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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:35 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Midnight stood there for a while,her thoughts running a hundred miles a minute,taking in all that wass happening.

"Hmm,some one really doesn't like this guy."

Midnight said,and the bent over Nick. She checked for signs of what had knocked him out,and then said something under her breath. Nick's eyes fluter open.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:49 pm 
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Nick looked around and saw nothing and as he sat up he looked around " hi everyone." Enigma looked at him " who attacked you seeing as you have a stab wound in your left side." Nick looked at her " my dads friend Youki." Enigma looked at him and she had fear in her eyes "Yo..Yo...Youki." Enigma stepped away from nick very slowly. Nick looked at her " are you ok?" Nick could tell there was something wrong
" y...yeah I am fine." She said as she back up even more. Suddenly a man with cat like features jumped down from the trees above her and grabbed her around the throat " alright we are going to do this the easy way younglings." Nick looked at him " thats him. Thats youki." as nick said this the man smiled " Hmph I am REALLY suprised to not see you dead. well now i have the girl so I guess that is all we need." Nick looked at him " leave her alone." Nick got up even though he already had a stab wound in his side. Aryn went to step forward " I wouldn't if I were you." A knife came out of his robes and was now at her throat." you step she gets cut. each step you take is a deeper cut into her pretty little throat." Nick looked at him as his hand slide to his knife to throw."and if you want to use your weapons...." Irillion came out from behind youki and said " I will not only kill her but I will make sure before I kill her that her life is a living hell."


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:27 pm 
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Chalgish stood by the tree, behind Youki and Irillion, watching them avidly and with anger. He frowned, a small nub at his back growing with increasing speed. As he watched Nick approach Enigma, her neck dripping with blood, his eyes glazed over. He dropped to his knees, his jaw hanging slightly slack.
The lump on his back had grown to devastating proportions, causing the fabric of his tunic to stretch and tear. As his eyes regained their regular color, they thinned out and tapered, making them look like almonds. They turned red as his skin started to take on a yellow metallic sheen. Throughout this entire process, noone had noticed him, as they were too busy concentrating on Enigma. The fabric of his tunic had finally broken, revealing two huge feathery wings. His limbs elongated and skitched around until he finally looked like a real dragon, and he let loose with a ferocious roar.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:53 pm 
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Irillion turned "well I guess it is time to leave youki." Nick looked at him and then looked at Chalgrish who was now looking at them as if they were dinner. Nick jumped and grabbed enigma as youki and Irillion went into the tree. NIck even with his wound jumped from tree to tree." Nick looked a enigma as her neck was bleeding. He tore a peice of cloth from his shirt and applied pressure to the wound. enigma looked at him and smiled " Lookie Lookie that is what I should be doing to you." she said this in a slow drawn out way and nick jumped down as his father dissappeared from the dragons grasp. Youki did the same. " we will get her Nickodemus and it will be worst now that your friend interfered."


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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 7:14 pm 
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The dragon fromerly known as Chalgrish raised its head and flared its nostrils. It snaked its head over to Enigma and Nick, sniffing them both. Satisfied, it turned away and looked to where Irillion and Youki had gone. Its golden scales shining, it bounding after them, its huge tail swinging back and forth feverishly.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:26 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Midnight crept over to where Nick and Enigma where.

"More wounds to heal I see." Midnight said,and she mummbled something under her breath,and their wounds all dissapeared.

"There, good as new,although I regret to say I can't heal blood loss,or my own werriness. Which means you,Nick will have to stop being hero and reast,and you,well,you just take it easy,and try not to get kidnapped."

Midnight told them weakly as she leaned up against another tree beside them. The gash in Nick's side had been cut with a cursed blade,and it had taken a lot out of her just to lift the curse itself off. She decided not to tell them about it,reasoning that they didn't need to worry over it.

The cloaked figure's breathing began to heave as she sat there beside them. She seem to be tring to hide it,but it was too aparent to miss. She pulled her cloak even tighter around herself and turned herself away from them, trying to become less noticable.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:36 pm 
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The dragon returned with several scars and dried blood on its claws and teeth. It walked up to the small group and snuffled around, finally reaching Midnight. As soon as it did, however, it hissed and recoiled. It clambered up the huge tree, its claws scraping huge gashes in the bark of the old tree.
As it stared from the branches, the root-hut retreated into the ground, leaving no evidence that it had ever existed

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:47 pm 
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"Stop!" Midnight shouted,her hands reaching into the air. The dragon halted and gave her a questioning look. Midnight got up slowly, still leaning on the tree. With her hand still streached out toward the dragon,she stumbled over to him,and a silver myst seemed to come from under her feet,and wrap around the dragon. Now they could all her her chanting,in deep cocentration as the myst began to fall away and all of his wounds were gone too.

