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OMG I'm 2

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 12:03 pm
by Wardonis
I just realized I recently passed my 2 year anniversery on dragnix, yay me. Gosh has it really been that long? It's hard to believe, a mere two years ago Ciarda brought me to this site to join her cult and battle stuff along with other. I remember when I joined dragnix I hadn't the foggiest idea how to pbprp or what it was, or even that it existed. She said com'n it'll be fun, it's like dnd without dice and less structured. My first thought was, god modder heaven lol...(a certain poster comes to mind)...anyway i learned and if i do say so myself I got pretty darn good at pbprp.

Some of you have become really good friends and I do believe my life these past 2 years has been richer because of all of you. So thank you for showing me your imaginations and allowing me to show you mine.

sigh... time for work :grrrr:

Re: OMG I'm 2

Posted: Wed Feb 01, 2012 4:39 pm
by Kojack
Two years, nice! It has been nice having you on the boards for those years, even though I had been vacant for most of that time. I don't even want to count how long that I have been here, it makes me feel old.