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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 3:21 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus hadn't really studied shifter physiology, but knew a bit about them. He watched as Taji shifter he appearance to one that would cause less of an alarm as they entered the city limits. By his reckoning they were about 1 hour's walk from the ship and that was as the crow flies. The city was an old one, and sprawled out in every direction. Costermongers selling their wares were shouting prices and deals to attract buyers. The pungent aroma's of food and the squawk of live stock added to the environment.

"It would seem we have to get through this market and to the harbour which i reckon is that way!" Marcus pointed off in one direction that led its way through some small back alleys.
"Feeling up to it?" He smiled "Of-course you are, keep your weapon at hand, I may have misjudged that ZuZu Cat, but I'm more familiar with humanoid behaviours."
marcus held his small pistol in his pocket and his armour flipped to a cut off shorts and t-shirt.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 4:18 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Cyriscel was walking through the ship; its metal was strong enough to withstand the crystal body which means it didn’t matter anymore. Cyriscel’s feet wasn’t able to cut the floor’s which was strange because his armor was usually able to cut through anything, couldn’t cut the ship. At first it was a great shock, by just looking at the energy of the ship Cyriscel instantly knew it would be very hard to damage this ship. Knowing this Cyriscel wondered, Is this threat so powerful that we need such a strong ship?

After walking down the hall the door to the room James was slid open, Hello again James, I came three hours early. Caption Armstrong should know of my arrival by now. I was told that I was to get orders from you right now. What am I needed to do? Right when Cyriscel finished his statement’s emotionlessly his armor started to crack right where the newly made hole was at across his whole armor. He was not only surprised but had the feeling of fear in him. Cyriscel tried with all his might to hide the fear he was feeling, accidently showed it by his sudden reaction towards that crack. How could I explain.... I'll be fine, it’s nothing to worry about right now, it's just a small crack, what are your orders James? Cyriscel tried his best to make it look like there was nothing to worry about even though he wasn’t sure. All he knew right then and there was that he needed to get the order for his job.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:55 pm 

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Naomi was getting closer to the ship. Her hair was mess. She planned on washing and dying it the mintue she got on that ship.

For the love of Zeus! She screamed into latin.

Getting ever so close, but so far away.

Suddenly, being blast into space doesn't sound so bad.

The spoiled beauty queen limb her way on ward, she was getting close.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 11:10 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Getting the ok to "play around" with the MAELSTROM was to James akin to telling a 6 year old that they were going to Disney Universe. Seeing Iridal sob dampened his anticipation slightly but couldn't help but feel excited about this control system. "Don't mind the Captain he is a bit tough on people, he doesn't seem to understand that people have feelings as well. Would you mind showing me the controls of this magnificient ship please I would be so happy to test her out"

Thinking back to what simulation he had been ordered to do that being the "Tarenvedra" he just shook with excitement wanting to test the limits with this ship. Being a solo force meant it would be just him against nearly 60,000 elite ships and close to 340,000 lesser ships but James was looking forward to it.

Iridal then proceeded to show him how the ship was piloted and showed him it was capable of turning on 3 axis of movement!

Rubbing his palms in anticipation James looked toward Iridal and remembering he had a duty to take care of said "I don't want any distractions while I am in this sim so if any of the crew arrive tell them that they should take care of their gear and get some rest if needed but that I expect them to be ready and on this bridge at 17:00 until then do not let them inside here. Thanks Iridal for the help"

With a wink at James Iridal said "No problem I'll keep them out for you, now then lets begin that simulation for you" "Starting Tarenvedra simulation Solo Force" and thus began the simulation. The lights dimmed and the screens filled with images of enemies.

Using all his skills James maneuvered the ship through complicated twists and turns to dodge all the while Iridal sent armed fire(as in attacks not fire fire) back at them even as he dodged theirs not even missing his marks by a hairs breadth. Sweat tinged his brow at the sheer intensity of this fight one that he had only attempted once before and that time he had only taken out a 1/3 of the enemies and that was with a squadron to back him up. Not even stopping to register the fact that he had already beaten that record James continued piloting the Maelstrom to the extremes of his ability eyes never wandering from his targets. So intent was he on the simulation he took no heed when the door to the bridge opened to reveal Cyricsel in the doorway before the wraith could enter though Iridal shut the door and proceeded to relay James' earlier message for the crew.

Inside the room James just kept on with the simulation. With a daring grin James had an idea to use one of the ships normal functions in a way unintended in the regular plans for it. Letting the ships hull converter to absorb all hits and then change them into energy James steered for the biggest clump of ships he could find and what he found was ... most of the remaining enemies save a couple thousand behind him. After allowing the hull converter to reach critical levels of energy, so high that any second the generators could blow up the ship and everyone on it, James pressed the button to jettison all spare energy... resulting in a blast of energy so large the ships directly beside him in every direction were vaporized and the rest of the ships were wiped out in that wave of energy so intense it was comparable to a sun going supernova only on a much much smaller scale.

