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 Post subject: Dragons of Plantha/fantasy/ PG13
PostPosted: Fri Jun 29, 2007 6:53 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:17 am
Posts: 14
Location: Shadow Zone
Title:- Darkest Dragon
Author:- Me, myself and I
Genre:- I suppose a kind of epic fantasy, make believe, has violence and some dark stuff, so if you don't like that then don't read it.
Rating:- PG13 there is talk of blood and battle scenes, there may be some mild romance.
Summery:- The story is about dragon riders and their dragons, each have names and brief histories which will be explained in the story. They are in a country called Plantha and the sea of Alenntha. Plantha has a king but he is dying and has no children to take over the throne. The Earls and lords will fight between themselves for the right to be king. A civil war then anarchy breaks out.
Disclaimer:- The characters portrait in this story are fictional and any resemblance to people living or deceased is purely coincidental.

The story and all it's characters belong to me. Anyone found using them without my permission will be delt with... be warned stealer's that the full crushing fist of Plantha will smash down upon thee.


“A dragon whose been named as Lucifer himself. A beast so terrible and clouded with hate that every inch of mercy and kindness has all but vanished. He is truly what one would expect a dragon to be and behave. Tearing apart villages, towns and cities, setting the countryside a blaze, leaving nothing behind but ash and charred bones. It is a vengeance whose hunger will never ever be settled, never be satisfied. It has been known that many men will go out of their way to seek this destroyer and slay him, to return home a hero and praised, by not only the ones who love them, but also nations who live in fear of this beast. That will never be. It has been known for men to seek this monster, but they never return home. Their bodies are never found. It’s sickening to think that a worthless and pathetic creature, such as a human, dare even consider that he or she could bring down the furiousness of a dragon. It’s sick to think that a human feels they can command and control a dragon. What is the sickest of all is that some dragons obeyed.â€￾ - Rook

Dragon riders are powerful men partnered up with a dragon at birth, although dragons always, unless killed, outlive their human master. When this happens the dragons are past on to their master's eldest son, if their master never had a son then they would go to the daughter. In the rare cases that the master doesn’t have any children, or the children died; then the dragon would be given to the next person awaiting a dragon. This doesn’t sit too well with the dragons. They would misbehave, ignore orders and generally walk all over their new master. Children of old masters would be treated with much more dignity and respect, but still the dragon would mostly ignore them too. Oquora Eve was such a person who got a dragon from a childless dead man. The dragon she got was relatively young even though he had had a master beforehand. His late master used too hit him with the handle of his sword whenever Eilrahc got anything wrong; in turn Eilrahc lashed out one day and ripped his master’s arms off. Due to extensive blood loss his master bled to death 3,000 feet in the sky. Dragons aren’t blamed for the death of a rider, depending on how rich and powerful the rider was. The family can have the dragon put to sleep, that’s if they pay enough, but usually the rider is blamed for the cause of his or her death. A rider is meant to know what the risks are and that if they treat their dragon properly then there is less of a chance of being killed by one.
Rider’s dragons are raised from birth and will usually see humans as friends and on an equal level as themselves. They are taught throughout their lives that humans are master and you must obey them, or at least the one that they are raised by. Wild dragons, on the other hand, are a whole new story. These dragons see humans as a weaker and far inferior to them. Some even see human as prey and will devour them without hesitation, although many dragons dislike the taste of human’s bitter flesh and won’t even bite, but instead run razor sharp talons though then, incinerate them to ashes or just barge and trample. Commonly though wild dragons don’t generally see a human as a threat and will pretty much leave them alone. Befriending a wild dragon is also possible, for they enjoy the conversation and occasional company. Some wild dragons even kidnap humans to keep as a pet, the same way a human would keep a dog or a cat.
Eilrahc is a Western Veen, one of the most common and widely agreed one of the most friendly of the dragon species. He is a deep emerald green with blood red wings and arrowhead tail end, he also has bright sapphire blue eyes that seen to pierce deep into your soul if you stare at them too long. Being a four-legged dragon he is quite stable and easy to ride, his air flight is very smooth and he is capable of doing some impressive airborne acrobats. He is quite large for a dragon of only twenty-eight years of age; from ground to shoulder he is eight feet and seven inches, from nose to tail end he’s twenty-seven feet and three inches and has a wing span of thirty-five feet and eight inches.
Oquora had been awaiting a dragon egg since she was ten years of age and now five years later they decide not to give her an egg, but land her with this creature, which killed it’s last and first master. Oquora was used to being let down, but this was ridicules; how the hell was she meant to train a murderous dragon. One false move and it would be at her throat; although it was either to be him or nothing at all. They would take this dragon away, but she would not be getting another one. Eilrahc also disliked his new master on sight; she was small and skinny with no obvious muscle structure. He could also sense her nervousness, clearly she had no experience with dragons or really been close to one up until now. He was vastly intimidating her by just standing there. How can someone as weak as her command control of something as powerful as him.
Eilrahc stamped one of his front legs to the stone floor and snorted a cloud of black smoke from his nostrils, screeching horrifically. Oquora’s mind was screaming at her to run away, but she knew that you couldn’t show a dragon any weakness otherwise it would never listen and walk all over you for the rest of your life. “Be silent!â€￾ She tried to make herself sound threatening, but all that came out was a little squeak. Eilrahc edged closer, puffing out his chest and expanding his wings. The smoke was so thick now that he looked like a dark shadow moving towards her, still screeching. Oquora’s eyes started watering due to the intensity of the smokescreen. “Be silent!â€￾ She squeaked again. Eilrahc inched closer, until he was towering right above her. “Be silent!â€￾ This time she had managed the forceful command and Eilrahc backed off slight surprised that her little mouth could manage quite a volume. He stopped with the screeching and ceased snorting smoke, also exhaling the air in his chest and folding his wings back in. He stared right at her, teeth bared and ears bend right back. He looked as if he was ready to fight. Oquora started to feel sick from his penetrating gaze and had the firmly shut her eyes, panicking inside about what her was going to do. After three minutes she opened them again to find that Eilrahc had vanished.


