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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:08 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jade watched with a slight smile, then bowed slightly, and shook his head.

"Sorry, I couldn't intrude. However, If you need help, of any sort," He grinned slighty, "Im right down the hall. Just yell." With that, he bowed again, then withdrew.

As he padded back down to his room, he looked under his glove. Nope, it was dark. So, then, what was that?

With those dark thoughts still echoing in his head, he returned to his room, and lay down in the darkness, wondering what that lot had thought of him.

'To them, I probably only seem a lad.'

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 4:08 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

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Kaosu watched someone walk over to the group adn tehn walk of again. Well if he can do it she thought looking at the group once again. She had stayed in the corner for to long and felt like if she didnt speak to them soon there would be no later.

Making sure her hood was still on her head and covering her face she walked over to the group. erm ... excuse me for for seeming rude ... erm, her cheeks were already turing red and she was thankful for her hood so they couldnt see. I was wondering if i could maybe be erm ... be of any assisitance in ... what your doing. She felt really stupid now, these people would proably turn her away, she wasnt usually shy but then again she rarely spoke to new people with the hope of being accepted into a group.

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 5:31 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Ashten fancied the thought of suddenly moving and asking a similar question, but in the end decided against it. He would wait to find out what an odd number of king's men were doing this far out in the shadow lands first. He doubted it, but his mind played with the idea that they could be looking for him after all these years. The tales of a 'monster made of metal and iron' were great and some of them even contained treasure.

The ones he fancied were the ones closest to the truth, that he had courted the king's make-belive sister (result of the previous king's affair with a phantom maid so to the stories), but he had her dispelled and killed to protect the family name. So the man, a warrior from the shadow lands, went to a witch in his homeland, who made him immortal and he made an attempt on the king's life(though it was really his brother). Then, according on where you get the story you get a number of ridiclous endings, but the most realistic one is that he hid in the shadows, waiting for revenge.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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 Post subject: A face long missed
PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:55 pm 
Legend of Old

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The resonating sound that caressed I’zack’s ears became quietly mute as a creaking of the door made a sharp and divisive reverberation. I’zack turned his glare to the unpleasant clatter, but sighed a breath of relief at the sight of Rusabek stealth fully ascending into his corridor. By the sly, almost snickering expression possessing his brow, it was apparent he enjoyed the process of lurking about unseen. Rusabek quietly raised a finger to his lips to signal I’zack to hush his excitement and spoke with a whisper so silent it could only be rivaled by the dead.

You are good for something brother. Sneaking from Tarin’s ever so persistent gaze was quite the challenge!

Tell me about it. Since when did she become mom!

Well better her then the others who barged themselves in to our humble room.

I’zack was struck silent at the young guide’s words. They observed the dank surroundings that served as their refuge from the unforgiving, blistering conditions that were harbored in the shadow lands. Mold festered from the ceiling and a chipped, sickening egg-plant green paint made it quite a volatile scene. It did not help matters in the least that the air was seemingly swimming with the odor of sweat and ale. The two stared at each other with scowls of disgust amassing upon their countenance.

Ok... so maybe not so humble, but the tavern keeper of the establishment was really nice.

I'zack slowly set a foot off the ground and stood upon his own legs. At the sight of his brother standing on his feet and out of the sluggish sleeping sack, Rusabek scowled and waved his finger promptly.

What the hell are you doing? Go back to bed?

Yes Mother, I will get right on that... shut up!

Heh… Tarin must not know how thick your head is I’zack.

Thick Like a drag… ons…

I’zack’s eyes began to tear as he drooped his sights to his bed sheets. Rusabek noted the sudden change of mood with his brother, and slowly approached his side.

You miss her too huh?

Yeah… If we were strong enough Rusabek, we might have been able to save her.

I’zack, those creatures aren’t human. They ripped even our strongest defenses apart. Even a dragon couldn’t stop the shadows…

I know… but it doesn’t take that sting away.

Hey, she was brave enough to give her life for our escape… Without her we probably never would have made it out alive. We owe a lot to the others who have fallen along the way…

Damn those shadows… they all died because we weren’t able to stop them Rusabek…A little sunlight scatters them like insects but we could'nt do anything to save them! I cannot help but feel guilty dear brother... we are lucky to have Tarin...

