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 Post subject: The Blood Arch: The Shadow's Requiem
PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:32 pm 
Legend of Old

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The burden must be placed on you... The omnipotent figure muttered, It is a great burden indeed, and it is a sorrow that it must be placed on such young bodies, but it has to be done. If not for the sake of the world, then for the sake of those whom are tied to you.

The robed, fluorescent being began to lift his hands into the sky in a submissive and pleading posture. His voice tremored and instilled an emotion indescribable through any word written or said. A sense of paralization appeared as they echoed inside the mind.
The costs will be large, but if you... they fail... then the world will plunge back into the darkness through the same decadent mistakes that such fools had wrought worlds ago. Guide your brother's hand, for he has the curse of an Arch. The arch maybe poisoned the land and tainted life itself, but it at least can light the way to the fabled Arches.

As these last words seeped out of presence, the surreal, almost holy appearance of the figure warped and shifted into something less ideal. There it stood, a magnificent and demonic beast with shadows clinging to the very flesh it sustained. A burning red crown seemed to be seared into the flesh of the right shoulder, and it resonated with haunting qualities. With soulless eyes, it stared unfalteringly into what seemed to be the fabric of reality itself, and the manner and tone of it’s' voice possessed was only fitting for such an appearance.

Go now foolish boy! Wake up and take up your duty! The time is come for the twins to revel in destiny! The fires of hell await, so open your eyes and fight!! FIGHT!! GO NOW!

Rusabek's screams pierced the silence of the calm, morning air. His body was bandaged and soaked with blood from the wounds of the previous nightmares. From warewolves and demons all the like, the images of his fallen comrades haunted his dreams still. Instead of the lingering death of his usual nightmare, a mysterious figure now controlled the thoughts of the young lad. The meaning of his words still rang clear in Rusabek, yet the meaning of it all escaped his concept. While gasping at every breath, Rusabek's eyes frantically caressed the room and all the tranquil sights it had to offer. Of course, his brother I'zack was among the sights to behold with a humorous expression of puzzlement dwelling on his countenance. Rusabek's breath began to steady as his brother approached his side.

What's gotten into you ya nut!

Shut up I'zack. I just had a bad dream...

A dream's a dream brother. You should really learn to control your thoughts!

This coming from the kid who wet his bedding since the age of seven!?!

Oh that was low you Tarugh! You swore we would never mention such things!

Rusabek let out a small sigh as he noticed the bloodied and worn bandage wrapped around I'zacks hand.

How is... your..

Eh its fine. Don't worry.

Does it hurt?

A little, but not more then your face does to the eyes good sir.

Like your one to talk hooker face...

Did you just call me a hooker face!

That I did!!

The two started to grapple each other in an attempt to wrestle each other down. Between kicks, punches, and noogies, the two tried to submit the other in a struggle for dominance. The quarreling halted at the drop of a dime when a knock on the door resounded through the room.

A tap tap tapping on my door?

It would appear so good sir...

A silence ensued...

Who is it?

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 13, 2007 11:56 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Tarin opened the door, she was staying in the room next to theirs and had been woken up by their ruckus.

Tarin: What in the name of all that is good is going on in here?

Since they had taken up residence in Hargoth, Tarin had watched over the twins. She had adopted an older sister role and was, as a result, becoming a lot more strict with them.

This did suprise her somewhat, as she had been timid before, never truely believing in herself. But after what she had been through with these two, she was a lot more sure of herself.

Tarin: have you any idea what time it is? it's not even 6 in the morning! This constant waking up early and fighting is not going to do anything good for your hand I'zack. How can we hope to continue on our mission with you in this state?

Truth be told, the blow to their numbers they had recieved had shelved the mission for now. Tarin was using this time to speed up I'zack's recovery however it was proving to be a slow process. Each morning he would wake up with his wound still fresh and weeping. She had tried some simple healing spells she knew, but it wasn't working. The only saving grace was how it was, slowly, getting smaller. The shard embedded in it however was likely to remain a feature of his hand.

she walked over and looked at his bandages, tutting to herself as she did.

