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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 5:34 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Cyriscel walked over to James and said calmly and emotionlessly, So James, What have you been up to for the past years? Hadn’t heard much about you but it seems that your reputation proceeds’ you.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:01 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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A small hiss came from a previously unnoticed door as it slid open. The locking mechanism making a slight thud sound as it held the door wide. From the lit corridor came a man, wearing a white lab coat over his armour, and waving a data pad frantically as a hover trolley brought his supplies in after him.

"Please be careful, you have no idea how many years worth of research are in these containers." He implored as the porters brought the trolley in with a less than careful manner. "These samples are pathogens that wouldn't do you any good were they to be released."

The box was labeled bio-hazard, but the storage unit was quite tightly sealed and required a DNA sample to open, in effect rendering them useless to anyone but Marcus.

As the porters came to a stop they looked at Marcus with questioning expression."Yes, yes just leave the pad there, when the ship gets here I'll take them on board myself." He poured over his data pad, checking off the items on the trolley: two sealed boxes, analysing equipment, some biomes with plant samples growing in them, force-shield cages and a DNA sequencer.

Marcus was almost oblivious to the others in the room, until one of them broke the silence with a cough. He turned to them and grinned a broad smile.
"Hello everyone, my name is Marcus, I'll be heading up the Xenobiology contingent on this mission, which one of you is my lab assistant?"

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:18 pm 

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Naomi was just still fixed on her make-up and etc when the man came in. She glance up at him for moment and then went back to fixing her make-up and hair. It's the beauty queen in her, she can't help it. She wasn't sure what he meant by lab assistant, but she was pretty sure is wasn't her.

Yep, she muttered in Latin.

I'm most definitely going blonde.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:31 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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OOC: nothing personal, kk?

IC: Cyriscel Always hated scientists for their "study" on his race. Sadly it could only be done while those of the Valadorrums are alive; a dead Valadorrum always meant no study for their "biology" is to melt when death comes. I doubt any one here is part of your pitiful murder excuse, even if it is for your kind of science, human. Said Cyriscel trying to keep himself from showing any emotions on the subject, He was skilled in keeping emotions from showing so it sounded as though he said what he said soullessly and emotionless even though his dislike for both humans and scientists was something he had for some time.

Cyriscel the scientist a cold stair with his never changing eyes, his dagger like fingers closed up a bit, Than turning to James Cyriscel said, excuse me James, I have to leave for a second. Cyriscel walked farther back towards the other side of the hanger and laid on the wall, his eyes started to dim and then he was resting almost shut down type deal. Storing whatever is left of his energy for a much more needed time, like when the caption comes.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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Last edited by Drakel on Wed Mar 10, 2010 11:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 10, 2010 7:55 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Looking at Marcus, James responded "I am not sure any of us are your assistant at the moment, But it is nice to meet you good doctor my name is James" James said as he walked up to Marcus with his hand extended for Marcus to shake

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 1:49 am 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
OOC EDIT: sorry long post, rest wont be aslong, just had to get this started and had alot of information to put out.

Capt Edward Armstrong leaned back against the computer terminal in the hanger, its energy hiding him from everyone even the Wraith; and watched the group with a sour face. THIS was to be his crew? Only Wolfe was worth a damn. Thinking back he remembered when Wolfe had 1st joined his crew so long ago, a little over ten years ago, that boy was a wild one then ; looking at him now, his calm cool composure, Capt. Armstrong was actually a bit proud of the man he’d made him into, though the captain would die before ever admitting it, even to himself. Captain Armstrong lived by the philosophy that you always have further to travel in life, much further.

These are the cream of the crop though, despite their misgivings they are still the best at what they do, but to the captain that didn’t excuse anything. He would solidify them into a solid unit and grind “team work” into them so hard the scars would be visible long after their bodies were dust.

Stepping away from the console he approached the group smiling to himself at what he was about to do. Stopping about 15 feet from the center of the loose circle he let his armors stealth field drop causing him to seem to appear out of thin air to the others, Wolfe saw him 1st and immediately shouted “Captain on deck”. and shot to attention most but not all of the others fell into suit. He grumbled a bit at that, “FALL IN” he bellowed and as he watched as all seven crewmembers arranged themselves in a line before him he slid his armors face plate and helm away leaving his head exposed.

He began to speak as he paced before the line. “ I am captain Armstrong, You will call me Captain or Sir, I will be your captain on this mission. To start I don’t give a damn what you think of me, you follow orders or you will be, well… lets wait on that a bit. We are here for a mission and that mission is all that matters, not your beliefs, not your skills, not your past, not your hair,” he said this last part looking at the Cyclops, “and most certainty not what you think. I’m the captain and you do what you are told, I don’t want to hear how you feel about those orders or what you think might be better. I have been a captain for over ten years and I know what I’m doing. Wipe that smirk off your face Wolfe, I’m not going to go easy on you just because we’ve worked together before.” he glared at the human for a second “This meeting will serve several functions, first It gives me an opportunity to introduce myself and a chance to size all of you up, second it serves as a briefing so all of you will understand what it is we are here to accomplish, and third it’s the opener of my test, if all of you past my test, then your all on the ship, fail and well.. Good luck to ya.”

