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 Post subject: Time Out of Memory
PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 7:23 pm 
Dragon's Egg
Dragon's Egg

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Aki yawned and leaned back in her chair as she listened to Leonite drone on to the gathered guests of the Eldred. Since he was the head of the Order he was obliged and privilaged to speak first and introduce the topic of discussion, the situation, and indeed, explain to them all why they had summoned hence. But even she had to admit that he was abusing the privilage droning on and on the way that he was. The poor half-dragon, Areon, while listening intently appeared more than a little bored and as she gazed across the table at the group of magical elites, Aki couldn't help but fidget a little in anticipation of her turn. There was so much to tell them... So much that she herself was unsure of- and indeed unsure if she would bring up at all. New research had been pouring in over the past two days and she was more than a little excited by the new information, especially when coming across something about some guy who had actually KNOWN Widow AND being a vampire, might still be alive. She just had to procure Leonite's approval to find this Jason. Who knew how much help he could be?

With a twinge of irritation she noted as she momentarily turned her ears back to Leonite that as he explained the previous conflict concerning Marius (specifically his lat battle with Widow, THE sorceress of the age), he conveniently "forgot" to mention the fact that the necromancer had joined his soul to the Magus Cian, the single greatest source of magical power on the continent. The young sorceress shook her head and turned her gaze to the table. Much as she liked Leonite (he WAS her best friend, after all) at times he was just too political. Too much weight was placed on public opinion under his direction. Too often the right thing would be to strike at problems head-on, and he danced around them like a tourist doing a REALLY bad Mexican hat dance.

A slight cough brought her attention back to the gathering and she turned her bright, hazel eyes back to the group to find them all staring at her intently, waiting for some response, seemingly. With embarassment Aki realized that Leonite had finally turned things over to her whilst she day-dreamed and pondered. A slight cough and she stood, brushing stray strands of her long auburn hair from her face and adjusting her glasses as she reached down and pulled her bag onto the table. "Thank you, Leonite for the background of the situation at hand," she said while pulling out a small glass orb and setting it in the middle of the table. With a wave of her hand, it began to grow in size and glow a bright purple as she continued speaking. "As you all now know, you have been summoned here because there is a threat to the Continent that has recently come to light in the form of an organized, dangerous group- a cult if you will." Another wave of her hand near the orb that was now the size of a large pumpkin and the picture of a strange symbol appeared in the center. It had what appeared to be a compass rose twisted around a tree-like shape like a vine with the words "Eternitate authoritae" scrawled across the top like leaves. "This is the symbol of said group it-"

"Wait a second," a voice said and in the dark Aki couldn' t see who it was that spoke, "I thought these guys were just trying to resurrect Marius. Why are we looking at the ancient symbol of the Archaics?"

Aki smiled as she opened her mouth to answer. So they hadn't all fallen asleep during Leonite's drawl. "It is true that you are here to discuss the threat of reusrrecting Marius, but the exact reason why it would be so disastrous lies in a fact my colleague seems to have forgotten to include in his introduction, that being that in his last battle with the sorceress Widow, Marius had managed to locate the Magus Cian, the ancient power of those beings that we are all descended from, the Archaics, whose symbol you see before you. Just for trivial information, it is comprised of a pointed cross wrapped around the Tree of Life from which they believed themselves to have 'dropped'. But back to Marius. Not only did he find the power of these people-" The viewing-orb flashed and revealed a three-dimensional picture of an enormous white, half-man-half-serpentine creature looming above a woman in long red robes trimmed in white. "In an effort to remove the only threat that stood in the way of his plan to purify this world and remove all the 'unworthy' via the Magus Cian he tied his very spirit to it. Thus, as you all can infer, he was no longer tangibly mortal. He could not be kiiled so long as the Cross of the Archiacs that summoned forth the Magus remained. To date we STILL have not found a way of destroying them and so Widow did the only thing that she could and sealed him away. After doing so she broke the relic into four pieces and the map to the location into three, leaving the Eldred one of each." With a small sigh Aki strecthed out her hand and the orb began to shrink until it floated into her palm and was placed back in her messenger's bag. With earnest intent she gazed round at the lot of them and when she spoke, what smile there had been in her features disappeared for a moment.