Tarin: this is a mess, Madam Spiggins can't clean these bandages fast enough the rate you get through them.

She turned to the other,

Tarin: Rusabek, get some warm water, some spelwart root powder and some fresh bandages.

I'zack cringed at the mention of the spelwart root powder, that stuff stung badly and Tarin wasn't known for her caring hand with its application. Rusabek returned and placed the bowl and bandages beside Tarin.

Tarin: thank you Rusabek, now that you're up go and see if Madam Spiggins needs any chores doing.

She turned her attention to I'zack once more and started to clean and tend to his hand.

Tarin: this really can't do I'zack, you need your rest.

I'zack turned his head away from her. She smiled and pulled his head back to look at her.

Tarin: you know, I do this because I care....because I don't want to lose you two, not after...

She let the sentence hang in the air, there was no point in going into details. They both knew what had happened. Tarin found that if she closed her eyes the screams would come and the memories too. Keeping herself busy, looking after him and his brother, was the only way to not allow those thoughts in.

Last edited by Fyre on Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:45 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:22 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Another knock came at the door and the small group looked at it in wonder. Who would be knocking at this hour?

Outside, a wraith-like figure sat, waiting for the twins to open the door. He had heard of the piece embedded in I'zack's hand and was eager to get a look- or perhaps more. But there was no answer coming and as his patience ran out he readied himself to enter the room, stiletto in hand.

"Griswaald, you weren't thinking of disturbing two unassuming guests, now were you?" a voice softly lilted. The sudden sound caused the young Nether Dragyn to jump in fear and surprise and drop the slender knife with a muffled clatter. As he turned, a flurry of black and and crimson smoke erupted from the darkest corner of the hallway, furthest from the slowly-rising warming light of day. From its midst one red eye glowed brightly, rivaled only by the glitter of fangs as a silhouetted figure moved towards the now-visibly frightened Dragyn, bringing with it a blast of smoke and fire that blew the door wide open. Griswaald sat exposed to the twins and Tarin for only a second before he felt a familiar hand clap his shoulder, the slight twinge of claws digging in and silently warning him not to say a word.

With a hearty laugh his mentor ran his free hand through his tossled black hair and bowed to the two brothers, who appeared very confused. "My deepest apologies, my lady and gentlemen," he said with a smile, "It appears that my friend here has a mind for early morning pranks. But I assure you, it will not happen again. Isn't that right, Griswaald?" At the last word the Dragyn felt a searing pain encompass his backside as the claws in his shoulder were replaced in his rear with the stiletto that Abyss had managed to collect, unnoticed in the smoke and fog. With a muffled yelp he nodded vigorously and began backing out the door. "Don't forget to see the inn-keeper on the way out," he heard his elder cheerfully chime.

With a grin Abyss turned back to the twins and Tarin, his fangs glinting dimly in what little light filtered into the room. The three seemed tosize him up, and they were slightly taken aback by their visitor's appearance. From his fangs to the black claws in the place of finger-nails, to the strange black tattoos curling their ways round his hands, to his oddly-shaded eyes (one a blazing red, the other as blue as a robin's egg) he was possibly one of the stranger entities they had encountered. And yet, the lack of armor or weapons of any kind gave him a rather harmless appearance. The glint in his eye was not malicious in the least and if anything, he seemed to have a cheerful, unassuming air about him. "Anyway, as I was saying," he continued, "I'm terribly sorry about that, and I'll try and catch him before he gets to your door next time- one of my old subjects, he was."

With that he turned on his booted heel, his long, crimson cloak rustling slightly with each step as he made his way to the door. But as he reached it, he stopped briefly and turned for only a second to say "Oh and a nasty curse that one. You may want to watch that it doesn't get too out of hand. I've seen the effects of that thing. And Ms. Witchy-poo," he chuckled, "Try all you it, it won't heal properly, though some other wounds do... given time."

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 12:49 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Tarin stood up quickly as the figure made to leave.

Tarin: what is that supposed to mean? Do you know something about this wound?

she was getting a little hot under the collar, the peace of her labour had be shattered by the sudden intrusion of this....this man, if he was indeed a man, and his trainee. Added to that the further annoyance that it was early and that this wound had taken all of her efforts to try and cure, well it all made for a grumpy Tarin.