She finished the spell and slumped back on to the ground. Her condition the same as before.

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 Post subject: Hmph
PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 1:26 pm 
Nova emerged from the darkness tossing a lifeless imp into the air almost playfully as she approached the group. When met with their questioning stares she simply answered, "One of those pests' little friends. A group of them got too close and... well... I decided to have a little fun with this one."

A grin spread across her face as the members of the group gained almost disgusted expressions. It was actually turning out to be kind of fun being the outcast of this slowly forming rag-tag group. It meant she could do whatever she pleased, basically, and no one would question- a good thing as questions led only to trouble for her in most cases.

Thus, she settled herself on a branch, content to toy with the dead imp a little longer before finally growing bored with it and vaporizing it with necro-energy. It was at this time that she noticed the condition of the others and while she didn't exactly care on a personal, affectionate level, perse, they were important to her orders and thus, needed to be kept alive and well. With a sigh, she made her way over to Midnight in a surprising amount of gentlilty for a Nether Dragyn, reached inside the hood of the cloak and laid a hand on her forehead, muttering something under her breath. Instantly, purple energy seemed to spread from her fingertips and encompassed her patient before receding into nothing.

Nova didn't look up to see if they were questioning her actions, she knew that they were and merely said, "It'll restore her energy. Give her a half a minute or so and she'll be up and about again good as new."

True to her word, a moment later Midnight seemed all-but "healed" as it were. At the sight, Aryn turned to Nova, asking her, "What did you do? And who ARE you exactly?"

The Nether Dragyn laughed and mockingly bowed low. "Nova Despitch at your service! And I just healed your healer, so to speak, so you should be thanking me. I restored Fuzzy's energy with some of my own and took the curse from the blade that stabbed Vampy over there-" she gestured towards Nick, "On myself. Seeing as I'm a Nether Dragyn, it won't harm me any. And until we manage to put a knot in those two's knickers, you're stuck with me, so get used to this." she added as an afterthought, taking a seat on a root beside Chalgrish. She wasn't about to START the journey, but she had made it clear that she would foillow them until all threat to the Nether Dragyns was diminished. And thus, she awaited their decision on where to strike out for next.

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PostPosted: Fri Sep 09, 2005 6:08 pm 
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Midnight was glad to be ridd of the curse,but the name calling didn't strike her up too well.


She mummbled to herself not caring in Nova heard or not,and leaned back into a patch of soft grass.

"I've got fur,but I'm not fuzzy. It's short and slik. Besides,I already have a nick-name, It's Midy."

She told Nova calmly,knowing she wasn't going to get a happy response form the Dragyn,but she wasn't exactly in the mood to care if she got fussed at or not.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:11 am 
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Chalgrish snaked his head down from the tree to sniff Nova. He made a rumbling sound deep within his throat and nipped at her ear.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 1:58 pm 
The Nether Dragyn seemed a bit surprised for a second, but that expression died away almost instantly, though had they been able to read her thoughts, they would have seen that it DIDN'T die, actually. It both surprised and startled her at the same tie, because, for Nether Dragyns, such an action could mean any number of things. The question was what did HE mean by it, and what did it bode for her part in this group- of which she really wanted no part, but had resolved herself to staying with. To let them be privy to her confusion would be a typically bad move, however and so she masked it perfectly and decided to find out for herself the best way she knew how- sarcasm.

A wry grin spread across Nova's face as she stood up and removed her sunglasses, looking Chalgrish in the eye. A staring contest ensued for a few moments before, without warning, she nipped his ear back. A small chuckle escaped her and she resumed her seat.

"I'm not sure what that was, but it looked like fun. If it was you're way of flirting, love, you'll have to do better than that. At present you have a better chance of getting with Fuzzy than with me."

At the look on Midnight's face she laughed and said, "Look, you're furry! And I'm no friend of yours, believe me, so I'm not about to disrespect the friends you DO have by calling you by their nickname." A quick look around and she stood, strecthing her arms- and her claws- wide. "I'm not even part of this party, really, and I know that we shouldn't be sticking around here, though, so that said, we should probably get going before 'Stupid is' and 'Stupid does' come back. Am I right, Dragon-boy?" And here it was apparent that she was addressing Chalgrish.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 2:49 pm 
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Chalgrish hissed loudly and struck his head out at Nova, grabbing her by her shirt with his jaws. He threw her into the air, causing her to crash down onto her back. He narrowed his red eyes and looked her in the face.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:02 pm 
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Nick looked at them "great". HE walked over to where they were and helped nova up. aryn stood in front of the beast to protect them because nick wasn't strong enough. " Alright big guy. I don't want to have to fight you." Aryn said in his deamon form. NIck looked at him because he knew he couldn't do anything to the dragon. Enigma got up and walked over to chalgrish " Turn back please..." she stumbled alittle. " Turn back Chalgrish. " Enigma walked over to him and hugged his huge leg

Nick looked at her and then turned away becuase he knew that she liked him. Nick looked at nova " are you alright?" she could see a tear as it went down his face. Nova looked at him " yeah I am fine." Nick smiled at her and looked at midnight. : are you ok Midnight??" Midnight looked at him " yeah" As Enigma looked at the dragon he turned back into his normal self. Enigma was hugging him as he changed back into a normal person.


