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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:00 pm 
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ooc: :thwack: BAD TALUS! don't control other people's chars. mentioning to a certain extent is fine, but that was full fledged control

Chalgrish snatched the item from Ryuasi and turned it around in his hands. He shook it, and the ringing stopped. He shook it once more, and the ringing started up again. He laughed to himself and passed it back, crossing to the other side. He had to restrain his cat as he crossed the bridge, but crossed without incident

Idaho State Motto: We're more than just potatoes...Ok, but the potatoes sure are good!

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 01, 2005 9:07 pm 
Youthful Werewolf
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Mia walks over to ryuasi cautously, she looks over the object. She feels like shes seen it before, but she can figure it out,......She slapes her forehead in relization. then laugths at the look on ryuasis face.

Now my dreams have been fulfilled. I am loved.
Dearly Beloved: Composer- Yoko Shimomura

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 4:32 pm 
Dragon Spirit
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A slow grin replaces Ryuasi's startled expression. "Well...?" He inquries Mia. Watching Drian and Seraphine looking at him and Mia his smile widens. "We're a funny bunch." Looking at Chalgrish he motions for the other two to cross while he waits for Mia's reply.

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:00 pm 
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Drian laughs *Are i suppose it was worth a shot* He caries on walking but trips, *Ouch what was that* He gets up and looks to what he tripped over, it was but a tree branch over grown, He chuckled to himself and turned around, he looked down to his foot, his ankle was dislocated he looked at it and cracked it back into place, *Erm sorry about that are yes erm are we carrying on*

Phear me

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 02, 2005 5:19 pm 
King of Dragons
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OOc: Scraps! I apologize Mia, and Chalgrish I'm sorry as well, I'm still getting used to this DM thing.


Seraphine looks worriedly at Drian but shakes her head and takes the strange object from Ryuasi and holds it in her palm. The light shines out of her hand and surrounds it in a golden aura. "Its a ring for protection against arrows, apparently this is what kept the bow's from being effective against that bird, but I don't understand why it was ringing just now..." She stares at the amazed looks around her. "What?...Oh...aheh...umm... particular Auri's may have special abilities, the one I have in addition to increasinf light energy, also has the power of magical analysis...in lamen's terms...it tells me whatever I wan to know about a particular object, Auri or not."

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 03, 2005 8:29 pm 
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"A useful Auri to have," a voice said. The group turned to find Ivory emerging from the brush a little ways off wiping something that looked like blackish goop of a small knife. Her bow swung loosely for the moment from her arm and when teh breeze moved her cloak the could clearly see streaks of the garrish material on her staff. When asked what exactly she had gotten herself into, she calmly shrugged, a small wry grin crossing her features as she slipped the knife back into the side of her boot (much to their surprise). "I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned I found that I wasn't with you all anymore. In fact, I was with quite a different company of smaller versions of your bird-friend."

She slung her bow back to its rightful place and removed her torn, tattered cloak (it had acquired a few more holes since they had last seen her), revealing once again her radiant white and silver outfit. Somehow it didn't seem to fit with her dark, mysterious personality. After all, when you really thought about it, what did any of them really know about her other than what the stories and myths said?

The thought was abandoned temporarily as a string of mild curses was heard from the person in question. Ivory searched all about her person, trying in pani to find something. Where was it? The Ranger reached into every pocket, eventually, feeling something small brush her fingertips and a sigh of relief escaped her. As she brought her hand out of a pocket, a dim illumination radiated from her palm. Upon opening it, the group found themselves looking at a chain containing two Auri, one a bright, raidant white and the other positively black. In answer to their questioning stares, Ivory answered, "I got them a few years ago at the close of a battle. The one seemed to have just seeped or dropped off a creature I had dealt with and the other I found during the Battle of Durem-Ra on the edge of the Sarbraka, the desert of white sand. I didn't know at the time, but they are Auri of light and dark. I was afraid that they had been... misplaced."

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 06, 2005 5:35 pm 
Dragon Spirit
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"Well, regardless of what they are and what you've been up to Its good to have you back." Ryuasi says cheerfully. Crossing the bridge, he joins Chalgrish on the other side. "How are you?" he asks at Chalgrish's impatient look.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:26 pm 
King of Dragons
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Seraphine watched Ryuasi walk away, but she stayed level with Ivory. She noticed how hagard she looked and quickly casted a heal spell."By Aymara's Grace..." A warm light spread from her fingers and melded into Ivory's body. The bruises and fatigue she suffered evaporated as the holy light washed over her. "Now, if you'll allow me to examine the Auri you have." she held out her hand.

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 4:28 pm 
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Drian walks over to seraphine, *Impresive, where did you learn to do healing magic like that* He looked at seraphine and smiled.

