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PostPosted: Fri Feb 08, 2008 9:11 pm 
Dragonfish Warrior
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Location: In a sunken Nuclear Submarine using the satellite commlink to talk to my fellow dragon belivers.....
"Good job, Jish. Reeeeeaaaaaal smooth." He realized that he was talking to himself. Maybe I should take my own advice and keep my thoughts to myself. He turned, trying to catch embermoon before she left. But just as he was about to speak the atmosphere thinned and seemed to suck the very breath from his lips. He turned to the confrontation, wondering if there was anything he should do. Jish didn't think so; these two knew each other after all, and maybe they'd work it out.

Anything is Possible...
And Yet, Nothing is Probable.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 10, 2008 10:10 pm 
Legend of Old

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(I am finally back! That trip to Arkansas was murder, but definitely worth while! I went to a journalism conference hosted in Little Rock Arkansas for my college, and it was a blast! As a result, I am here... a tad too late, but I am here none the less. Pardon me while I pass out. Not dead, just really tired. *thud*)

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 9:21 am 
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Fyre put his empty glass on the counter and looked at the guardian. his inner balrog was roaring and it took all he could to contain it. taking a deep breath he sat on the bar stool and relaxed a little.
his mind, once again, clear he spoke.

Fyre: I am Fyre, prince of Volcania. Recently our kingdom was obliterated by a fierce battle with the hill giants, we were winning for a while but then a blight spread over the land and soon our forces were overcome. seeing defeat looming my father, King Astra, sent myself and a few others to seek aide.

A tear in Fyre's eyes told all who were listening that he was likely the last remains of the once mighty kingdom. That place where mythical weapons were forged and the great Phoenix flew.

Fyre: We travelled far, my companions either didn't survive or abandoned the cause as lost. I continued to this place to seek out the assistance of you mighty Exanderous, and the answer to one question...

he paused while he composed himself.

Fyre: where have you been? why when our kingdom was destroyed was there not a sign of any of the guardians?

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 11, 2008 1:50 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Mirravin eased back into the chair she was sitting in after hearing the young man speak. She could see now what built the tension between the two men, and found herself pittying the prince. There were often times things like what Fyre explained happened. There just weren't enough guardians around anymore to fix every situation.

She knew how it could be being somewhat a guardian herself. But the realms she watched over were different than those the guardians oversaw. Her subjects could mostly fend for themselves, and very rarely needed her help or supervision. Athough with the knowleage of what her and her husband were capable of, not many of her people were brave enough to start up any trouble that was bad enough to require her attention.

Either way she would have helped, if she'd been asked. After all it was rude to help were help wasn't wanted. Although she could see why anyone would be hesitaint to ask her for help of any kind. Because there was no good or evil in a Godsins eyes, their sence of justice was a very complicated one. Mirravin however, was a bit more emotional than most, so understanding the concept of good and evil was a bit easier for her to do.

Mirravin sighed and occupied herself with her drink, feeling rather helpless. She could think of no words that could ease the stress on either side.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 14, 2008 12:29 am 
Legend of Old

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(Hey so I wrote this decent post and its not here... not sure why but I will try to repost it later... sorry guys I am going through hell right now...)

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 12:55 am 
Legend of Old

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Hey guys going through alot of things, so please forgive my absence. Fyre, keep in touch with me, proceed and keep the tavern going for me so I can come back to something that is sound.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 10:53 am 
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yeah, it seems like bad stuff is just constaintly happening to everyone. Don't sweat it Exx, take yur time. we'll keep it going for as long as we can.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 17, 2008 11:17 pm 
Dragon's Egg
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Oak walked in quietly, sensing the atmosphere in the building from outside. He walked quietly but confidently around the others and sat down near to the end of the bar. He stroked his beard once then leaned forward onto the bar with his hands clasped together and resting on the bar.He watched everyone in the bar and could smell various emotions, fearful awe was strong but most seemed capable of controlling it. Deciding to break some of the tension he bent his arm upwards at the elbow and asked

"Can I get some of your strongest liquor down here please? I have walked a long way and could use some food if you have it."