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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 7:50 pm 
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Chalgrish stood, being hugged by Enigma, with a stunned and oblivious look on his face. He looked around with curiosity, finally noticing Enigma. The look that he gave her next was a mixture between fear, anger, happiness, and confusion. He blushed slightly and then turned around, the root-house appearing from the ground as he walked toward the tree.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 8:39 pm 
Nova grinned a bit as she watched him recede into the house. How nice it was to be immune to such petty feelings! She had seen time and again as kisses, hugs and other viable forms of affection had left little or no mark on her, other than to confuse her. Still, the display wasn't enough to distract the Nether Dragyn for long, and she finished dusting herself off and walked after Chalgrish, disappearing in a cloud of black smoke and reappearing in front of him as he entered the house. A dangerous glitter was seen in her eyes as she hovered in front of him, bits of her true form beginning to show, despite the broad grin on her face. From her fangs to her now-luminous red and amber eyes there was a certain playful malevolence to her persona.

The long claws that sprouted from her fingertips in the place of fingernails clicked against the ornate, hellish iron arm bracelets that twisted and spiked from just above her elbows. "Now, Chalgrish, is that any way to treat a lady?" she laughed.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 10, 2005 10:43 pm 
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Chalgrish's eyes were downcast and he brought them up to stare Nova in the eyes with malice.
"You are not a lady, you are a demonic creature from the deepest bowels of hell." said he as he leaned against the wall weakly.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 9:11 am 
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Enigma fell to the ground as aryn caught her. HE picked her up and went inside to find a bed to put her on " excuse me do you have a bed she can sleep on tonight?"aryn said as he lifted her up into a more comfortable position. Chalgrish looked at her and saw that when she slept she looked like an angel from the world above. He pointed to where he could put her down. Aryn set her down and put a blanket over her. " goodnight Enigma." he said as he patted her head and got up to leave.NIck watched through a window " she doesn't need me anymore midnight. All she needs is mute boy over there. I guess a vampire and a dragon just don't mix." Nick looked at the ground as he jumped up and onto one of the higher roots of the house. Mdnight followed him." yes they do....Sort of. But if you love her then tell her when it is right just because there is a new guy in town doesn't mean that she will decline you for him."

Nick looked at her "I guess you are right. Lets go and get a bed to stay in tonight." NIck looked at her and smiled " o and midnight.......thx." Midnight nodded with approval. Nick jumped down and went inside to find that aryn had fallen asleep in a chair watching enigma and nova and chalgrish were talking together about something. Nick walked in and pass them two and then sat down next to enigma and kissed her forhead " goodnight my angel."Nick said in a low tone. as he walked over to a chair and sat down and was thought to be asleep but was not. he was listening to Nova and Chalgrish


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 10:15 am 
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"The point is, Nova, that you really shouldn't be in my presence in the first place!" hissed Chalgrish quietly, so as not to wake Enigma. He drew circles in the wood of the walls with one of his nails, and ended up drawing the same inscriptions as on his bow. He picked up one of the string-fruits and began to eat it, skin and all. He calmed down soon after, and had a glazed look in his eyes.
Nova watched this with interest and grinned as she noticed her opponent losing his anger.

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 Post subject: Ha
PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 11:17 am 
The Nether Dragyn tilted her head first to one side and then another, watching him with a sense of caution and interest. It had been a while since she'd come across another almost as stubborn as herself and she silently chuckled to herself. However, his words slowly sank in and she found, much to her surprise, that they stung. Maybe she'd been hanging around Abyss too long. That goody-two-shoes fuddy-duddy was starting to rub off on her!

She shook her head to get the thought and image of her one-time mentor out of her head and turned her lurid gaze on Chalgrish, crossing her legs as she hovered in the air. Her sunglasses disappeared in a puff of black smoke as she gazed almost disparagingly at her opponent beforespeaking.

"Unfortunately for you, Chalgrish, this little problem of Miss Enigma's affects ALL of us, including the Nethr Dragyns. That prophecy states that a great demon will be reawakened and even in the DesMon realm we know that it could spell catastrophy. How long after this thing destroys one world will it take him to dewstroy another and another and another until he's at the very gates of our realm itself. Even if our greatest were at teh peak of their strength we couldn't hope to defeat him." She paused for a moment to allow the words to sink in before continuing.

