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 Post subject: The Coda Conspiracy
PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 2:59 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2005 10:04 am
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"Ally!" Russell turned on his heel at the sound of a loud "Umph!" and started to head back to the crouched form of his life-long friend as she slowly regained her footing. In desperation he fought down the urge that was creeping through him, seeping into every vein, slowly but surely ensnaring his mind. Traitor he thought to himself. Not now... Now his first concern was Ally. It was HIS fault she had landed in this mess after all. If not for him (and his infamous bad luck) Detective Alyson Dawes would NEVER have found herself chased through the streets of Shrieve City by giant, mechanical soldiers. In fact, as an Interstellar Force investigator she probably would have been the one STOPPING such things if she weren't with him. Why does she stick around me? he wondered as he ran back to her.

Ally, however, saw him coming as she quickly stumbled to her feet and motioned for him to turn around. "Russell are you nuts?! I'm not the one they're after! Keep going and I'll cover you!" As if to illustrate that he had no choice in the matter she turned and leveled a giant of a gun on the mechanized soldiers following them. True, she felt a pang of guilt firing on them so viciously (there WERE actual men in those suits), but whatever they wanted Russell for couldn't be good, and if they wanted him they'd have to go through her. She'd already seen one or two other people picked up as they had run through the city towards the Nova Core- the meeting hall of the Terra Nova Union of Worlds. If they could just get there they should be safe- whoever these guys were working for, they would surely have to respect the fact that the Nova Core was an established "safe-zone" with jurisdiction and police of its own. But they had to get within its bounds to be privy to that safety. And so, with little other thought, Ally pulled the trigger, sending a volley of small rockets raining on the soldiers.

As they defensively crouched to avoid the rockets the detective hit a small button on the side of the gun and watched it contract to the size of a small hand-gun and ran after Russell. Two more blocks she thought. Just two more blocks. To her dismay, Russell seemed to be exhibiting a... heightened ability to keep ahead and when he turned back to make sure she was still behind him she noticed that his eyes had turned from their usual grey to a startling golden yellow. "Russell!" she called, and as she did so she felt her stomach drop at the sight of three more soldiers rushing down the alleys to block their path.


"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 5:32 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:10 pm
Posts: 242
He rapidly tapped on a keypad, his tail to the side of his ill fitting chair swished in the air, the ship shook threatening him to be thrown from his seat. As ordered, most of the crew had abandonned ship, only the bridge crew remained onboard the Unyielding Dawn. Rapidly tapping to switch shield frequencies onboard the ship, trying to get it to last just a bit longer.... Infront of the forward windshield, of five foot thick glass loomed a huge gigantic ship, crewed by another alien race, Particle Projection Cannons charged up on the front of the enemy ship, threatening to destroy Aranos's ship. from his seat he began tapping different commands into the ship, alien letters occupied the keys. This command to the ship would be a blind jump into light speed. The ship took a hit, and Aranos heard the explosion, it hit one of the missile pods... Light gathered at the front of Unyielding Dawn, opening up a warmhole in which they passed through, then they were speeding towards another part of this galaxy....

Hours later Aranos awoke, out of the entire bridge crew, only one other besides himself out of the ten lived. And the one surviver looked about dead anyway. His suit, his highly advanced suit saved him, at all the consoles except his, fires blazed. He re-routed all controls to the command console infront of him, the scanners were damaged, but worked, enough to approximately pinpoint where he was. And indeed, he was very far away from his comrades, two million light years away. Alien stars looked at him through the glass windshield, he was afraid of what might happen. His ship barely had one more jump to lightspeed left in her. Plasma, and coolent leeks dotted the ship's hull, and the best performance of the shield he could get was twenty percent strength. The Ion Cannons, and the remaining three missile pods were all in the green. The engines though were another story, he probably could get one half of the normal energy output to get moving again, but right now, he was adrift in space, life support failing. Soon his own suit's life support would kick in, and give him a few more hours to live.

He had sat there, wings drooping to the floor for twenty minutes, looking for inhabitable worlds to land on. Only one in this system, from what he could tell. He tried to quickly learn this race's language, which he did with flying colors. But he was more than afraid of these 'Humans' they seemed more warlike that the teelthatheer the one alien race the Haldraks, Aranos's race were fighting. But with limited life support, he wasn't given much choice, live or die, he cose to live atleast as long as he could. He made a quick landing trajectory, and raced toward the planet's surface, and only then did he realize...the landing gear was also out of service....