Seeing their main fleet get decimated the remaining thousand that had not followed closely enough behind the Maelstrom to get caught in the blast... turned around and began to run for a place to hide. Shouting in victory James wheeled the Maelstrom around and began pursuit only to realize that his stunt had deprived the ship of all power save for the power needed to keep the ship running and that it was going to need a bit of time to recharge... giving the retreating enemy ample time to get away.

"Blast it, they got away they are lucky I ran out of power reserve..." Leaning back in chair with hands on his face to wipe the sweat pouring down his forehead as the simulation ended James sighed and continued "next time I try a stunt like that I will make sure I don't jettison allmy spare power and keep enough to keep the ship able to fight" Glancing at clock he sees that he finished the sim at 15:57

"Whew that was intense this ship is amazing if I only hadn't erred in jettisoning too much energy... oh well I won the battle"
Looking down at his sweat drenched body James decided "Iridal I'm going to go shower and change into a fresh pair of clothes please keep the crew informed that they should be in this room by 17:00 preferably as early as 16:30"

Getting up James left the bridge for his own quarters and took a quick shower followed by a 10 minute siesta leaving James feeling refreshed and ready to go. After his siesta he returned to the bridge to await the crew to arrive.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

Last edited by Forgotten Dragon's Ire on Tue Mar 16, 2010 11:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:03 am 
Master Old Dragon

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Taji nodded her agreement and kept the rifle slung over her shoulder as they continued along. She wasn't much of one for small-talk, but they managed to make time pass a little as they walked, including giving one another their names. Always, though, Marcus noted a very guarded nature with the Shifter, but beneath that one could almost glimpse a bit of her true nature. Once or twice she actually chuckled at a joke, and when she responded back, he caught on to a quick wit and a scathing sarcasm beneath that quiet shell.

"Captain Hardass will probably have us scrubbing with our toothbrushes for being late." the woman chuckled, still thinking they were running behind everyone else. "Let's hope we manage to keep our heads..." As they approached the city gates, finally, she repositioned the rifle to make ti easier to reach should she need it. Within a few steps they were inside the city and Taji felt right at home. The shops, the shouting stall-keepers... Everything seemed plucked right from her home world... Including a couple of men whom she swore she recognized.

When the smaller, skinnier one turned around, she knew for a fact that she recognized him, and felt a flash of panic pass through her slender form. but then she admonished herself. It wouldn't do any good to panic. This was a large crowd, and there was no way they could possibly pick her out of all these people. And if they did... well... she'd just have to shoot them so that word wouldn't get back to anyone important that she was still alive.

Taji stood beside Marcus looking over the various odds and ends, listening to his exclamations and explanations as they moved along, always in the direction of the ship. Instinctively, she kept looking over her shoulder to determine their safety and distance. Finally, she thought that they had lost the two, until the rounded the next corner...

Unfortunately, the larger, burlier fellow saw her crimson hari and zeroed in on her. "Hey! Hey you!" Marcus looked up, unsure of who the barbarian was addressing. But the burly man looked right past him and motioned to Taji. "You venomous, backstabbing bitch! THIS is where I finally find you? After all this time searchin'?"

Taji sighed, now that her cover was indeed blown, and resolved herself to the inevitable. She gave no ground, however, and simply glared at the man with a cold and distant gaze, the breeze just barely picking up her crimson hair as it blew through the now-quiet street.

"Nice to see you too, Demarc," she commented frigidly. The Shifter had given up on any notions of getting out of this without being noticed. Indeed, she was pissed at the man for picking her out of the crowd and inconveniencing her trip. That and Taji had absolutely no filter between her thoughts, emotions, and her mouth. "Tell me, how's you brother's grave holding up? It's been a while, I was afraid the acid rain in the Waste would have worn it away by now." The smallest bit of a smirk crossed her lips at his infuriated expression and before he could properly react, a melon the size of a basketball made contact with his head. It was just enough of a distraction, as she had anticipated.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 2:32 pm 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Demarc. This goliath of a man obviously knew Taji from a previous meet up. He pulled at Taji's sleeve,
"It's lovely to meet old acquaintances but we really have to keep moving, we've a schedule to keep."

He felt the barrel of a second weapon pressing against the nape of his neck. The second figure, who'd been in the shadow stepped forward.

"Not too fast poindexter, we've got a little business to sort out with this here shifter. I suggest you take a seat."
He forced Marcus to his knees whilst he addressed Taji. "You know, our brother wouldn't be in a grave if you hadn't put him there. Now we want to get a little memento to remember him by. seeing you stuffed and mounted on our wall would be a trophy worthy of him."

Marcus' mind reeled, so this was why she was chosen? A former hit-man, skilled assassin and weapon master. He was wondering what she would do to get them out of this scrape. If she decided to get them both out that is. In the case that she would look after number one Marcus needed a plan of action.