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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 6:26 pm 
Wandering Dragon
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Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:16 am
Posts: 443
Thats a great story!! I am awaiting the rest!!! Are there many dragons in this land? Can they speak? :D :D :D

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PostPosted: Sat Jun 30, 2007 9:10 pm 

Joined: Fri Jun 29, 2007 5:17 am
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Thank you very much and to answer you're questions, firstly yes there is more than one dragon and secondly some of them can speak, but not all.


The first rule of being a dragon rider was not to lose them in the first five minutes. The courtyard was empty, no one was insight, and this was not helpful seeing as there were no witnesses to point Oquora in the direction of her dragon. There was no noise until the sound the screaming horses started to raise in the stale silence of the day. Oquora bolted in the direction of the stables, fearing the worst; she knew exactly what her dragon was doing. The thing is that dragons have no respect towards horses the way humans do, to them a horse is nothing more than a meaty snack. When she got there her dragon had already gone again, moving on wings is a much faster way of getting around rather than using legs. By the power of flight Eilrahc could quite easily avoid her. There was a blood trail from where a horse had been ripped from its loose box and dragged across the stable yard, at the end of the trail was the creature, amazingly still alive. Eilrahc wasn’t strong enough to carry the horse while flying; otherwise he would have taken it somewhere safe to eat. The horse was alive but had deep puncture wounds on its back; both its rear limbs were shattered in several places. Eilrahc teeth weren’t to be used for slicing, but bone crushing and that’s exactly what they’d done to this horse. It was terrified, desperately trying to get up. Oquora was saddened at the sight of it; she took her sword and forced it as fast and hard down into the horse’s head, killing it instantly. It was the kindest thing to do. It occurred to her that dragons were ruthless killers, even the ones labelled as friendly, she would have to get used to the fact that her dragon feels no remorse in killing animals, humans and any other creature that walked this world.
“Lost your dragon?â€￾ An unfamiliar voice spoke behind her. Oquora spun around to face a man with brutal scars on the left side of his face; they looked like claw marks. He was dressed completely in black leather and wearing several rings with different jewels in them. His hair was long, dirty blonde and dreaded, in length it reached down to about the middle of his back, he was also taller than Oquora but only by about six to seven inches.
“Can I help you?â€￾ She said slightly taken back. The man offered his hand to shake and she took it, shaking back. He smiled warmly.
“I’m Haxer.â€￾ It occurred to Oqoura that he had not yet noticed the dead horse behind her.
“What happened to your face?â€￾ She realised after asking that this may not have been the best thing to say. Haxer instantly shook his head letting some of the dreadlocks fall over his left side, hiding the scars.
“Dragon.â€￾ He suddenly noticed the dead horse behind Oquora. “What happen to that horse?â€￾
“Dragon.â€￾ Oquora said grimly, hoping that the horse wasn’t owned by anyone important.
“What a shame.â€￾ Haxer was clearly bitter at the fact that she had mention his scars, even though he did not like to admit it he was rather self-conscious about them.
Oquora started to hear the leathery beat of wings nearby, the noise increased and then as she turned back in the direction of the dead horse Eilrahc landed up on his hind legs with a heavy thud. Oquora jumped back a few steps in fear that Eilrahc was going to come down on her. Haxer readied himself, taking hold of his sword without actually drawing it. Eilrahc stayed up on his hind legs, wings expanded to balance himself, he towered above Haxer snarling and inhaling air into his lungs. He bent his head down in front of Haxer so the end of his nose was only a couple of feet away from Haxer’s face and let out a bone chilling roar that made the pebbles on the ground vibrate. Haxer stood his ground without even flinching as Eilrahc drew his head back. Eilrahc hissed with displease and looked over towards Oquora who had distanced herself from him, again he roared then let out a ripping jet of fire toward her. Oquora through herself to the side narrowly escaping the flames; at this point Haxer was being ignored by Eilrahc. “Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Here kitty!â€￾ Haxer laughed. Eilrahc hissed with anger, very insulted by this insult.
Eilrahc screeched and lunged forward towards Haxer with his teeth bared and talons fully extended. Haxer had excellent experience with dragons, his fathers before him had all been riders and he himself was born and brought up with them, taught about them from birth. Young dragons like Eilrahc were predictable, you could figure out from their body language how they were going to fight. As Eilrahc came forward Haxer rolled towards him to get under his belly. Now Eilrahc had breastplates to protect his underbelly, it was strong as steal and almost impenetrable, they only thing know to break through it was the teeth and claws of much larger and stronger dragons, but still the chances were slim. Haxer knew this and he wasn’t going for Eilrahc’s chest or underbelly. Drawing his sword under Eilrahc he swung it around and sliced through the ligaments in Eilrahc’s ankles. Eilrahc screamed in pain collapsing down into a sitting position, by this time Haxer had gotten himself out of the way.


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 8:08 am 
Wandering Dragon
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Joined: Sun Feb 18, 2007 6:16 am
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Wow :shock: Its getting more exciting... :D

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