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 10:29 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Ms. Songwrit was now running through a dark alley, that under normal conditions she would have avoided, but this was hardly normal. Gunfire, lazer bursts and rocket exposions filled the air with vibrations that shocked her delicate ears. She ran without delay, skipping over trash recepticles and other less than sanitary piles of debree. Her back ached, which was always a bad sign. Her lone wing was folded and bandaged to her back, and the prostetics on her other shoulder balanced the bulk, giving her unusually square shoulders in her suit. Again an oddity, she never dressed up for anything, but the agency had insisted before she left and she couldn't very well turn them down.

As she neared her destination, a rocket burst directly ahead of her, shattering the plexisteel wall. Chemicals splattered her new suit and she held back a rather nasty curse she had gotten from who knows where, as the disinigrated several patches of fabric. That was the last straw. She had held restraint long enough. Emilya rushed out on the open street, nearly running into a particularly scruffy looking brown-haired guy, and his girlfriend running haphazerdly down the exposed avenue. She narrowly avoided them, as well as the machine gun fire from the mech ahead of the group. Her Katana flashed as she drew it and jumped gingerly on the machine's arm and stabed, right through the viewshield. Blood splattered across it as she skipped to the next one, it managed to hit her, but luckily only hit her mechanical shoulder, which knocked some momentum from her jump. Emilya's jump came short, she wasn't going to make it, her foot was just out of reach of his gun arm, which was pointed directly at her, but as it was the gun jammed and her wing ripped out of it's bindings, giving her her needed lift with a few beats of her wing. It wasn't the most graceful attack, but managed to slice through the cords of the suit's hydrolics and air supply cords. Sadly this was an older model and was airtight. Without the airsupply or hydrolics to unlock the hatch, he was doomed to sufficate.

"Come on!" She shouted to the two behind her. "Are you part of the Terra Nova?" This question came as a second thought, she doubted it as they were both as raggedy as herself.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:07 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Ally shook her head in response to the question and ran to catch up with the girl. It was unfortunate and really against her code of ethics to leave that guy behind in the suit and for a moment she hesitated, wondering whether or not to head back and haul him out of the suit. She started to turn and head back when Russell blocked her way and grabbed her wrist, pulling her towards the new girl.

"Russell, let me go!" she cried, and struggled against his grip. But she knew it was no good. She could feel the slight twinge of claws digging into her skin and could feel the increase in his strength. He was fighting to keep it down, and thank God he was doing a good job. But for how long? Getting away from the stress would help, and so she went willingly and together they caught up with the girl.

"Let's go," she said and they continued on to the Nova Core, keeping their eyes on the few suites that seemed to be shadowing them. She picked up the pace to a steady jog. "We're not from the Terra Nova." she said, "I'm Detective Alyson Dawes and this is Russell Stormcrowe," she said, "He's helping me track the disappearances of several people that occurred this week in this city. We almost wound up being part of my investigation until you came along. Thanks."

Russell opened his mouth to say something but was cut short as another group of suits leapt from the rooftops and landed around them, two in front and two behind. Ally drew her gun and pointed it at the visor shield of one of the suits. "I'm a detective conducting an investigation. Let us pass NOW." she demanded. In answer the nearest suit swiped her into a nearby wall and reached for Russell and the new girl. The other two leapt toward them as well, one wielding a net.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Wed Mar 28, 2007 11:41 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jeff had been cruizing around on his motor bike, wondering what to do, when he heard a series of explosions, and blinked. He waited, then heard another series, along with gunfire. He sighed.

'Sounds like another job for a medic,' he sighed sadly, and raced toward the sounds.

As he pulled up, he saw two ('or is it three,' he thought) people, running away from the scene. Half a dozen mechanical suits lay around, and he saw that one was totally decimated, yet the pilot was still alive. As he ran over, he saw that the oxegyn and hydralics feeds had been cut, and the man inside was about to run out of oxegyn.

Quickly, he looked around, and saw a thick steel pipe lying on the ground. He grabbed it, and ran forward, thinking to himself.

'Well...the easiest way to do this is if...I...' He brought the pipe down hard on the front, cracking the plexiglass. He tried again, and again, finally smashing a large section. While he did so, he heard the footsteps get farther and farther away. He dropped the pipe, and ran, leaving his bike where it was.