Tarin: and just who do you think you are calling Ms. Witchy-poo? The name's Tarin. Now please leave us alone and don't bother us again or i'll have you thrown out of this Inn.

she held his gaze for a little while and the silence lingered in the room. The frustrations she had been harbouring recently just seemed to vent themseleves in the room and the atmosphere took definate slide. I'zack shook her shoulder and she turned to look at him. He raised his hand and pressed his finger to her lip as if to say "shut up Tarin!". She took a deep breath and, through clenched teeth, changed her tone a little.

Tarin: do you know something? You see I've tried everything i know to cure this wound and it doesn't seem to be getting us anywhere. If you do indeed know something, then I appeal to your good sense to let me know what it is.

she very much doubted if this person had any good sense, he did seem jovial enough but that came over a little cocky to her and she didn't like the cut of his jib.

Last edited by Fyre on Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:47 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:08 am 
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With a small smile Abyss made his way over to the group, his boots making barely a sound on the floor as he crossed it. Without a word he gently took hold of I'zack's hand and turned it over. He released it as soon as the shard was visible to his eye and still without a word he examined it closely. "By the way, I'm sorry I called you Witchy-poo, Tarin" he said without taking his eyes off the shard. "T'was only a joke, meant in good fun, though I know how hard that is to find here at times." A slight flick of the wrist and his hand was engulfed in a black flame and fog and without warning he pressed it against I'zack's hand and the twin found that it was quite cool to the touch. As quickly as it had come it dissipated and the bleeding stopped, at least for the moment. Whoever this figure was, he was proficient in magic.

Abyss stood back and smiled in satisfaction at his handy-work. It had been long since he had managed to actually heal anyone with that spell- though he hadn't really "healed" I'zack per se, it had simply halted the bleeding. Despite this innate feeling of a job well-done, however, he could not help but feel a sense of foreboding as he gazed at the shard embedded in the young man's hand. As much as he hated to see it in the flesh, it was true. Part of the Arch had been found. But what would it do to the boy? Abyss had only ever seen the after-effects and the barrenness left behind it.

"Even I know better than to meddle with that thing,"
a voice in his head rang, "Though perhaps, if we managed to somehow-"

"No," Abyss mentally told the voice before voicing aloud the answer to Tarin's question.

"As far as this thing goes, all I know is what I have seen. And judging from what I have seen, you would do well to be wise about that and not to take it lightly. That you have survived thus far is a miracle unto itself." Something about his tone set the group on their toes and they got the feeling that he was being surprisingly serious.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 1:33 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Tarin took I'zack's hand and turned it over and over, looking at the mans handiwork. she smiled inside, though her face remained stern. she was happy to see that the bleeding had stopped, though the shard still being in there wasn't a pretty sight.

Tarin: I doubt we'll ever get it out. we have tried but it is lodged very well in there and causes him pain and discomfort when we try to remove it. maybe we're not supposed to.

she dressed the wound and patted I'zack on his head.

Tarin: thank you for your help. please, will you join us for breakfast, it's the least I could offer in way of re-payment.

Tarin had pooled their money when they arrived in the village but funds were dwindling and even though Madam Sipiggin was a very generous person, what with letting them stay cheaply at the Inn, she knew they were running out of money.

Tarin pulled a chord next to the door and a maid appeared at the doorway.

Tarin: ah yes, Sally, we'll be taking breakfast in our room today. would you mind bringing it up?

Sally nodded and did a small curtsey as she left the room to tell cook.

Tarin: it's odd that an Inn has such a polite maid, usually their jaded by the riff raff they deal with. This place, especially, more than others.

Tarin spoke as she went to the fire and poked some life back into it, she put a log on the cinders and soon the fire was roaring. Although she was dying to ask the man questions, she turned instead to I'zack.

Tarin: how are you doing?

