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 Post subject: Lost soul
PostPosted: Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:44 pm 
Proficient Young Dragon
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a young male of 6"5' walked into the tavern on Mendeous and looked for his friends but they were not there yet. He walked over to the bar and pulled his flask out . He left his black hood drawn over his head so the only thing anyone in the tavern could see were his two blood red eyes. A young women came running in and ran over to the stranger and wispered something in his ear. As he noded a deamon came through the front door. The man turned around and took his hood down. It was obvious that he was a vampire. " ARYN!!!! CALM DOWN!!! I don;t want to have to hurt you." he yelled at the deamon no one had heard him until now and
everyone could hear his thick russian accent. The girl looked at him as she pulled out a pair of daggers and the male pulled out a crossbow.

The male shot at the deamon and the girl threw her daggers one of which hit his arm while the other one was caught by the deamon and thrown back at them and was now sticking out of the vampires arm. The deamon looked around and went for the young girl. As she ducked he went flying over the bar and then as if to stop from going over he dug his nails into the wood. His tail came whipping around and not only hit the girl but some other people.


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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:20 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Midnight sat in the corner on the bar watching the feasco take place. She quitely said a chant under her breath,and watched as the chant she said healed his wounds ,and the blade in his arm dropped to the floor,and to her suprise and some hat relife he didn't even notice anything different.

The woman with him went after the deamon ,"Nick! Get 'em before he tears this bar apart!" She yelled.

With this Midnight shot straight up on to her feet. The man she was looking for,his name was Nick! She quickly setted back down not to make notice of herself and fliped the hood of her cloak over her head to where no one could see her face.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 10:46 am 
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Nick got up and loaded his crossbow with cat like agility and then shot 5 arrows right into the things side. Nick walked over to the wounded beast and grabbed its horn. “Alright aryn I hate to do thisâ€￾ He put his other hand right at the beast head and started to chant. A black light started to rise from his hand and it finally landed on the monsters forehead. The monster now known as aryn let out a roar that then died from a demon voice to a normal human voice. Nick dropped then man on the floor and looked at Enigma. “I think we should leave." he said but the young girl looked at himâ€￾ just one drink??" she said to him “alright one." Nick said as he stepped over the body of the demon and sat down at the bar.

Nick looked at the arm that had previously held a dagger in it and noticed it was not there anymore. He just shrugged and went back to his wine and blood mixture. He put his hood back up and out of the corner of his eye he saw a black figure looking at them out of the corner of its eye. “Enigma I think it is time to go and get aryn to bed and bandage up." Nick stood up and started to walk out with the demon slung over his back.


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PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 1:17 pm 
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The man known as Nick saw that Midnight was watching ,and quickly ushered the girl out of the bar with the deamon in tow.

Midnight almost let out a laugh,she suspected that he thought she was a threat of some sort. She sat there for a moment just so she wouldn't seem so saspicouse,and went after them after she made sure a good bit of time had pasted.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Wed Aug 31, 2005 2:26 pm 
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" WHY DID WE HAVE TO LEAVE!!?!?!?!?!" Enigma said "because someone was staring at us and not in a good way." Nick said as he hulled aryns body to the house. Nick stopped and looked around at the forest and in the trees " I think we should get home quick" Nick said as he looked around he could smell blood that was not theirs.

Midnight was up in a tree when nick stopped and she noticed that he was ;looking right at her but didn't grab her or anything. Nick started to walk and they finally got 2 the house that was huge but in the middle of a forest. Enigma opened the door and nick put aryn down and turned to enigma " I will be right back. I have to go and firewood for my fireplace."She nodded and started to drag aryn away. nick walked out and said " who ever you are please come out I won't hurt you. If you need a place to stay I am more then happy to give you a room but please show yourself since all I know as is a black figure at the bar."


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:23 pm 
Midnight sighed,she had been caught. I should have known that this wasn't a good Idea. she mummbled to herself. She leaned agaist the tree branch,streaching up against it.

"Thank you for the offer,but I am very fine up here ,and not everything that is black is a bad thing ya know. The fact that you so suddenly suspect me to be your enemy because of how I dress is rather hurtful.

Either way I am nither your friend or your foe,for that is all up for you to choose."

Suddenly Midnight jumps as if she were startled by something.

" Uh,I think you might wanna hurry with getting that firewood of yours,someones coming."