"You've been summoned here to help me in this investigation. We all can guess what will happen if this cult calling themselves the 'True Light' will do if they manage to assemble the relic and resurrect the Magus Cian and Marius. For those of you who don't, allow me to put it in perspective. In the past two months they have attacked nine communities in search of pieces, only two of which were spared. Those two housed and were made up of ONE thing that the others did not and were not: Human magic-users. The others were supported by elves, dwarves, druids, vampires, non-users... You can see what their intent is." Here she paused and sighed again, a desperate look in her eyes as she continued her address. "You all are the best at what you do. We have the first map-piece, we've solved the riddle on the back that will lead us to the next piece and to the next relic-piece, but to be honest, I have no one in this entire Council that would understand this quite so well as any of you would. Should you decide to leave and go home, I will hold you no grudge and wish you well. But if you will help me in this investigation, I only ask that you meet me tomorrow morning outside this building ready to leave. Thank you." With that she resumed her place at the table and picked up her bag as the gathered group began standing and leaving.

"I'll stick around if anyone wants to ask anything or needs additional info." she chimed, doubting that anyone actually heard her as she gathered her notebooks and scrolls together.

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to protect? Even if it's something as seemingly small as an idea, at least it's SOMETHING."

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PostPosted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 11:35 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Yuri listened intently, filtering the information and relaying the important facts to Kuall silently through the mind link. Her mind was turning the information over, examining it from every angle. When the lecture was over Kuall overshadowed her with a question burning in his mind.

"As few here know the tortures that the world endured during his last rule, it would be best to elaborate on the details should we fail. Would you set the concequences strait so the mortals in the room know the true extent of this mage's power?" Yuri came back into being as the dragon loosened the grip on her mind. She translated the question into simpler terms: "What should happan if he is brought back to life and allowed to live? How long would it take to gather his power after he awakens?" She and the dragon directed their questions at Aki, whom had summoned them.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:22 am 
Dragon's Egg
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Aki paused for moment in her repacking of her bag and seemed to ponder the question. The consequences of telling them everything could be dire, but it would be hypocritical of her not to. With a concerned gaze round the room at the others who were listening intently for the answer, she adjusted her glasses and pulled out another orb. This one was made of light blue glass and within it they could all see the shape of a sundial apparently keeping time. As she spoke it began illustrating her words with actual pictures from the past. It was a Temporal Orb- an instrument that allowed the sorceress to view the recorded past and the possible future.

"When Marius walked the earth there were some who believed as he did in our community of sorcerers that we should be the dominant race, not kept under the heel of those who were supposed to be weaker than ourselves. However, until he found the way to the Magus Cian, they had no firepower. With him being joined to the power of the Archaics now though, there's no knowing how much damage he could do, especially given that he's no longer just a crazy guy off the street, but actually has pretty elite followers in the True Light. And givent he fact that he ahs followers and he now has an immeasurable power, I would say that even though there are MANY more non-users in this world than sorcerers, he would have a very good chance of attaining his Paradise within a relatively short period of time. Adn those non-users and 'infidels' who DID manage to survive would probably be enslaved or simply disposed of. The good thing is that we're a step ahead of the True Light because we have the first of each map and relic piece AND we know where the next ones are."

At this she acquired a small smile as she thought of the adventure to come. So much like Widow's own! She hoped that she was doing her patron proud. As she thought about it though, she felt a sudden surge of adrenaline as though she were starting the journey that very night or already had adn in her mind's eye she could see a tavern and in the corner, a young man playing darts, hitting his target miraculously, despite being plastered. Oddly, she felt that she knew him, and a sense of foreboding hit her. The need to warn him to avoid the vampire in the room hit her, but before she could say anything to him, she was pulled back tot eh present by another comment. These visions HAD to stop... Without missing a step however, she shook her head slightly and smiled sweetly at the group. "Sorry guys, bit of a headache. Anyway, what was the statement or question?"

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to protect? Even if it's something as seemingly small as an idea, at least it's SOMETHING."

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 Post subject: [b] Darts and weapons
PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 12:59 am 
Legend of Old

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Outside the gaze of the gathering adroit and across from the towering mountains, stood a dilapidated excuse for what appeared to be a shack. Its wooden, splintered exterior could be compared to that of an unearthed fox hole with the capacity of a small closet. A strange and tattered banner was draped across its front wall bearing the mark of two strange characters resembling teeth and a V. A hint of snow carried in the mountain wind collided against the rickety edifice and seemingly melted instantaneously. With patches of green peeking through the pallid snow, it could be said with ease and truth that this shack was not your exotic get-away resort.

