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 Post subject: Ghosts of the High Council: End of the Parting of Ways
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:08 pm 
Master Old Dragon
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<marquee bgcolor=white><font color=black>This thread is <b>invitation only</b>. Outside posts will be removed. Please Read OOC!</font></marquee>

A cool, spring breeze played against her skin as she looked down across the old foundation. Gently, she pushed a string of hair from her face. Sensations of remembrance welled up inside her, muting the guilt she had felt from abandoning this place.

It was good to be home.

She dared not move any closer to the western wall on foot. It had taken an hour of climbing over loose rubble just to reach this point. Further on, the stones became jagged and blackened by magic, but here they were still softened by moss and plants. Behind her, the Midreams forest sang with the new season. Life was slowly creeping back into her home, and her heart.

The northern wall was visible from here, the large entrance hall and gate still intact. Further on, the eastern wall was in better shape still. The rubble had been cleared away, and men worked diligently day in and day out to restore what had once been the heart of their country.

It had taken years for the rebuilding to begin. People had become afraid of this land, and the taint of magic it carried. Before the castle’s destruction, Oceana had led a small and rural existence, so the number of loyalists that fled afterwards, though small, had taken its toll on the province.

So it had been all she could do to return when the rebuilding began. These men were brave to be loyal to her family still, and she had always planned on coming back. But something else had quickened her arrival, the news of something strange in the darkened hole.

With the clearing away of the rubble, tombs and basements had been found, ones that had been previously blocked off. Most of these were harmless; wine cellars and storage bins long gone to dust. But one in particular had frightened the workers, keeping them from their goal. They had called on the only person they knew with the magic to help.

When they first showed her what lie beneath, she lost all means to speak. After research of her own, she was sick with dread. How much has already been taken? How much have I let slip away? Night after night she had been unable to sleep. She knew that this problem was beyond her knowledge.

Only by healing the broken will the answers be found. The Parting of Ways...

Though disjointed, the message could not have been clearer. She knew whom she must seek out. And now that she had sent the messengers and could do no more than wait. A few she knew would never be reached. Yet, perhaps, there was hope for the others...

In quiet thought, Serenity began her return to the eastern wall.

Last edited by Serenity on Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Skeleton post #2
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:12 pm 
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Serenity had just made it to the edge of the clearing when the spear flew past her. It tore into the thick leather of her pants just above the knee. The graze was not serious, but it was deep enough to bleed. Quickly she clamped a hand to the side of her leg. When her fingers met torn leather and flesh she rounded in the direction of her attacker, her face ablaze with anger.

Her eyes stopped on a group of burly looking workers, making their way up the steep hillside, and her anger dimmed. Each held a long spear or trowel in hand, ready for a fight.

Stopping within hearing distance they pushed a young and frightened young man to the head of the group. His eyes were wide with terror as they crossed her torn pant leg, then settled on her face.

Milady! I hadn’t seen you there, I swear! There’s monsters about!

The young man scanned the tree line nervously. Serenity sucked in air through her teeth. Her hand was wet with blood, but there was no sign of the wound when she pulled it away from her leg.

Ones that look like young girls I suppose? Really Kent...

One of the larger men stepped forward.

He be telling the truth yer highness! He pointed a dagger in the direction of the forest behind her. We sees it runun in there just a flat secon’ ago!

True to his word, something trembled in the trees behind her. Serenity took only a glance at the forest behind her before turning back to the men with a smile.

There is no monster here, men. You can go back to your jobs now. She glared at them as they hesitated. Go on!

Somewhat relaxed now, or maybe even disappointed, each man in turn shrugged and began the decent down the hill. In an afterthought, Serenity yelled after them and they turned to face her once more.

Don’t be attacking anything else that comes by, if you please! You’ll scare all my guests away!

Their faces contorted with confusion and doubt, until one man finally burst out laughing.

Anything you say, Milady!

Serenity’s smile widened and with a silly laugh of her own, she turned to the woods and trotted in, knowing a disgruntled dragon awaited her.

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 Post subject: Skeleton post #3
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:19 pm 
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Arg! Get off me... yuck...

Scowling, she wiped the smelly dragon slobber off her face and onto the grass. With a swift push, she boosted the hulking dragon off of her, quite sure had she been anyone else in his grasp, she wouldn’t moved him an inch. In an overdramatic pique, she dusted off her attire and settled her hands on her hips.

What is it with you dragons and licking people? I can’t have tasted very good.

A smile hid behind her brusque tone. Carefully, she looked him up and down, taking in his not-so-polished hide.

You must have had a time getting here, with the state you’re in! Well, I suppose it’s enough to say that you are here, even if you aren’t so clean...

She smiled at him for the first time.

Come on, you can wash up at the lake. Let’s go find the others! I’m sure I saw Tserof about the skies this morning...


Jynx had been happily perched atop a high wall all day. After using up the morning sun, he had finally positioned himself perfectly to groom his orange-tabby fur. As he raised his paw to his mouth, however, he caught sight of something strange.

Some bird-brained and fowl creature was zigzagging out of control in the sky above him. Now granted, he might have found this a most hilarious spectacle (as stupid birds are often fun to watch), had the thing not been big and headed straight for him.