And in a way she could see that he got her point on that matter. One had to look out for the good of one's own race and their lives, after all. That was where the joy of kin and friendships lay, and even the Nether Dragyns had such feelings (though probably on a slightly smaller scale) within their... odd culture.

When she was sure she'd given him some time to digest her words, she continued, this time the grin spreading back across her face and the sunglasses reappearing ion her hand. She stood as she addressed him and walked over to the window, gazing out at the forest outside. "And besides, as for being a creature of hell... I've known plenty of heavenly women who were perfectly horrendous to those unfortunate enough to encounter them and were still considered 'ladies'."

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 1:13 pm 
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Nick listened very intenitively as they talked. He agreeed with what she had said about heavenly women that are horrid and are still ladies. How was she dfferent from the rest of them. He knew she was a nether Dragyn but he never thought that she and her group would help out humans. Nether Dragyns he was always taught never asked for help unless it interfeared with their world." thats why she is helping" NIck thought to himself.

Enigma turned in her bed and Nova and chalgrish looked at her. They waited a moment or two to see if she was awake but they went back to there conversation very quickly. "I don't know why she has feelings for you or is it that you have feelings for her?" Nova asked smiling very sarcasticly. Chalgrish looked at her as she said this. Nick was waiting for him to answer. Aryn's tail twitched next to him as he slept.Nick waited for the answer but he already new what it was.


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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 6:55 pm 
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Chalgrish closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and said between gritted teeth "Get....out......NOW!". He stormed outside, dragging Nova with him, and threw her at the tree, embedding her by her bracers in the wood. He walked back and saw that Enigma had woken up.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:21 pm 
Godsin Queen
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Midnight walked in and sat down beside Nick. "Nova's right though,but it's not just the worlds in this time to be worried about,Before I came here Framents of time were already dissapearing,the destruction of this realm in this time,has caused the whole flow of time to be thrown out of order."

Midnight told them,changing the subject. She sighed,and lifted the hood off of her head. She was completly covered in glossy silver fur,her hair was also a silky silver,and waist long,with her long dragon-like ears sticking form it. And she also two streakes of bright red soulder length hair that was some what curled around her face. The flames of her third eye lashing wildly toward it.

Her crystal blue eyes darting from one person to the other as they staired at her with their mouths gapped opened. Sighing once more, she stood up and removed the cloak completly,displaying a set of feathered wings protruding from her back and another right above her elbows,

along with a some-what reviling bright red tunic,who's skirt stoped right above her knees.

Her body was quite slim,but buff,and it was oveouse enough that she was in very good phisical shape indeed. Her long thin tail,with it's bush red tip, swung to the side as she sat down once more.

She saw that their expresions had't changed and she cast her eyes down,and walked out to where Nova had been pulled. "There's really no reason for me to hide anymore. So go on Nova,say what you want,I know how much your kind hates mine."

She said, directed toward Nova.

~Once I knew who I was, until I met someone who knew me even better.~

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 7:39 pm 
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Chalgrish had already assumed that Midnight was furry, but that didn't stop him from being stunned when she removed her hood. He was aware of his jaw being slack, and Nova was still pinned to the huge tree. He snapped his jaw back as he shook his head to uncloud it from Nova's accusations.

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PostPosted: Sun Sep 11, 2005 8:27 pm 
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Nova directed a cold glare at the group as she struggled to undig the spikes of her arm bracelets from the tree. Finally, after a moment more of futile struggle, she sighed and pointed a finger at the wood just behind her arms. A purple light emanated from her fingers and snaked it's way up the tree, burning a small hole behind each arm so that she could remove herself from her "prison". A quick rub to each of her arms and she seemed ok, despite the slight bruises they could just barely make out on her arms just under her fish-net over-shirt.

As the Nether Dragyn walked back towards the house, she cracked her neck, tilting it from side to side, and beneath the same, sarcastic grin, they could see her more... dangerous side just beginning to emerge. Her eyes had gone from red and amber respectively to being a combination of the two colors, amber circling the pupil while a wreath of red ancircled that.

But if she was angry, she didn't show it- much. Her gaze was directed first at Midnight, the sneer on her lips matching the scoffing tone of her voice. "To begin with, we Nether Dragyns don't discriminate, Midnight- we hate everyone. And secondly, because I'm a Nether Dragyn doesn't mean that I don't have my own personality and course of action, etc. On a personal level, I can be fairly nice if I so choose. And like it or not, there's a very good chance that we need eachother's help in this matter. You all can't do this without what knowledge we Nether Dragyns have about the matter, and we can't defeat this guy on our own. If we were in kindergarten we could get away with throwing each other into trees, but something tells me in lieu of the approachingdanger, that would be frowned upon."

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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