As he turned the corner, he was just in time to see several more suits jump down, and one of the women pull out a small handgun and shout something.

"....nvestigation. let us pass NOW."

Jeff swore to himself as one of the suits grabbed her arm, and smashed her into the wall, then the four jumped at the man and the other woman. Jeff sighed, then reached for his Kabar, and aimed carefully.

The suit holding the net suddenly stopped in shock as the knife cut through the threads, disintegrating it. He looked up to see a small boy grinning at him cheekily, who then made a very rude hand signal.

Jeff laughed as the man inside glared at him, then gulped as the suit turned and came after him. He quickly turned and ran, back to his bike.

"crapcrapcrapcrapcrapCrapCrapCRAPCRAPCRAP!" He knew he couldnt outrun the thing, but if he made it back to the bike...

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:32 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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The suit reached him in seconds, indeed before he could reach his bike, blocking his way to it. Jeff shut his eyes tight in anticipation of what was to come as he braced himself for the worst. The man in the suit was fully loving his job at the moment and as he raised his arm, ready to bring the claw down hard across the youth's head and silence him. However, that moment never came and Jeff opened his eyes at the sound of an inhuman growl.

He watched in shock as what appeared to be a gigantic wolf hurled the suit across the road and into a building, decimating the suit. With a slow whir it's lights dimmed, flickered and died. Jeff, however, was concentrated on the wolf thing that stood before him. Int eh eyes he could see the young man from the alley, but gone was the tossled brown hair and lean muscles. Gone was the simple clothing. In their place stood a hulking wolf, easily at least 7 1/2 feet tall, fangs as long as steak knives, powerful muscle rippling in every movement. Saliva dripped in strings from his jowls as he turned his gaze to the boy and let out a ravenous growl and lowered himself into position to pounce.

"Russell!" A woman's voice reached the ears of both... men, and indeed both turned. Ally stood at the entrance to the alleyway, a giant of a gun leveled on the werewolf. "Don't make me use this Russell!" she threatened. She didn't have to tell the wolf what it held, but Jeff had no way of knowing that it actually held a special net, specially designed for capture of werewolves. It was made of a flexible metal stronger than titanium but as flexible as rope. It would stop him in his tracks if something or someone else did not.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 12:41 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jef looked back and forth, then eased himself out of the way slowly. He walked quietly, if not quickly past Russell,a nd reached his bike. He eased it up, and walked it over to the woman. Stopping it, he reached into a side holster and pulled out his rifle, then slipped a shell into the chamber.

He said quietly; "I'm going to attend to our friend across the street and his pals, alright?"

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:08 am 
The Broken One
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Arik sat atop a roof, casually smoking and blatantly slacking off. The sound of nearby rockets didn't bother him. He'd heard them before. It just meant that some other poor sap was getting beat on. Hey, as long as it wasn't himself, why should he worry? He was safe where he was. Out of a random burst of curiosity, he looked over the edge of the roof.
His eyes popped. Well well, what had been going on right under his nose? Quite the odd little arrangement, he thought. Huge, hairy, hulking beasty, some suits, and a couple misplaced looking people. He chuckled in amusement and flicked the cigarrette butt off the edge of the roof.
Reaching to his left, he picked up his sniper rifle and peered down the scope for a better look. A girl was aiming a gun at the hairy monstrosity.
'Okay,' he thought, 'so that thing is bad. All right, i dig it.' He cocked the bullet in place and took aim at the beast.

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:08 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Ally shook her head. "Leave them." Normally, as a civil servant she'd say to go ahead and take care of them, but these guys had messed with her twice in one day. Enough was enough.