Looking around he noticed some laundry hanging above, a crate just behind where Taji was and nothing but dirt on the ground where he knelt. Then the idea struck him. He slumped forward, rolling his eyes and twitching violently.
The skinny brother became distracted and leant down to investigate, which gave him the perfect opportunity to grab a handful of the sandy floor and throw it into his face. As the man reached up to wipe it away Marcus kicked out violently to the mans special area. Marcus wasn't going to spare any trick if it meant he could get away.
As he looked up he saw Taji elbow the other in the face, and whilst the brute was staggering he yelled to her...


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:19 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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Taji did not need to be told twice, but she knew that this was going to be messy to say the least. Even as she turned to follow Marcus, five others appeared from the crowd, weapons drawn and ready to give hot pursuit. Their eyes glinted as brightly in the sunlight as their knives and pistols when they gave chase, and Taji swore that one of them was also a Shifter. Any hope of being spared at his hand though, was futilely wasted; he had been hired by these two to do a job, and by the gods, he'd make sure to get his merc's pay. And so when he too started after them, she merely uttered a curse and turned her attention to keeping up with Marcus.

In the short time that she had lapsed her attention, he had made sizable progress ahead of her, and she had to sprint for a couple of seconds to catch up with him. Unfortunately, a couple of the thugs had actually thought their target through, and had headed them off. At an intersection of side streets they overtook the two, one brandishing a knife, the other what appeared to be a shotgun that he leveled at both, intending to hit them point-blank with the spray of shot.

Taji's eyes narrowed and the clay-like skin on her left her finger-tips elongated and hardened into a series of five long spikes. Their momentum would not enable them to stop before they reached him, but she hopefully she could take him out first. She waited until Marcus hit the knife-wielder with his pistol to make her move, silently impressed at the excellent shot. The shotgun owner's attention was temporarily distracted, and she took the opportunity. She waved her hand just hard enough to release the now-dead skin. The spikes at her fingertips detached from her hand and flew in his direction.

A gunshot resounded through the area, and as they sprinted by the merc's inert form on the ground, there were five spikes lodged in his form- two in his head and face, one in his throat, and two in his torso. The boom of multiple guns from behind told them that there were still three hot on their trail, and Taji groaned in frustration. She paused for a moment, unslinging her rifle. When Marcus turned to look at her inquisitively, she motioned towards the next intersection, "Go on, I'll catch up!" she cried and quickly took the opportunity to fire off one good shot, taking out another of their pursuers. That left only two now, and the brothers. Without a second thought, she re-shouldered the gun and shot off in Marcus' direction, catching up to him after another quick sprint. Finally, they could see the base in the distance...

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 4:03 pm 
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The path ahead lay deceptively clear, and a quick sprint would have them in the confines of the base and safety. In the back of his mind Marcus knew that the two brothers would be somewhere close by and a loud humming noise.
Looking up he saw a figure hovering in the air, supported by two enclosed propellors, which angled correctly could lift, drop and push forward. held between them was the skinny brother, Marcus never had gotten his name.

"Damn! I don't have time for this." He pulled out his gun and shot towards the brother, his bullets were easily dodged by the man and soon he was out of rounds. frantically looking around He saw rocks on the ground and started hurling them skyward.

"Take that you bastard, hold a gun at my neck will you!" after 4 or 5 throws he knew he wasn't getting anywhere and so he turned and ran again. The gates of the base we nearer now and his hope lifted a little, he might just make this.

A sudden gust hit him as the skinny brother landed in front of him and detached himself from the hovering device. Marcus groaned as the skinny man brought out his gun and held it level with Marcus' head. The only option was to test out his armour's durability. With a thought he was enveloped in the shell and stood there ready to take the shots. Marcus closed his eyes and waited...

the shots never came. Marcus opened his eyes and saw the skinny brother lying on the floor, a spike protruding from the back of his skull where it had penetrated through his mouth. Marcus looked around and saw Taji running up to him.

"That's twice now!" she said.

"I've no more blooms to give you I'm afraid" Marcus replied. But will my thanks do for now, I'll pay you back properly somehow?"

Marcus stood up and turned to face the base, "What of the big brute?"

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:37 pm 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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OOC: NVM delete post plz

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2010 10:57 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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Taji looked behind her and found that their pursuers had disappeared. Something wasn't right, but for the moment, she didn't care. There was no one left but Demarc anyway, and now all that stood between them and the ship was a skinny corpse. She quickly stepped over the carcass and headed in the direction of the gate, Marcus following close behind. Somehow, she got the feeling that she should have her armor up, but at the time, she simply shrugged the feeling off as the bolted towards the gate.