She said and suddenly dissapeared.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 1:53 pm 
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NIck looked around and smelled a familliar smell in the air. " o great. what the hell is he doing here." Nck went into the woods started to get some fire wood when figure came up behind him and grabbed him. NIck dropped the wood and pulled the figure over his head and found it to be his father " aww I forgot the trash was out tonight." Nick said as he got off of his dad. " o nick is that anyway to talk to your ruler." Irillion said with a feindish smile " YOu are not my ruler!!! The day you are my ruler is the day I ask enigma out." NIck said this and then saw his mistake. Under his breathe he said in russian " Damn. I am so stupid."

Irillion looked at him " ahh so you have feelings for the little dragon girl well I guess I will have to talk to her." Irillion smiled like a chesher cat. " YOU TOUCH ONE HAIR ON HER HEAD I WILL KILL YOU!!!" NIck looked at him with such detest. Irillion smiled "and what if I do?"


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 8:33 pm 
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Midnight Growled at herself for being so stupid,she had mannaged to telaport right in the middle of a patch of root and vines and had got her foot stuck in them. Of course the easiest solution would have been to use magic to get out of the mess, but she risked getting caught again.

Suddenly a shreek sounded from the cabin,making Midnight topple over on the vines. She growled again and started to work even harder on freeing her foot.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 01, 2005 9:30 pm 
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An arrow came whistling through the underbrush, striking the root trapping Midnight's foot. Even as the tip struck the knot of wood, it burst into flames, destroying the root immediately.
A man dropped out of the trees above and picked Midnight up, tossing her up into a net strung between three trees. He repeated this with Aryn, Nick, and Enigma, took a glance at Irillion, and muttered, "Du Vrangr Gata, Satanas!".
Then he shot a flaming arrow at the vampire and blasted it claer through a tree. The archer smirked and jumped up to where his captives lie. He crouched with one hand on his knee and the other keeping him steady. His facemask was tattered and filled with holes, much unlike his armor, which looked brand new. His golden hair caught the light as he looked his captives up and down.
After a time of staring at his saved group, he finally spoke. "So tell me what a group as seemingly normal as yours is doing being chased by a vampire lord? Surely he isn't chasing after you for some other reason, eh?" The man tugged off his facemask and grinned, showing rows of dagger-shaped teeth. He sat down with his legs crossed under him and stared at the group, particularly at Enigma.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 1:02 pm 
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Nova strained her keen ears to hear the vampire-whelp's response, growing impatient with this whole reconaaisance idea in the process. It was far too tedious and time-consuming to have to wait and gather information. She'd much rather give into her Nether Dragyn instincts and burst into the group, get what information she needed, and find the trouble-makers on her own. After all, why should the Nether Dragyns require the aid of morons like this in the first place?

A small sigh escaped the dragyn as she crossed her legs, growing agitated with having to maintain her human form for so long, and cursing it under her breath. A quick swipe of her hand and her crimson bangs drew back, allowing her to see all the better- even through the black sunglasses situated almost precariously on the end of her nose. From here, it looked like the only smart cookie of the bunch MIGHT be the newcomer, but even he probably measured nothing more than a midnight snack in the long-run.

Of course, she wouldn't know until she had heard a bit more, and so, with a sigh of disgust and impatience, Nova settled herself more comfortably on the branch. A fanged grin graced her features as she sat back and allowed a black, impenetrable fog to engulf her as she listened and waited for her chance to drop in on the group.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 7:15 pm 
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The archer's ears perked up, and he turned his head to look at a tree with a black shroud about it. He snarled and jumped over to it, snatching Nova and tossing her into the net with the others. He smirked as he crossed his legs and swung underneath the branch, hanging from it by his bare feet. "Sneaking up on me is quite a feat, youngling. Mayhaps you'll be able to foil me in a few hundred years."

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:49 pm 
Godsin Queen
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"Hey! we're all saposed to keep out of sight!"

Midnight growled,as pulled her cloak tighter around her body to keep herself hid,and she was even more embraressed now that she had been caught be her former pears in such a situation. Getting tired of being so cramped up with the rest of them in the net,she wiggled out of the net and on to the ground sending all the rest of it's occupents with her.

"That wasn't very funny!"

She grolwed,and shot up from the ground in a pounce after him,and unfortunatly smaked into his cheast and landed on her butt wailing in shock.