“Now; you" he said pointing at Marcus, "where do you think your going with all of that?” he asked indicating the two crates. Just as Marcus was opening his mouth to answer the captain cut him off saying “I know its not to my ship, there is a reason the CMC made it mandatory that all organic material of any kind is destroyed when shifted by armor. I don’t care if you have a doctorate in science, any type of it, your still a lieutenant and you rank under me and I say if it doesn’t fit in your armor’s storage pods or would be killed there, then it doesn’t go. If you don’t want it destroyed anyway I’d get it out of the hanger.” when Marcus didn’t move he added “NOW”. he didn’t watch Marcus scramble to get the precious specimens out of the hanger instead he turned to Cyriscel “and you” he said jabbing a finger at the crystal man, "you pull a stunt like that on out in the hall on my ship and you’ll be spaced, strait into a star, I don’t tolerate that kind of thing on my ship, everyone on board is suppose to be a team, step out of line, for any reason, and there’ll be hell to pay.” pointing at the floor he said “ and use your boots on my ship, you leave those scratches and I’ll space you anyways”. He briefly looked over Taji and Rooma standing at attention trying to be meek and unassuming. Sighing he moved on to Naomi “just to let you know honey, there wont be any beauty pageants on the ship, we’ll be more worried about staying alive.”

He stepped away from the group, turned and scanned the line just as Marcus resumed his place. “At ease” he said watching them fall into a lightly more relaxed position. “now, onto a slightly less jarring subject. I just got out of a briefing not an hour ago with Admiral Marsh, Admiral Tramieur and Grand Admiral Koliten. What I’m about to repeat to all of you does not leave this room. I’ve scanned this room and all of you and there are no bugs. This information mustn’t even get to the rest of the crew of the ship, the only reason you will hear this is because you are senior staff. We are up against the Skree, that you knew, what you didn’t know is thow poorly we are doing. Not a single ship that has encountered them has survived, At first we thought because of the way they were expanding that they were only taking a world and moving on, this is not the case, in fact they are spreading at alarming rate. They are not only crushing the systems they attack utterly but they are holding those systems so we can’t even get in to see the extent of destruction or search for survivors. Out ship is the most advanced in the CMC and its going to be up to use to change the attitude of the Skree. It is our mission to discover what they are, how they work and discover a flaw that can be used to either repel or if necessary destroy them. All of you knew when you volunteered for this mission it was a suicide mission and so I presume all of you are mentally prepared to face death.”

“That leads me onto my test. No doubt all of you are wondering where the ship is. Its actually on the planet below us, I’m uploading the coordinates to all of your armors now. I want all of you to fully armor now.”
He watched and waited as each crewmember was fully engulfed in their individual armor. After everyone was fully armored he snapped his helmet up sealing his armor. “I expect each of you to make it to the ship by 1700, on your own; that gives you 12 hours, plenty of time. If you don’t make it, then you will be left.” giving an order over the radio to the station the hanger sealed and its lights began to flash warning of an opening outer door. "All of your armors are capable of converting to a re-entry pod and I know all of you had simulations when you were in training. In about twelve seconds that door” he motioned at the main outer airlock door ” will open and all of us will be shot into space, strait at the planet, none of you should be more than ten miles away from the ship unless you do something stupid. Lt Cmdr Wolfe I expect your gear stowed and you to be on the bridge by 1300 and the rest of you to stow your gear and report to him by 1700. At that time we will all meet in the conference room on deck five.”

Two seconds after he finished talking the main door opened and all seven of them were ejected from the space station with explosive force. The captain converted his armor into a re-entry pod and began to plan the next step feeling the turbulence of the atmosphere as the armor struck it,


Last edited by Wardonis on Thu Mar 11, 2010 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Mar 11, 2010 9:49 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Cyriscel woke only seconds be for the caption came, James being the first to notice the caption Cyriscel stood up and walked towards the caption right when James said, "Caption on deck!" Cyriscel was the second to get in line for his commander. When the others came the caption started to speak about the mission. Every word was more important than any other thought Cyriscel had at the moment and he paid attention well.

When the Caption started to talk about everyone’s "flaws" Cyriscel couldn't even care less about everyone else’s, only his own. When the caption pointed his finger at the Wraith he said, "you pull a stunt like that on out in the hall on my ship and you’ll be spaced, strait into a star, I don’t tolerate that kind of thing on my ship, everyone on board is suppose to be a team, step out of line, for any reason, and there’ll be hell to pay.” Those words were heeded and Cyriscel knew that he could have done better on the situation.

When the caption was finished talking about what Cyriscel had done he continued with the important information. When the main door was opened, Cyriscel was already in his re-entry pod and was waiting for himself to land on the planet. Being the first to land on the planet, he was about ten miles north of the ship and yet three miles north-east away from a little human colony on the planet. He had time but just like his race he does not know how much time he has. So he started his journey and walked to the ship’s direction.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 7:40 am 

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When Naomi landed in on the planet she got a face full of sand. The captin's words did sink in a bit, but she was still going to dye her hair when she gets the chance. She dusted herself off and looked around.

Where in the name of fat Elvis are we? She said to herself in Latin.

She didn't want to get her heels dirty so she packed them away and started heading towards the ship, but didn't it seem she had a long way to walk.

Great, I'm going to need face cleneser, a gallon of lotion, a new up-do... She paused when she thought of the captin's words.