So, with the utmost care, he found himself a different perch, further out of the way, and sat to watch. It wasn’t until the idiot creature landed, beak first right into the wall, that he realized what a treat it was to have witnessed this marvelously failed endeavor at landing.

It was Medea.

Carefully licking one paw, and measuring to make sure he was out of reach of her talons, he gazed down at her and twitched his ears in a uniquely cat smirk.

Well if it isn’t the peacock! Finally crawled out of your hole in the ground? We had almost began to wonder if some unfortunate creature had digested you already...

Smugly he waved his tail at her, waiting for a reaction.

Last edited by Serenity on Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Skeleton Post #4
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:23 pm 
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There are still so many missing...

Serenity shook her head with worry. Her weight shifted onto one boot-covered foot to the other, causing the dark leather to creak. We cant wait for the others... they will have to find us when they come. With a forced smile, she shrugged the feeling away and embraced each of her friends in turn.

Medea, so good to see you whole again! I hope Jynx didn’t give you any more trouble than usual?...

The phoenix just laughed in response. Looking around Serenity saw the orange tabby sitting high on another wall licking his singed fur. He glared at her through slanted green eyes as she glanced his way.

Turning towards Exanderous next, Serenity embraced him, and then gently held his shoulders with her hands to examine him.

Exanderous, you’re looking well!...

He grinned back at her, with that rare slanted smile. From the corner of her eye she watched as the white dragon waited expectantly for another greeting. Looking around innocently, she pretended to forget him. Alorith’s wings drooped. Laughing, she turned and gave him another hug as well.

And Alorith! Well, yes! I’m still glad to see you too...

She held the White Dragon at arms length to stop him from licking her again, but it was only delaying the inevitable as his neck was still long enough to reach her. Scowling, she batted him away with a hand.

Quite enough, quite enough!...

Finally, she turned to the last figure, standing slightly apart from the others.


When she touched him, she felt the presence of something misplaced or lost. Confused, she gazed into his face. Her smile faded slightly as she saw what was in his eyes.

You’ve seen him.

It wasn’t a question. She could feel her son’s presence on him, even through him, though it was faded from days of travel. Christian nodded slightly but said no more. Quietly she turned to the rest of the group, not willing to press the matter until she was sure she could take in all the facts.

When all of the greetings were done with, and everyone’s face gleaned with remembrance, Serenity spoke up once more.

I suppose we should all move to the Great Hall. I’m afraid it is the only part of the castle that has been fully restored, though the guest rooms are livable. If any of you require lodgings, please know that my home is open to you.

She indicated with a gesture of her hand the surrounding castle and countryside.

Please feel free to make yourself at home, though I would greatly appreciate the avoidance of the workers quarters, as they hate distraction and interference...

No sooner had she spoken then a burly worker weaseled his was through the group with an ornery grunt. Only then did they realize they had been blocking the smaller Eastern Gate, behind which, a group of sun-browned men waited patiently with loads of rock debris to be carried out. Apologizing, Serenity motioned for the others to follow her around the outer city wall to the Main Northern Entrance, where they could enter the Great Hall.

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 Post subject: Skeleton Post #5
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:31 pm 
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She grumbled her way to the kitchens. Elysian, smiling in that way she always smiled when she knew she had disrupted things, quickly stepped in time behind her.

Why’s it so damn cold in here?

Elysian’s voice echoed in the hall. Serenity wrapped her housecoat closer to her body, trying to keep the chill out before she answered.

Not done rebuilding this part yet. It’s all open at the very end.

Stopping abruptly, she turned to face a large set of oak doors carved with breathtaking detail. Just as she reached out to swing one open, something rock hard hit her from behind, sending her head over heal into the oblique molding of a side table and chair.

What in...?!

She swore as Elysian stumbled over her and hit the floor, crumpling the carpet.


Serenity slowly sat up, rubbing the bump on her head and wincing in pain.


Elysian pulled the carpet from her mouth and growled back at her.

I said, MOVE!


It was in a disgruntled state that they both stepped into the formal dining hall. Warmth from a fire in the giant hearth overtook them at first, followed by the smell of cooking spices.

Hey! What are you two doing up?

Both pairs of eyes were directed towards the glowing phoenix sitting in the hearth.


Elysian waved excitedly at the wide-eyed pheasant. Serenity smiled.

Well, now that we’re all here, why don’t I wake the chef? Then we can talk, okay?

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 Post subject: Skeleton Post #6
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:45 pm 
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Elysian and Draches embraced for a long moment. Medea was sitting on the table, her birdsong laugh echoing about the room as she retold some of the old stories. Even the once blurry-eyed Christian and Exanderous were smiling, their bodies and minds booming with the energy the group provided. The cook growled about having something on the stove and stomped his way back to the dining room, mumbling in his native tongue. Serenity stood, hands on her hips, shaking her head and smiling. Indeed, some things never do change.

She watched as Elysian and Draches made their way back to the table. White Dragon Alorith had just wandered in, and was now settling himself next to the long table while accepting the greetings of his many friends.

Her heart ached with what might happen to these people. They were what she had held onto for so long, they were her friends. Closing her eyes for just a moment, she sent her hopes beyond the expansive ceiling and far into the night.