Without saying a word Ally pulled out her badge and flashed it so that the stranger could see it clearly. Along with her badge number it had her name and rank. Apparently he was dealing with Ms. Alyson Dawes, Lead Detective for the Interstellar Force. And from the look that she had at present she was in no mood to be messed with or questioned. "But they need help," he said simply. Ally took a moment to consider things before nodding the ok to go ahead and see to them while she continued her stand-off with Russell

Her target lowered his ears and growled viciously as she moved closer to him. "Don't you take that tone with me, Russell Stormcrowe!" she sternly reproached. With a louder growl he made his way towards her and she could see in his eyes that all was not well. Instinctively she raised the gun, but was interrupted when a suit soared over her head and towards the newly-transformed young mercenary. Without warning two more jumped at him, though the first had been taken out with ease. Another came seemingly from nowhere and grabbed Ally by th arms, locking her in place and leaving Russell t defend himself. With little trouble he tossed two suits aside and tried to get to Ally, who could see the desperation even in his wolfin eyes. Strong as he was, the numbers were becoming overwhelming. With a vicious growl he tossed another aside, and grabbed another by the arm, bashing it into a wall as he did so. With ease he peeled open one suit and digging his claws into the pilot, smashed him into the ground. Soon, however, there were more than he could handle and one grabbed his right arm, one his left and they positioned him for a tranquilizer shot- or what appeared to be a tranquilizer shot.

"Russell..." Ally managed as she struggled against the arms holding her.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:22 am 
The Broken One
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"Damn!" Arik cursed. He quickly changed his sights to the suits. He popped off a round through the glass face of one holding onto the beast looking thing. He dropped to put in another round. Curse this stupid, old fashioned thing!
Loaded, he set sight again and nailed one of the suits holding the woman.

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 1:39 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jeff heard a gunshot, and turned to see suits moving to where he had left the others. He swore, and ran forward, then hopped on his bike, and started it.

He rounded the corner, and almost smashed into a suit. Actually, it wasnt an almost. It was more along the lines of the bike almost smashing into the suit. Jade, on the other hand, had gotten snagged between a pair of cords, and was now stuck to the suit's back. He shook his head, and then lifted the magnum he had luckily grabbed.

Pulling his neck out of the cords, he stuck the rifle between, and pulled.

The cords snapped, and hydraulic fluid poured out, while Jeff gave a small smile of self reward. He clambered off the hunk of metal, only to be faced by three more.

"Oh...Um...Hi. Can I...er...help you gentlemen?" He looked nervously around, gripping the rifle like a club. He sighed, and looked at the nearest one.

"I would be careful...my er...hairy friend is er...getting loose." Without waiting for a response, he ran the five feet to the things, and swung right at it's sheild.

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:01 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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the spotlight was shining into his puffy eyes, whatever they had sprayed into them was bluring his vision. the last thing he could remember was following up a lead from a private source of his about a supposed werewolf. He has scoffed at the idea, werewolves were proven to be fictional. but he had decided that this proof was the kind he wrote about always, i.e. a media cover up, so he took the intel. and went with it.

he had just entered the room when he was caught, they had used a liberal dose of pepper spray too.

some spittle hit his cheek and he looked up and saw a red blodge of a man sat opposite him.


KC: whu...

slowly he was figuring it all out.

KC: I have rights you know, I refuse to say anything without a lawyer present.

Man: this ain't the Nova Core, there ain't no cushy deal with lawyers and hot soup. you'll answer my question or I'll make you answer it.

KC blinked, his vision was becoming a little better. he had to think fast, this was clearly some pissed off cop he had on his hands and clearly he wasn't about to let him go.

KC: I was visiting a friend.

Man: funny, we were visiting him also,

Him? KC hadn't mentioned the sex, but it seemed this arrogant man was keen to answer his questions for him even if he didn't know he was doing it.

Man: we had been waiting for him for a long time infact, and then you come by and open the door happy as larry.

Whatever this lead was it was hot, why would the police have been camping outside of this address if there wasn't something in it. He had gotten in using a skeleton key, part of his essential investigative kit.

Man: well, are you going to refuse to tell me what you were doing there?

KC: I was visiting a friend he was sick.

KC had taken a chance here, by bringing in some sickness he hoped he could glean more info from the man, then he would despose of him.

Man: Sick, that ain't the half of it...

he stopped talking as a red light started flashing on the phone on the wall. he walked over and picked it up.

Man: what? at least 5 down? how could this happen? well send reinforcements. I want it taken alive!