Let's see what is something I'm really going to need for life? A man with good lick of sense and a job. She joked in Latin.

Okay, Naomi time to get serious and find that machine or hard-head will eat you alive.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 2:25 pm 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
The turbulence of re-entry shaking his pod the Captain pondered his crew. For a few moments he had thought the lot of them a bunch of misfits but after reconsidering he decided that no, he would see to it these new combers were straitened out. They did have potential he had to admit, in fact they were dripping with it. He planned to make full use of all their skills. The science guy would have a lot of use if we could get a DNA sample of the Skree, he might be able to create something that could wipe em out. The sniper looked solid as well as the linguist. The engineer he could understand her incontinuities seeing as she was a Cyclops. They were the last to join the CAW, only recently discovered and hadn’t been fully integrated with galactic culture yet. The Wraith though will need some work, the captain could since a struggle within him and knew that his race still had hard feelings for the things that happened in the past but damn it, that was several centuries ago and they needed to get over it, he wouldn’t be treated any different on the maelstrom and so would be expected to act in accordance.

The retro’s fired slowing the pod startling him from his thoughts. The buzzer in his HUD went off and he transformed his suit back to his normal armor free falling for about a mile. He popped his wings out and using the GPS satellite images lined himself up with the port and fired the jump jet to propel him. He glided the last two miles to the ground landing just outside the town the ship was moored at. He quickly made his way through the town to the ship. After flashing his ID and laying into the guards for their ineptitude he made his way to the ship. He stopped before it gazing up at its grandeur. This was the first opportunity he’d had to see it, in person anyway, and it took his breath away. Nothing in his life had ever stopped him in his tracks so completely. She was beautiful. The sun was just up and fell across her silver and purple hull; its light refracting like an ever-changing prism as the sunlight passed through the crystallinian layer. His heart nearly stopped. He decided then and there that he was determined she would be his ship, even after this mission was complete, and he would see it completed successfully.

As he approached the airlock opened before him, he entered and a vision of a woman materialized before him. “Greetings Captain I am Iridal. I will be your ships AI as well as your direct personal contact to the CMC authority.” “What so now you brain boxes have pictures?” he reached out waving his hand and watched as it passed right through her hologram. The captain walked right through her to the other side of the airlock. The outer door closed but the inner door didn’t open. He hit the contact but the door refused to open, he turned “open the damn door”. “Captain, I am not a standard AI. I am-” “I can see that, you have a picture and you are capable of disobeying orders. Now open the god damn door. I don’t have time to fiddle with a pissy machine.” He glared at her with his raptor glare and when she opened her mouth to speak she quickly shut it again seeing a dangerous twinkle in his eyes. Her head sank and the door opened. Then immediately the captain turned and entered the ship. Even after the door shut Iridal remained standing alone in the airlock, her face in her hands.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 4:30 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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Taji came to a few minutes after she landed. It had been a hard landing, despite her re-entry pod, and indeed, it had shaken her up more than she cared to admit. The Shifter was used to space and travel. Most of her past few years had been spent on floating space colonies of one sort or another and she was a proficient pilot when the situation called for it, but to date, she had never actually been EJECTED into space. It was an experience that, after reflection, she decided she did not care to experience again. "Better not do anything to piss that crazy f***er off..." she muttered to herself, remembering his threat to eject troublemakers into nearby stars.

When she stood, she also remembered her beloved jacket. It had disappeared long ago, ejected into space with her and burned up in the atmosphere. With a grumble, the woman ruminated on its demise. She'd have to find another one at the first supply shop they managed to come across. Despite the fact that her armor- custom made to fit her unique abilities- covered her at all times in a basic body-suit, she felt oddly naked without the ragged piece of leather. It had seen a lot of action with her. "No time to worry about that now," she told herself, speaking in her own tongue instead of the common human gibberish that usually assaulted her eardrums. It was nice to hear it again, even if it was her own voice. In a strange way, it kept her calm as she stretched and surveyed her surroundings.

When she realized where she was, however, she couldn't help but smile. All around her, a vast desert stretched in every direction, dotted here and there with sad skeleton trees and the occasional town, recognizable by the light shimmer reflecting the sunlight off the buildings. THIS was a terrain she was accustomed to. Taji took a moment to crack her neck and dissipate the majority of her armor before she headed off. Indeed, in this most basic layer of her armor, she almost looked to be wearing a black cat-suit of sorts- the one thing she DISliked about her set. For the moment, though she opted to make due, and after a second's concentration, utilized the camouflage aspect of the armor. Its color shifted until it matched the dirt and rock around her, and with the shake of her head, her hair also blended in perfectly.

"No telling what I'll run into out here," she muttered to herself as she started off, making sure to keep her visor up so that she could use her HUD display to guide her progress. Rifle in hand, she headed off in the direction of the coordinates on the display, a line of shimmering, wavy air in the desert distance.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 5:35 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus barely had time to shout a retort before his armour enclosed around him instinctively. His mind reeled as he started his reentry, the plummeting wasn't his main concern, it was the destruction of his life's work. He would make a mental note to seek compensation when he got out of this.