<font color=purple><i>Please, if anything, let them remember this...</i></font>

They had not even begun, and still she felt like she was loosing them.


Serenity returned to the table only to be splattered with water as a goblet landed on her head. She let out a cry as the cold liquid trickled down her hair and face. After clearing her vision, she found herself looking into the sulking face of Medea, whom the glass had obviously been meant for, and the guilty eyes of Elysian, who had obviously lost the holding spell on her weapon.

Seconds later, the room burst with laughter. Serenity scowled at them all as she grabbed a nearby napkin and began sponging herself dry. Using magic to evaporate the rest of the water, she held back a grin. She was sorry to have to stop them from enjoying each other’s company.

<font color=purple>How about we get down to business?</font>

Spooning a large chunk of shortcake unto a plate, she waited for them to calm down before she began to talk.

<font color=purple>Since, your all here, I suppose I can explain what’s been going on.</font>

Slowly, everyone settled themselves into their seats.

<font color=gray>Yeah, how come you dragged us all out of our holes?</font> White Dragon smiled in playful banter. Other voices echoed his question. Serenity took a deep breath and sorted out her thoughts.

<font color=purple>I apologize for dragging you all this way. I knew your journeys would be strenuous, but I needed your help. I still do...</font>

They looked at her with concern. Exanderous spoke up with a new light in his eyes.

<font color=red>If there’s anything we can do, I’m sure I can speak for everyone in here when I say, we’d be glad to do it for you, Serenity.</font>

She gave him a thankful smile.

<font color=purple>It’s a bit more complicated then what you might think, Exanderous. I wouldn’t put any of you in harms way if I didn’t have to...</font>

Draches spoke up next.

<font color=yellow>We’ll be glad to help if you’d tell us what it was!</font>

<font color=purple>I’ve found something.</font>

<font color=orange>Found something? Is that all?</font>

Medea’s cheery voice broke the silence that followed.

<font color=orange>What is it?</font>

Dread settled upon them with the look that crossed Serenity’s face, but still they pressed to help Breathing in their courage, she continued on.

<font color=purple>They call it a Breaker. </font>

The room sang with anticipation.

<font color=blue>What is it?</font>

As always, Christian was straight to the point.

<font color=purple>It’s something I’ve never seen before. I’ve only heard about it in some of the old scrolls and books. It’s round...</font> She held out a fist. <font color=purple>...about this size. </font>

<font color=green>What does it do?</font>

Elysian was leaning into the table as she listened.

<font color=purple>It feeds... She saw the question in their eyes. ...off memory. </font>

<font color=blue>What?!! </font>

<font color=green>How does it do that!! </font>

<font color=purple>I don’t know... I just... </font> She gave them a grave stare. <font color=purple>I don’t remember. </font>

Elysian stood up.

<font color=green>I think it’s time we had a look at this thing. </font>

Serenity nodded in agreement.

<font color=purple>Why don’t we head down there right now? Perhaps one of you can make sense of what’s down there... Are you guys up for a long walk? </font>

She looked into their faces as her question drifted into the expanse of the hall.

Last edited by Serenity on Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Skeleton Post #7
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:49 pm 
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She gazed into his eyes, her brow anxiously furrowed.

<font color=purple>For the sake of us all, I hope you are right, Christian. </font>

She stood, pushing her chair neatly back into place as she gazed into her untouched plate of cake. Now forced to face the problem, the dark circles became more noticeable beneath her eyes. It looked as if the world had just sat itself upon her shoulders.

<font color=purple>Something tells me that it is not so simple. I know it would not have been mentioned in the old scripts was it not some sort of trouble. Prank or not, the Eldars would not have wasted their time recording a warning if there wasn’t danger enough to necessitate one. </font>

She closed her eyes and shook her head.

<font color=purple>But, to tell you the truth, before I had sent for you all, mentionings were all I had come across. I hadn’t found any more information about the Breakers than scribbled warnings and unfinished thoughts, until... </font>

The few whispers that had been floating between them ceased. Alorith gave her a worried look.

<font color=gray>Until when? </font>

All eyes remained on her.

<font color=purple>A few nights after I sent the messengers out, I decided to go seek out the Breaker once more. I had avoided it before then, but something drew me to it, something I had missed... </font>

She forced herself to swallow.

<font color=purple>That night, I found a message carved into the stone. </font>

Her eyes were pleading when she looked up at them.

<font color=purple>It frightened me. I swear to you, it wasn’t there the first time I looked. It put my guilty conscience to rest by letting me know I was right in sending for you all, but it also held some disturbing information. </font>

She took a deep breath.

<font color=purple>Though the message was disjointed and I cannot be sure, my heart tells me there is more to this than I can see. </font>

She glanced into each of their faces before unclenching her fingers from the back of the chair.

<font color=purple>I fear the outcome will be dire; let us pray that I am wrong. </font>

With that, she headed towards the doors...

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 Post subject: Skeleton Post #8
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:55 pm 
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Serenity grinned as she watched Elise strut from the room with Christian in tow. As the others followed, she turned to Medea for some last minute discussion.