KC took this chance, while the man was distracted he reached over and picked up the lamp. then he brought it crashing down on to the man's skull, the police officer crumpled under the blow and KC quickly hung up the phone. He hoped that whoever was on the other end thought that the man, he checked his badge.. EARL, thought that Earl was just being grumpy.

voices passed outside and the sound of quickly moving feet. now was his chance to get out. he opened the door and joined the rushing officers who were dashing outside, across a yard and into a warehouse. the large doors creaked open and KC saw more of those suits he so hated. using the distraction he slipped out a side door and down the back alley and he didn't stop running.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:52 am 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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The ship rumbled, the ship shook to the very core. Aranos held little doubt that the Unyielding Dawn was falling apart. Shields were steadily going down, taking the brunt of the heat, as the ship was now from what appeared from land, a great fireball, trailing smoke. Aranos rapidly tapped a keypad, issuing last second commands to the ship, he could see trees now, from the windshield, soon the ships shudder, and shook violently, as Aranos was thrown from his seat. The ships had crashed into the ground, skidding at over a hundreds of miles an hour. The ship had created a huge loud noise, and a mark to a forest, a skid mark that ruined trees, and grass, all the way till where the ship stopped. And Aranos, fell away from conciousness.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 2:07 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Jeff felt like time was slowing down. He saw, almost without knowing why, one of the suit's arms swinging at him, and he knew he wouldn't be able to hit the sheild before he was grabbed, smashed into a pulp, or possibly both. Over the suit's shoulder, he saw the one woman grabbed, and the gignatic, hairy...monstrosity was being held, about to get shot with a tranquilizer.

"Oh D'arvit..." he managed to spout out before the suit's hand got him, and knocked him several feet higher and over it's head.

'Ow.' Jeff knew that he had cracked at least one rib in that hit, but on the plus side, at least he hadn't been hurt worse, AND he was hurtling toward the suit that held the woman (Hailli?). He shifted his magnum again, and as he smashed into the back of the thing, the barrel ripped a nice size whole in the shoulder plate of the left arm, puncturing it, and ripping several holes in the hydraulics.

Jeff, on the other hand, felt several holes rip in HIS hydraulics, and was finding it hard to stay on the back of the suit. Weekly, he banged on the back of it.

"Hey, you over-expensive can-opener! let's see what all your tools can do...when...they have...no...forrrr..." He felt concsiousness fading, and blacked out.

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:38 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

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Emma fell to her knees in the alleyway she had run into. Her whole body hurt and she felt like she was going to be sick. Looking into nearby puddle of spilt alchahol she saw the refelction of ehr eyes, they were yellow.

She felt terrible, what had happened to her, her life had fallen apart so quickly and she didnt know why. She had had an argument with her roommate, and her personablity had changed so quickly she lashed out. She had screamed atnd shouted and thrown things, it was onylw hen she had seen the fear in ehr freinds eyes she had realized soemthing was wrong and she had fled. And now this was happening.

A sudden explosion snapped her out of her thoughts and she slwoly stood up using the wall for support and wlaked to the end of the alleyway. What she saw shocked her. Poeple fighting mechanical things. At first she didnt know what to do and considered running, but then she saw the werewolf. The same yellow eyes she now had and there were epeople here. Maybe these peole knew what was happening to her.

Taking a deep breath she slipped a dagger uot from her boot and put her jumpers hoody over her head. She saw someone fall unconcious and one of the suits turning on him. Taking one more moment to see if her sanity would return and tlak her out of doing this she ran over the suit and jumped onto its back clinging on with one hand while ripping at wires with her knife.

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 3:55 pm 
OOC: if this is not an available exit, let me know.

IC: Where in the hell were they coming from? Arik couldn't get a straight shot at any of the suits so he sat, waiting for the perfect opportunity. Several times he considered shooting one of the wolf-things but thought better of it. The thing might get pissed off and come looking for him. He had several good shots of the suitless people, but he didn't feel he should shoot them yet.
"Damnit all!" Arik slung his rifle over his back and rammed another cigarette in his mouth, lighting it as he went. He hurried down the fire escape, jumping down the last story. The hard landing sent a painful shock up his legs when he landed but he ignored it.
Running was a pain, literally, but he did it anyway. He wanted to get out of this mess and he planned on doing it, whether or not the others decided to follow him. He grabbed the gun from behind his belt and shot it into the air. "Hey! Friends, i've got an escape here, if ya want it! Don't bring no suits with yah!"
Pulling on a metal handle hidden in the wall, he opened a thick metal door. There were stairs behind it, leading down. "I ain't gonna wait forever!" He took a quick shot at a suit that had noticed him, getting it right through the face-glass. Man, he loved his homemade bullets.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 6:24 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
Emiya gasped. One second a man had been standing next to her, the next a monster. Gunmen were on the roof, a medic had plowed into a mech suit, knocking himself out, and finally there was a meteorite explosion somewhere in the distance, though masked to the others through the thought that it was just a missle strike. Finally she snapped out of it and picked up her sword which had dropped from her hand. Everyone had forgotten about her, which usually would have been a good thing, but not when people were in danger.