A moment of silence stilled the air while Rusabek calmly searched within himself for the right, comforting words to say. As the heartrending moment persisted, Rusabek squinted his eyes with pain and reached inside his blood-stained and sullied’ shirt. As his hand ascended out from his attire, a faint, light blue glow softly emanated within his fist. A small smile caressed I’zack’s lips as he, in turn, did the same. The lights became stronger as they opened their palm to the sky and revealed their possession. They were blue dragon scales attached to a piece of rope roughly hanging around their necks, a final gift from a loved one.

She would be proud… we made it here alive… She always was looking after us and making sure we were always tended to. Her sacrifice, along with the others were not in vain dear brother. He stand alive... we could have been killed. Her memory will never leave us mate, and with these scales, a piece of her will always be with us.

I know… I know… Lets just make sure we get those bastards a good one when we find the arch eh?


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PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 6:52 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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"I was wondering how long it was going to take you two to make an appereance. I didn't rasie 6 kids without learning how you kids deal with being told to rest when you'd rather not." Consti said, alerting the others to the boys.

Renee sighed."I was beginning to wonder myself. I may not have kids, but I remember the trouble her's caused. How have you guys been handling everything? Sorry I left when I did, but I had no choice. When the Council summons, I have to go. Luckily though," she said pointing to Consti."I have the only person who can summon me here with me, so we won't have that problem. Marshall's on a mission, so he won't be joining us at this point, but knowing him, he'll show up when we need him to."

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 Post subject: an enemy within.
PostPosted: Wed Mar 21, 2007 9:13 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Tarin was overwhelmed at the sudden explosion of people. all seemed to have had something drawing them to this Inn where she and the twins had been recovering. She remembered going to bed last night, exhausted after trying to heal I'zacks hand, and thinking that they would be stuck here for the forseeable future. Now it seemed they could be moving on within the next couple of days. She was grateful for the help, if not a little suspicious. All these new faces would take some time to get used to.

Tarin: Thank you for your offers of assitance. it seems that fate truely does work in our favour...

she stopped talking as Consti mentioned the boys who, despite their best efforts to conceal themselves, were obviously there. Consti never missed a trick. Tarin turned to face them and the boys faces looked like they had been caught with their hand in the cookie jar.

Tarin: You two will be the death of me. I know you are the guides, as appointed by the king, but still...

she didn't finish her comment, prefering instead to let them know with an expression what she thought. The three of them had had this conversation many times in the past, and it always turned out in her favour. i.e. they boys were resigned to resting and her to (secretly) worrying. But with all these newcomers she knew her arguement would be harder to justify.

This mission was too important, it had to be completed. Tarin resigned herself to the fact that the time for resting and procrastinating was over.

Tarin: ok boys, sit down. we'll need you to explain to the others just what has gone before.

halfway up the stairs Sally sighed and went ack to the kitchen with a tray of food.

Last edited by Fyre on Fri Mar 23, 2007 7:00 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 1:27 pm 
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Having the slightest clue of what was going on, as usual, Celestial decided to stick around. Besides, he needs to right some wrongs that Knights before him had done. Feeling as though the group might be moving soon, Celestial began to sharpen his sword.

You'll never know what might happen the next second.

He said to himself.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 1:29 am 
Legend of Old

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As their presence was discovered, the twin's attempt of stealth was ceased as their disappointment was noted by the crowd.

Darn, caught in the act again.

Truly, we are no good at sneaking around.

Compared to the rest of the company dwelling within the fine tavern's halls I’zack, Rusabek, and their party looked pretty rough. Bandages wrapped around their bodies concealing scrapes and wounds. Some injuries were minor and nothing more then agitating, but some were dire and their very life hung in the balance. Rusabek had a good portion of the right side of his chest severed and his back was covered in red-stained dressings. It was apparent by the lack of attire that the young guide was still far too sore to dress in his usual attire; he normally was far to modest to appear in a stranger‘s company in anything but formal clothing. I’zack had remnants of a burn salve on small patches of cloth wrapped around his right arm and palm along with grime and dirt stains clinging to his shirt.

I'zack let his hands rest at his sides as he approached the figure who had mended his hand previously. His posture was strong and erect, but his features were less then calm or collected. With a quivering hand, he extended his arm in a friendly gesture to Abyss and greeted him in kind.