<font color=purple>Only two of the libraries are still accessible. If you want to head for the second level study, I have some texts set out already... </font>She ticked off thoughts on her fingers. <font color=purple> You might try the Arcerian records first, I might have missed something there... </font>

The two of them were the last to exit the dining hall. Serenity turned and pulled the giant doors closed with a heavy and finalistic thud. The others’ footsteps echoed further down the hall.

<font color=orange>What about the archives in the crypt? </font>

<font color=purple>Huh?</font> Serenity pulled herself from her rushed and tangled thoughts.

<font color=orange> Well, it’s under the Great Hall. Isn’t it intact? </font>

Serenity paled as she remembered the answer to that particular question.

<font color=purple> It’s been... sealed off. We had trouble when we opened some of the old crypts during the rebuilding of that section. Unfortunately, some things got loose... </font>

<font color=orange> But there is valuable information down there! There is dangerous information down there...! </font>

<font color=purple> Medea, you won’t be able to... </font>

Medea, however, had already scurried off in the direction of the Great Hall. Knowing it would do no good to chase after her, Serenity followed the opposite corridor, running to catch up with her friends.


The group was standing silently in the hall when she caught sight of them. She had been running so fast, she had completely lost her sense of direction. It wasn’t until she recognized what had stopped them that she knew where she was.

Colorful bits of glass were scattered about the floor, creating tiny pools of tinted light. A metal frame lay blackened and torn at the base of what looked like a hole in the wall. Every eye was turned to what lay beyond.

Dark pillars of stone stood outside the once-doorway, leaning inward to block out the sky. Walls hunched over, collapsing in jagged piles that created twisted pathways and dangerous caverns. Further in, the ground had split, creating a fissure that wrapped around broken sets of stairs. Nothing had been left untouched. Everything was warped and black. In the night, it was a place of unimagined darkness.

She stopped when she reached them and stared at the mess of color and chaos. It took her a moment to lift her gaze to the portal and realize their concern.

<font color=purple> I’d forgotten you’ve never been so close to where the blast hit. </font>

Her voice echoed through the hall. No one answered at first. They all continued to stare restlessly into the blackened heart of her castle. When they made no move to enter, Serenity took the liberty of stepping into the disturbing crevice first.

Determinedly, she willed herself not to tremble. She didn’t like the chill that crept up from it’s shady interior. It reminded her of the awful things that were trapped beneath all this stone. The awful things she had heard talk of in the night as a child...

The Breaker, she knew, was not the only danger locked away below the foundations.

Silently, she turned to the group. Grabbing a torch off the wall, she motioned for them to follow.

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 Post subject: Skeleton Post #9 (YAY!! Last one!)
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:05 pm 
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Serenity shook her head, snapping herself out of a daze as Exanderous’ voice rang in her head.

<font color=red><i>Serenity! </i></font>

He was starting to shout now.

<font color=purple><i>Yes? </i></font>

She replied as nicely as she could, sending a glance his way. Perhaps he would think she had been listening and not lost in thought

<font color=red><i>You are hiding something from us. Please tell me what is going on. You know you can trust me... </i></font>

<font color=purple><i>Exanderous I have nothing to hide…</i></font>

She held in a bit of laughter as she watched Christian teeter along the edge, faking a fall and giving some smart remark about brain-sucking monsters. The ground rumbled a bit beneath her and she considered telling him off for his foolish play, but was pulled back by Exanderous’ urgent existence in her psyche.

<font color=red><i>...We have served with each other in the aid of the planet numerous times. You can tell me. Please. </i></font>

Her head was swimming with answerless questions and questionless answers. She didn’t know how to explain. As politely as she could, she pushed him from her mind, mumbling a indecipherable apology. When he pressed at her mind again, she blocked the entryway to all incoming messages. Perhaps she could think now.

<i>Or not…</i>

She jumped three feet when she turned around and found Christian nearly on top of her trying to get her attention. He was pointing to something on the far side of the room that gave off a purplish glow. The dank walls around them were illuminated now, lavender shadows dancing across them with Christian’s movements.

<font color=blue>Well? Is that it? </font>

The whole group expectantly waited for her response. She paused, a bit taken aback by all their eyes on her. Christian continued on when she didn’t respond quick enough to his liking.

<font color=blue>Because really, if it is, I don’t see what all the fuss was about. It’s just a little orb! And I don’t feel changed a bit by its presence... </font>

He teetered as the ground shook unexpectedly. Someone swore as it shook again, more forcefully this time. Serenity reeled and nearly fell over.

<font color=purple>What on earth... </font>

The whole place was falling to bits. Debris landed in clumps as the ceiling threatened to cave in. Nearly everyone was braced against a wall.

<font color=purple><i>What should we do? </i></font>

She wanted to scream, but was afraid losing face would only cause panic among every else. Exanderous pushed against her mind again. A large clump of rock landed a few meters away. He pushed again.

Ready to let him have it now, Serenity wrenched open the doorway to her telepathic conduit. She was taken aback as Medea’s voice, not Exanderous’, filled her head.


The message had stopped abruptly. It wasn’t until she saw faces looming above her that she found out why. Someone was shaking her shoulder.

<font color=gray>Hey... </font>

The movement was making the world spin. Her head ached.

<font color=gray>Hey! Are you all right? </font>

She couldn’t make out the voice, and it was too dark to see the face, but whoever it was, they were sitting her up.