Last edited by Fyre on Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:48 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 6:25 pm 
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From a distance away, a figure dressed in a all white robe with a hood appeared. As the figure entered the room, it was easy to tell that he was a knight of The Holy Order. The figure sat down at the side bar and ordered water. A little while later, he heard a scream followed by some commotion. Just as soon as the commotion began, it ended. Sensing no danger, the knight just sat there and enjoyed his water. A little while later, a person appeared and had a short conversation with the attendant. Tired and drained, the knight figured he should make sure that everything was alright. He followed the person back to their room. When he got there, he knocked on the door that was still partially opened and said

Hi, I am the Holy Knight Celestial. I heard a little ruckus and wanted to see if I could lend a hand.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 7:53 pm 
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Those in the room turned as 2 more joined their group, although the two seemed seriously unaware they were entering an occupied area.

"Explain this to me, old lady. Just why in the dimensions are we here? I was having fun with that little war on Killjoy."
The woman in black said to a woman, just slightly shorter than herself.

"We are here because I have decided that we are needed. You of all people, Renee, knopw that when I decide to go on a mission, I'm going to bring you along, if only to keep you out of major trouble. Besides, I had enough of you making war, you've kept that one going what? 80, 90 years now. And I am not old. You are the same age I am."'

"105 years, thank you, Consti. I was going for a record."

The two women stopped, when Renee noticed a dragon in the room.
"Abyss? What in the...oh nevermind. It has to be bad if your here. Well, atleast I have someone else to bug besides Consti."

"You'll have to pardon my friend. She's not one for manners. My name is Empress Constitutiona, I specialize in Time magic, but please call me Consti. That one is Empress Renee, Chaos magic. Abyss, it is good to see you again. Are we the last to arrive for our little adventure or did the young ones screaming summon more?" Consti said as she motioned to Rusabek.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 9:00 pm 
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Arturius walked into the twins room after going out for a few supplies they needed before they left on their journey again only to find it much more crowded than when he left early in the morning.

Why is it you two always manage to attract so much attention, and in such a short amount of time? he asked as he set down the bag of supplies and sat on the bed then pulled out an apple.

I bought what I could with what we had. If we're sparing, these supplies should get us to the next village. But, I believe some introductions are in order, I am Arturius of Sacoin and who might you be? he aske das he took a bite of his apple.

Which Final Fantasy Character Are You?
Final Fantasy

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 14, 2007 11:27 pm 
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Pleased to meet you Arturius. I am Celestial of the Holy Order. Do you need any help with this adventure of yours?

Celestial said as he stood just outside of the doorway. He took off his hood to reveal a big, warm, friendly smile on his face.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:12 am 
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"I'm Renee and this is Consti. I was here for the last little go-round of this adventure, so I'm going to be here for this one as well. My companion here is Consti."

"Hello. It is a pleasure to meet you."

The two woman had removed their cloaks by this time. Renee, revealing a black leather corest and a long black skirt and Consti revealing a similar outfit, although her skirt was dark green. Both had a small array of weapons.

"I see you two have once again gathered together a small army." Renee said as she smiled at the twins.

Last edited by Constitutiona on Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 8:09 pm 
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The pleasure is all mine.

Celestial said as he walked into the room, eager to learn of this quest they speak of.

Legends never die.

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 Post subject: Reservations
PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:19 pm 
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Abyss recoiled slightly into a more shadowed corner of the room as Celestial walked in. Being a Nether Dragyn, he was wary of the Holy Order and especially the knights. In his experience they tended to get a little... overzealous when handling his kind. The last one he had encoutnered had nearly run him through, even after Abyss had told him of his alliance with the Empresses of the Balancing Councils and Malachi, Keeper of the Powers. And so it was with great caution that he now eyed the newcomer, only nodding in greeting when the boy turned a friendly smile his way. Perhaps this one wouldn't be so bad...

Though in truth he hadn't decided as of yet if he would be sticking around very long.

"You're being surprisingly quiet," Renee joked.

Abyss jumped a little and turned a wry grin on the Empress.

"And you're looking surprisingly stunning," he jibed.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 15, 2007 10:25 pm 
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"Stunning? Is that all you can say about a woman my age? I'm hurt Abyss." Renee said glaring slightly at him.

Consti smiled. "Why do I get the feeling I should be prepared for whatever you two decide to plan against me?"