Thank you sir for the healing. That gnarl root burned something awful, but it wouldn’t stop bleeding! I know I may seem rude or rash, but I do appreciate it. I also apologize for my brother’s gruesome appearance and smell!


Like hell it wasn’t! you look like a wet hog and you smell just as bad!

Oh I am sorry that I GOT MY SIDE RIPPED OUT BY THE SHADOWS! See if I save your sorry hide again!

Are you still talking? All I am hearing is “blah blah boo, blah blah, hoo!â€￾

I’zack howled in pain as his now flustered brother drove his thumb deep into the evident burn marks entrenched in his arm. Upon hearing Tarin’s reverberating voice, Rusabek relinquished his brother and pulled up a stool in the center of the room. He could feel the attention shift on to his person, and with a deep breath, he began.

For those who wanted to know why we are visiting such lands, it started an eternity ago. Though in this case, eternity was only a few months. As you probably have guessed by the insignia on our weapons strode about this place or from simple word of mouth, we are from the kingdom of Beloth. Our great king, Samuel, was recently appointed the thrown. He is a gracious king, and with his guidance Beloth prospered. It almost became that metaphorical dream of the land of milk and honey. Under his guidance, the civil war that ravaged our land was finally ended in peaceful means and the people of the land rejoiced and basked in the blazing light of comfort. Beloth finally found peace…… but from where there is a blazing light, there is a shadow. The king’s brother, was mortified when his younger brother was chosen to inherit the thrown, so he tried to take up arms against the king. The attempt failed, the people loved the good king, and even some of Dessius’es devoted servants sided with the royal thrown. but instead of receiving an honorable execution by a knight’s blade or a drop from the gallows, he was dismissed. Samuel did not have the heart to end his brother’s life.

Rusabek paused while making eye contact with every individual present. After a small moment, he carried on.

Surely I need not to reiterate the legend of the arches right? I am sure no one is a stranger to the rumor that traces of the Blood Arch have revealed themselves. Dessius escaped and left the kingdom in a maniacal search for this arch. The king’s council of elders and wizards warned us of the real and terrible power the fabled arch possessed. We needed to get to the arch before Dessius and bring it back in tact. If we destroy it, where ever the arch rests will become just like the cursed shadow lands… When the great hero destroyed the shadow arch in an effort to rid the world of everything with the Dracunda arcane influence, he struck that accursed shadow arch down. The shadow lands are a perfect result on what could be harnessed by Dessius or by our own hand if we destroy the Blood Arch! Who knows, we figure we might even be able to use it’s power against Dessius or any enemy of peace.

Our party was selected to find the arch and retrieve it. I’zack and I were hired as guards with promises of knighthood upon our return. It has always been my dream to serve along side the thrown of Beloth and I’zack favors the loving touch of gold.
Hey! You make it sound like I am a… Shut up…. Naturally we agreed. So off we went into the shadow lands searching and hunting for anything we could find. We fought demons and monsters of all the like and abominations from hell itself to get here, and in the process… some of our dear friends… passed away. We were attacked by vicious… shadows. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it is the only way I can describe them. Once we discovered the shadow arch, we were cut down by these monsters that our abilities paled in comparison.

Rusabek stopped to wipe a small tear mustering in his eye and gritted his fist. Tremors in his charismatic voice were noticeable, but he remained poised and collected.

They were brave and loyal as both knights…and friends. They gave their lives either in battle, or to save us. When the sun came up the creatures vanished, but the damage they cause will never go away.

Rusabek drew his sword with a fire of passion burning in his eyes and raised it high in the air. His voice howled like a wolf and pierced the hearts of those who listened. His words echoed in their mind while he delivered his heart-felt lexis

Their deaths will not be in vain! We will find that arch and stop Dessius! In the name of our king!….



Rusabek plunged the sword into the air several times almost to entice a war cry. He eagerly awaited the response of the company, considering he just gave his heart and soul to faces he had never seen.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:13 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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A simple clap was the first sound of support to reach his ears and when the twins' gaze turned to the source they found that it came from Abyss. An unreadable grin graced his strange features and as he ran a hand through his tossled black hair they saw an inhuman fire in his mismatched eyes that only served to make him appear all the more bizarre. It was like Alice looking at some odd, half-cocked creature from Wonderland. Looking at him then, one got the feeling that perhaps there was more to this wanderer than met the eye, but this effect was broken as he stepped off his chair and spoke.