<font color=gray>You took a nasty blow to the head... </font>

Serenity tried to clear her vision and focus on the person in front of her.

<font color=purple>Where is the orb? Did we loose the orb? </font>

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:08 pm 
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Christian rolled his eyes.

â€￾Trust you to be more concerned about that…â€￾ He said, reaching behind him and pulling forth the throbbing, purple orb. He shrugged.

â€￾It was no problem. Thought I’d move it just in case it got smashed.â€￾ He assured Serenity, though a glance over towards its old altar, now buried under a pile of rock, told a slightly different story.

â€￾Anyway… you seem okay.â€￾ Christian said, slowly rising to his feet, and reaching down with a free hand to help Serenity to hers. â€￾But it’s going to take forever to get out of here safely if we want to go back the way we come… we’re completely sealed in thanks to that quake.â€￾

Christian didn’t sound too worried though, as he held up the pulsating orb in his hand to spread its eerie dark light throughout the room.

â€￾However…I seem to recall that we were travelling on a north north-east trajectory at a rough downward angle of about 30degrees for approximately six-hundred metres before we reached this chamber… that would mean that the castle is about eight-hundred metres… that way.â€￾ Christian mused, turning around and pointing.

â€￾Now, obviously, we can’t bore up through the castle’s already damaged foundations, especially with building work going on… plus, digging at an upwards angle isn’t exactly the most practical thing to do; ever tried digging your way out of a hole? It’s about as intelligent an idea as it sounds. Christian continued, walking up to the wall he had just pointed at and running his hand over the rough, rocky texture.

â€￾But… we could tunnel in a straight line and then climb out onto the surface through the old archives beneath the castle; far more practical for us and the builders. Still, the only problem would be that even with a fully trained and equipped mining team, that could take the better part of a few days that we might not have…â€￾ Christian said, trailing off slightly and moving away from the wall towards the centre of the room. The mood was becoming slowly more downbeat.

â€￾In which case… it is extremely lucky for us that we happen to have with us, a being who can easily dispose of large chunks of the planet without too much effort…â€￾ Christian said, his eyes slowly turning towards EXX and a sly smile softly creeping across his features.

â€￾So, unless anyone has any serious objections, better suggestions, or is just generally enjoying being stuck underground…â€￾

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 3:46 pm 
Draches' eyes move around the cavern observing everything he could see. Eventually coming to the conclusion that Christian was right, there was no other way. However he didn't have much of an objection to being down here.
"I don't figure us dragons have much of a problem being down here, wouldn't you say WD?"

" but even if we like it, we can't stay here forever. So Mr. Exanderous, make with the blowing up if you don't mind."

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PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 5:41 pm 
Master Old Dragon

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:52 pm
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Location: No longer down under
"No, wouldn't have to much of a problem. There is something I do have a problem with however."

Alorith turned his head so he was facing EXX and Christian

"With all your remembering our direction and such I think you forgot a small yet important detail. We just got hit by a earthquake or something. Who's to say that the Archives didn't collapse in on them selves? Also, if these walls weren't strong enough to hold together through that, then removing one or even part of one might not be the smartest idea. Unless you meant to crush us to death, in which case blast away by all means, but I suggest you think of a safer way at lest, or be absolutely sure you won't kill us"

Alorith had just had rocks thundering down around his head, he wasn't to keen on having it happen again.

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 Post subject: Re:
PostPosted: Thu Jun 09, 2005 7:26 pm 
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Chrstian cocked his head slightly and toyed with a few ideas briefly. Alorith made some good points, but Christian was slowly becoming aware of oxygen silently draining away inside the cavern they were trapped in.

<font color=blue>"Well, I personally would have liked a professional mining team who knew what they're doing to properly assess the situation, or some sort of magical teleporter, capable of warping us all away, but seeing as we happen to be short of these things in our current predicament, as far as I can see, we are left with two rather simple choices..."</font> Christian mused, rubbing his chin and taking a few steps around the chamber, his boots crunching softly over fallen stones and debris.

<font color=blue>"Either we tunnel through the walls, maybe cause the tunnel to cave in, maybe end up in the archives and maybe get to safety... or we sit around waiting for a better option to present itself, run out of air and die."</font>

Christian sighed and slumped to the ground, drawing one knee up and resting his arm over it.

<font color=blue>"I don't like it either, but in an emergancy you have to take these kinds of risks... sometimes being cautious can be far more dangerous than being decisive."</font> Christian explained, though in an odd sort of way it almost sounded like he were reminding himself of this fact... the solider in him that had faught in that terrible war and made a hundred such decisions, and lived to tell the tale, was quickly growing in him again.

<font color=blue>"So... unless anyone has a better idea?"</font>Christian said in an unnturally slow tone. He was breathing more deeply and quickly than usual and it was becoming apprent that he was frequently resisting the temptation to yawn...

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 10, 2005 12:01 am 
Neophyte Hatchling
Neophyte Hatchling

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*Medea was still partially under the control of the paralyzing spells, not able to move around much. Concentrating hard, she began to cast a fairly powerful fire spell.