Inside housed a plethora of weapons that were strewn about the floor on and walls like injured in a hospital. Everything from swords and maces to orbs and bows. Even small prototype rifles were stashed away at the side of a furrowed bed that looked like it was stuffed with rocks. The puke green color of the blanket covering only contributed to the volatile of its' appearance.

Sitting on a small stool was a character dropping a small rodent to the ground. With a quite thud, the rodent lay sill while the figure wiped his mouth clean. If one were to further investigate the remains of this creature one would find that the clear and evident cause of death was a puncture of the jugular and loss of blood.

This oddity of a figure wore a long mud brown cloak covering his countenance to the fullest. Leather bracers hugged his wrists tightly while his biceps could be seen bulging out of what appeared to be an undershirt laced with armor. Aside from the white and sliver coloring, It was possible that mythral was the material that fused the compatibility of a shirt to armor, but since when did someone occupying a shack the size of an extended outhouse possess such a unique armor? His pants consisted of baggy brown pants that looked like cloth and steel boots that seemed to be a tad tarnished with age.

The shaded figure stood to his feet and walked over to a small and plane dart board riddled with holes. He then removed a few darts embedded in the cork and then took several steps back. As the darts whizzed out of his hands and on to the board, every single shot was close to perfect.

Who the hell plays darts any more... your getting old he quietly muttered to himself.

and with that he just continued to play a solemn and peaceful game.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:45 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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As those who attended the meeting started to depart, Loden pushed his way to the exit ahead of them. Although he was old he was nimble and he had more important things to worry about then some old relics. His latest hybrid plant was due to bloom at any moment, he had not liked being summoned at such a crucial time.

He raced across a small courtyard and took a flight of steps down into a terraced area. There were beds full of flowers and vegetables and fruits. and amongst them all was an ornate greenhouse.

Loden pushed open the door and quickly hung his bag on the hook near the entrance.

Loden: Ellwood! Ellwood, my boy have I missed it?

from the back, from behind a desk strewn with papers high enough to hide him Ellwood replied.

Ellwood: not yet master, but the bud has reached it's peak so it should be any second now.

Delight swept across Loden's face and he sprinted towards the bench where his precious specimen was planted.

Loden: can you believe it Ellwood? 2 years we've been trying to get one of the crosses to grow and finally we do and I almost missed it because of some silly meeting.

Ellwood: Oh yeah, what was that about?

Loden: Oh I don't know, wasn't really paying attention to tell the truth. Leonite does ramble on some. uh...I think it was to do with some relics that were hidden and some group trying to get them back.

Ellwood nodded, he was equally confused and he knew that until Loden's plant had bloomed he would get no more help from him. He had matters of his own to deal with anyway. reports had reached him that some new pest had been destroying crops about the land, and he was at odds as to what to attribute it to.

master Loden had given the advice he always did, that Ellwood should go out and see for himself what was wrong, and not to bother him so much.

Ellwood almost always listened to his master, but something had kept him back this time. which is why he was stuck behind this desk with papers piled high. he was looking over the reports again.

Ellwood: I think it'll be a bad year for harvest this year. it's unfortunate really, unfortunate and yet rather queer how seemingly well timed this new problem has occured. 29 farms, in 100mile radius all go down with it at the same time. Most bugs or viruses need time to spread, it's almost as if someone had done it on purpose.

Loden: NOOO!!

his scream startled Ellwood, and he quickly rushed over to where his master stood. Loden had his head in his hands and was shaking it.

Loden: 2 years of work down the drain, this plant isn't fit for pigs to eat!

he picked up the pot. the plant, which had been on the point of blooming, was slowly turning brown and shrivelling up. He threw it through a pane of glass. the glass broke and the noise snapped Loden from his moment of gloom.

Loden: oh dear me, what did I do? Ellwood be a good fellow and go get the glaziers for me will you, this chill will kill all the plants in here if we're not careful.

Ellwood bowed and left, glad to be out in the fresh air, it wasn't chilly, but compared to the heat in the greenhouse, it was much cooler. he dashed up the stairs, his flipflops flipflopping as he went.

