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EVENT - Main Page Entry

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:40 pm
by Falconer
End Time: Tuesday, September 1, 2009 at 7:00pm

Readers! This is your very first specific assignment.

Since I am currently juggling a job, two pet projects, and a host of other things, I need your help in creating a killer opening paragraph entry for the site. If your work is selected, you stand to win the following:

1st Prize: Your Essay and (opt.) your name/username posted on the Welcome page, and a leading spot on the soon-to-come Dragon Hall of Fame. A real resume bonus!

2rd Prize: My heartfelt gratitude, your essay posted on a Dracopedia page, and a spot on the Dragon Hall of Fame.

3rd Prize: The satisfaction of a job well done.

I will be working on one myself in my spare time, so hurry, 'cause this opportunity isn't gonna last long

Re: EVENT - Main Page Entry

Posted: Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:06 pm
by Dragon444
I have only one question... Which site are you speaking of? If you give us that, it would make writing something a lot easier. If it's this site or the Dragnix Wiki, I may have something already started (but pretty far from complete), otherwise, I've got nothing.

Re: EVENT - Main Page Entry

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:01 am
by Ersska
I'm with Triple 4 on this one, what site are you talking about? And what exactly is the topic? More information please!

Re: EVENT - Main Page Entry

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:34 am
by Falconer
Sorry, my bad. It's for my site, though the runner-up can be put on the Dragnix Wiki. I just copied and pasted the posting from the main page.
Topic is an introductory essay, any angle you want. It could be about the joys of writing, creativity, the dragons in literature, researching, whatever.