Suddenly, across the line of the nearest rooftop, a figure moved, silhouetted against the glaring sun. It was indeed, Demarc, as she could tell just from the enormous shape. He jumped to the ground, standing squarely between her and Marcus. As she skidded to a stop, she pulled out her nine millimeter, intending to shoot him on sight. However, he moved with an agility surprising in one his size, and before she had a chance to fire, he had grabbed her wrist and disarmed her, tossing her gun aside and seemingly forgetting about Marcus for the time being. It didn't seem to matter to him that they were within feet of the gate- knowing him, he probably had some sort of forged form on his person, calling this a bounty. They were so close to the gate that if Marcus kept going, he would easily cross into the base, well on his way to the ship while the guards watched her disappear at this beast's hands.

Thus, with a sneer, he held her wrist firmly in place while with his other hand he wrapped his massive fingers around her throat and deftly lifted her off the ground. The woman hung there, her legs swinging as she struggled against him, her long fingers clutching at his hands and trying to get him off of her. In vain she tried to shift forms, but found her concentration greatly impacted. This may have been , of course, due to the fact that she currently had trouble BREATHING, let alone thinking enough to move her cells.

Demarc laughed at her struggle, reveling in the feeling of her writhing form in his hand. It was satisfying to see those black, soulless eyes begin to dim as her kicks became less pronounced, her breathing become more labored. He watched as her skin rippled futilely as she tried to shift to a more useful form. At the angle in which he held her, she couldn't access any of those pocket dimensions either, so he was safe to continue simply choking her. "Hell's gonna be awfully cold once YOU get there, bitch," he laughed. "Shame you won't get to enjoy that pretty ship, though."

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 2:27 am 
Grand Master Venerable Dragon
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Marcus skidded to a stop and watched in horror as he saw what was going on. He looked around and, seeing a pile of scaffolding pipes he picked up a pipe. Marcus used the power in his suit to swing the pipe back wide and then hit The brute.
the clang of the pipe sent shockwaves through Marcus' arms which thankfully were absorbed by the suit. He swung it back for another hit, this time crushing Demarc's knees which sent the brute to the ground, dropping Taji.

"You should learn not to hit on women in that way." he said with a tone that was very unlike his usual demeanor. As he watched the brute clutching his knees, Marcus pulled out his pistol, he reloaded it and held the barrel against Demarcs head.

"Now, you'll find hell much more suited to you I think." Marcus pulled the trigger.

Marcus looked up at Taji and wiped the barrel of the gun on Demarc's shirt, then looked across to the base, where the ship was waiting.

"Well, I think that makes me one step closer to being even with you my dear." he pocketed his gun.
Wow what a morning this had been, his life's work destroyed, flung out of a ship in orbit, eluding death twice and dealing it out. This planet's society wasn't one that would relentlessly chase him down for his dead, in fact they would pay him for it. Bounty's were common place and he was sure that Demarc had a rich one. He would just need to cash it in later. the energy signature of his weapon would confirm that when he collected it, he would get it over anyone else.

"I think we've taken long enough to get here,"

with that Taji and Marcus walked towards the ship, and boarded. Joining the rest of the motley crew.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 8:58 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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As all the crew members arrived on the bridge James silently waited until everyone arrived silently directing those entering the bridge to stand over to the side in a line. Perfectly content to stand there all day waiting for the rest to show James noticed that they were only one person short. That being the cyclops Naomi, glancing at his display he could see that there were only 10 minutes left before 17:00 and if she wasn't on the ship by that time the doors would be sealed and she would be left behind. Glancing at Marcus and Taji he noted that they both seemed a little worn down and Taji he noticed has some fresh bruises forming around her neck that had not been there before. Glancing from one to the other he finally decided that they had not inflicted those injuries on each other but someone else had. Curious as to know who would dare and try to hurt one of "HIS" charges. Knowing that someone had tried to hurt them while on his watch, made him furious though he would not show his outrage in front of his crew. If he found the :swear: that had dared to hurt them they would soon find themselves sporting a couple more holes. James hoped that they had received what they deserved but deciding to leave nothing to chance he made a mental note to find out what he could about the incident. After a few moments of implanting the note into his suits memory bank he let his mind wander waiting for the last member of the crew to arrive and hoping she made it in time.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:53 am 
Dragon's Egg
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When Rooma got to the gate she showed the guy at the gate her pass so he would let her pass. A little about one mile in from the gate Rooma saw the most wonderful ship she have ever she and was happy that it was still there that was a sign that she was not late yet. So she went to the ship still wowed about it and saw what looked like a women standing there whiting on everyone to get there. Rooma went up to her and said “Hi I am Rooma how are you today and what is your name. Is everyone there yet or am I the first one here.”
The woman said “She was the ship’s Ai and that her name is Iridal and that she was doing find. No not everyone is here but you are the only one here there a two other and that one of the two were the captain and the other one was James.” Rooma was happy that she was the last one to get to the ship that would mean she was not late but on time. Rooma asked Iridal if there is a place she could clean up in and if she would open the door to let her in.