Consti just shook her head, knowing that they were going to make fun of eachother and her until it was time to part ways. She had learned long ago that it was better to just go with the flow that convince them to act their ages, especially when she rarely acted her age.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:07 am 
Legend of Old

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With wide eyes and a sense of bewilderment evident within his features, Rusabek sighed and let his hand off his sword. With all the company barging Placing a hand over the the bandage hugging his torso, Rusabek grunted with pain. It was deep, but it seemed to be healing nicely thanks to Tarin's vast plethora of medical tactics. Along with the discomfort and pain laced within his voice, a small hint of agitation could be detected by the interesting figures surrounding his presence.

How is it that we attract so many people dear brother? We got enough attention as it is before you got that little souvenir embedded in your hand!

I'zack brushed aside his brother's taunting words and turned his attention to the nether dragyn that aided in stopping the blood flow from his hand. Though he was greatful for his random act of kindness, but the sudden appearance of such figures such as a muscular warrior, a holy knight, and a nether dragyn was quite disconcerting and confusing at any angle

thank you for healing my hand friend, but do you all mind answering one tiny thing?

I'zack they are just visi...

Hold on Rus... Hold on... Can you all tell me WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?

Almost right after the initial shock of I'zack's blunt, almost rhetorical question Tarin proceeded to "thwap" him across the head.

They are here to help you and Rusabek! Surely they heard about fragment in your hand and decided to lend a hand! There is no crime in that is there?

I guess not...

Well all is well then.

I'zack narrowed his eyes and stared blankly at the ceiling while muttering, "laddy dah..." The strange silence that followed was dissipated by Rusabek and his kind and calming voice.

I am sorry, we have been through much. This room is now crowded with some we have never seen before. Would you be as so kind to enlighten us why you are hear? You must understand how strange and unusual it is to have figures such as a dragon or a muscle bound warrior carrying supplies into the room, or Maybe we are missing something? Regardless of your reasons, you are welcome to our company any time.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 1:19 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Tarin was sliently fuming, she was aware that Consti and Renee would come, but the others, well it was like a zoo and she was ready to mentally crack the whip.

Tarin: I'm sorry I'zack but you need rest. I'd like to continue this conversation downstairs in the common room. Madam Spiggins will be glad of the business I'm sure and Rusabek can tell I'zack all that needs to be told.

Crack!!! there it was and the others were a little shocked. she opened her arms wide and began to shoo the folk out of the room. some were reluctant to be bossed around by a young witch but she had some kind of fire in her eyes which meant that she was not to be trifled with. As the last of them left, she turned to I'zack.

Tarin: you, young man, should stay here until lunch, then we can go down to the pond for some physiotherapy, until then you are to rest up. there's plenty of books to read, why don't you broaden your mind.

she grinned at him and closed the door, I'zack pulled faces behind her back but she choose to ignore them. As the catch clicked into place she leant against it and sighed. today was going to be a long day, she could feel it. As the only person who stayed with the twins throughout their recovery and grief she felt she had some authority over the others downstairs...for now at least. she took the stairs and then followed a narrow corridor to the common room where Madam Spiggins was serving the company breakfast, she took the maid she had spoken to before aside.

Tarin: Sally, only I'zack is in the room, so Rusabek, myself and the dragonkin will eat with the others.

then she turned to the table and sat down next to Rusabek and Renee. she smiled at the empress next to her.

Tarin: it is good to see you again Renee. I was begining to wonder if you had forgotten about us...

she gave the empress a quick hug and helped herself to some bacon and eggs.

Tarin: so, let's pick up where we left off shall we? the question that I'zack has asked was why you had all gathered? I personally think this is a matter of Fate, the wheel weaves as the wheel wills etc...

She didn't need to explain the theories of the Wizard Jordan, they were all familiar with it.

Tarin: but I do wonder what it is that brought you all here. Renne and Consti I know, but you dragonkin, and you holy knight, what is your purpose? have you orders from the king?

Tarin was happy to see a dragonkin amongst them, they were mighty allies and this one had helped already, but it brought back memories of Lily, the dragon who was with them before. Lily was one of those they lost and the one she mourned the most.