Her sword gleamed as she charged towards the wolf-man, or Russal as she had called him. The mech about to inject him noticed her at the last second, but it was too late. Her sword plunged deep into it's trank arm, nearly ripping it off. This guy--or rather girl was a bit smarter than the rest of them, she popped the visor out and attempted to sock her good. But, guts aside, she had picked the wrong woman to go hand to hand with. She easily dodged, grabbed her fist, and pulled her out of her suit, and slamming her to the ground. She held her sword to the girl's neck, shouting to the other mechs. "This has been enough death for one day, if you value your lives or hers, you back off!" Her voice sounded sincere and at the same time bone-chilling.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 29, 2007 10:31 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

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Ally managed to struggle free from the remaining arms holding her and opted ot take control of the situation that was quickly disintegrating into confusion and madness. She watched as Russell's free arm quickly took out the suited soldier that still gripped him, picking it up and tossing it over his head like a basketball. This had gone on long enough. Without a word she picked up her massive gun, still loaded with the net, and instead leveled at the remaining suit, the others having fled for reinforcements. As she pulled the trigger a silvery net erupted from the end of the gun, covering the suit and pinning it to the ground as small stakes in each corner drilled themselves into the ground. Now that was taken care of...

With the same calm cool resolve she turned to all of those gathered, even nodding at Arik in his hiding place- not for nothing was she considered the best eyes on the force. Within a second her badge was in hand, held where all of them could see. "I am Detective Alyson Dawes of the Interstellar Force," she said calmly, "Given the situation, I want you all to follow me to the Nova Core. Whoever these things are working for, they won't be able to pursue us there."

"You mean they don't work for you guys?" someone questioned, to which the young detective shook her head.

"No, they don't. I'm expecting we'll get some answers at the Nova Core Conference. And if not answers then safety. You all will be much better off there."

A growl brought her attention back to Russell and she turned to see him eying the strangers, saliva dripping in thin ropes from his jowls as he slowly pawed his way towards one, claws extended. "Shit," she muttered under her breath, picking up her gun and level it this time at him. "Don't make me Russell..." she warned. With a loud bark of protest he turned toward her and began softly padding his way in her direction. Knowing that he would give chase if she ran, she stood her ground. Without warning, he turned on the girl holding one of the suit operatives and bounded towards her, a ravenous howl escaping him as he did so. About two feet from her he was brought down by the same silvery net that had taken down one of the suits. Instantly it drilled stakes into the ground, holding him there, struggle as he might. Somehow it was strong enough that even he couldn't break it.

"What's that thing made of?" Ally heard someone wonder.

"New Age Titanium," she answered simply as she walked forward to the huddled figure that was now her life-long friend. With the suits and their threat temporarily gone he had shifted back and lie out cold for a moment before his eyes fluttered open and he looked around. "Shit..." he muttered. "Did I do that?"

Ally chuckled a bit and removed the net. "Not all of it. Now the rest of you, come on, before they come back." A whirring sound rang from down an alley telling them that the officer was right- it wouldn't be long until they were ambushed again. "Its two blocks to the Nova Core, I suggest you all follow me there." With that, she reached down and helped Russell stand and began teh two block trek to the Nova Core.

Imagine her dismay when three more suits erupted from the street behind them! At this point, she felt all that they could do was run.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:19 am 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Joined: Wed Dec 14, 2005 2:08 pm
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
As the werewolf charged her, Emilya took a step back, momentarily destracted. The mech driver took her chance, tripping her up with a good, but much weaker version of the net gun aimed at her legs. She jumped to her feet, stopping only to pull a large tuft of feathers out of the toppled and dismayed Ms. Songwrit. The clever pilot then took off towards her comrads who had appeared at the end of the street.