Iridal said “Yes there is and I could show you to your room if you would like.” “Oh yes please would you be so nice to do so.” Iridal open the door and showed Rooma her room and left saying have a nice day. Rooma said “ You to and good bye.” and she closed the door and went to take a shower before going to the bridge.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 11:57 am 
Dragon God of Drageloc
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Iridal appeared instantly in front of the Wraith but be for she even got to say a word Cyriscel said, I already heard him. Now seeing that James decided that I have no order's at this moment I best get myself ready be for I meet every one at the bridge....I have no other uses for you.

Cyriscel started to walk away to the bridge. The crack wasn't going to heal until sometime, so for two and a half hours Cyriscel waited alone in the cold, empty room for the others only to see James there. In thirty minutes Marcus and Taji came in the ship; both of them were breathing heavily from running and fighting. The wraith was pleased that Marcus made it on time only because he needed the Xenobiologist after all was said and done, however the engineer was only ten minutes be for being left on that horrid desert planet. Thinking back on his trip he wondered how he was even able to survive so long without the CMC armor on such a hell like place. The Wraith wasn’t able to see where he worked yet nor was he able to even take a look at his room. All he cared about at the moment was getting ready for whatever orders he was given.

Drakel: Guard the dragon, Hunt the slayers, Master the skills to save the idea.

My Website: http://drageloc.forumotion.com/
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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 12:11 pm 

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Naomi finally made it to the ship. She knew she was the last one, but...

When Idrial appear and gave her the information. She looked at the woman's hair.

Oh, honey. Your that is not your color. You're a spring, not a winter.

She went to her room, took a shower, eat a cheeseburgar (even though it went against her diet) and went where they reported for duty. (after she dyed her hair Cameron Diaz style blond.)

Field medic Mcdonald, reporting for duty. She said proudly.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 4:06 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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Taji rolled her eyes at the woman's perky greeting, the events of the day taking their toll on what little patience she had. When she caught Wolfe looking in her direction, her hand instinctively went to her neck, trying to pull the collar up to cover the evidence of her struggle in getting here. In retrospect, she really should have taken the full armor when they offered it to her before this whole zany meeting... But in her hurry to leave everything else behind, she only took what she thought she would need for the time being. If she had her actual armor like everyone else... The thought of the armor closing around Demarc's wrist and effectively severing it crossed her mind, causing the smallest of satisfied smirks to manifest in her pointed features.

As it was, though, the armor had not severed his arm, which would have still left him very much alive (until she got her hands on him), because it had not been there. In fact, after this briefing she would have to get it from Wolfe. What had been there, or rather who, was Marcus. The woman shook her head as she thought about their crazy adventure that morning. Between the Zuzu cat, the thugs, and then Demarc, the scientist beside her had proven to some degree that there was more to him than met the initial eye. And yet, she couldn't put her finger on just WHY he had helped her. But then, why had she helped him? Had so much changed since that one incident? It had only been a year, after all, if that, since she had left the Zaak Syndicate. All that training, just for me to go soft she thought, admonishing herself for being so stupid about everything today.

Taking out that antique... What the hell was I thinking? Pap would be turning over in his grave right now. Her thoughts strayed to the small handgun stored in a safebox in her room. They didn't even make ammo for it anymore, and what little she had left was only in the case of a dire emergency. In her anger, she had been willing to use a bullet instead of energy and while this would have left a wound that would have hurt a LOT more than most weapons today, it would have brought her that much closer to never using it again.

Taji shook her long, crimson bangs from her face. Although she was still one up on him, as she glanced at Marcus out of the corner of her eye, she decided that maybe he deserved some sort of explanation... The rest of the people here could :swear: off as far as knowing anything about her- in fact she preferred that she remain as much of an enigma as possible to them. Call it a rare pang of virtue, though, but she got the feeling that you just couldn't expose someone to death like that without offering them some sort of explanation. The Shifter made a mental note to make sure that she pulled the nerd aside after the briefing to make sure that he was all there... ok... mentally sound... whatever you wanted to call it.

Damnit, I HAVE gone soft she concluded, turning her attention back to the conference room. Only then did she allow her mind to wonder over the other figures in the room, sizing them all up in one degree or another. And she noted that individually, they were all talented, but that something was amiss. Now, if they could learn to work cohesively... Then perhaps switching sides was not such a bad idea after all.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:18 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Seeing Naomi scramble in meant that the time was almost upon them to go to the conference room. Giving the crew a few moments of silence after which James used his intercom to say to the Captain "All lieutenants are here and accounted for and we are now on our way to the Conference room, Captain"
"I can see that" said the Captain and startled James at the nearness of his voice looked up to the balcony of the bridge and saw the Captain grinning down at him with a wry smile. With a crisp salute and a "Captain" James led the crew to the conference room followed by the Captain. Upon reaching the Conference room he applied his hand to the scanner to open the door and motioned for the crew to take their seats but not sit until the Captain arrived in the room and took his seat at the head of the table.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:01 pm 
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Location: Somewhere over the river and through the trees he is hunting the big bad wolf with a table knife.
The captain watched the group climb the stairs and move past him on to Top Deck and cross it to the conference room beyond. A few of the off duty junior staff lounging there or eating watched as they passed through their midst. When he saw them round the corner he fully armored and enabled his stealth system following. He did admit he may have torn into the junior staff a bit too harshly and he didn’t want to bother them by passing through them and inadvertently disrupting their chow. Entering the room he sat in the chair and dropped the stealth field then slid the armor into its customary place. He smile inwardly at James’ uncertainty on how to proceed with the method of entry he had chosen so he raised a hand and waved it loosely at them saying “sit”. Not waiting to watch them take their seats he began.