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PostPosted: Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:10 pm 
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"You didn't answer my question." The archer nocked five arrows to his bow and shot the in a pentagon around the group. He muttered and the group was trapped within a fiery pentagram.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 1:57 pm 
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Nick looked at the arrows and then at the stranger. Nick smiled at the thought of him trying to keep them stuck there and so he said “First of all can you please put your arrows away and then maybe we can get somewhere.â€￾ Noticing that the man was not going to do as he was asked nick smiled and said in a very thick accent that was almost impossible to understandâ€￾ alright if you must know that was my father who is also know as the lord of the vampires of Medaous a.k.a. Irillion Dastevsky. I am his son and prince of the vampires Nickademus Dastevsky. This is my friend Enigma and that is my close friend Aryn Desprese of the common demons. He also is a lord just to let you know." Nick looked at him.

Enigma smiled at the archer and said “he is after me for a reason too. I am a prophet of my planet and I have something that he wants." Nick looked at her as she pulled a paper from her pocket and as she did his smile went to a frown. Enigma looked at him “I have in my possession the one thing he needs to awaken a great demon named Kejota. He also needs me, nick, a female from the oracle race, a Nether Dragyn, a Half dragon but the last soul needed is unknown to me and to everyone unless Irillion knows it." Enigma looked at the archer. “But I have one question for you if that is ok?"

Enigma looked at him “who are you?" :?


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 4:02 pm 
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"That is none of your concern, however, why did you enter my forest without my permission?" The man snapped his fingers, and the fire dissappeared, leaving no evidence of the fire nor the arrows.

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 Post subject: XP
PostPosted: Sun Sep 04, 2005 5:19 pm 
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Nova laughed out loud at the question as she allowed the necro-energy she'd been preparing to try and break the pentagram barrier with to wither and die in her hands. As it disappeared, it seemed to travel up her arm and settle into the pupils of her eyes, giving them a lurid, almost purple appearance. Her grin broadened to reveal a set of rather unfriendly looking fangs as she addressed the archer.

"Never run across a Nether Dragyn before, have you, sweetheart?" Nova sarcastically asked, removing her sunglasses so that they could all see her mismatched eyes. From the red and amber depths a slight malicious glint could be seen and one couldn't help but be set a bit on edge by the sight. A moment later she continued with that same grin, however, and their attention was snapped back to the situation at hand. "Sorry to disappoint you, but we answer to three people, the Master, and her Ladyship Lucinda and the Eldest and I have my orders directly from him. Unfortunately for you, that means I wasn't about to knock at your door and get a signed waiver."

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:35 pm 
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Midnight started to draw in the dirt with her claw absant-mindedly,unconcerned now, with the events around her,the silver fur on her hand gleaming in the sunlight. She took a more comfortable position on the ground,while making sure her cloak was still keeping her as hidden as possible.

She listen as the others talked to the archer,and cocked her head slightly.

"Chalgrish,why is it that you are being so childish? There's a more friendly and traditional way of getting to know people, like say......... walking up and saying something like.......

Oh,I don't know.......Hi! how are you,this is my name what is yours?"

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 12:50 pm 
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"Normally I do, but appearing in my forest makes me rather angry unless you have been invited." said the archer as he shimmied down a tree.
"And anyway, I don't much like vampires either way." he said as he bared his teeth at Nick. He then walked away and the group followed in silence. As he walked through the forest, he explained why he was so protective of it.
"I've never left for more than a week or two, and it is quite enjoyable. It's the one place where I can stay calm and keep my thoughts collected."
The group reached a clearing, where a tremendous tree grew. To the side, a group of several dozen roots were twisted around each other, forming a makeshift house. There was no sign of forced removal from the ground, and several bushes lay around the circumferance of the clearing, each laden with luscious berries.
"Welcome to my house." said the man as he walked into the spacious house.

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PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2005 8:45 pm 
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"Hmmp,I'm afraid I won't be staying to visit you any. I have things to atend to elsewhere. Why don't you all get aquanted with each other better,and maybe then yull be able to catch sight of me tommorow."

Midnight said,and then dissapeared into a small whisp of smoke before anyone could object to her leaving.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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 Post subject: comfy
PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 1:40 am 
Nova looked around the house as she followed the others in and had to admit that something about it struck a chord with her. True, it was no Des Realm cave, but something about it seemed pleasantly familar. As she took in the sights and smells of the house, her sunglasses once again covering her eyes, she couldn't help but smile just a little. She knew this feeling, though she had only experienced it one other time before. A slight chuckle escaped the Nether Dragyn as she plopped down on a rather comfy-looking chair. "Maybe I should have stopped by for that permission waiver," she laughed, "Staying here would have been a hell of a lot nicer than staying in that tree all night waiting for you all to show up."