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 4:04 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Yuri hung back, even as some left the room. "Why do you not tell them the whole truth?" She asked, as her master inquired. "Do you not think them able to stand up to it? Of the horrors he could do?" Her eyes were clouded, impassive, but her voice inquiring. She looked down. "Because my master agrees, these people are too interested in their own lives, their own needs to truly meet this task, to save this world." Her voice was low, dissappointment seeping through the bridge. [/i]

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:38 am 
Dragon's Egg
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Aki smiled a bit at the question as she continued replacing the things in her bag. "I assure you, Miss Yuri that I told them all that I know about the situation. I may be a sorceress, but I am a historian at heart, and as such have spent extensive research on Marius, Widow and every one associated with them. Marius, as I said never had followers until after he died, and the pains that Widow suffered getting rid of him and sealing him are legendary so I really shared the extent of what I know about the situation and what I believe will happen should his followers succeed. Now as for the people gathered here..."

For a moment she paused and really considered the girl's statement about the people present. They were the best in their fields, they worked together usually for the common good, but in this case could any of them TRULY be depended upon? After all, Loden had left straightaway after the meeting and she hadn't seen Ellwood at all... Though in his particular case, knowing Ellwood he was knee-deep in reports and research himself. Still, she had put the list together rather quickly, and now the only one really staying back and showing any interest was Yuri, a girl she barely even knew. Something in her though trusted all of them to do the right thing. Somehow, she felt that they would prove themselves in the end. It was an optimism that looking back she seemed to have been born with. And of all times for it to fail, she wasn't about to let that be now. Thus, she turned to the girl with a broad smile and continued in ehr statement.

"As for the rest of the summoned members of this group, I have utmost faith in them all, including you, Miss Yuri. Hopefully this matter with teh True Light will remain but a small operation and we can stop it before it grows out of control. However, should it become dire, I have faith that when all is said and done, right will prevail. I just feel it. People are not always as self-centered as we think, after all." A quick look at her watch told her it was getting to be rather late. And she still had more stop to make before heading to the Archives and then home. "Unfortunately I DO need to head out, but if you should need anything, please come and see me before tomorrow morning." An elegant swish of the pen and a second later she was handing Yuri a small bit of paper with her address on it. "Now if you'll excuse me," and bowing low, she left and headed towards the door to go find Ellwood and possibly help him get his rear in gear. Perhaps he would know something about why a potion was never found to cure Widow's sickness. If htere had been no known cure in either the magical or practical worlds, then it had ot have been either serious, or placed there intentionally. Although if he couldn't help she knew of someone who could possibly at least tell her what the sorceress' symptoms had been. It was just a matter of finding him...

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to protect? Even if it's something as seemingly small as an idea, at least it's SOMETHING."

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 1:59 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Finding Ellwood wasn't as hard as she had thought though. as she left the building he was walking across the bazarr to Miles, the Glazier. his beads around his ankle glinted in the sun and his face seemed calm and cheerful.

when he left the Greenhouse Ellwood tended to let the worries of his work drop away like water off a ducks back.

he stopped when he saw her though.

Ellwood: AKI! long time no see. sorry I didn't come to the meeting, Loden insisted that one of us stay to watch over this plant of his and as he is senior he thought it best that he go. it failed though and he broke a window in a little rage.

he laughed and then noticed that Aki wasn't following suit. He stopped and looked at her, all thoughts of getting to the glazier were gone from his mind.

Ellwood: Aki, friend, what's wrong? was this meeting one I shouldn't have missed? Loden didn't tell me much about it, he wasn't sure what was going on anyway...oh maybe I should have insisted that I come instead of him. he can be so stubborn sometimes.

he smiled. but the concern for his friend was still evident. he waited for her response.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 2:17 am 
Dragon's Egg
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Aki smiled a bit as she adjusted the bag on her shoulder, ruffling her sleeveless white shirt a bit as the breeze in turn followed suit with her skirt. With a small wave of the hand, she seemed to be trying to dismiss her worries as she answered him. "Oh it wasn't much, we all know how hectic things can get in my department of the Eldred. I've just had a lot od research to do and as of tomorrow will be out of town on an arhcaeolgical race, so to speak. There's a new little group that's decided they want to cause some mischief."