“Not much has been released about the Skree. The main reason for that is that is because we don’t know shit about them. However, CMC intelligence has been able to denote a pattern in the way they choose their targets and the those boys are certain that by the end of the week the Skree will attack the Varith system. The entire population has already been evacuated but there are resourses there that the we cannot afford to loose; the rich deposits of Varitium found in the asteroids for example. But, that is only one of the many things in that system that we cannot afford to loose”. The captain stood walking to a display spanning the entire forward-inner wall surface.

“AI!” Iridal’s hologram materialized before him “Yes Captain?” “Good, your learning. You have my security authorization right?” “Yes Captain.” “Then keep up with the displays.” And with the captain waved her away. A look of outright indignation and annoyance passed across her face for a split second before her image vanished. The wall flashed on into an image of a stellar system with a binary solar mass and five satellites with their stellar orbits displayed. “For the moment we will remain here and finish preparing the ship, we will stay for about three days and it’ll be about a two day jump to reach the system. Use that time to become familiar with the ship and your duties on board, I’m sure you’ll all come to find this ship is at least three steps ahead in every thing it has.

“Petrova, you were selected for this because of you knowledge of that system. The CMC, once they discovered a pattern to the Skree’s method of expansion, developed something for us to use. This ship, beautiful as she is, has absolutely zero stealth capability. The energy that constantly radiates from her hull is like a beacon. So we have a nifty little toy.” As he moved closer to the screen the view zoomed out tremendously displaying an asteroid belt almost twenty times the size of the combined orbits of the inner five planets and almost centered within was a sixth planet. The Captain pointed to the inner five planets "Varith four and five have been evacuated.” His finger trailed down to the planet in the middle of the asteroid belt “Six here has been too; but, it only served as a base for harvesting the ore from the asteroids. The CMC has deployed a hollow asteroid in orbit around that planet that we will shelter in as we lie in wait. The machinery on the planet will help us hide our emissions as well.

“For a time we will be sitting and watching trying to learn who and what they are. After installing the hollow asteroid in place the CMC decided a nasty surprise was in order. Apparently the Skree have been using our jump gates in their new found territory. So we will be setting a booby trap on this gate here to blow a good 20 minutes after its next use this should trap them here. And that’s perfect for us but it also means we will be cut off as well. There will be no reinforcements, at all.”

The captain walked over to a window looking out into the enclosing hanger they were forced to leave open because of the ships leaking energy emissions. “We have three days to prepare this ship for war. I will, for the moment at least, over look certain things that happened in the city in the past few hours.” The captain clasped his arms behind his back, paused for a moment and turned back to the table. “Get on your duties, Dismissed.” As the crew stood and began to depart he turned back to the window. “Wolfe, sit.” was all he said as they left.


Last edited by Wardonis on Fri Jul 02, 2010 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:31 pm 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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After a good while James finally came out of the Conference room his mind reeling at what the Captain had told him and headed to the bridge. James told himself he was going to the bridge to run a few battle simulations to get better at controlling the Maelstrom but it was really to help himself calm his thoughts and to sort through everything he had just been told.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Fri Mar 19, 2010 11:32 pm 
Master Old Dragon

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As Taji walked out of the conference room, her head reeled with the information presented. The Captain's words rang in her head and hung over her slim form like a death sentence. "Petrova, you were selected for this because of your knowledge of that system." So... the CMC had picked her up on the run, given her a job... Just to bring her right back to square one? There was no way that it was as simple as that. Even those two-faced government vipers wouldn't go out of their way just to get someone who knew the system? Surely...?

The woman looked ceiling-ward and sighed heavily as she leaned against the wall for a moment to steady herself. First the incident in the marketplace, and now this. "Isn't life grand?" she asked herself, a frustrated, wry smirk crossing her features. It was just like fate to pull some shit like this. By this time, she should have been used to it, but no. Every time it seemed like she knew what to expect... "That bitch upstairs just keeps yanking my strings," she muttered bitterly. Chances were just never in her favor, it seemed. But then, who would want to take a chance on a former criminal anyway? Certainly none of these others. They were too wrapped up in their own jobs, their own lives to really take stock of her role on this ship. No, if she was going to make anything of this job, it would take HER work, and no one else's.