"Hear hear, mates! I whole-heartedly agree! After all, if you haven't your friends, what DO you have in this world? And as for these shadow creatures-" At his words a small sinewy shadow-like thing rose from the floor. With the flick of his wrist it was engulfed in a bright crimson and black flame and he turned to the two with a smile. "They will rue the day they crossed you or indeed, THIS Dragyn. You have my prowess and magic at your call." With a small smile he bowed to the two, a surprisingly graceful move for him.

Inside Abyss hoped that he was doing the right thing, though despite his father's voice resounding and shouting various obscenities at him in his head, he had the feeling that it was. There was no way, even strong as they were, that these two and Tarin could handle all of this themselves. Though he wasn't quite sure how well HE'D be able to handle it either. True, Abyss had fought his share of hell-spawn, but these shadows that they spoke of... The sheer fear and emotion in Rusabek's tone when he spoke of them was enough to tell the Nether Dragyn that they were unlike anything from the Pit. In his head he had set and made up his mind that he would stop this ill from spreading- even if it killed him.

But if you die, Abyss, you know what will happen to me... the voice laughed in his mind.

Congratulations, you'll be stuck in a dead body he mentally shot back before extending his clawed hand to Rusabek and I'zack.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:19 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jade was awoken by the sound of yelling, and sat up to hear;

"...namE Of OUR FRIENDS!"

He quickly pulled on his sword, his gloves, and his sandals, and ran to the hall, where he saw one of the characters from last night waving his sword and staring into an audience in the Main Hall.

He wandered forward, and asked someone what had happened. As far as he could gather, these men were on a misson for good king Samuel, and had been attacked. Now, as he looked around the room, he saw several people had deep injuries, and more had lighter ones.His palms began to tingle, and he took off a single glove.

His left hand glowed like the sun, and he quickly drew near on of the injured persons. His hand began to dim, and Jade sighed as the healing process began to take place.

Suddenly, his hand darkened, and went past his normal skin tone, to a dark gray, and kept going. He wrenched his hand away, and as he did, it stopped changing color. He sat, looking at it for a moment, then sighed in relief as it began changing back to it's normal color.

'That's never happened before,' he thought. 'Whatever made those wounds...doesn't want them healed fast.'

He looked up as a clapping sound took place, and saw a something he had only seen in books shake hands with the man on the table.

'A Dragyn,' he thought. 'That's it. Im going with those people, whether I have to die trying.

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:41 am 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
So, the king's brother has something to do with this. This may be the chance I was waiting upon. Ashten stepped ever so gingerly out of the shadow of his podium, but unoiled joints made a horrable squeeky noise, herolding his position. "I apologize for eavesdropping, but I will join your quest! Nothing better than fame and fortune." Except revenge.. He ended within his mind. Then it hit him. Why would they hire an empty suit of armor? Well, they don't know I'm empty, but those creaky joints didn't help much. Maybe they'll think that I'm some sort of freak who sleeps in his suit... He chased these thoughts away, it didn't matter what they think, just what they say.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 2:25 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

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Koasu listened to the boys speech and, once he had fineshed she pulled down her hood revealing her long purple hair, sea blue eyes and stange black swirly markings across her face. I would love to help you in what you are doing she said sounding more confident than before maybe my magic will be put to some better use.
The thought of helping these people made her feel happy, she was usually just payed to do a job and did it, over time though it still gave her thrill to be on the job it was not her own personally wish. Murder this person kidnap that child steal this item they had nothing to really do with her, she was jsut someone they hired to do there dirty work, and she would without a second thuoght. But this was soemthinmg SHE wanted to do and it was for a good cause which made everyhting else seem irelevant.

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:46 am 
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Welcome to our group. I should warn you, this isn't an easy quest, but in the end, it will be worth the effort. Consti said, welcoming the new members.

Indeed. And you are? Renee asked, more out of curiosity than anything else, as she to had noticed them earlier on.

"People like us, who believe in physics, know that the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion."
Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:18 pm 
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Tarin was smiling, the moment she saw one of the twins had noticed though, she switched it back to a neutral look.

Tarin: friends...in the most unlikely of places, this is indeed a blessing. after what we've been through we'll need all the help we can muster. I hadn't anticipated finding it so soon though. i feel we should hasten with our preperations and leave, but we have the one problem of our guides.

she pointed to the twins.