He entered the atmosphere and at a suitable distance, he opened a parachute and descended slowly to the ground. He landed in a barren, rocky terrain. His Xenobiological brain worked overtime to identify the fauna and flora, giving him some clue as to where he might be. He thought he recognised some plants, and walked over for a better look, his mission for the moment pushed to the back of his head.
Reaching down to feel the soft yellow petals of a flower he had seen only once before, he smiled.
"Well, I could have landed in a worse place I suppose" he mused.
Then he heard a piercing roar an looked up. He was less then 10 metres away from a ZuZu Cat, not a true cat, but a ferocious beast none-the-less. He swallowed a hard lump that had appeared in his throat and reached around for his pistol. Taking it out he shot one small warning shot, which caught the cat in it's flank. The beast roared again, reared up and started towards him. Marcus turned and ran.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:06 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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It only took three minutes for Cyriscel to realize that he was on some sort of desert. While he was putting his suit into full body mode, He made a Crystal like sound witch other races couldn't understand was actually his native language that no one could ever translate. D :swear: it. Out of all places this ship has to be somewhere I can't survive in. Everyone including the caption should have known I couldn't handle the heat and yet I'm still here. What dum A :swear: , mother F :swear: ing, R :swear: ed, A :swear: hole, decided it was a good idea to put ME on a place like this. Do they even have a brain when it came to racial strengths and weaknesses? Ehh… it doesn’t matter now. I guess I should keep going. Cyriscel knew it didn't matter, he was only lucky that his suit could be a full body suit. Without it he would have been dead by now.

In a half hour’s worth of travel he was only one and a half miles away where he first landed. He was making good time on how far he was away from the ship. In an instant Cyriscel accidently stepped on some strange desert creature, not knowing much about it other than that it was cut into three and it’s energy looked as though it was still alive. Looking down at the helpless creature Cyriscel said, oh, sorry about that, couldn’t see you. Guess seeing that you must be close to dyeing I should consume your energy for the better. I promise it will only be a few seconds. Cyriscel’s right arm turned into a stabbing blade, instantly stabbing the dyeing creator in the middle of its body. It’s body was twitching from the pain that no one could even imagine, Slowly spikes started to grow from inside the creature and out of a blink of a second The creature was covered in blue crystal spikes protruding out of its fury body. Its legs twitch out of reflex due to the spike that went through the brain. Outside of the body small bits of electric shock hit from one crystal to the next, Cyriscel’s body started to glow only a bit, and when it was all over the dead body of the poor creature was thrown on the ground. If any other being was watching what happened it would not just only turn their stomachs over but it would also horrify them for some time.

After wasting a few minutes on the creature Cyriscel continued his journey to the ship. Blood dripping from his right arm and made foot prints covered in the creature’s blood thanks to stepping on the thing. The only thing that the Wraith cared about was getting the job done with perfection.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:08 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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Taji heard the shot and the roar and her blank eyes narrowed. With stealth, she focused her attention on her cells, and they melded and molded so that they too now took on the look of the dirt and rock surrounding her. Indeed, she looked like a thin, bony golem of sorts as she continued on, rifle held at the ready as she cautiously moved forward. She had resolved herself to mind her own business and let the gun's owner, whoever he was, tangle with the beast of the desert, but another roar reached her ears and again a shot rang out, breaking the desert silence. This guy was desperate, whoever he was.

This time she was sure of the sound's direction, and turned her gaze to the east. Near the horizon, she could see two figure silhouetted against the glaring sunlight. One was a brawny, feral creature of sorts, the other was unmistakeably human. Unmistakeably a gawky human figure in what appeared to be a long-ish coat. The woman sighed and shook her head. "Three guesses who THAT is..." she said as another shot rang out and the figures disappeared from view, probably heading into a gully or ravine of sorts. The ground here was so flat that any dip would be invisible until you got to it.

Even though she knew that it would put her behind, against her better judgment, she crouched low and turned in the direction of the disappearing figures, turning the HUD off for the time being. It's warning beeps only served to make her curse all the more at her conscience.

After a few minutes of low running, she found a high vantage point atop the edge of the ravine and found the two still in hot pursuit below. Without a moment's pause, she took up her position. The rifle slid into a "pocket" of her armor, collapsing as it went, and was quickly replaced by another gun. This one had a longer, slimmer barrel, and a scope atop that if one cared to examine was perfectly sighted. Taji sighed and slid behind the scope, taking in the world below through the round, familiar glimpse of the lens. It was amazing how calm she remained as she followed the progress of the two below, Marcus only keeping slightly ahead of the massive predator. For what seemed like an eternity, the Shifter followed them below, timing her shot just right, because she'd probably only get one chance at this- if she missed, there was a good chance that the thing would become enraged and just eat the nerd.

Finally, she squeezed the trigger and a resounding boom echoed through the air, the bullet zooming in the direction of the ferocious beast. Taji, however, didn't wait to see if it had fallen. Just in case, she busied herself with repocketing the elegant rifle and arming herself with a knife and a smaller firearm as she calmly stood and made her way down to the floor of the ravine, sliding on the loose rocks as she went.

Last edited by Ciarda on Sat Mar 13, 2010 2:38 am, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 6:36 pm 

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Naomi was focus on her beauty and how dried air is murder on pores.

What I am I going to do? I don't what to be left. How in the name of Zeus I am I suppose think with all this screaming mess! She said referring to the scream.