"Detective, you and Russel take that!" Emilya shouted, pointing at the doc's motercycle as she got her feet untangled, holding back idiotic thoughts of revenge. The one-winged woman herself jumped in the abandoned mech, flipping switches till it whirred to life. She spotted the medic himself and made a quick decision. The mech lumbered hesitantly forward, and picked him up with it's good arm. Then started its unsteady bounds toward the dome, its visor still kicked open.

The mech lumbered slowly, and its new owner had a sneaking suspicion that her sword had cut a few too many hydrolic lines. Her wing still ached from that b----'s handful of feathers. At the time she thought it was just payback for beating her out of her mech, but now she was wondering why she had gotten just her wing. It was odd...

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 12:24 am 
The Broken One
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Arik made a sound of disgust in his throat and gave a sharp bark of harsh laughter. "Yeah, you guys follow her to No C. Not me. I ain't going. Have fun with your suit buddies!" He turned and ran down the escape route.

not turkey! no say gobble gobble...
i'm not evil...i just pull a lot of pranks that happen to be felonys

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 2:48 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon

Joined: Sat Jun 24, 2006 7:15 am
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Location: in your wardrobe
Emma was sitting on the floor lookign at the suit that she had been pulling the wires out of which had falling to the floor. She guessed she must have pulled somehting important as it wasnt attackign anymore, probably a power line.
Standing up shakily she stared at the man that had been the werewolf, he seemed fine now, but she didnt seem fine ehr whole body still hurt and her eyes were still yellow.
Emma looked at ally who seeemd to have the best idea of what was going on and was taking lead. Still with her hoody up she shakily walked up to her and lightly held onto her shirt sleeve her head down like a little kid would. excuse me ... but you seem to know whats going on, she looked up at Ally shwoing her yellow eyes whats going on?

go on press the link you know you wanna

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:13 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Joined: Mon Jun 06, 2005 11:05 pm
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Location: the edge of reason
the shadows had been kind to KC in his escape, that and the confusion caused by this little battle he had caught wind of. By the sounds of things he was glad to have missed it.

he straightend his jacket and walked out into the light of a busy street, a car beebed angrily at him. It never changed, this area was slummy and people had little or no patience. He wondered what would happen when that man, he had hit, came around, no doubt he would issue a warrant for his arrest... It was of no real consequence to him, he had dealt with worse things before. His line of work was dangerous, a reporter for a popular paper, two of his stories already had made him a key player in the journalistic world. this latest lead though was proving to be very interesting, he could break a huge story here, expose some truth or other and very well set himself up for a prosperous career.

all these images of glory filled his mind but at the back of it a nagging doubt was telling him he had been careless to have gotten caught. He sighed and pulled out his dictophone. He recorded all that had happened so far and then put it away in his inner pocket. He had to get back to the paper and then he could figure out what he was going to do next.

He stopped at a food stand and bought a coffee, chugging it down he quickly turned to face the wall as an armed officer walked up to the stand. the officer's ear piece was talking and KC couldn't help but over hear it.

Earpiece: <crackle> repeat, suspect is getting close to the Nove Core. all arms to apprehend it before it reaches the Core.

KC thought about this for a moment after the officer had left. The Nova Core was a sanctuary, one which he had the privilage of being able to enter of his free will. this was a perk of the job. if what he had heard was right, and the lead was heading towards it. KC decided there and then that he would go that way too....after he had gotten some supplies from his apartment.

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 3:15 am 
Proficient Young Dragon
Proficient Young Dragon

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If you want something done, do it yourself. That quote seemed especially pertinent to the current situation. Jak had barely gotten of the transport and already reports were coming in. Apparently, he was to capture a few lycan that had been known to reside somewhere on this planet. It was a rather odd request, seeing as he specialized in lycan removal, rather than capture; such things were better left to the the NET team. Nevertheless, he was the last person to question orders and thus the current situation.

Apparently, some hotshot suit gave the order for the capture of a spotted lycan. He wasn't sure how things operated around here, but he made it pretty clear that no one was to engage the target; he was to do that himself. Now, as he hurled himself from building to building, he couldn't help but frown at the sound of bending metal. They seriously thought they had a chance in those outdated scraps of metal? "All units are to disengage and remain on recon. I repeat, all units are to disengage. Get your sorry asses out of there." He said calmly, as if this was just another day at the office. Oh wait, it is.