Well, I suppose that this fire spell might damage some of the ancient scrolls, but there is not much I can do about that now anyways. . . she thought to herself.

Being careful not to flame too many scrolls in the process, she sent molten hot meteors flying down on several of the creatures.

Hmmm... that should keep them at bay for a while. Score; awesome pheonix: one, evil creatures: zero! she thought triumphantly.

Unfortunately, she was still semi-rooted to the spot and she slowly flapped one of her wings uselessly. She tried to undo the spell as well as she could while another of the creatures was flying at her baring its extremely sharp teeth and with its talons outstretched.

All of a sudden, she heard the ground rumble beneath her. Several of the book shelfs near the edge of the library collapsed, sending up waves of dust in their wake. Medea fell over, which in the process helped to relieve some of the power of the spell.*


*She yelled aloud as she fell to the ground. Finally she was able to flap the other wing, and she took off, again dodging the creatures.

I hope that Serenity is ok from that earthquake, and that she gets here soon! I used to know the vanquishing spell for these creatures, and I still know it. Why am I unable to recall it, however? It is so odd. Maybe the breaker has something to do.... The rest of her thoughts were cut off as a bookcase came crashing down near her. . .*

OOC: Hello everyone! This board is so dark. . . everything is black. It's cool though.

The rest is silence. . .

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 7:57 pm 
Master Old Dragon
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Serenity felt dizzy, but she knew it wasn’t from the depreciating oxygen. As she propped herself against a wall, her fingers met with the slick feel of wet stone.


She put a finger to her lips. The taste was distinctive, clear and slightly metallic.


She leaned down, trying to make out the floor in the dim light. Water splashed against her ankles as she moved closer to the wall, but she still couldn’t see anything clearly. The puddle was starting to seep into her boots.

<font color=purple><i>Excuse</i> me…</font> She grabbed the orb from Christian's hand, catching him unawares as he argued the decision to shovel through rock. His response wasn’t very nice, but Serenity ignored it, her mind set on what she was doing.

Eyes followed her as she walked back to where she had been standing. Slowly she moved the stone along the wall, allowing its light to travel from where she had felt the damp rocks to the puddle standing below it. Sure enough, there was a slow trickle of water coming from the rock.

Looking up at the others she gave a twisted smile.

<font color=purple>I think we have another problem, but it just may provide a solution.</font>

They stared at her, emotions varying from face to face, but no immediate response came. She motioned with the rock to the wall, illuminating the leak. Her smile got bigger.

<font color=purple>So... How many of you can swim?</font>

Elysian’s face paled.

<font color=green>What is that supposed to mean?</font>

<font color=purple>There’s a well on the other side of this wall, I’m sure of it. These rocks don’t look like their going to hold out very long before they bust under the pressure of this water. We’ve had a lot of rain this season. Even if we dug really fast I think it'd beat us. We’d drown long before we could reach the surface or the oxygen ran out.</font>

Someone swore. Serenity let her hand drop to her side. The lowered light source gave her face an eerie glow.

<font color=purple>This could give us an advantage, though at some risk. If we broke the wall ourselves we could enter the well and swim to the top of the water there. There are a large number of ducts heading from every well to those near it. There are some every 20 feet or so along the length of the wells here. It's so they don’t overflow if one gets too much water you see…</font>

She set the stone on the floor and began drawing pictures in the dirt with her fingers. She drew three vertical wells and then tunnels connecting them to show what she meant. Then she drew a circle near the bottom of one of the wells to show where they were.

<font color=purple>See, if we break through and swim up to the top of the water level... </font>

Her finger traced a line through the wall separating them from the well and up the long shaft to the top of wavy water lines. It then made its way up and into one of the connecting tunnels

<font color=purple>We can jump into the nearest dry tunnel and then make our way out from there. We have ladders built into the tunnels that lead to the surface in case someone were ever to fall into the wells.</font>

<font color=purple>There are some problems with this however... </font>She ticked them off on her fingers. <font color=purple>First we'd have to deal with beating the currents and getting to the top without drowning. We'd have to make sure the hole we dig out of the wall is big enough for everyone to get through, and we don’t really know where on the surface we are going to end up coming out. </font>

She shrugged her shoulders, placing the now dusty stone in Elysian's hand.

<font color=purple>I figure the dragons can break the walls, as they are probably the strongest physically, without using magic. I’d like to reserve the spell power to help with the currents and provide extra lung capacity.

What do you guys think?</font>

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 11, 2005 9:43 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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*Alorith looked around him, thinking over what Serenity had just said, and seeing how the others felt.*

"Well, this sounds a bit safer than our former plan" He sensed that some were giving him a strange look. Alorith ignored them and continued.
"The only real problem I can see would be that the pressure would be to strong and even prevent us from entering, let alone swimming against it. Draches and I should be fine in terms of holding our breath and swimming. I'm sure you, Serenity, and Elysian could take care of the others with your magic ability, but we could pull anyone along if needed.

He paused and cocked his head to the side listening to the water. "I'd say we've got about 20 minuets before the wall breaks itself , so any spells you got, do them now." Alorith looked over at Draches indicating he was ready when ever Draches was.