She heard the gun shot and the falling off the mighty beast, but she could careless because she could take on anything this planet had to throw at her. Her hair was a mess from the landing and the hive was now a flopping ocean of redlocks. She just walked about bared-footed that was something was use to. Besides those heels were on sale and she was above ruining them.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 8:55 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Surprised at the suddenness of the ejection from the ship James gasped at the sudden shock from the displacement. His training quickly taking over he angled his descent so that he would be relatively close to the ship's coordinates. The slight increase of the g forces pressed him back in his seat but was nothing like what he was used to doing so it was almost unnoticed by him. After breaking into the atmosphere he ejected the parachute and continued his descent correctly choosing the proper time to release his parachute to get where he had intended. After the final jarring halt as his pod landed on the ground he exited his pod and restored it within his suit. Looking around and checking his surroundings he found he was in a fairly barren desert. "Boy am I glad this suit has tinted visors else my eyes would be in so much pain at the moment!" Glancing down at his coordinates he found he was roughly 6 miles north of the ship and that between there and here was plenty of hard terrain.

After a quick glance around he set off southwards at a jog. After jogging and pausing occasionally to make sure he stayed hydrated. After roughly 2 hours 34 minutes traveling over hard terrain he decided to take a slight break to rest and take a drink of water.

While he was getting himself a water from his store he didn't notice that a creature had come up behind him until he looked down and saw a shadow that hadn't been there before. Spinning around while grabbing his tri-barreled plasma cannon from his back and aiming it at the creature just as it started to leap at him. Barely taking the time to register the fact James pulled the trigger of his cannon to blast the creature from the air mid-leap.

Taking a quick calming breath James looked around his surroundings to make sure nothing else was creeping up on him. Having made sure that he was alone James walked over to the now almost unrecognizable body of the creature who had leaped at him. He found that the creature resembled a cat but only in the shape of the head. From what he remembered of this species they had six legs and multiple tentacles streaming from its shoulders. Those tentacles acted sort of like an electric eel and would wrap around its intended target and shock them enough so the creature would be paralyzed while the main body finished it off.

Remembering that this species known as haunths usually was a pack hunter he backed away from the carcass and began scanning his area for its partners, seeing none at the moment he began trotting in the direction of the ship hoping to get some distance in before they attacked again, for this species rarely let go of a creature once they had determined it as their prey. Hearing the wailing howls indicative of the haunths he realized they would attack soon glancing about quickly for a defensible position he spied a hill that had a fairly steep climb on all sides save one.

Figuring it was better than staying down here he rushed up the hill and turned around just in time to see the first of the haunths coming up the hill. Hardly pausing he started blasting away at the haunths taking down three of them before they had even realized he had attacked them.

Realizing their mistake at charging at him headlong they quickly turned about but not before James could pick off another two with his devastating cannon. Hearing a slight sound like that of gravel shifting off to his right he saw one of the haunths using its tentacles to vault it up the hill. "Oh :swear: why couldn't they have evolved without the tentacles" Using one of his ion cannon blasters on his arm he blasted it off his rock to tumble limply onto its fellows below. Looking around waiting for another to show up he heard them wailing below. Not knowing what they were doing he just waited in the middle getting a sinking feeling in his stomach.

All of a sudden he heard them go silent and to his right he heard more scrambling. Turning that way he loosed a shot but found that it had been a diversion when he heard the thuds behind him. Whipping about he went blasting away at everything near him. Out of the corner of his eye he made out one leaping at him, dropping his cannon to the ground he used his force beam to devastating effect. It couldn't stop the momentum of the haunth fully though and it fell on him. Knowing he had to get up to fight off any more he pushed the body off of him and leaped to his feat... to find himself alone. Thinking it a ploy he waited 27 minutes anticipating another attack when none came he decided that he must have scared off the rest of them.

Not willing to be caught unawares again he set off toward the ship again at a more cautious pace with constant glances around. Soon after he arrived at the town that the ship was located in and found his way to the ship flashing his pass at the guards on both sides of the door he passed through and got his first glimpse of the "Maelstrom" and stopped dead in his tracks mouth agape at the sheer majesty that it was. "Holy..." so shocked was he that his words barely came out as a whisper.

Shaking himself out of his shock he glanced at the time display and found that the time was 11:14. After a quick calming breath he continued on his way to the ship and entered where he found himself in the presence of a woman who seemed to be sulking a little. Hoping to cheer her up he said "Hello there my name is James I do so wish you would give a lad a smile from your pretty face" Looking up at James Iridal gave him a smile"Greetings Lieutenant Commander James Xavier Wolfe I am this ships AI my name is Iridal and it appears as if you are the second to arrive the first being the Captain" James then noted that there was a slight inconsistency to her proving that she wasn't really there. Nodding and with a smile James said "It is very nice to meet you Iridal I look forward to being on this ship with you around. bowing low to Iridal he continued "Would you mind to open the door for me please Iridal and tell me where I could stow my gear? Beaming at James Iridal opened the doors and said "I would be delighted too take you there." motioning with his hand for her to lead on he followed him to his quarters on Deck 4. Leaving him at his door and saying good-bye Iridal left James alone.

Walking into his quarters he quickly took a shower and unloaded some personals. After that he went to the bridge and stood at attention with a "Lieutenant Commander James Xavier Wolfe reporting for duty, Sir!