Phear me

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 6:10 pm 
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Ivory smiled faintly in an almost wry expression as she held out her hand to the priestess and answered Drian herself. "No doubt she learned it in training or perhaps from an Auri..." Her tone was friendly, but if one looked closely, they would see a certain amount of discomfort in the Ranger's silver-grey eyes. She kept her gaze steadily on the Auri as Seraphine turned them over in her hand, looking them over. Oddly enough, she got the feeling that certain of the group didn't trust her, not that she had made any effort to give them reason to. All those years of being away and constantly on the move had caused her to almost unconciously avoid people and forming bonds with them. To be in the midst of a group and have people to answer to again was a bit out of her comfort zone and that fact could almost be seen in her face as she watched Seraphine examine the Auri.

"And these children that you spit upon
As they try to change their worlds
Are immune to your consultation
They're quite aware of what they're going through"
--- David Bowie

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:13 pm 
Dragon Spirit
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Watching the rest of the group, Ryuasi sits down. He glances at Chalgrish, and then looks at the rest of the group. A small frown crosses his face. *What am I doing wrong?* he thinks. As he walked across the bridge, he FELT more than saw the gaze Ivory had used on his back. He wasn't sure exactly what it meant, but it unsettled him. Mia's scilence had unsettled him as well. He turns to Chalgrish, and thinks, *What about you? You're the reason I found this little adventure. What is it about you?* Sitting down with a slightly glum look Ryuasi stands up again immediatly, yelping.

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:55 pm 
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"Look where you're sitting next time, you could have run an arrow cactus up your rear," Chalgrish growled as he tested the string on his bow. His shirt was glowing gently, leading to the gem a necklace on his person posessed. He clutched his pack tightly and waited patiently while tossing his dagger in the air. His hair swung in the afternoon sun, glistening with sweat on his brow.

Idaho State Motto: We're more than just potatoes...Ok, but the potatoes sure are good!

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 5:36 pm 
King of Dragons
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Seraphine studied the small crystals in her hand, then concentrated. She felt nothing. When she opened her eyes and met Ivory's. "I'm sorry, these Auri do not have a special effect..." she brightened up. "But they still give you a status boost if you still wish to absorb them!" She handed them back to Ivory. Before she even turned around she heard a yelp of pain. She hurried to Ryuasi. "Are you okay!? Would you like me to heal you!?"

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:20 pm 
Dragon Spirit
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"No thanks, pain is a good medium for learning. Like Chalgrish said..." Ryuasi says, a sheepish smile on his face. "What now anyway? Ryuasi asks Seraphine.

"But if we count the Quantum aspect..."

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 10, 2005 9:25 pm 
Youthful Werewolf
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" I guess the only thing we can do is look for more." she said smirking.

Now my dreams have been fulfilled. I am loved.
Dearly Beloved: Composer- Yoko Shimomura

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:00 am 
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Seraphine nodded wisely to Ryuasi. "Right...well...onward then!"

The group made there way down the slope to the river capital of Annwenn. The tall walls around the city masked the largeness of it from afar. A small gate was open in the Southern side, which was the way te group was traveling. Wagons, caravans, travelers of all sorts entered through this gate. The group made its way as inconspicuously as possible into the city, and it worked. No one noticed the small group as they entered the marketplace. It was quite noisy. People were shouting and barters were being made. A large fountain rolled its waters endlessly upward in the center of it all. The entire place was crowded. Seraphine turned and addressed the entire group. She had to shout a little to get over the din. "Alright, we apparently have decided to visit the Fey Forest, but how we get there is still shrouded." She indicated the outside wall. "After we restock on supplies, the best way to travel is on the river, or we can walk. If we choose the river we indubitably have to buy boats. So, we should split up and meet her after we're finished." She thinks for a second. "So, we need to get a room at an inn, some way of travel, new supplies, and I need some new clothes and shoes." She looked at the angry looks. "Not for fashion!" she responded. "I just can't go tramping through the undergrowth in my best robes! Spilt up and do what you wish, but we should meet back here, and I....well...I don'twant to go by myself. Who wishes to accompany me?"

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 2:10 pm 
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"I already have my supplies, so I'll go with you." murmured Chalgrish as he unclasped his cloak and stuffed it into his satchel, avoiding his cat. As he removed his hand, along with it he took a small bag of coins. He also removed his facemask, which he spun around to rest on his back.

Idaho State Motto: We're more than just potatoes...Ok, but the potatoes sure are good!

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PostPosted: Fri Nov 11, 2005 5:17 pm 
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Drian stayed at the back of the group, He was looking at his sword in a consious way when he felt he was being watched, He turned around to find nothing and then carried on not noticing he was away from the group. He stoped and realised he was in a dark space, He could hear a voice in the distance.

*Where are you*

He ran after the voice but not getting anywhere, Drian then awoke lying on the floor with an arrow in his back, He had been poisoned, HE shouted for help But only could his his voice echo.

Phear me

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PostPosted: Mon Nov 14, 2005 5:53 pm 
Dragon Spirit
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Hearing a small noise, Ryuasi tilts his head. Hearing nothing more, he turns to the group saying, "I'll head to the inn, since I basically have everything I need." That ok with you? And I'd appriciate a compainion, as starying off on your own usually isn't healthy..."