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:35 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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OCC: How is this plan in any way safer, more logical or even possible? To the OCC Board everyone... time for Uncle Gabe to throw a traditional 'at least four a thread' wobbly at you all. :evil:

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:40 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Oh yeah, us dragons can handle this

*He said as made a show of Stretching and flexing his muscles as he prepared to take down the wall, but when he glanced at elysian he saw fear in her eyes*

So, is everyone sure this is the way we're going? There are certain <i>other</i> risks we must take into consideration. Such as our frailer human friends. Are we sure they can even make the journey?
*he paused*
So many questions.
He said as he sat down in front of the well wall, but then it hit him.
Serenity, how much water would you say is in that well?
*It wasn't much of an idea, it was more like a hope, but it all depended on how much water was in that well.*

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:58 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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"If water's forcing through... probably full to the brim..." Christian wheezed, slowly getting to his feet.

"One way to find out without collapsing the whole cavern..." He said, slowly drawing Hope. The sharp blade. So sharp it was said it could cut the dusk from the dawn or the light from the sun.

In a flurry of movement, Chrsitan flung himself towards the top of the cavern and sunk the sword deep into the rock. Water softly seeped out through the small gap, but the sword hardly moved at all. Christian reached up and pulled the blade away as a soft trickle of water ran down the wall from the hole the sword had made.

"If there was a dangerous amount of water in there...the pressure would have forced the blade out... water would be coming through more quickly." Christian explained wearily.

"Hopefully... once the water has run through... it'll let more air into this cavern..." Christian said, slumping to the ground again and yawning deeply.

"But for goodness sake... somebody break something!"

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 Post subject: Further Struggles. . .
PostPosted: Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:06 pm 
Neophyte Hatchling
Neophyte Hatchling

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OOC: *coughs to get attention and hits gavel onto random table* Attention! Just to let everyone know, since I am so important, j/k lol, I think that Serenity's plan is a good one. It gives the coolest dragons a chance to strut their stuff! Go draches and Alorith! *waves a pom-pom in the air as Serenity rolls her eyes and Elysian hits Medea over the head* Or not. . . *she mumbles, putting the pom-pom away and sticking her toung out at Serenity and Elysian.* But anyways. . . continue.

*Medea quickly dodges the bookcase, but does not dart away quickly enough to avoid a flying book. Never knew books could be so dangerous. . . she thought glumly as she plummeted towards the floor. Flapping her wings in attempt to gain altitude, she again tried to mentally contact Serenity.

After trying once more, she realized that Serenity had most likely passed out, since there was a low sign of brain activity on the other end of their connection. Damn, something bad must've happened. It may have been that earthquake. . . if they were down in the tunnles, something must've collapsed!! Oh no! she thought frantically.

She realized that she could not, however, help them at the moment, as she was still preoccupied with the swarm of creatures entering the archives from the grate in the corner. Dragging over one of the knocked over bookcases, she covered the entrance in an attempt to stem the flow of the monsters. She then called more metors down, incapacitating a few more of the ugly creatures.*

The rest is silence. . .

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 Post subject: Decisions Decisions
PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 1:53 pm 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
Posts: 534
OOC: Sorry guys, I had a huge freaking post typed, and like the idiot I was, I did not copy it just incase my comp screwed up as it does. The post basically stated Exanderous'es thoughts about Serenity's avoidance, his look at the stone, before the tunnel collapsed and etc. My apology if this is too short. I also elaborated on the friendships each and everyone had to EXX. He recalled a few memories and realized that the friends he is with now is the few of his closest.


Exanderous, now fully recovered from the quake, brushed himself off and scanned his surroundings. He saw Serenity unconscionce on the ground, and his companions huddled around her. Panic was his first reaction, but reason and his experience curbed the emotion and granted him the ability to approach them while calm and collected.

<font color=red>Is she alright? Did she get hurt?</font>

Christian could read the worry in his eyes, and just smiled assuringly and replied.

<font color=blue>She took quite the bump on the head, but she seems to be ok. She should come around any minute now. And before you even ask, yes I have the orb. I see your head was thick enough to survive the quake!</font>

<font color=red>Seeing that you are standing with me, one could say the same about yourself friend.</font>

<font color=blue>Tooshay!</font>

Exanderous smirked as Christian let out a small laugh. The mood was becoming less hectic and serious. As Christian turned his attention to the now awakening Serenity, Exanderous caught a glimpse of the stone once more. He felt it was oddly familiar. Way too familiar. Yet when he tried to recollect his thoughts about it, he failed. His head throbbed from the very essence of the orb, and once it was removed from sight, the ache disappeared and with it, the will to transgress through memories of its existence.

But with the passing of those thoughts, came an elaboration and collection of an entirely new set of questions and worry. His cold, blue eyes Exanderous lifted his lest hand and reached towards his back. He started to trace a familiar scar, the very scar that marked the wound Serenity plunged the dagger into reluctantly to stop his other..."traits" from blooming into the material world. They had been through so much together it was hard for him to accept that she would not trust him with the information. That might not have been the case, but in his scattered thoughts, that is how he perceived it. Why was she being so distant with her friends? His thoughts were shaken by a disconcerting look from Serenity who was now on her feet absorbing the plans being tossed about the room. He gave her a kind, reassuring smile, but anyone who was skilled in empathy could see the sad look of worry in his blue, deep eyes.