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 Post subject: Introductions are in Order
PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:59 am 
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"No orders bring me hence, m'lady. Nothing but my own two feet and a little bird in my ear. He insisted on telling me stories of a forgotten evil reawakened." At his comment, attention turned to Abyss who had somehow, despite his impressive height and build, managed to agilely perch himself atop the back of one of the chairs. No doubt there was a small amount of magic involved, but no one questioned it. He was after all a dragyn, and strange sorts they were when they chose to be. He grinned at the rather surprised expressions he was receiving, revealing a notable set of fangs in the process, which only served to make him appear all the more bizarre. "But," he continued after a moment, "Now that I have seen that my little friend was correct, in retrospect perhaps eating him was not the best idea..." Another grin followed this comment and with a flourish the Nether Dragyn stood fully on the back of the chair and bowed low, "So allow me to simply say that it is my pleasure to see old friends and to make new ones, and if you are willing to accept the hand that I am offering, then I am willing to lend whatever I can to aiding you, including my wits, wisdom, and muscle. I had hoped that it was just a rumor, but I see now that it is quite far from that. And by the way, you can call me Abyss." With that he once again lowered himself into a crouching, perched position on the back of the chair.

From his manner of speech and the slight eccentricity with which he conducted himself, many of the gathered group got the feeling that this was no ordinary dragyn- even for being a Nether Dragyn. Actually, for being a Nether Dragyn he was surprisingly friendly- though he DID keep a close eye on the Holy Knight- and easy-going.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 7:35 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Ashten stood in silence, watching events unfold through the many decades, only interveining when someone mentioned members of royalty, most especially the forgotten brother to the current king. He had came upon this place long ago, when he was cast out of the country. The tavernkeeper just suddenly found him one day, standing where he was, and noone could remove him, no matter how they tried. So, the tavernkeeper had decided to keep him, oiling when necissary to prevent rust. This was the perfect place to wait for a chance for revenge against the king's brother; he had unlimited gossip to sift through, and a chance to see all who went in search of that demon, for all who enter the shadow lands usually passed through here, and he saw it all through his perch against the wall, apparently just a decoration to all but those most proficiently skilled at sensing magic or intelligence.

This particular day had been more interesting then most to Ashten. It had been a long time since he had seen so many diverse newcomers at the same time. And now that they had mentioned the king, it had gathered even more interest. For now he decided to keep silent, however, because he could not know their intent and seemed ready to reveal it.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 8:04 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

Joined: Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:15 am
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Location: in your wardrobe
Kaosu stood in the corner watching the people talk. Her black cloaks hood hid her face and there were holes cut into the back of it to let her wings through, which were at the time folded and lieing flatly on her back.

She had been watching them now for a while, listening to there conversations but had been worried to approach. She wanted to help in what they were doing but was nervous.

Her eyes fixed on the Nether Dragyn her deep blue eyes flashing with curiosity as she moved a strand of purple hair out of the way of them. he has good balence she said quietly to herself now scanning the other people. They seemed like an interesting bunch but this just held her back more. Myabe is she just observed them for a little while longer and knew more about them, maybe then she would be able to introduce herself and be able to ask to help; but not right now, now she would just stay were she was and watch them.

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 16, 2007 9:26 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Renee stiffened slightly at the hug. Despite her years, she still wasn't all the comfortable with personal constact.

"I haven't forgotten about you. I just had Council matters to attened to. Some idiot male, no offense to anyone in the room, thought he could take over my Chaosdom. He had to be dealt with. Oh and Abyss, preening like a bluejay isn't going to help your image. I just makes you look crazy."Renee said grinning as she watched the various expressions over everyones faces.