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:24 pm 

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May while Naomi was swasying her way finding the ship with her dainty feet.

Lordy, She said.

I am going to need a foot soak after this.

She heard a groweling noise.

Must be my stomach, that's what I get for being on this diet plan.

The noise got louder and louder until she realize it wasn't her gut making that noise.

Oh, Zeus!

The bullish creature was about to devour her, bite her to bits.

However, Naomi was alot tougher than she looked and with alittle rodeo and wrestling moves was able to sudue the monster.

That's how we go down in my neighborhood, son! She said to him.

The poor creature was beaten beyond repair and she turned back around it.

She gentlely bandage it wounds, call it the "motherly instinct" in her. She gave it some of her water and then left to look for the ship once more.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 9:53 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Walking for another hour Cyriscel noticed gun shots south west, about one and a half miles away. He wanted to take his time and knew he could make it there faster if he flew there. Within thirty minutes he suddenly reached Naomi fixing up a wounded bullish creature called Demen'to's, in his crystal like sounding language he said, hmm... it's energy is enough for me to make it back to where I started. Right when he finished talking in his native language he put his hand onto the beast's side, putting pressure his hand turned into a blade stabbing the beast into a suffering position.

Don't worry, this will take only a few seconds. Said Cyriscel in English talking to the beast. It's eye's closed waiting for it's death to finally happen. The very life of its eyes were telling the Cyclops... begging for help so it could live more longer The beast made grunts and howls and the enduring pain looked as though nothing could ever handle what it was feeling at that very moment. Seconds later the Cyclops could see spikes protruding out of the helpless beast. It's reflex twitching made it seem as though it was alive but no doubtable it was now dead. Electric shock's jumping from one crystal to the next looked as though lightning was jumping. The Wraith's body glowed brighter and it's bluish color turned into an utter dark blue almost as though he was painted on with that exact color.

pulling out his hand Naomi couldn't help but watch in both shock and horror, she seen what only xenobiologists got to see of the race. the expression on her face looked as though she wished she never seen it. Cyriscel started to walk towards where he heard the gun shots and the only thing he said to the Cyclops wad, I know you’re not accustom to seeing this however his energy was useful and he was going to die. His neck seems as though it was cracked enough to where another blow would utterly leave him harmed to a slower death. See you at the ship Cyclops.

Cyriscel then flew away towards where he heard the gun shots wondering what might have happened.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
Where I'm At: http://www.roleplayerguild.com/users/126
My Skype: Drakel001
My Facebook: Drakel Pyrohell

Last edited by Drakel on Sat Mar 13, 2010 1:44 am, edited 3 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 12, 2010 10:21 pm 

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Naomi shook her head.

I've seen scarier things at a public restroom.

She then picked the beast up and placed it in a safe location.

Then she blinked, just a little blink and she was where the others were.

Oh, Zeus, that doing that always gives me split ends.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 8:53 am 
Dragon's Egg
Dragon's Egg

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As Rooma landed on a sandy area her armor changed back to the way it was before it was a pod. Rooma looked around saw that she was in a very sandy area and that the nearest town was about a three mile from where she was. Well now knowing that she was close to the ship she looked to make sure she and some water to drink later. After that she bushed her self off and said to her self “ Wow it is hot here.” Rooma know she was the last one to land and she was a little sad about it because that would mean that she might be that late and she hated be late to things that matters.

Rooma started to walk when she heard a shot from behind her to the south east. Rooma wounded who the gun shot was coming from. She looked around but did not see anything around her so she keep on going to the town. Rooma was wondering if that person would be ok or if she should have went to find out what happen or if they need help.

Last edited by RoomaLight5 on Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:47 am 

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Naomi was at wits ends with this place. Her hair was matter, her feet were flirty, the heat was making her sweat though her cloths and she had the most irking song in her head. Here she was with three people she didn't know and really wasn't in the mood to talk with. She was thirsty and a little hungry and just wanted to take a nice bubble bath. The only reason why she got herself into this mess was because her boyfriend dump her for some kind Amazon and she wanted to find something to do. This was her life now, sadly. A pious captain yelling at telling her she shouldn't try to look pretty, a know-it-all, and the other four who she knew they didn't have much in common and found words to be waste of time if they had nothing to talk about. Even though she felt this discomfort, she was above expressing it verbal, because that'll lead to drama and she was a beauty queen not a drama queen(or so she thought). She spoke not a word more. She was brave and even though there were those who wouldn't believe it, she was. If she could find that dog-gone ship she could eat, bath, and dye her hair the brightest blonde. She took out her compact and start preening her hair and blinked again and appear in another location.

The beast she had fought had little ones is what she later found out and now they were left defenseless.

Great, now I've got the young lings to take care of.

She picked them up on her back and shared some of her food to them.

It's okay, She cooed.

I'm on a diet anyway.

The little creatures ate from her hand and tickled them.

That was the thing about Naomi, she wasn't above helping someone.

Captain Loudmouth is going to kill me, but it's worth. If I get left I can hang with with you little vermin.

Naomi had a weakness for little animals, not sure why, she took them to safe place and hid them.

Y'all little fellows will be safe here, sorry about y'all mama.

And then she walked off, getting alittle closer to her goal, but still had a joureny to travel.

