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OOC: Dragons Lost World

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 9:41 am
by Dragon444
Welcome to the new RPG by me. As I am the creator I will be the first charecter here. This RPG is open to all people who wish to join.

Name: Drans Grangon
Eyes: Glowing red
Height: 6'6"
Race: Unknown
Description: A towering figure, this giant of a man wields a two-handed broadsword. He wears a black cloak that covers his lower face and his entire lower body, including his tail. He is not of any known bloodline and his parents are unknown, although he does have two brothers, Dyombem and Lomorew. He does have the ability to channel his pain through objects and into other people and objects, he can't kill a person in this way, but he can knock them unconcious.
Racial Hindrance: Not known at this time
Racial Benefits: Not known at this time
Preferred Weapon: His Broad Sword.

Posted: Fri Mar 24, 2006 4:01 pm
by Dragon444
Oh, yeah, I forgot the story history. This story is based on Braconia, a world that is completely seperate from ours. This world has four continents; Ramajon, Ganonon, Bronail, and Breshan. Breshan is a giant mountain that has been hollowed out by years of carving and erosion, and now people live within. This story starts here. Ganonon is a very forested continent where a elvin kind of race live in villages built apon the trees. Bronail is a dark, shadowy place filled with low-lifes, thiefs, and homeles people of all species. Ramajon is a war torn wasteland, filled with canyons and ditches, the people here have tooken advantage of the canyons and now carve there shelters in the canyon walls. There are five ocians, and the 4 continents do not touch in any way. only way between the continents is if you can fly(by magick or otherwise) and by boat. Currently there is a war between Ramajon and Bronail.

If any player wants to join the war sign up at the voluteer office in either Rajnon, capital of Ramajon, or Brens, capital of Bronail.

Posted: Wed Mar 29, 2006 4:18 am
by vampirehunter42

I have to agree with Mia's post in the game area. This game looks like it may need more planning. You have a couple of good ideas there you just need to run with them a little. And I would suggest to only allow the players to join one side of the war.

Hints on giving more information.

1. Give a short list of usable races the players can use.

2. Give an idea on how your magic works in your world. Do you have arcane or divine magic. Or a mix of both. What is the "god" system like for divine magic.

3. Give a lot more history for the land you wish the players to start at. You have a good start there but you need more on at least one land. And give information on the starting city. Is it a port city, does it have an "airport" (or other means of flight), what is it's size, and other things like that.

4. Give more information on your character, who is he, what is his motivation his actions, what are his feelings about the war and things like that.

And wait for others to join the game before starting it up. Try to get at least one other into it. A solo game here is more of a story about your character.


Posted: Fri Mar 31, 2006 12:28 am
by Neco the Nightwraith
And one more thing that Vamp failed to mention: Spell check and grammar check.

Please edit your future posts for silly mistakes. It's distracting trying to read a post full of errors.

Posted: Mon Apr 03, 2006 2:48 pm
by Dragon444
This is a free form world. Meaning the players can be any species within reason(I.E. No charecter can be a "God", they may worship any god(s) that they wish however). They can also make up cities and towns that their charecters are from, as long as they are consistant. They have to be from 1 of the 4 contintents I have layed out. Each charecter can have 1 special ability to use(I.E. Drans' ability to channel his pain into his enemies). Also a charecter cannot enter the game until I approve. As long as the players are happy, I will also be happy.