Reality was suddenly endowed upon him as Christian tossed him a wry grin. His comment about removing bits of planet made Exanderous chuckle to himself.

<font color=red>You jest Christian. It honors me.</font>

The other plans were assembled as Christian pierced the stone with the rock. Exanderous realized that though he could blast anything to hell and back, his ability to withstand the current might be an effort that he might struggle with.

<font color=red> Just give me the word, and I will oblige with your hole. However, I might need the aid of one of the dragons to help me fight the current. I can withstand it yes, swim most definitely, but swimming against it is not something wise after emitting the strength to blow a whole in a wall. The current might prove a bit of a challenge. With the aid of a dragon friend, I am sure it will be fine.</font>

He awaited a response with his fists clinched eager and willing to complete this task. He secretly was worried for Medea as well. He wondered if she was alright, he had quite the bad feeling, but he set it aside ready for his task.

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:58 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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"No..." Christian croaked. "I've been thinking... let the water come through on it's own... that way, we won't have to worry about an awesome current, it'll just wear away the wall bit, by bit, then we can wait for the chamber to fill and swim out safely.

Christian motioned towards the wall, and sure enough, more water was beginning to gush through, as gaps slowly popped open and opened wider, allowing a little more through each time.

"We could always help it along, but nothing big... then, once it's big enough to fit through, this chamber should refill with oxygen from the top of the well.



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PostPosted: Sun Jun 26, 2005 10:37 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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ooc: welcome exx. and i am all for stopping this thread from major changes, i'm just adding my two cents here. and some from WD as well, since i'd feel bad he's not here. and plus i made him do something amazing!
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Yes, exactly! but i am still afraid we may not have enough time for that to happen!
*draches put his head in his claws in deep thought, not noticing WD closely examining the well wall.*

WD:hmm... i wonder
*he said as he pulled back his claw, palm out, and slammed it into the wall, causing choice bricks from different places to come flying out of the wall followed by medium sized gushes of water*
WD: There, that outta help it out a bit
Yeah... that will about do it.
*draches said as he walked over chuckling, to clap his friend on the back*

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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 11:18 pm 
Legend of Old

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Posts: 534
Though slightly disappointed, Exanderous realized the simplicity and the effectiveness of the plan that was being put into action. As the water began to gush out, he let out a small chuckle as he thought about the complexity he was going to have to go through. This was alot better then getting ingulfed in water.

<font color=red> You know, I just realized how rash my methods truly were. My apologies.</font>

He crossed his arms and as the water continued to flow through the cracks of the wall, his patience began to slowly wear thin.

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 25, 2005 7:07 am 
Master Old Dragon

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Enough water had seeped through the dirt and saturated it so water started to pool in the center. IT slowly began to creep outwards towards the group. Elysian was slowly backing away from it still as pale as before. She looked at the others, who by now were up to their ankles in the dirty, cold water.

"How can you people stand that?! Doesn't it bother you that your getting wet because of that?"

Christian turned to her and spoke, "Why should it matter... we're going to get wet anyway." Elysian continued to back up attempting to avoid the pool.

Alorith grinned at her menacingly. "Come on, it can't be that bad. Her let me help" At this he dipped his wing as deep as he could and flung as much water as he could with it at her.

"STOP THAT NOW!!!" She deflected the oncoming attack with a sweep of her hand, sending the water every direction but hers. "If you so much as think of doing that again . . ." However, she never finished her sentence as right then the original hole Alorith started forced a chunk of rock out of it's path sending it flying down. Everyone scrambled out of the way as it smashed into the center of the cavern, causing a large wave to sweep up the sides of the walls.

"Is everyone alright?"

"ITS . . . FREEZING!!!" Elysian looked quite angry and quite wet. With more space to flow through the water was rising more rapidly. Soon everyone was treading water watching the hole get closer and closer to them.

"Hope it doesn't die out before we reach it. Or after it for that matter." It turned out that the water levelled it self out right at the bottom of the hole. "Hey, not bad. Last one out is a wet druid!" Alorith swam towards the exit, dove, and shoot up and over the hole. Instead of hearing a splash, the sound like that of a dragon hitting a brick floor and sliding across it, followed by a metal ringing, and then a string of curses reached the others.

"I found your overflow ducts Serenity. Good thing who ever designed this thing had enough courtesy to put a iron ladder where my head was to stop my slide. Well, come on over, just watch the floor, its a bit slippery."

First came Elysian who seemed anxious to escape the water. She pulled her self up on to the ledge and took a moment to gain her balance and then stood there for a second.

"Hey hurry it there! We're freezing our hides over here! move it along!" Draches nudged Elysian to hurry her up. Since the floor was covered in slime, Elysian lost her balance and fell in the the second pool of water with a yelp. She scrabbled out of the water and up to the over flow duct.

Next came Christian, who climbed up on the ledge which divided the two areas and effortlessly lept over the well on to the overflow duct. After him came Serenity who had just as much trouble as Christian, as did Exx, and Draches. Alorith Stood by the ladder and looked up.

"You guys think that this ladder will lead us out of this slime hole?

Last edited by White Dragon Alorith on Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:10 am, edited 3 times in total.

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