*Whitty signature here*

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:45 pm 
Solitary Serpent
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Joined: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:32 pm
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Location: I don't know! Stop yelling at me!
Erin was in her usual place: the forest on the outskirts of town. She never really did care for the city much, it always seemd too crowded. And now the mechs were running around chasing people. Erin thought it best to stay out of the chaos. So, she escaped to the woods. It was her sanctuary. It was always peaceful. No one around to bother her. No one around to judge her. Perfect (to her at least). Except for. . .

About two weeks ago, she had been wandering along when she came across a wolf-like beast. It was clearly too large to be a wolf, but it too closely resembled a wolf to be anything else. She had spotted it before it saw her. But that didn't last long. The creature soon turned to her and snarling, bounded toward her. Erin jumped to a nearby tree and barely missed getting plowed down. The beast flew by her as she tried to scramble up the tree. It twisted as it past her and managed to claw into her leg. Bt the beast continued running and payed no more heed to Erin. Making sure the thing was gone, Erin climbed down and examined her leg. Luckily, the cut wasn't deep she wouldn't need stitches.
The cut soon healed, and Erin began to experience strange symptoms. Her senses would heightened temporarily at times. Her strength had increased, not majorly, but noticebly. And she became more agressive. . .

Erin wandered through the forest, thinking back on that day and trying to figure it all out. She was shocked back into reality by a crash. It shook the ground causing her to stumble. She could see the black smoke rising from the point of impact. It was far, but not too far. Maybe it was a meteor! Erin, excited about the idea, sprinted towards the black column of smoke. It took her about thirty minutes to reach the place. By that time, her legs ached and threatened to collapsed from under her. Erin collapsed against a tree and surveyed the scene before her. It wasn't a meteor but something even better and stranger. A spaceship. It's nose was plowed into the dirt. Nothing seemed to be emerging from it. Erin, letting curiosity override caution, went to the spaceship and pried open the door. The lock had been burned off making it easy to open. She took a step inside. It was a mess. Sparks flew from torn wires, and small fires could be seen on some of the consoles. Suits were everywhere. Without looking, Erin knew that whatever was in them was already dead. She could smell the death thanks to her strange new senses. Erin picked her way through the maze of debris. Suddenly, she heard a groan from the front. A figure was slumped over. Erin made her way to the man (?). The helmet was cracked and smudged, so she couldn't clearly see the occupant of the suit. But clearly, it was NOT human. Another groan escaped the. . .thing. She grabbed its arm and pulled it from the chair. Carefully, she exited the ship with the creature in tow. She managed to get in to a nearby tree and prop it up.
"Hellooo. . .," Erin tapped on the glass of the helmet. Tap, tap. "Wakey, wakey. . ." When the thing didn't respond she began to inspect his suit, talking all the while.
"What are you?. . .I've never seen anything like this. . .Strange symbols. . ."

Makla IS a turkey, no matter what he says. . .

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PostPosted: Fri Mar 30, 2007 7:01 pm 
Knowledgeable Dragon

Joined: Fri Mar 24, 2006 11:10 pm
Posts: 242
It was like a dream, he groaned but not of his own accord. It was like a nightmare, he felt unbridled pain. His suit's energy shield had failed, his helmet had cracked. He knew in the back of his semi-concious mind he'd be able to replace the helmet with a spare he kept in his private quarter, but not now he was in terrible pain. He felt something grab him, but it seemed unreal, he felt himself being dragged away, before he slipped from conciousness again. His suit was administering emergency injections to stabilize him from the crash. The next time he awoke was when he heard a voice, in the alien language. He groaned some more, and shook his head, shaking away the dizziness that affected him so much. He opened his eyes, and saw his helmet cracked, but not deeply, not enough to worry about. His visor, on the outside snapped to life, a blue light eminating from it, his HUD also turned on, and he checked his vitals....they were stabilized, he would live. He spoke to the strange creature, whom called themself Humans. "Nak galc haggok Nov nouvos treisis Kimmer?" Aranos asked, and then forgot that she couldn't understand him, and began speaking in English, and rephrased his original sentence. "I am Aranos Captain of the Unyielding Dawn, of the Oronaxos Confederacy. Who are you?" He asked the girl. He deactivated his personal shield, which flashed blue for a split second, and turned off. He then removed his helmet, revealing draconic eyes, muzzle, and silver scales, he was a creature of honor, chivalry at time as long as he was not in the heat of a firefight.

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