The young sorceress knew that Ellwood would never buy her story, and she wasn't about to insult him by insisting that it was the whole truth. But it would have to suffice for now. After all, how could she know that the True Light may be connected to the failed local crops? And as it stood, she really hated worrying Ellwood. They had been friends for a while, though recently work and the threats of another impending war had kept them both fairly busy. However,s he decided not to allow the moment to dwindle on the darker aspects of the meeting and to move on.

"As it is, things are going to be hectic for a while. But anyway. You say Loden broke a window? Well Ic an fix that for you in a jiffy, no charge. Except maybe of course, a good glass of wine, if you have any," she laughed, "And answers to one or two questions I might have."

As though that were the final word in the matter, she turned and headed for the greenhouse, smiling and giggling to herself and wondering how long it would take him to catch on and catch up.

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to protect? Even if it's something as seemingly small as an idea, at least it's SOMETHING."

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 12:22 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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She left the room, finally, and treaded lightly down the road. Yuri reached her lodgings at the edge of town; it was a light airy place that had a small and usually bright flower garden surrounding it. But now the husks were wilted, dormant untill the following year, despite the temperate air. The key broke in the lock so she climbed in the window, being careful not to crush the plants underfoot.

Shortly she laid down on the bed, her mind weary. Teacher, what do you think of this? You know as well as I the slow undertakings of humans. Do you think Aki right in her optimism?

I do not know my child, though she seems confident in her undertakings. Odd plagues are appearing over the countyside, something is brewing, I haven't felt this sort of foreboding for the longest time. For now we wait. Keep your mind open, do not let your guard down. I will depart for now, but you know you can reach me if you feel the need. Farewell.

Goodbye, master. She laid back, streatching, and closed her empty, hazed eyes. Then fell into a light slumber...

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:20 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Ellwood turned heal and followed Aki down to the greenhouse.
He smiled as he watched her converse with Master Loden and then to his delight she held her hands over the broken glass and it merged into a single pane. with some gently coersion she lifted it and placed it in the frame.

Ellwood: thanks so much Aki, you saved our funds from a minor dent. Thanks. so what's on your mind?

Ellwood new there was more to this then met the eye and he felt that there may be some connection to the crop failures recently.

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 11:44 pm 
Dragon's Egg
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Aki smiled and took a seat in the nearest chair, leaning back a little as she considered how best to summarize things for Ellwood. She grinned in delight as Loden placed a small bottle of wine and a glass at her elbow. Pouring herself a glass and satisfying her thirst she began her explanation with a question to Ellwood. "Well, let me first ask you this (it's something for my research): Do you know of any disease that would be completely incurable? One that couldn't be affected by anything, either potions, druids-work or simple medicine?"

The spakr in her eyes and the slightly more serious tone in her voice told the young apprentice what she was referring to without her so much as uttering the name. He knew that Aki had been researching her seeming patron-saint, the sorceress Widow Narina since her induction into the Eldred Spyridon, and her latest work had all-but consumed her time and energy. With a small smile she continued, leaning forward almost as one discussing an assassination-worthy government plot and lowering her voice. "Because I can't believe that whatever Widow caught was an airborne or accidental virus. I tihnk that she was GIVEN it by someone, and based on what we absolutely know of her symptoms from Leonite, I think it was a variation on a botanical bacteria or virus or something. Because shortly after she died, nothing of its kind was ever seen again, and now that investigations are being launched into the main acheivment of her life with Marius and problems with the True Light are coming into view, there are crops failing everywhere. Yeah, I know about those," she said leaning back in her chair and sipping her wine before continuing her xplanation. "I'm leaving with a party of people tomorrow to begin a race to collect the relics of the Archaic Cross before anyone else can get their hands on it, though I think we may find more than the relics along the way, including information on this whole crop business. Hopefully that won't be the only thing we discover..."

That said she sat back and waited, secretly hoping that Ellwood would take the bait and come with her. Of he people that she had thus far supporting this mad adventure, she had no one with a knowledge like his of plants, nature, terrain... None of it. He knew a good deal more than he let on, and even outside of scholarly circles could be a great help. And it would be nice to have someone along on the trip that she actually KNEW, on a more superficial level.

"What's the point of living if you have nothing to protect? Even if it's something as seemingly small as an idea, at least it's SOMETHING."

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 3:43 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Ellwood pondered her first question for a while and then shook his head.