Taji opened her eyes and breathed deep. The act served to calm her down a little bit, and she straightened her lanky form, though her bony arms remained crossed as she made her way down the hall. At the moment, she didn't even know where she was heading, just that she had a couple of days to prepare herself for her station as this ship's Navigations officer and to clear her head to face the system again.

She passed a lit display, showing where she was in relation to the bridge, the top deck, and the like and finally found what she was looking for. She had a hard time reading it, but she finally was able to sound out the strange name. "Um, hey Ir... Ir...i...dal... I don't know if I said that right, I know your name's not just 'AI'. I need a hand."

The woman materialized before her, wearing a bemused expression. Before she had a chance to speak, Taji blushed and said simply, Sorry, I have a little of a hard time still, reading that common shit. Iridal nodded and smiled kindly. What was it that you 'need a hand' with, Taji?

Taji didn't even question how the computer-woman knew her name, she just told her that she needed to get to the bridge. Any chance you could help a girl out? she ventured. Iridal simply nodded and instructed her to follow her. As they walked, the two went in silence at first, until Taji tentatively broke the silence. You really shouldn't let him talk to you like that she said suddenly. She couldn't help but chuckle at Iridal's surprised expression. There was no need to broach who "he" was, it was understood between the two women. Pardon me, Taji, but I don't exactly have an option. The AI then explained that as the AI, and Armstrong as the Captain, she had little room to argue or to correct. And anyway, he won't listen.

Taji shrugged as she walked, her arms uncrossed now as they made their way along. So MAKE him listen. Just because he's the Captain doesn't mean that that makes YOU any less of a... well, I guess a person.... not sure what you count as, no offense. Either way, don't take that shit. Think about it this way: you're pretty much a super-computer, if I understood that display right, which means that you're smarter than ten of us put together- and definitely smarter than me. In my mind, that means that without you, this ship wouldn't run half as effectively as it probably does. Make that point. But whatever you do, don't just let him get away with it. Let him- or anyone- start with that now, and they're gonna do it the rest of the trip, I guarantee it. It's not worth being on the verge of tears for the entire mission.

It was a strange conversation, to say the least, but it was nonetheless fruitful. Taji noted the slightly bewildered, but heightened spirits of the AI as they arrived at the science wing and the doors slid open. As she passed through them and headed to the table where Marcus stood, Iridal disappeared, and the Shifter couldn't tell if she had really done any good, but had a positive feeling. That was, at least, a start. Perhaps she should go talk to the others on board, get acquainted with them as well. The woman made it a point to make a mental note to do so once she was done here and with James.

And despite her stress, she smiled as she entered the bridge and saw that many of the others had the same idea as she.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Tue Mar 30, 2010 1:24 pm 
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Iridal had to admit she had a point. The captain could not run this ship without her and was used to treating AI’s as dirt. This meant he either didn’t know or didn’t care. Although she wished the former she was certain it was the ladder. After leaving Taji on the bridge with Marcus she decided to confront the captain directly about this. Her internal sensors indicated he was alone in the conference room. Her image vanished.

Her image coalesced on the inside of the door to the conference room. “Captain.” The captain turned and looked at her. “Captain I do not believe you have been briefed about me.” “Oh really. Please, do tell” The sarcasm in the captains tone was very palpable and when he leaned back against the window and crossed his arms the smirk on his face added insult to injury.

Sir, I am more than just an AI, I am sentient, I have emotions just like you and everyone else on board. I am so integrated into this ship that not only can I run it entirely on my own but it would not run at all without me. I am not just a brain box computer system like on most vessels. I should be treated with respect-” “RESPECT!” the captain broke into gut wrenching laughter. “Ah that’s a good one” he pounded his thigh. Iridal slightly taken aback pressed her point and continued through the captains insulting laughter. “Yes, I should be treated with respect, even a bit of deference.” When the captain started laughing herder she paused panicing momentarily. ”And frankly Captain I will no longer answer to disreputable names anymore, you WILL address me as Iridal or I will not answer to you.” she blurted out over his laughter.

His laughter stopped so abruptly and he went so still she feared he was going to, she didn’t even know what. He just stood there so still and with a glare on his face that was slowly going from anger to disgust.. She decided she needed to push and when he opened his mouth to say something she jumped in interrupting him “I am serious about this Captain, With all due respect I should be treated like every other member of this crew”. His face twisted “Fine” is all he said as he walked through her image and out the door.

Iridal quietly celebrated her small victory, looking out the window. Well at least now she was going to be treated like crap instead of like a toaster oven.