Consti noted the two newcomers but frained from saying anything. She would wait to see what they would do before making any reference to their presence. A small tri-halo appeared around her head briefly as she checked her wheels, making sure everything was as it should be, seeing nothing that required her immediate attention, she turned her attention to the group.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 1:23 am 
Legendary Warrior
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Celestial walked towards Abyss in a slow, but relaxed manner. When he reached the dragyn, he extended his hand with a smile and a look of sincerity in his eyes and said

It's a pleasure. I'm quiet aware of the history between the Knights of the Holy Order and Dragyns and I wish to reassure you that I actually live be the code. To you that might not mean much, but, in the code it says that we are to not judge beings by their past, race, nor appearance. Basically, I guess what I am saying is you do not have to be "on guard" while amongst my presence. I know that actions speak louder than words, so I wish that in the course of this adventure we will become, if not friends, then good associates. Also I apologize for the way the Knights treated your kind and all others who have been wronged by them.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 17, 2007 12:18 pm 
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Abyss, aware that eyes were once again on him, wondering what he would do, stepped down from his chair looked into Celestial's eyes, trying to read what he found there. It was a little amusing to him how at 6'5" he towered over the young man as he silently began a very brief, very small spell. True, to do a soul-search WAS technically cheating, but oh well, it was for his own safety. And so, cautiously he touched minds with the knight and to his relief saw only the sincerity with which he had spoken, and a generally good soul. He knew that for Celestial this probably felt extremely odd. Soul-searching not only could be a rather invasive spell- indeed it literally was able to look at everything from emotions to one's past- but to have your mind opened in one swift movement felt a bit funny in itself. A sort of tickle at the nape of the neck that spread up across the scalp. Fortunately for Celestial, though, Abyss was looking only at him, and not his past and so it was over as quickly as it had begun.

Thank the Powers the Nether Dragyn thought as he broke the connection and with a smile took the extended hand. In the back of his mind a voice angrily broke through his thoughts.

What in the name of the Pit are you doing?! That's a HOLY Knight! Have you gone mad?! You're a disgrace to Netherkin!

No more than you, Pitchblade, he shot back before once again banishing the voice back into shadow where it belonged.

Aloud he said, "You must excuse my sudden intrusion, mate, but in this world, you can't be too careful. Last time I took a man's word on something he managed to swindle me out of 90 gold pieces and convince that I absolutely needed a pink evening gown." With a small grin he continued as he resumed his balanced seat on the back of a chair and pulled an apple from a passing tray. Happily he munched on it and addressed the group. "So, ladies and gentlemen, now that most formalities are done with, I think we need to decide what such a... large group of friends is going to be doing with their time together ion the coming days, if you get my drift. Eh, Rusabek?"

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 18, 2007 1:51 am 
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It is completely understandable.

Celestial said as he leaned against the wall next to him. He was completely aware of Abyss' "mind surfing", after all that is a technique that he himself knows how to do.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:43 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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In his own room, Jadrian chuckled. He had been woken by loud banging noises, and then was kept awake by the various dialogue that followed.

The group was attempting to be quiet, and while most of the conversation was beneath his hearing range, he could hear just enough that he thought he was up to speed. He chuckled again, then realized just how thirsty he was, and decided to get a drink.

As he opened his door, his hands began to tingle, and as he looked down at them, they began to glow with all the brightness of a dying candle. As he crossed over the threshold to his room however, they brightened, and he grimaced.

HE quickly snuck back into his room, and quickly looked around. Grabbing a pair of gloves to cover the light, he pulled a shirt over his britches, and crept back out into the hall. As he crossed from side to side, the light grew brighter with ever step that brought him nearer to the room where the group had assembled.

As he stepped to just outside of their door, he quickly lifted the edge of one glove and peered underneath. Instantly, he patted it down again, and rubbed his eyes. With stars still dancing across his vision, he took a deep breath, and knocked on the open door.

"*cough* Erm, hello. I heard the crashing and er..." Jade quickly shifted his hands behind him, and glanced at the large party nervously. "Er...I thought someone might be hurt, and decided to offer my assistance."

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:10 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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"Hello dearie. The assistance has already been used, but your more then welcome to join us." Consti said as she caught the look Renee was sending her.

"What?" she asked, mockingly."He'll be of use to us."

"Crazy old woman."Renee mumbled under her breath.

"I am not old."Consti huffed as she took a sip of tea.

"But your still crazy."Renee countered.

Consti smirked."I didn't deny that, did I?"

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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