Last edited by raptor on Sun Mar 14, 2010 11:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:58 pm 
Avatar of Elements
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
“Wolfe! What the hell?” James’ eyes opened wide when his eyes focused on the sight he just now realized he had walked into. The captain had all 29 junior officers and crew members arranged in lines roaming around the bridge curving about the various consoles. By the look on all their faces the captain had been at them for some time. “Dismissed.” The captain said turning back to the group, the assembly practically broke into a running mob to get off the bridge at the solitary word.

“Your earlier then I expected Wolfe.” For the captain that was a compliment of the highest order.
Captain Armstrong had always been one to reward success and promptness; and always one to crush idleness and laziness. He had a tendency to overwork others but that didn’t compare to the amount of work he put himself through. Not one for art or even a hobby of any kind he was always working, some wondered if he ever slept.

“Did you get your things settled in your quarters?” After James had answered the captain motioned him over to a console in the center of the bridge. “This will be your station, use the remaining time to familiarize yourself with the controls. I really like the way the monitors are set up. You have a small monitor on your console that you can direct to any directional external view but it’s the main screen I like.” Capt Armstrong stood strait looking at the front of the bridge. “We have a very large center screen and to either side three smaller screens tiled vertically. Everyone one of them can show separate images or displays. The panels out here to the sides along the walls are monitors as well, they are in a perfect place that you should have a peripheral view of the sides of the ship. I very much hope that will allow you to improve upon what I’ve seen from you in the past. What I see happening most often is the big center and these two side screens will show immediate local space around the ship almost like windows, notice there are none on the bridge, and the smaller six will show select views and elements of status."

“Start with a Tarenvedra simulation..” He paused ”as a solo force.” the captain finished this statement looking meaningfully into James’ eyes. “That wraiths tactical so ask that demandable AI to run weapons for you until he shows. I‘m pretty sure you‘ll enjoy how the ship moves. AI. AI!” Louder on the second one. “F***ing AI show yourself.” he nearly screamed. A split second later the AI’s image materialized a few feet from him. “Next time you show yourself the first time I call for you.” he yelled at her his finger jabbing like a dagger. ”Captain I was unsure if you were calling for me, my name is-”. “You’re a smart toaster oven, you don’t need a name. Follow my orders; now, I want you to run Wolfe here through the basics and get him up to speed with what the ship is capable of. Wolfe I’ll be in the hollow arena planning our initial action when the crew’s assembled call me over the con and I want all of you to meet me in the conference room. Oh and Wolfe, you know what I expect.” With that he turned and walked off the bridge.

Iridal chocked back a sob and turned to James following the Captains orders.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 2:19 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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After ten minutes of travelling Cyriscel figured that seeing there was no other sound that whoever made the gun shot was either dead or already handled it. So instead Cyriscel flew back towards the ship's location now about 9 and half miles away from where he needed to be.

In about another two hours passed and he was only half way to reaching the ship, however he stopped seeing a strange being under the sand, only it's arm was visible. With curiosity and cautiousness Cyriscel picked the being out of the sand. In seconds Cyriscel instantly knew what it was, in both shock and aw Cyriscel dropped it. The being had crystal armor like a Wraiths but it was actually a Biotic-organism called Venshing.

The Wraiths made these Bio-org, to both serve and help Wraith production by "resurrecting" other beings. Sadly their own creation turned against them after the X,212 virus hit them a thousand years ago, three thousand years after their creation. The Wraiths have not only stopped the creation of the Venshing but they have also banished them to deserts and dead planets where they have died out of lack of energy.

Why is a Venshing here? Out of all places? And how could this still be even alive? thought Cyriscel trying to figure out why This Bio-org is here or even barely alive. In a second The Vanishing’s eyes were opened and it took a defensive mode. Target, Valadorrum. Termination sequence 1749 in progress. The Vanishing’s hands turned into blades, Charging at full speed against the Wraith, slashing at him trying to harm the Wraith with an expected attack. i

Cyriscel pushed the Venshing away and in the nick of time he shot the Venshing in the chest, killing it with a crystal that went through the Biotic-Organism. Cyriscel barely realized right then and there that it got a good strike on the Wraith. It cut a small hole about half an inch deep into the crystal armor that was three inches away from the unprotected "weak" spot. hmm... I wonder if doc, could help me fix it. There are so few, and caption might be glad for some powerful help. Deciding that it would be a good idea to bring powerful, obedient(once fixed) ally's Cyriscel decided to bring the Venshing along with him.

Carrying the Venshing Cyriscel continued his journey to the ship. in about two and a half hours of walking safely across the desert, (I done my math he was travelling for ten hours out of twelve) Cyriscel was only two and a half hours early when he reached the gates of the city. The many alien beings inside the desert city confused the wraith greatly; all the different Energy's around him was confusing enough without the twists and turns of the city streets. Eventually Cyriscel reached the ship about two hours than expected.