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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:02 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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Upon hearing the door slide open James glanced up from the console and saw Taji walking onto the bridge "Lieutenant Taji I would like to take you to get an upgrade to your armor it seems as if your armor is a tad outdated and when I say a tad I actually mean a lot" James grinned at her and continued "Can't have any crew member of mine with anything but the best equipment so if you'll follow me"

"Yes sir I would be glad to get a better suit" Taji said as she saluted James

"You can call me James and there isn't any need for formalities unless the Captain is around... hes a real stickler for protocol." James said as he led the way down to the armory which was on the 2nd deck "While we are on our way to the armory would you mind telling me what gave you those bruises I would like to repay the person responsible tenfold... personally." James said grimly fully meaning every word because no one messes with his crew.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 12:46 am 
Master Old Dragon

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Taji was glad when he told her that she could forget the formalities. Indeed, she had just barely been picked up before the start of this mission, and barely knew military protocol other than what she had seen or heard from her brother. The woman followed beside him, her long, thin legs easily keeping up with his strides. When he questioned her bruises, she balked for only a moment, wondering what, if anything, she should tell him.

After a few moments of silence, she sized him up an decided that she could probably trust him. Doesn't seem half as stick-up-his-ass as the Captain, she thought as they passed a display and descended further into the ship. There was a tangible moment of unease before she spoke, tentatively on the matter. Well, Marcus already took care of that, I'm afraid, she said. As you know, I was pretty much JUST picked up for this damn mission and... well let's just say I still have my enemies. And we ran into them in the bazaar... The memory of Demarc's cold hand around her throat caused the woman's eyes to dim for a moment as she reflexively placed a hand at her throat. The bruises hurt at the touch, and she pursed her lips, remembering how close she had come, once again to death. I think Fate really wants me to drop she thought.

To James, however, she said simply, "I... well, I'm sorry I caused such a stir in the bazaar... In truth, she wasn't sure if she should be apologizing, but part of her said that maybe, yes, she should, despite the fact that she didn't sound terribly sincere. When they reached the proper deck, she looked at the equipment that awaited them, uncertainty back in her features. He could tell as she looked over the display that she was wondering about the new armor, and the obvious question for a Shifter would be, "Can I still 'move' in this stuff?"

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:22 am 
Lord Advocate Noble Dragon
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"No worries my dear you will actually be able to move around easier in this armor than you would normally move without it. Now if you will just stand on this terminal here we can integrate the suit into a pocket dimension attuned to you." James said while indicating a circular chamber with rings surrounding it. "When I start the process up you will be given several options to customize your suit such as color and other specifications such as flight, mobility, weapons. I suggest you tailor it to what you normally do just make sure you don't overdo it the power core of these suits can only take so much.

May you never feel a Forgotten Dragon's Ire I miei Amici.

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 Post subject: Re: Maelstrom
PostPosted: Sat Apr 03, 2010 6:52 am 
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Leaving the conference room Captain Armstrong left a trail of rigid crewmembers behind him standing at attention as he made his way to the lowest decks on the ship. As he went he muttered to himself :grrrr: :grrrr: :grrrr: “A damned toaster talks like that, to me?” :grrrr: :grrrr: :grrrr: His full inspection of the ship hadn’t been completed yet and he intended to finish it before the report would be late. Making his way to the underbelly he inspected a few of the dates of the various chemicals and proteins held in storage crates in the underbelly. After fully examining the entire underbelly he briefly look at the housing for the turret on the ships belly finding a sleeping gunner inside. By the time the crewman’s ears were nearly bleeding and he was panicing at the simulations he was tasked to do the Captain had moved on to the hanger. The fighters were quite impressive he had to admit. Two fast one man and two heavy two man fighters, they’d make a grate combo in battle especially with Maelstrom. He wasn’t very happy about the shuttle, it was an older model then what he’d been promised, It would only hold eight and not comfortably. He thought about having the AI secure him a new model but in light of his recent conversation with the device he decided on a different route.

“Comp com bridge” he gave the audio order to open a direct audio communication with the bridge and he heard Rooma’s voice great him. “Bridge” “Light, good at least someone is doing their job, I need you to get on the horn with Admiral Marsh and tell him that he needs to get me a shuttle. I was promised a top of the line shuttle by Grand Admiral Koliten and I want this peace of crap we have right now replaced.” “Yes Captain, is there anything else?” “Not at the moment.” “Very good Captain, I need to inform you that a parson from the city wishes to speak with you, he wanted to come aboard to see you but I knew you didn’t want to be disturbed while you were with Commander Wolfe so I told him to wait outside the airlock and you will be out to see him when you have the time.” Edward Armstrong was impressed, Captain Armstrong showed none. “Lieutenant, your assumption was correct but try not to make a habit of making them. What does this priest want?“ “He wouldn’t say Sir.” “Great, ok thank you Lieutenant, com end.”

The captain climbed the ramp up to the hanger control and only paused briefly to inform the hanger chief he was ordering the shuttle replaced for a newer better model.. The look of relief on the junior officers face was obvious. He continued to the airlock, cycled the inner door, stepped inside and shut the inner door. He took a deep breath and opened the outer door and his lower jaw fell off and bounced about a mile down the road. in front of him was a very old man and about thirty smelly, messy, noisy, slimy, dirty, annoying, …children.


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