axe.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 3:07 pm 
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Christian had flung himself off of his horse when the creatures had circled in and had drawn too swords; Hope and a thinner blade of Vendallion make that he spun in the air majestically and almost constantly.

Christian hardly looked at the creatures, but instead simply waded through them, cutting them down whenever one came close. Usually in the form of a block and a spin of the blocking blade that sliced open the creature in a malicious counter-attack.

Christian spotted the movement of the Ranger out of the corner of his eye and turned to look, flicking Hope upwards and rending a deep laceration into the face of a Goblin that was jumping towarrds him.

He noticed an over zealous Goblin staring greedily at Revex and slowly made his way towards the circle of monsters surrounding him. As he predicted, the creature took it's chance to strike.

Christian spun his thin Vendallion blade in the air; one swing taking the head of the axe, the other slicing the Goblin's face off. He watched it drop with an unimpressive grunt.

<font color=blue>"The introductions can wait. If he steps out of line, then kill him. For now... we have more important things to worry about."</font> Christian darkly mused, turning away from Revex and the new coming to face a slowly growing army of small Goblinoids.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 12, 2005 4:42 pm 
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The ranger ducked out from under Revex's sword and jumped at a rather large goblin carrying a bag. The goblin shrieked as the ranger cut off his head. The ranger quickly stole the bag and jumped up into the trees, unslinging his bow and taking aim at a group of goblins charging toward the others. He let loose with a screaming arrows that pierced one, going straight through its body.

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 21, 2005 7:34 pm 
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Serenity’s pace was quick and purposeful as she headed down the passageway that would lead her to the stable yards. Anger fueled her momentum.

<font color=purple>Remind me to redefine the word <i>urgent</i> in my next letters to Kordane. </font>

The orange, tabby cat that had been trotting along behind her looked up at her purposefully. His ears were bent back in a scowl and his jade eyes glimmered.

<font color=green>I told you, money is all that fills that man’s mind. He’d sell his mother for pocket change, I’m sure... </font>

The stable hands had just finished packing the saddlebags. Not even bothering to check their contents, Serenity pulled herself up on the horse and grabbed the reins. She looked down at one of the stable boys.

<font color=purple>Did you put on the extra bag, like I asked? </font>

He gave her a quick nod and motioned to the bag next to her left foot; the flap was not taught like the others. Reaching down, Serenity whipped it open and turned her gaze once more on the cat.

<font color=purple>Get in. </font>

He glared at her huffily.

<font color=green>You really don’t think I’m going with you in some dirty, uncomfortable... </font>

She stared him down, causing him to shrink back a bit.

<font color=purple>Get in. <i>Now</i>. </font>

With an indignant sniff, he paced forward and jumped into the saddlebag, catching the edge and scrambling in just as Serenity sent the horse into a quick gallop.

When they had reached a point further into the countryside, the orange tabby’s head popped out of the bag, bouncing with the rhythm of the horse’s stride.

<font color=green>I sure hope you know what you are doing; going along with that group of vagabonds you cater to. They are likely to get you into trouble some day. </font>

He had no sooner spoken than they reached a fork in the road riddled with bodies. Serenity looked upwards and saw a familiar figure circling in the sky. As she got closer to the grisly scene, she was relieved to find that her friends were just setting out again. From what she could see no one was hurt very badly.

<font color=green>What did I tell you?</font>

Jynx sniffed the air, a look of distaste crossing his features.

<font color=green>Goblins. Horrid creatures. Can’t even eat them after you’ve killed them, though I hear they do try in some countries... </font>

Truly, the smell was overwhelming. Serenity quickened her pace, closing in on her companions. They looked worn when she reached them, and there were two strangers with them. She nodded to acknowledge their presence, and then turned her horse so she was facing Christian.

<font color=purple>I am sorry I was delayed in meeting up with you. I had a fierce fight with the politician who sent the summons. I see you had some trouble here? </font>

Serenity had asked for them to start out without her after receiving an urgent summons from a diplomat. She knew Christian had been sore on the idea, so she was almost thankful for their run-in, as it had given her the opportunity to catch up. She gave him a concerned look, however, and hid her relief at finding them so soon.

<font color=purple>I’m sure there is no more you can do here, the villagers will burn the bodies. Why don’t you introduce your new companions and then tell me the story of your adventure here on the rest of the way to Albrecht? </font>

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 24, 2005 12:34 pm 
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The ranger jumped out of the tree, unslinging his sword, and landed on the amazingly strong hilt, driving it into the ground. He tossed his long hair back and yanked the sword out of the ground, albeit with some ungraceful struggling. While cleaning his sword on the dew covered grass, he promptly introduced himself as Chalgrish, a ranger with some oddities such as being half-dragon.

Where were you heading? Surely a princess, a druid, a Vendallion, a dragon, a meta human , a guardian, and a....em...person...thing... said Chalgrish as he gestured at each individual creature.