Tarin: they are still recovering and the journey would be hard on them.

she had the look of worry in her eyes. as much as she was happy to have new allies, the thought of loosing what little was left of the old party was too much to bear.

Tarin: if anything were to befall them because they weren't ready, I'd never forgive myself.

she chocked back a shudder of foreboding. and played with her food a little.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:27 pm 
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Hey, wait... I don't even know what quest I just so blindly hopped into.

Celestial thought to himself. He looked around and saw someone that might be able to fill him in. He walked over to Consti and said

Hey if you don't mind, could you inform me on this quest?

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 8:47 am 
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Kaosu took a seat around the table and leaned back in it. My name is Kaosu im a fey she said rather quickly leaning forard for a second and pointing behind herself at the semitransparent purple wings on her back. Being a fey im strong with magic and mine is over ying and yang, chaos an law, whatever you wish to call it but my light magic is alot weaker than my dark. Leaning back again on her chair Kaosu got a better look at who was there. The two people who caught her eye the most were the dragyn and the holy knight, she had never met one of either before and found there presence interesting.

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:00 pm 
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"My name is Ashten. Let's just say I've been out of the world for a while." He was now oiling his armor as best he could with gusto. "I don't mind waiting." I have been for years. "But you never told us exactly what this arch does. Is rumors and old men's babblings all we know of it's abilities?" He was suddenly curious about this object. Why would Dessius want it so badly?

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:41 am 
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Why don’t you ask know it all here I'zack mockingly retorted to Ashten's question, he is Mr. knows everything about nothing!

[color=blue]Forgive him Ashten, my brother is an idiot. I will be happy to explain to all of you what the fabled Blood Arch really is.

Rusabek sat down holding his side. After a deep breath and a slight squinting of the eyes, Rusabek began to unravel the tale into the public's eager ears.

The Decunda civilization was one droved by power. Their insatiable lust for blood and arcane destruction inevitably brought them to rise up arms against each other and anything else standing in their way. A once united race divided into factions and started chaos and war amongst themselves. Their skills in magic were unfathomable, but that inevitably would be their downfall.

Their crowning achievements were the construction of the artifacts known only for their shape, the Arches. Not much is known about the Shadow Arch. A great and legendary hero once sought to destroy it, and succeeded. Little did he know that when he shattered the arch, he only destroyed its corporal form. Its very essence still lingers in these tainted lands. I'zack's condition or the strange monsters of these lands are perfect examples.

Now the Blood Arch is in a different league of its own. The arch was forged in the blood of the terrible demon Zune. With his essence imbued into the Arch, his power combined with the magical talents of the Dracunda manifested into the devastating artifact. It was the Arches that destroyed an entire race, the very race that brought them into existence. Their powers are terrible.

We are not sure what the Shadow arch does. We know it has some influence over the dead. That is why the shadow lands have issues with the undead or werewolves. It has a strong tie to the dark arts. The Blood Arch is said to be the embodiment of pure power. Who ever wields the arch is filled with hellfire and a power so strong; it rivals that of Zune himself.

The mist previously dwelling in Rusabek’es eyes vanished, an evident sign that his mind returned to reality and out of the story from whence he was telling.

To put it simply, they become a god... or demon.

If Dessius gets to the blood arch before we do, we are done for. Beloth... hell the world will have no hope for survival. Any questions?

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 5:35 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Tarin: I have one

she put her fork down.

Tarin: do we know what he's currently up to? do we have some idea where he is? do we know what his forces are? I mean we've seen some already and they, well they proved to be very strong, but I'd bet that was a tenth of his army.

she paused for a moment before continuing.

Tarin: what should be our first move, that's what we need to decide at this table. we can't go in guns a blazing, if you'll pardon the pun

Gun's were a fantasy weapon, the kind you'd find in a childs book, it was always popular amongst youngsters to imitate them. their construction however has been proved impossible again and again.

Tarin: that kind of action will get us killed.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:34 pm 
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Arches... He inadvertantly touched his helm, where a faint cross was etched. Quickly he got back to buffing his suit, dusty after all the time here. "No word of Dessius has passed through here, not without hushed silence at least. You will be hard pressed to bring anyone to your cause, besides those already here of course, especially with your tidings of his mad search for that accursed arch."