His voice was deep like thunder but easy to listen to as a cool wind blowing across your face on a hot summer day, firm as good earth beneath your feet while being soft as a clear lake after a hard day in the fields.

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:59 pm 
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Oak's voice passed over Mirravin's ears, and urged her to look his direction. It was a welcome destration from the current situation. Not to mention she was always canny to meet new people. Humans in paticular seemed to have the most interesting personalaties. The way they strugled so hard to inturperate things was rather amusing in her opinion.

Something strong you say? You don't need to bother the bar tender for that .Mirravin told the newcomer slyly as she slid over closer to where he was sitting. Then she pulled a small crystal vile of shiny golden liquid from a string around her neck, and let it sway losely wrapped around her fingers. Her blue eyes sparkled mischieviously, against her pale skin.

This whole vile is enough to kill a thousand human men in one dose. It's potaincy is one that took me a mortal life time to perfect. Of course, blood apples are already potaint enough by theselves. Getting the brew just right is not something anyone can do. So even if you know where to find blood apples yourself, I sugest you not try to make this on your own if you value your life. It's called Goldy Brew, wine of the imortals. If you decide to try It I sugest you not have any plans of going anywhere any time soon. Oh, but most importaintly, make sure you only take a single drop. Any more than that might kill you. She told him looking him up and down, he looked sturdy enough for it, and besides if he did die she could easyly just bring him back since he wouldn't have been gone long enough for his soul to travle anywhere. Besides it had been awhile since life had thrown her something to play with.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:04 am 
Dragon's Egg
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Oak took the bottle and smiled at the woman.

"Thank ye kindly ma'am."

He removed the lid and looked down into the bottle. He had walked far and wide in his time and still only knew a small bit of information about Blood Apples. But, he figured he had danced with death enough that he could take this risk as well. Besides, if it killed him to take only one drop he trusted his amulet to help him return his soul to his body, of course that only worked as long as this didn't destroy his insides. He put his finger over the opening and flipped it over so his finger stopped it from all pouring out but it dampened his finger with enough to be roughly equivalent to a drop of the substance. He replaced the lid and laid the vial on the counter. After staring at his finger for a brief moment he laid it on his tongue and sucked his finger dry. Oak then proceeded to fall backwards off his stool and land flat on his back.

OOC: Sorry if some of that is hard to read, I am not good enough with words to make it any easier to understand than that.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:05 am 
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Ryel looked down the bar at the humanoid, and noticed a nice amulet resting on his chest. An amulet to keep away death, nice, he thought, I could really use one of those, if he survives the goldy brew I'll try to find out where he got it.
The DemonSpawn stood up, his leathery tail sweeping the floor as he walked oward the man who had just fallen. How long will it take for the amulet to work, he wondered.

Let us bring a new Golden Age to Dragnix.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 11:25 am 
Shapechanger Dreamon
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Embermoon, thinking that she was no longer being watched, sat back down by herself at a small table in a dark corner. She watched the Human fall and saw the amulet around his neck. How dare he wear that amulet! She thought in a fury, fighting to keep herself from leaping up from the table. One of the very amulets the dreamons have tried to protect and keep from humankind!
Embermoon's eyes started to glow maroon in her enger, but she still forced herself to sit still in the corner.

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 1:08 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Mirravin laughed giggle maniacaly when the man toppled over onto the floor, but when the man didn't get back up she begain to worry slightly. still looking him over for signs of life Mirravin placed the vile of Goldy Brew back around her neck.

Oh, dear me, maybe I should have asked the child if he was human or not. She quickly swooped down to take a look at him.
Taking his large arm in her small delacate hands, she calmly looked for a pulse, and started giggleing again when she found one.

Well, your arn't human that's for sure! Here, let's get you off the floor shall we? I hope you don't anger when you wake. I do want to hear exactly what the expirence was like. Mortals have such intresting ways of describing it. It makes me slightly enveouse of them. I've often wanted to know what the experince feels like for myself. Mirravin chattered happly. Then she placed her hand on his cheast, and a bright light sparkled under her fingertips, and his eyes begain to flutter.