Ellwood: none that I know of. everything I've ever encountered has had a cure, maybe it will take time to find it, but I've always managed to find some obscure reference to it to figure out a remedy. maybe one of these books.

with that he signalled to the collection of books stacked at the back of the greenhouse. the humidity would have ruined them all but for the enchantment placed on them by Aki herself to prevent it.

Ellwood: has the answer, but the time it would take to look through them all would take more time then I think you have.

Loden interjected here

loden: Ellwood, I think you should indeed go on this journey with Aki tomorrow. She will need your help, this I am certain of. As for me, without you around I can concentrate on my specimens without having to worry about you.

Ellwood: but master what about the crops?

Loden: hmm, well to be honest you should go and visit the farms anyway, then you can check the reports for yourself.

Ellwood bowed, he knew he wouldn't be able to argue against Loden's wisdom. secretly he was hoping to leave but didn't want to cause a problem for Loden, so with his permisson now, he turned to Aki

Ellwood: I'll come with you friend. It'll be fun t adventure together!

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 Post subject: Unsettled Suspicion
PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 1:33 am 
Legend of Old

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The figure continued to strike the dart board with incredible precision. With every pivit and torque of his torso, the leather straps upon his unique shirt creaked and tightened along with his movement. Between every resounding "shunk" of the dart entering the board, there was an aproximately three second delay. It was obvious that this character was either really good, or playing darts in repitition was all he really did. The plethora of weaponry scattered around did not leave much room for argument. He had to be skilled.

He suddenly paused and intensly listened. Though his countenance and other features were hidden in the silhuet of the cloak, one could almost see his alarm. His very being emanated cautiousness.

... silence.

The wind had stopped. The wind never stopped! There was never a moment of silence at the top of the mountains! Something was amiss. He quickly ran to a wooden latch serving as a window and opened it. Everything was still. The snow had ceased to fall, the wind quit bellowing against his aboad, the air grew still, and he felt a strong presence coming from the east. If he didnt know any better, he would have believed that nature itself was trying to warn him of an incoming peril.

The first thing he reached for was an eldrinite long sword forged by the Rubin's finest blackmith resting on a rather rickidy plaque. Characters and runes were inscribed upon it along with a distinguishable name in the hilt. "The Black Widow."

After abruptly sheathing it at his side, he charged through the door outside and after observing his surrounding, became immoble. He could sense another presence fast approaching. After resting one arm at his side and another on the handle of his blade, he grew as still as a statue; while his adrenalin rushed through him making him alert of every possible motion or object surrounding him. Though oddly enough his heart remained still...without a beat.

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 16, 2006 6:04 pm 
The Broken One
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Location: my own little world, eatin' all yer cuppy cakes
Radgar dozed out on the street. Having no employment since being removed from Lord Tallen's service (for inciting a riot while drunk), he had no money to pay for an inn. The best he could hope for was some great war to start. then he might get a job as a stablehand or something.
His thoughts ran in random strings, connecting things that aren't usually connected. What did a tiara wearing donky have to do with anything anyway? He snickered faintly in his half-sleep state. Maybe it was the Queen. Some half-crazed, democratic Queen. Maybe she'll bring the country to war. Then he would have a job.
Yeah, and maybe that skunk of a Queen would win a prize for helping the poor. She never did anything about the situation, good or bad, so why figure her to start a war over anything? And boredom reigns...
Shaking his head, Radgar got up and walked down the street a bit. Burn all nobles. Puffed up peafowl with more money than brains. Too cowardice to fight their own battles and instead pay men to die for them. They pay handsomely, sure, but they still were cowards. Radgar priced his life very high and most nobles found it cockish or ridiculous. Seemed like the pot calling the kettle black to him. Besides, a man's life is not something to throw away for only a few crowns. Especially if that man were as good as himself.
Stopping, he looked up at whatever buidling he had come across. He snorted through his nose. "Bah, bloody magicians and mutt-blooded freaks," Radgar growled as he looked at the white building that held the so-called 'Order'. He knew of several 'Orders', all consisting of mutated freaks of nature. One even cosisted of wolf-like men and woman. Again he snorted. "Freaks."
What was it like inside that building?, he wondered. Would it be full of hoo-doo and torches? Maybe the dissassembled remains of ravens and lizards hung on the walls. The idea was intrueging (sp?) and irresitable.
Without hesitation, he walked through doors which he expected to be locked and entered the building.

OOC: if i got any info wrong (mainly about the whole 'building' thing) let me know and i'll change it.

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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