When Cyriscel couldn’t see the beauty that everyone else seen but it still amazed him, it seemed almost five times more beautiful in the Wraith's eyes only because the ship had an aura of energy around it. Walking inside The ship entry only have an Ai’s energy to instantly flash right in front of him that said say, Greetings Lieutenant Cyriscel, I am Iridal, This shi.... Be for she could say another word Cyriscel said to her(emotionlessly as always), How did you know my name AI? Out of everything I keep that off the record for racial purposes. The AI looked confused for a second and then she continued, sorry but it was in my programming to know every one’s names. It was easy to know who you are only because you’re the only one of your race here. That and the information of your reputation made it easy for me to gain the programming needed to ... Yet again she has been cut off from the Wraith, ok that is all I needed to know. I just thought it was strange. Oh and you might not want to tell the Captain that I’m bringing a useful friend along on board, unless you want to be on his bad side. I will do that; just inform him of my arrival. Iridal than replied, ok, but you need to report to James as soon as possible. the captain is indisposed at the moment.

Instantly Cyriscel continued forward towards a place he could put the Venshing without it being noticed, and then continued on to clean himself from the blood and dust. Afterwards He went off to see the James, hoping he wouldn't notice the hole in his armor.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
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My Facebook: Drakel Pyrohell

Last edited by Drakel on Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:53 pm, edited 4 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 12:27 pm 

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Naomi was tired. Her life was had become this bad scific-movie. Cyclopses were builders, not hikers. This was no the kind of enviroment for her. She werily, about to collasp. She couldn't take a step foward. Yet, she was fatuige and raveneous, and that gnawing her hunger and baking thrist kept her going.

The one-eyed rodeo queen had met her match with this heat. The huminity was frizzing her hair.

I can't take this anymore! She screamed in latin.

Hot weather isn't good for my complexion!

She kept walking leaving large foot prints in the sand,

Come Mcdonald, you took on bulls, hydras; spoiled and jealous beauty pagaent constants. You can handle getting alittle hot and bother. She thought to her.

And she ate what little food she had left and pushed on giving up what little strenght she had. Fighting that monster took alot out of her.

She swasyed her way, her flaming hair splashing in her face.

Which way is that dog-gone ship. Lord have mercy on my soul could it be anymore hotter!

Last edited by raptor on Sun Mar 14, 2010 6:01 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 4:55 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus lay there, the ZuZu cat's corpse beside him. He was breathing heavily and dust was settling around him. A humming noise from above grew louder and as he looked up the sun was obscured by Taji's form lowering to the ground. She was brandishing a small knife and with her free hand offered it to Marcus and helped him up.
"Thank you," he said with a grimace as he got to his feet. His legs ached and his hand had some cuts on them. His white coat was torn, as well as being singed from re-entry. He took it off and shrugged as he smiled at Taji.

"I'm not sure I was really paying attention to where I was. I get distracted easily by things like these." He opened his hand and held a small yellow bloom in it.
"For you, my rescuer."

As Taji took the flower Marcus looked around. They were in a ravine, with a dry creek at the bottom of it. Marcus brought his vizor down and scanned the terrain, he saw some water ways below the surface, long since sunk as the landscaped became baked. Getting his bearings he flipped the vizor up.
"I reckon we need to go in that direction." he pointed off in the way he thought and waited for Taji's comment.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sun Mar 14, 2010 5:40 pm 
Master Old Dragon

Joined: Wed Dec 30, 2009 11:42 pm
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Taji couldn't help but smile a bit as she took the bloom in hand and sheathed her knife. It was an amusing gesture to the woman who had so often been dubbed "one of the guys". Part of her was sincerely surprised and pleased by it, while the other side of her was tempted to toss it aside when he wasn't looking. In the end, her softer side won out. She never could explain why, later, but she pocketed the bloom, sealing it safely in the tight space of her cigarette case, which then went into a "pocket" in her armor.

Finally, she turned her HUD back on to double-check his reckoning. With a nod, she started after him in the dry creek bed. "You're right, actually. But we're going to need to get a move on if we're going to make it in time. Your little zoo adventure probably cost both of us a good half hour at least." The tone with which she spoke was not accusing, merely matter-of-fact, and she seemed almost... distant. As he tried again to thank her and apologize, she raised a gloved hand. "Really, it's no problem." she said. "I could have let it eat you- I imagine it rather likes the taste of nerd-" a light smirk crossed her features as she glanced at him out of corner of her eye- "But I figured it might put a damper in things on the ship. Not to mention ruining your day as well. Last time I checked, being digested is usually at the top of most people's Sh** List. Though seriously, you probably should work on your powers of observation- and I don't mean scientific. Otherwise, you stand a good chance of getting your ass handed to you a lot during this trip."

The woman had switched from handgun back to rifle, pulling it from a pocket in her armor and slinging it over her shoulder. She moved quickly, keeping her pace quick, but easy to keep up with. For some reason, she felt that she should stick with him as they picked their way through the waste. Perhaps it was her recently-found sense of conscience, or maybe it was the fact that she got the feeling that the Captain would have her head if he found out that she had left a comrade... Either way, she made sure to keep it to where Marcus could keep up.

As they came to a ridge leading out of the ravine, she focused again and allowed her cells to return to their normal state. Slowly, her skin rippled and the grayish coloring from the stone camouflage left its pigments, leaving only a very tan woman in a light armor bodysuit. Shifters had been studied by scientists since their first appearance in CAW, but to date, there were still very few that actually understood how they maintained such precise control of their very cellular structure. It was odd to see, to say the least.

Taji, however, merely moved on without another word on it, her long hair also shifting back to its normal, crimson shade. From their new position, she could see the city and she could also see that they weren't that far off. In fact, the ravine seemed to have acted as a shortcut of sorts.

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