When he opened his eyes fully Mirravin couldn't help herself but to giggle.
You lived though it, congrdulations! I didn't have to bring you back, and trust me, if you'd died I would have had to. Your soul goes stright to the Blood apple tree when you die from goldy brew. That cute little trinket of yours would have been broken trying to bring you back. So, hows it feel? Mirravin chirped and helped him back on his stool. To be such a small woman her strength was incredible, and she helped him up with ease. Of course not that you could see how much muscle she had underneth the snowy white robes that covered all but her head, but from what little of her arms that could be seen under her sleaves it was easy to tell she wasn't exacly the muscle-bound type.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 5:06 pm 
Dragon's Egg
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OOC: Sorry should have clarified a bit. The amulet is actually based on something I carry with me in real life. It is a piece of an oak tree that took me three months to chop down. Of course my in character ,I hope I used the right term there, Oak took 3 years and still didn't completely chop it down, it turned out to be the world tree. It is carved with various runes to aid me, not necesarily to protect me but more to help me focus.

IC: Oak sat back on his stool, with a little help from the woman in white. His head was throbbing slightly but not enough to bother him. HE looked up at the woman and chuckled.
"Aye, that is strong!"
He looked over to the man watching him.
"M'alright, thank ye."Returning his gaze to the woman, Oak tried to put the feeling into words.
"Well, kind of like swallowing fire but it got colder as it slid down yer throat and when it hit yer stomach it was cold as death's kiss. Then it felt as if ma stomach exploded then immediatly began to heal until I felt whole and alive was warm again. Tha warmth flowed through ma veins until it felt as if I was on fire. Then ma head felt...pushed, somehow and tha pressure worked it's way down ma body and increased in strength until I was knocked off tha stool. An' all that in one blink of an eye. An' yer right, I am not hooman. But I dont have tha words in yer language to tell ye exactly what I am, demon might be appropriate, or perhaps shaman or even simply a hooman who listens."
Oak stood and pulled out his pipe ,a simple thing with no outstanding design, and a small pouch of tobacco. After placing a small bit of tobacco in it he excused himself and stepped outside. He returned his pipe lit and asked.
"Mind if I smoke in here or should I step outside

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 Post subject: rp
PostPosted: Tue Feb 19, 2008 10:18 pm 
Shapechanger Dreamon
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The angry glow in Embermoon's eyes subsided. Demon? she thought, curious.
"What do you mean 'demon'? There are many who claim to be demons, but few truely are. I make sure to show them what a true demon is." Embermoon's eyes gleamed when she added that last part.
She, in fact, knew what a true demon was, being one herself. In her mind, the fear of dicovery vanished. No one here is a true danger she concluded, then took off her cloak and hung it on the back of her chair. Her wings, tail, and horns were now showing, revealing herself as one of the dragon-demons known as a dreamon. A shapechanger, no less. Her eyes gleamed a fiery orange and her ears were tapered to points, like that of an elf. She wore a silver circlet that shone brightly.
"Come, sit down." she motioned to the chair across from her. "My name is Embermoon, I am Queen of the shapechanger dreamons. Who Exactly are you?"

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 5:29 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Ooc: Cool! but arn't amulets useually made out of pretty rocks?


Mirravin listened with intesrest as Oak descirbed the sensation of drinking the brew. It was deffinatly diffrent from what other outter-realmers had discribed. She begain to wonder if maybe he were one of her own people. When he returned she couldn't help but ask him.

Hmm, It'll be alright,If I felt safe enough to bring yo back form the dead, a small smoke screan will be easy enough to muster. By the way that doesn't tend to happen to people from this realm. Useually they expirence what has been descirbed to me as a very quick intense high before passing out. You arn't from this realm either are you?

Before He had a chance to answer an impish little demon sitting in the back of the room shed her robes like a skin, and beconed the man over to her table.