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 1:56 pm 
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Location: The South
"Actually, it was tidings of Dessius and his search that brought me from the edge of the Wasted Desert to this most comfortable inn." Abyss countered with a small, polite nod at Sally. "If word has reached that far, you cna be sure that others have heard, and that they are as eager as any to see him stopped. But whether or not they take action is another story." Here he paused and took in the gathered group through his mismatched eyes. They were indeed an odd group, but one that would perhaps understand what he was about to say better than any other mortals he had as yet come across, especially the twins and Tarin.

With a swift, fluid movement he had resumed his place on the back of his chair, quite comfortable. With a small sigh he quickly shook his head, flicking his hair out of his eyes and revealing his expression to the gathered group. When he did so they could discern a surprising amount of seriousness in expression and his tone when he spoke. "Keep in mind that while we may be able to fight for this cause, there are others just as eager to see it settled who are unable or incapable of doing so. Contrary to other sentiments, I believe that we may yet find some willing to help, though perhaps in a less involved way than we ourselves."

The Nether Dragyn's expression became less dire as he allowed a small, reassuring smile to grace his features. Somehow he felt the need to be suprsingly the typical wise dragyn at that point, given his knowledge of the situation and experience with such dark matters. It was difficult, however to be so serious and he found that his words had surprised a few gathered- especially those who knew him well. In response, he just smiled and perched atop the chair. "Just giving a word of advice," he added, reaching out a hand and floating an apple into his hand on a stream of what appeared to be black fire. Satisfied with his statement he munched on it and awaited the opinionsor reactions of any of the others.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 11:28 pm 
Legendary Warrior
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Oh I see, the fate of the hole world rests on our shoulders. No presser though, if we fail the world will just fall into eternal hell.

Celestial said as he heard what the quest was.

Sounds like fun.

Legends never die.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 12:38 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jeff chuckled, and sat, meditating. He heard speeches, questions, replies, sighs, and the sound of someone eating an apple.

He practiced focusing on different sounds, trying to find where they came from, and eventually figured out it was the Dragyn who was munching away.

He slid over on his chair, nad had a sudden vision of a Dragyn chewing on a shredded and blood-stained version of his cloak. Ow...

He opened one eye, and looked at the Dragyn warily. He was perched away on the chiar, muncihing at that apple as if it were a skull, or a human hand.

Jeff winced inwardly, and his thoughts turned even darker. He shook his head, and opened his eyes. Casting a suspicious look at the Dragyn, he scuttled around him, and snuck back to his room, where he began packing his gear...

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 31, 2007 3:13 pm 
Legend of Old

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 7:49 pm
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Rusabek enjoyed hearing the responses of the company surrounding them. It was good to know that they would have new additions to their cause. This was no cake walk, and he quietly prayed that they would be watched over in their journey. He wished no harm, not a scratch nor scar, to fall upon them due to their kindness, but he knew that would not be the case. These new characters were welcomed with open arms, but he feared they have not seen the hells of the shadow's piercing gaze. His new friends were a great find, but no one could replace the fallen.

Here is what we will do Tarin. Tomorrow, we will start. We will make our way across these lands as quietly as possible. If word of Dessius'es arrival has not been heard, that is probably a good sign. That means we have a slim chance of actually possessing an advantage... the lead.

Slim chance? Its astronomical considering he left before us!

One can hope I'zack. That is all we have.

Almost in perfect, simultaneous union Rusabek and I'zack both clenched their wounds in horrid pain. traces of blood and inflammation were manifesting, and that was an inarguable sign that they needed their rest.

I think I will turn in tonight friends. I recommend you do the same. Get some rest.

Rusabek and I'zack waddled upstairs in an attempt to not trip over anyone who was residing on the floor. Once they were in their chambers, I'zack passed out on the bed while Rusabek laid entangled in an array of blankets. An comfortable silence passed and was shattered by the crackling voice of I'zack.

Think they will last dear brother?

I think they will brother... the real question is will we?

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PostPosted: Sun Apr 01, 2007 10:31 pm 
Legendary Warrior
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Cool, we start tomorrow...

Celestial said as he looked around for his things. Since he really didn't bring anything except his sword and the clothes on his back, he went on to say

Guess I'm all packed.

Legends never die.

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