"But if we count the Quantum aspect..."

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:15 pm 
Youthful Werewolf
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" Wait a min!" Mia said with an Alert look on her face" Im missing drians scent....Where is he? Guys im going back ill be able to find him faster you guys just do your thing and i promise ill be back with him soon."She said winking .she then turns around on the road and starts to run the way they had come apparently tracking his scent

Now my dreams have been fulfilled. I am loved.
Dearly Beloved: Composer- Yoko Shimomura

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 12:41 pm 
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Drian now half dead looked up too see something running towards him, He closed his eyes and lay there waiting for help to arrive. He wished that he was dead and thought how better off he would of been if he would of stayed back. But then there was a glimmer of hope in his heart. *I will prevail*

Using all his strength he sat up and dizzyly looked round. He could see nothing exept a blurry something running towardshim. He sat and waited.

Phear me

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 10:00 am 
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Seraphine glanced at Mia as she left, then turned Chalgrsh and Ivory. "Well, I suppose that means you two will be coming with me, unless you have something else to do, Ivory." she studied her meaningfully. A small sound came to her ears. She turned around searching for the source of the sound and her eyes found an alleyway. It was just then that she noticed the absence of Drian. She was about to yell for Mia to stop, but she was already out of earshot. So, she tok it upon herself to explore the nature of the small sound. As she entered the dank, dark space of the alley, she heard a cry for help. "Drian!?" she yelled, but no answer. "Drian?!" she tried again, but to no avail. She noticed the garbage on the floor and lifted the hems of her robes so they would not get dirty and walked towards the source of the noise.
Seraphine spotted a familiar figure lyig away from her, the cloak was easily recognizable as Drian's, but an arrow was protruding from the cloak. "Drian!" she yelled and rushed over to his side. She pulled the arrow out as painlessly as possibl, but was surprised at how it slid out without any protest to the skin. Puzzled, she rolled over his body.
She screamed shrilly and stood up so fast she stumbled and fell over. Staring back at her was not her friend, but an octopus headed demon. She reaced into her cloak to pull out her staff and telescope it to its full length, but tentacles came out of the refuse around her and wrapped themselves around her hands, feet and waste. Drian was also hanging unconcious in his other tentacles. She yelled for help as the tentacled horror raised her itno the air. "Foolish girl! You should be gald for death by my hands, for if Mistress Lilith found you, it would have been worse, but I will just eat you!" hte demon laughed a deep guttural laugh that chilled poor Seraphine to the bones. He opened his wide mouth, filled with razor sharp teeth! He began lowering the helpless girl into his mouth. She once again let out a piercing scream.

If quitters never win, and winners never quit, what idiot came up with "Quit while you're ahead?!"
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 11:10 am 
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Drian opened his eyes like a flash and got out of the demons grip, He knelt on one knee drew his sword and lunge straight into the centre of the demon. He heard it scream and drop Seraphine to the ground. It was then he could here running and breathing but it wasnt what he had become acustum to. He slowly backed away to let seraphine stand back up but turned to his death. A tall man lunged at Drian with a sword a stabed him just short of his heart. Drian fell to the floor and with his last breath spoke the word *May Lucifer Compell you*

Phear me

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:57 pm 
Dragon Spirit
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Ryuasi skids to a halt, the spell Lightning Strike ready to cast, all the energy held in his hand. Unleashing multiple bolts at the same time, Ryuasi says, "You, my esteemed friends, have the most rotten fortune to have attacked my friends. Now burn." One bolt strikes the man who had just ran his sword through Drian, sending him flying, to smash hard against the ally wall. The other three that were released (before the energy gathered for the spell was depleted) flew towards the agrivated demon. The first hit him a glacing blow on the right side, which spun him in that direction. The second missed because of the position change of the target. It hit what appeared to be an old bed, and the lightning bolt discharged with a load of sparks. The thrid did hit, and the smell or burning flesh fill Ryuasi's nostrils. "Are you alright Seraphine?" Ryuasi asks, approching his enemy, sword drawn, and ever cautious.

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PostPosted: Thu Nov 17, 2005 8:52 pm 
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Chalgrish had run after Seraphine, knowing how she tended to get herself in trouble. He waited as the others fought the demon, knowing he would not be able to help without the use of his bow, which could easily kill his allies.
As they finished off the demon, Chalgrish kneeled by Drian and ran his hand over the poor friend's chest. With every pass, the wound got less and a light started glowing from Chalgrish's shirt. With the final pass, Drian sat up and started breathing again.
Chalgrish noticed a dark green glowing from the monster, and he rolled the creature over, revealing another Auri! The stone rose gently and suddenly darted toward Chalgrish's head, embedding itself in his left eye.
With this advent, his eye turned pure green and he breathed gently. "My head hurts a lot at the moment, and that Auri didn't help!
" he muttered without humor.

Idaho State Motto: We're more than just potatoes...Ok, but the potatoes sure are good!

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