Mirravin took this as a chalange over the man's attention, and she wasn't about to be shown up by a mer pup.

Well, now, is this some kind of unvailing I wasn't told about? Surely you weren't thinking of surprising anyone with that little display? I'm sorry sweety but you arn't really all that much of an oddity. By the way, I won't claim to be a demon because it really isn't that big of a feet. I'm a Godsin by family heritage and a Demie by blood. You could call me an angel and you could call me a demon, nither are accurate, but both are indeed true. I'm sorry for not introducing myself before. I just didn't feel the need. I'm Mirravin, Queen of the Demies and Godsin of Life. It's a pleasure to make both your aquantes.

Mirravin sased and let her own robes drop. Her crystal blue eyes glisened with mischief against her soft pale cheecks. Her ruby red lips curled into a small smile, and her waist-length silver-white hair swayed flowingly to and fro behind her back from the air created when she dropped her robes.

Her candy red bangs where slightly longer than the rest of her hair and travled evenly from each side of her face and rested curled sightly at the ends on her shoulders. Her face was womanly yet still child like. It was long like an adults, but her cheecks were plump like a childs. And through her hair poked a set of fox-like ears. That were the pale white color like the rest of her all except for the red on their tips.

She was slightly taller than the average person, and her build was about the same as an average fit woman's would be, but unlike most athletic types she had very womanly curves, and her skimy yet still adsesively decent clothing addressed that. Although it was very hard to wear regular clothing when you had wings. She allowed her silverly feathered wings to show though she almost always kept them hid. They were at least ten feet wide from wing tip to wing tip. They cast a shadow over her fox-like tail which had the same colorations as her ears with the red tip at the end.

When most of the room's population begain to stare she giggled triuphantly. They could all plainly see she was a beauty to be reckoned with.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 7:21 pm 
Shapechanger Dreamon
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Embermoon's glimmered angrily.
"I was not attempting to show off nor surprise anyone, I have just been tiring of the hiding and running buissness. I do not seek conflict either, just help."
She sighed.It was diffucult to find good help these days.
"As for finding demons, they are an increasing rarity. I came here seeking help. Is there any who are willing to help?"
Embermoon ran her eyes across the room.

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PostPosted: Wed Feb 20, 2008 9:28 pm 
Dragon's Egg
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Oak walked back to his stool and sat down backwards so he could watch the whole of the tavern. He chuckled softly as the women dropped their robes and cloaks then took a long, deeo inhale on his pipe.
They were both easy on the eyes but none could rival the beauty of the woman he loved. Perhaps he could tell the story of her one day but not now. "Well, I...am human. And, I am Earth. I am an earth demon in tha sense that tha earth seems to move beneath me and bend to my will. But its deeper than that. I am of tha earth. She mothered me. I suckled at tha clearest mountain streams and played in wild fields of barley and oats and wheat, I was a child when tha birds were learning to fly and the trees were learning to grow upwards to tha Sun. I am a shaman in that the earth and the wind and the fire and the rain speak to me, and I listen. I listen and listen and listen. I have no powers or magic, nor am I special or blessed. I simply listen. In this I am a hooman who liistens. And, in return the earth and wind and fire and rain all listen when I ask a favor." Having said his piece, Oak leaned back and smoked. Only the most observant could have noticed that his nostrils twitched slightly as if he was sniffing the air.

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 Post subject: OOC
PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 10:51 am 
Shapechanger Dreamon
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OOC: It sounded like you guys thought I was stripping. I just took off my cloak like someone would take off their coat.

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 1:11 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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The silence that the guardian gave to Fyre was all he needed for an answer. it was clear that were it possible Exanderous would have been there. his absence could only mean things were far graver elsewhere. Still he was seeking revenge on those who brought down his fathers kingdom, a kingdom where he was still prince, never to be king. He turned to Oak.

Fyre: I've heard of your kind in legends, Earth talkers they were called in our lore, the listening folk.

as his gaze swept around he room it was clear there were powerful warriors here. perhaps they could aide him in his quest.