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 3:10 pm 
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Nick glared at Clargish as he walked in to the home with enigma and enigma knew that he was not happy by the way he was talking and the way he was acting towards her and everyone. Nick leaned aganist a root on the wall and stood there in the shadows for a while. Aryn looked around " is there any food in here?" Enigma shook her head as she sat down in one of the chairs " well you guys know me and my friends lets find out who you all are." ENigma looked around and could not see nick but she did notworry about him for they were safe here in the house.
"There is nothing wrong with being a vampire" Nick said to himself as he stood there " I would rather be a vampire then a half breed you mute."NIck looked over at aryn who was now pigging out on food. Nick did not like the new person and not only was it that he hated half breeds but he didn't like him at all.

Enigma smiled at Clargish and said " I am sorry taht we were in yourt forest. that was an old house of my dads and so I thought we could just use it for today and then go. Seeing as I need to find someone." Nick walked outsideand no one saw him go. Nick sat on up in a tree " Why can't I tell her how I really feel towards her. I just don't get it." nick looked at the ground " why can't I tell her I love her."


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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:08 pm 
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Chalgrish frowned at the mention of the word "half-breed" and clenched his hands into tight balls, his eyes flashing red with anger. He walked outside, a basket under his arm, and returned with several fruits with strings running from the bases. He seemed to have calmed down, though he was still frowning.
"I really don't appreciate being called a half-breed, so if you want to live for another minute, I suggest you shut your mouth. And the reason why I don't talk much is because I actually sit and listen, as opposed to yu, who apparently likes to blather away whie ignoring the subtleties of the forest." he spat as he dropped the basket heavily upon a mat made of soft leaves. He turned toward Enigma, his golden hair whipping around his face. He handing her one of the string-fruits and kept one for himself, pulling on the string to reveal red flesh.
"So, who are you looking for?" asked Chalgrish between bites as he tore away pieces of the fruit. "Ah, but my manners precede me. I don't even know your names yet."

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PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2005 9:09 pm 
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"Don't worry,the words will come to you when the time is right,just be calm,act normal and open up a little. Yur not going to get anywhere being all tensed up."

A feminine voice said from above. Suddenly The cloak figure Nick had run into,seemed to come from out of nowhere and was hanging upsidedown from a limb,her featers still hidden beneath the cloak.

"I thought you'd come up here. Not a bad view ehh?"

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 5:06 pm 
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Nick looked at her "yeah it is a nice veiw I guess. That man is going to be the end of me.Look at him and how she looks at him. obviuosly she likes him." NIck glared as enigma stared at him. " why can't I just tell her that I love her and I know the time is right but I can't get it out. Maybe I shall never love and maybe I shall never tell her seeing as she likes him with a passion of a thousand flames and me she just likes as a friend."

Nick looked at her and she could see the tears about to come out but he held them back."anyway I should get back in before they worry about me."
At this nick backflipped down out of the tree but dissappeared immeditely from Midnight's gaze which was weird becuase she would of seen him land. She jumped down "NICK!!! NICK!!!! Where is he??"all she found was a necklace of a celtic cross that was his on the ground next to where he would of landed.


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PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2005 9:25 pm 
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As Chalgrish finished eating his fruit and stopping Aryn from eating all the rest, Enigma told of her friends and why they were in his forest. "Mmhmm...so what-"
"Nick? NICK! Where is he?!" cried out Midnight from outside the hut.
The group inside the hut ran outside to see Midnight crouching on the ground near the tremendous tree in the center of the clearing.
Nick was nowhere to be seen.
"What happened?!" asked Chalgrish as he lightly ran up to the tree. He crouched down by Midnight and looked at the necklace she grasped in her furry hands. He took it and ran his fingers over the bands forming an infinite loop.
He then touched the very center of the eccentric necklace with one of his fingers and pierced it right through the center of the knot. He growled deep within his throat and stood up, walking to the tree in the center of the clearing.
As he approached it, he seemed to fade in and out of existence, finally disappearing when he reached the massive trunk.
Moments later, he returned with an unconscious Nick slung over one shoulder. He dropped Nick into a pile of leaves and walked away into the forest.

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