He gestured at Fyre, apparently not really knowing what he was.

I'm just a tag-along... Fyre corrected.

Ah...yes...anyway, I know that you are not going to go have tea and biscuits with the locals, so what are you doing?

He finished cleaning his sword and put it back in its long, intricately carved wooden sheath. He then leaned against an extremely large tree, and arched an eyebrow, waiting for a reply.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 8:36 am 
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Christian scowled at Fyre and Chalgrish briefly.

<font color=blue>" Actually, they have yet to properly introduce themsevles. Which, if they're planning on... tagging along, then can do while we travel."</font> Christian said, climbing back onto his horse.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 6:55 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Fyre turned and, wiping his blade and sheathing it, proclaimed.

I am Fyre, Prince of Volcania. Seeker of adventure and treasure, but more of the former.

he smiled and offered his hand to their apparent leader.

I ask once again, having proven myself in battle, mind if I tag along?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 2:51 am 
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Serenity looked down on the young man questionably.

<font color=purple>You are a prince, and yet you would rove looking for treasure and adventure, lending your hands to strangers instead of seeing to your people? I was not aware that a country in the Realms was so prosperous as to feel well without its leaders in place...</font>

The orange tabby, who had disappeared from his sack in order to procure dinner for himself, appeared at their feet. A large, dead rat dangling from his mouth, he made a graceful leap, seating himself upon the horse’s croup and dropping the small feast into the empty saddlebag. After checking that his meal was secure, he swept a paw across his ear in the most favored grooming fashion of cats, and then repeated it with the other.

All of this was done with no regard to the humans’ conversation. When his ears heard mention of proper etiquette for ruling, however, and his brain registered whose lips those words had escaped from, he could not help but let loose a loud scoff.

Not having brought so much attention to himself before this, and scoffing being a distinctly human expression, he did all that he could to ignore the stares aimed in his direction. Most were coming from those who knew him, their fleeting glances merely coming from surprise due to his sudden appearance. The most profound, however, were being directed from the two newcomers.

Stopping his paw half way down one ear, he sat still in the awkward silence that followed. Serenity and this new prince resumed sending glares in each other’s direction. Realizing that he should do something with himself, Jynx straightened out and sat upright, as if to hold his dignity rigidly in place.

<font color=green>Well, then... It does look like we have made introductions. Perhaps we should be off?</font>

Serenity shrugged her shoulders, but kept an eye on both strangers.

<font color=purple>We have no extra horses, and I passed the carriage some ways back. I suggest that if you would like to join us, you at least procure yourselves a means of travel quickly, for to have you walk alongside us would only slow our pace...</font>

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:27 am 
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No worries there! I have...better ways to travel than on foot or on horseback.

Still a tad worried from the cat's odd sounds, Chalgrish secured his pack and took off into the trees, creating a small tornados of dust flecks in his wake. He dangled his legs off to one side of a tree's bough, whistling and grinning as he looked at the astounded group.

I suggest we get out of here before more of those rancid sacks try to find out what the cause of the noise was. There's a clearing ahead, with a spring and some very nice bushes encircling it. Lots of thorns!

How are thorns goo- oh... I see...It's going to prevent wild animals from getting into the campsite? and how are we going to get the horses in and out?

No, I just like thorns. But that works too! And as for the horses, there's a yound patch whose thorns are soft, so they won't scrape you.

The group set off to the site which Chagrish had mentioned, whilst Chalgrish himself hopped from one tree to the next. The group got through the thin patches with relative ease. As they set up camp, Chalgrish dropped from the trees and started forraging for dropped thorns and sticks. When queried, he just said he was fletching arrows.

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 27, 2005 8:15 am 
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Location: England
<marquee>Quick rewind!</marquee>

Christian stared with an open mouth, that seemed to be attempting to formulate some kind of sensible question, at the appearence of the intruiging tabby. He found the best course of action was simply to ignore.

<font color=blue>"The Prince can ride with me, if the Ranger has his own methods."</font> Christian offered, making breif eye-contact with Serenity as if to confirm shared suspicions and let her know that he'd be under careful scrutiny.

Christian reached down to allow Fyre a lift onto his stead before moving off.

<font color=blue>"Far be it from our juristiction to judge nor comment upon the political state of his Kingdom, afterall..."</font> He coldly added.

Eventually the group stopped at the location Chalgrish had suggested... it was an ideal place for a quick break. Even the horses relaxed quite quickly and the ground settled down in a small circle except for Chalgrish who was busy fletching himself some new arrows.

As usual, Christian said little except when prompted to, but enjoyed listening to the conversations of others... especially the eccentric and slightly odd Revex, who had so far come out with such gems as:

<font color=teal>"Guardian of the Universe? I think I saw that play next year..."

"My, what an odd lump you'll have!"

"Nice crusty, yellow voice you've got there!"</font>

But so far, Christian's favourite was...

<font color=teal>"I'd ask if you shrunk in the wash, but..."</font>

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