Fyre: I Fyre, Prince of Volcania, the holder of the Balrog Seal ask of you folk in this tavern to aide me in vanquishing my kingdoms foes and journeying with me north to seek justice.

(ooc: ok guys, I've a story developing somewhere in here, gimme a day or two to plan it out and I'll post an OOC for it :).)

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PostPosted: Thu Feb 21, 2008 6:03 pm 
Shapechanger Dreamon
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Embermoon stood, now ignoring Marravin.
"I Shall help if you agree to return the favor and assist me in my own troubles." She told Fyre.

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 1:02 am 
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Ooc: don't worry no one thought you were striping. Lol ! yuv got to admit the thought is a humorus one.


Mirravin sighed, and shook her head. She was hopping for an egocentric fool. It would have been a lot more fun to play with. In a bit of dismay she sat back down on her stool, but her ears perked slightly when she metioned she needed help. She hadn't had any decent intretainment in years, so any little adveture or chance to be mischiefous that came her way was a welcome one. She didn't reply right away hoping maybe she'd get more of a reaction from the demon with scilence, while listening to Oak's explination to her question. It didn't exactly answer he question, instead it made her even more curious. Then the prince from before begain asking for help with the same situation he presented Exx with. Now, she'd been unafficialy asked for help. It was no longer considered rude for her to help.

With the thought still fresh in her mind she mornfuly rubbed her left arm where a dark black marking ringed around it. Her husband put an extreamly powerful magic cap on her when she left the castle. It was to keep her from screwing up the fabrics of time and space no matter what realm she travled to.

Quite frankly this was very frustrating to her, because he himself had threatened to destory everything time and time again, and claimed he didn't really care what happened to the realms. Yet her compassion for lower beings supposadly got in the way of her more clearer thoughts, which made her need the mark on her arm to keep her from saving the wrong civilization, or keeping something alive that would mess up whatever realm she was in.

This was a paticularly strong one, and the mer thought of it made her slightly queezy. Despite how much she hated it, it did however serve as a challange. And of course she loved a good challange.

Ah, an adveture, something I've been needing for a while. she directed this both at Embermoon and Fyre.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 4:38 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
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With a loud clap Switchblade pops back into the tavern sits back down at the bar, pulls a bottle of scotch off the shelf and pours himself a glass, all the while mumbling something to himself.

'Damned kids.... disrespectful... little pieces of... paradise for themselves... they'll never deserve it.'

Because of the mumbling he fails to notice a little black splotch on his jacket that begins to move around and free itself from his garment. It floats in the air behind him for a bit before begining to take a vaguely human shape, or the top half of one at least. It's face completely devoid of any emotions whatsoever, it shapes it's into wicked looking curved blades, evil just seeming to drip from the creature. As it rasises back to strike at his seemingly 'unawares' victim it freezes and floats there.

'I'll never understand what value my daughter see's in these things of her's.' Switcblade says as he faces the frozen creature 'Their no fun to kill, sure there may be a pscological impact from fighting an army of these things, but...'

He trails off not finishing the thought as his blue eyes glows faintly followed by the thing combusting and shreiking as it spews blue fire from it's mouth and eyes and turns to shadowy vapors.

He turns to face everyone,notices Mirravin's robes on the ground and that Ember had changed form. 'Damn what the hell happened in here?'

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PostPosted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 7:06 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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With a quiet pop, Jadrian walks into the bar, curisously eyeing he other customers, then shrugging, and climbing onto a stool. As he scans the various drinks, he turns redder and redder. Then he turns to the stoic bartender, and coughs, flipping his hair away from his young face.

'Erm...would it be possible to get a cup of milk?'

Jon, Squire of Lord Ex.

Gods I love that title.

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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:41 am 
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Oh, nothing, just thought maybe I had a new toy to play with, but she wasn't as fool-heartedly as I thought she might be. I hate when that happens. Why do all the sober ones have to suck all the fun out of everything?

Mirravin complained over Embermoon's reaction, and streached out her wings being expecialy careful not to knock over anyone's drink.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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